Excess hair growth is often a serious problem for many modern women. Cosmetics for combating excess vegetation astonishingly varied, but the removal of unwanted hair folk remedies is still quite popular. In ancient times, the unwanted vegetation burned, cut out, shaved or grated pumice. The most daring - pulled tweezers or excess hair removed by applying a resin or wax. Such means women have to this day, as many ancient recipes promise very attractive result - the removal of hair permanently folk remedies.
Old recipes Hair Removal
In the distant ancient times, women would also like to take care of their beauty and well-groomed look, and increased vegetation does not contribute to this. Therefore, the beauty of antiquity turned to doctors for help in removing hair. To this day preserved ancient recipes of hair removal doctor Avicenna, dating from 980-1037 years BC. e. Here are some resources, underlined from his notes:
- For the first recipe you need to take equal quantities of lime and arsenic, add to the resulting mixture evaporated aloe juice. Stir until smooth, apply the paste on the area covered by unwanted hair. The more the mixture is known - the softer and milder will act. To check the quality of the received funds, take a feather and dip in a bowl of pasta. Place the pot on the fire and boil until the feather is not descend to the villi. The cooked mixture is dissolved a small piece of butter and then later use the composition for hair removal;
- A similar effect has and calcined shells, shredded and cooked in the same way. But the means prepared on the basis of shells will have a much milder effect.
- In order to place new hairs to grow thinner distant past, a mixture of lime and add ashes burned stems of grapes. With the same purpose in the mixture is added pureed melon seeds, barley or bean flour;
- After using lime, the skin gets an unpleasant smell. To fix it, you need to lubricate the skin with a mixture of clay, vinegar and rose water, then rinse with warm water. Perfect to help cope with the unpleasant odor of peach leaves, grape leaves, rose petals and henna;
- Sometimes it may occur from lime burns. In this case, you need to lubricate the affected area with copious amounts of rose oil, then wash off with plenty of warm water. Then, lubricate the burnt place grated lentils with rose water and sandalwood. Effectively the use of plaster with egg white and camphor.
Its beauty has always been famous women of ancient Persia. They invented and actively used this method of getting rid of unwanted hair, as the removal of the thread. In those days, a girl who for the first time in my life this way removed the hair become women. Now the way is popular in many Western countries. You can use it on the face (eyebrows, lip fuzz above), on the legs and in the bikini area. The procedure itself can be a bit painful, but it's worth a little practice you will be able to carry out hair removal without the pain, as well as any beautician.
To start obezbolte desired area with a piece of ice, and then a little talcum powder the for easy hair removal. Next you'll need a strong silk thread: tie the tip, and then make a loop crosswise. Next in knots of thread clamp few hairs and pull them. The treated area after epilation lubricate the moisturizer.
Talking about recipes home hair removal, it is worth mentioning the old oriental method which nowadays called "shugaring." The name comes from the English word sugar - sugar. Indeed, the main ingredient mixture shugaring this is sugar.
Safety shugaring similar to waxing, but it has several important advantages: the availability and low cost of ingredients (sugar is accessible to everyone and to remove with the help of hair can be in the home), the absence of allergic reactions (after all, a natural product and it has no chemical additives). Hair after the procedure shugaring not grow, as it happens after depilation wax. Beauticians promise that after this procedure, the skin will be perfectly smooth and the scalp will recover 15-20 days. With this method of hair removal the skin is injured is not as hard as wax.
To prepare the mixture shugaring you need sugar (20 st. L.), 2 tbsp. l. water and juice of one lemon. In an enamel saucepan, combine all the ingredients and put on a slow fire. Very important: for the preparation of sugar syrup is not necessary to change the temperature - it should remain stable. The mixture should be continuously stirring until it will find golden brown.
To check if the syrup is ready, you need to carefully take a drop of your fingers and try to roll it into a ball. If it turns out and the mixture is spread on the fingers - so you did everything right, and the syrup is ready. Apply the mixture to the area of skin covered with hair with wooden ruler, a layer of syrup should be 1-2 mm. Allow the syrup to grab a bit, and then pry the edge of a sharp movement tear striped shugaring mixture in the direction opposite of hair growth.
To simplify the procedure, the mixture can be applied to strips of cloth and only then glued to the problem areas and tear. When the mixture has cooled down prematurely, it can be heated on low heat.
Folk remedies for hair removal
In Slavic culture, too, there are many ways to remove unwanted hair folk remedies. For example, Slavic women have used for this purpose broth poisonous datura. Prepare it carefully, in proportion: a handful of flowers per cup of boiling water. The cooled broth should be regularly applied to the skin for several weeks. The result is a complete loss of hair. But be careful, Datura is very poisonous plant, and it's worth checking your response to it on a small area of skin before performing the procedure.
The girls, who have tried to carry out the removal of hair folk remedies generally positive reviews.
The recipes of our grandmothers
Every woman dreams of a beautiful and smooth skin, and our grandmothers no exception. There are thousands of salons and cosmetics that promise you remove excess hair forever. But you leave these stores huge amounts, and cursed all the hair continues to grow. But our grandmothers had no salons, and laser hair removal on one in those days have not heard yet women managed to be beautiful and well-groomed. To this day many old recipes of hair removal, which, judging by the reviews have been very effective.
And here are the same grandmother's recipes for hair removal:
- Alcohol tincture of pine nuts shells walnuts and partitions. For this money, you will need 150 mg of alcohol, better 70%, and about 50 walnuts. Generations gather nuts and partitions. Then put them together with the alcohol into the bowl of dark thick glass and leave to rest for a week, in some dark, cool place. When tincture is ready, it will be necessary to lubricate the areas with high vegetation. Doing this is before going to bed every day for two to three weeks. According to my grandmother - every day will drop a small amount of hair and eventually you will be able to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. But in the case of this tincture to be careful, because if during the course alternately use tincture of cedar and walnut liqueur, you get the opposite result - cause increased hair growth.
- The juice of fresh unripe walnuts. It is believed that if every day for two weeks to smear a slice of green walnut, the hair will fall out. And after such a procedure, they will grow weak and clarified. And if you extend the course for a longer period - the hair will disappear forever.
- With nut ash. It is necessary to collect and burn the shell of ripe walnuts, then collect the ashes, dilute it with water and the resulting paste to smear the fate covered with hair. Sama paste should infuse for about 12 hours. If you want to permanently remove the hair, you need to apply a paste of three times a day to do a half-hour or compresses once a day.
- Removing unwanted hair with soap and ashes. To start the ashes to sift through a sieve, then pour it with boiling water and add soap flakes (preferably from inexpensive soap). As a result, you get a paste, which then need to lather the problem areas of the body;
- A good agent is also Siberian cedar resin. This method is somewhat similar to waxing: the desired area of the body is applied to the resin, and then removed strips. But unlike a cosmetic wax, the resin contains substances that inhibit the growth of hair;
- Tincture of nettle Nettle is also able to save you from unwanted vegetation. 40 g of crushed nettle seeds need to pour a glass of vegetable oil and insist in a dark glass vessel for 2 weeks. This infusion should be lubricated problem areas;
- Another popular prescription hair removal - a mixture of 35 g of alcohol, 2 g of iodine, 5 g of castor oil and 5 g of ammonia. This lineup lubricate the desired areas 2 times a day. After a few days the hair will fall out on their own safely.
Many traditional recipes permanent hair removal can be quite dangerous, because you are burning the hair follicle and the skin was burned.
Removal of hair folk remedies necessarily start with inconspicuous places, in order to avoid allergic reactions.
Another interesting method - removal of hair with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to lower the legs (if it is necessary to remove vegetation from them) for 20 minutes. After several repetitions of the procedure will burn the hair and the hair will fall out with potassium permanganate to the root. You can even take a bath with potassium permanganate, but careful not to get water on the face and head.
Not such a risky way of getting rid of excess vegetation - juice of unripe grapes.
The danger of using hair removal popular recipes
Virtually all popular recipes hair removal somehow associated with risk. Plants that are used for hair removal at home, intended to burn the hair follicle, and therefore very poisonous. When using them carelessly can cause burns, allergies or pigmentation.
Homemade recipes for hair removal are simple and do not require much effort, but think twice before trying to use them for yourself. For example, any of the recipes submitted by people's hair removal containing walnuts, a few days to paint your skin in a nasty purple and lilac. After using dope or nettle can cause inflammation, itching, sores.
In general, in any case, before the testing, or other folk remedy for hair removal, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.