In recent years, in the minds of women was a clear division of cosmetic products for different areas of the body - many understand for themselves how important this is. Physiological characteristics dictate the need to apply different creams on your hands and face. Fortunately, there is a positive trend starts - more women in the care of particularly sensitive areas used for intimate hygiene is not an ordinary soap, and special creams and gels.
I must say that even before the first cosmetics manufacturing people paid special attention to the intimate hygiene. For example, ancient Egypt was famous for his anxious attitude not only to the beauty of the body, but also his health. The girls enjoyed the simple gaskets made of natural material - flax. Means for intimate hygiene for women appeared many centuries later, their purpose is not only cleansing and elimination of odors, but also to preserve women's health.
Keep Your Balance
Some women find that special soap for personal hygiene, you can simply replace a good shower gel. But this is not so. Of course, the shower gel is much softer, but, anyway, the level it contains alkalis and acids is far from necessary to cleanse the intimate area. The level of acid-base balance of 5, 5 for the scalp and body, but damaging to the delicate care of the sexual organs.
For most healthy women the pH of the vaginal microflora is 3, 3, and it can only mean one thing: the best way to personal hygiene - it is not a soap or shower gel, a cream for intimate hygiene. Using traditional soaps gradually destroys microflora resulting acidic environment shifts to the alkaline side. This creates the conditions for bacteria to grow. Natural lactic acid bacteria can fight harmful microorganisms only in a favorable acidic environment.
Only the means which includes lactic acid, is able to maintain a normal vaginal bacterial background and keep the right balance of acids and bases. In addition to the lactic acid gel for personal hygiene should include additives that can soothe and relieve irritation, such as tea tree oil or triclosan. Typically, the means for personal hygiene for women mitigated using natural ingredients: calendula extract, chamomile, aloe vera, or vegetable oils.
What, then, are the most popular and favorite means of personal hygiene for women?
Gel for intimate hygiene Laktatsid
Laktatsid Femina is a soft emulsion without soap designed for daily care of the intimate area. This tool does not cause irritation and contains in its structure (in addition to laktoseruma) famous lactic acid, which is so necessary to maintain optimum acid-alkaline balance.
Laktatsid - a tool for personal hygiene, which with regular use helps to cope with the irritation caused by soap suds, antiseptics, deodorants, sexual contact, wearing synthetic clothes, a late replacement pads.
By means of this gel for personal hygiene can restore the acid-base level with hormonal disorders, as well as in a variety of physiological processes, such as menses. For the same reason Laktatsid Femina can be used as a means for personal hygiene for pregnant women.
The method of application is very simple: a small amount is squeezed sponge or hand, diluted with water, neat gentle movements applied to the mucous membrane, and then thoroughly washed off. Before use, shake the bottle better.
Gel for intimate hygiene by Oriflame
Loved by many women of the company Oriflame is a gel designed for hygiene of intimate places called Feminel. Its soft texture containing lactic acid maintains the natural pH balance and gently cleanses the delicate area around the vagina. Formula Oriflame gel for intimate hygiene contains no soap is hypoallergenic, and therefore approved by gynecologists.
Antibacterial enhancing lactic acid in the gel Feminel extracts of aloe vera and chamomile. Intimate gel comes in a convenient bottle with dispenser and contains pure natural antiseptics that protect women from various infections. Oriflame gel for intimate hygiene experts recommend for everyday use.
Gel for intimate hygiene of Carefree
Carefree Sensitive with natural aloe vera extract has excellent emollient properties. This tool is specially designed for gentle cleaning and careful maintenance of the sensitive areas in the bikini area. As part of Carefree gel for intimate hygiene contains no soap. Tool restores and maintains the natural pH balance, so it is suitable for everyday use.
The gel for intimate hygiene receives positive feedback from the vast majority of women notice improvement of flora, as well as very gentle and delicate care - with its use fresh feeling persisted throughout the day. The tool has been tested and approved by gynecologists and dermatologists.
Gel for intimate hygiene Epigenes
It contains natural extracts of licorice root. Means natural color without dye, it has a pleasant aroma. Doctors and gynecologists recommend the use of the gel for intimate hygiene on a regular basis every day, especially during pregnancy and in the critical days, and after visiting the pool, sports activities, after intimacy. Epigenes Gel - a great tool for pregnant women.
How to use the gel for intimate hygiene Epigenes is that a small amount applied to the intimate zone is foamed with water, and then thoroughly washed. The gel can be used as a preventive agent for preventing infectious diseases. Perhaps frequent use several times a day, particularly in the critical days.
Gel for intimate hygiene of Nivea
The company has developed a line Nivea Intimo funds specifically for the care of the most delicate and sensitive areas. The gel for intimate hygiene Nivea applied protective formula with lactic acid, using soothing chamomile extract. Incidentally, it has also anti-allergic and antibacterial action. Lactic acid helps to maintain the natural pH balance and prevent redness and irritation.
Gel Nivea care stimulates cell renewal and moisturizes the skin and soothes and heals damage to mucous membranes. Chamomile in the composition acts as an antibacterial agent and an analgesic. By the way, chamomile widely used for the reason that does not cause side effects. With its help treat even babies.
Hygiene Gel Nivea operates much gentler than soap, so has on intimate areas are very mild effect. On the left it very good reviews: the presence of women report a sense of comfort throughout the day. The tool can be used in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, with shows daily care.
Experts recommend the use of the gel for intimate hygiene Nivea Intimo during pregnancy. It has a very pleasant feminine fragrance, contains no dyes and alcohol. The product is carefully developed with the close collaboration with dermatologists and gynecologists and passed clinical trials.
Gel for intimate hygiene of Avon
Avon Gel has a neutral pH and acidity has a soft cleansing effect, perfectly deodorizes and helps preserve the freshness throughout the day. The structure means includes: water, ethyl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, flavor, hydroxyethylcellulose, tetrasodium edetate, imidazolidinyl urea, the product of enzymatic cleavage of Saccharomyces, chamomile extract, Hamamelis virginiana and white oak bark, as well as glycerol and citric acid.
This means for personal hygiene gets different responses: some women like all cosmetics Avon as a whole, and they are satisfied with this gel; others point out the negative aspects of applications in the form of dry skin, lack of prevention of redness and irritation, the negative impact of alcohol on the skin, the smell of a specific pharmacy. However, it should be noted that Avon gel for intimate hygiene are also positive sides. For example, well tool mylitsya and packaged in a convenient dispenser jar.
Rules for execution of hygiene
We have tested a variety of means for personal hygiene and found out what the gels need specialized care intimate area. We also found out why the use of ordinary soap is not acceptable in these cases. Now you yourself can determine for themselves a good gel for care of the intimate area. But no less important is the question of how to correctly perform hygiene procedures. If you follow the simple and proven rules, then you will never have problems with health.
So, avoid alkaline soap, use only for the daily care special cream, gel, or liquid soap for personal hygiene. Intimate wash area with warm water at least twice a day, very clean hands without sponges. During cleaning movement should be directed from the pubis to the anus in order to prevent getting an infection from the rectum.
Good Intimate gel intended for external use only! Wash the gel only to the skin around the vagina, in any case, without penetrating deeper inside. Your towel should strictly belong to you, be gentle and pure. They need to produce a blotting motion - no rubbing.
Never take a bath during menstruation - is only allowed a shower. In the critical days is possible visit the ponds and pools. Gaskets should be replaced at least 4-5 times a day, and a tampon should not be left in the vagina for more than four hours. During menstruation, pay special attention to hygiene of intimate areas and, if possible, avoid sexual contact.
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