During Lent, not all foods and dishes you can cook, especially cakes. But we always want to have a tasty meal.
Lenten cake with apples is considered one of the most popular desserts, especially for those who adhere to religious rules and who watches her figure.
Preparation of this cake will not take a lot of time and money. In addition, it is very tasty.
There are many recipes for vegetable pie with apples: from yeast dough, biscuit apple pie, pie-shifter, indoor and outdoor, with the addition of filling a variety of products, and so on. N.
Everyone will be able to choose according to your taste recipe and indulge even during Lent delicious fragrant pastries.
The following are the best recipes for meatless apple pie.
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Lenten cake with apples, walnuts and cinnamon
This vegetable pie rye foundation blends perfectly with apples, cinnamon and walnuts. Cake turns crispy and tender fragrant stuffing.
Ingredients for the base of the cake:
rye flour - 1, 5 cups;
wheat flour - 0, 5 cups;
Brown sugar - 0, 5 cups;
vegetable oil - 100 ml;
Bran - 2-3 tsp.;
hot water - 0, 5 cups.
Ingredients for the filling:
medium sized apples - 3 pcs .;
walnuts - 100 g;
Ground cinnamon - 2 tsp.;
brown sugar - 50 g
Cooking method:
First, you need to cook the dough. To do this you need to mix rye flour with wheat, add sugar and mix. Pour into the dry mixture of vegetable oil and mix again to the oil absorbed. Then, pour a mixture of hot water. No need to pour all the water immediately, as it may need a little less. Watch as the test. Knead the dough by hand. It should get tight. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and leave for 20 minutes.
At this time you need to prepare a mincemeat. Apples are cleaned and cut into thin slices. Walnuts grind with a mortar and pestle or in a blender, but not too finely.
Grease a baking pan with vegetable oil and sprinkle with the entire inner surface of the mold bran. Shake well shape in different directions to bran evenly distributed form.
Working floured surface and put the dough on it. Roll out the dough into a round layer thickness of about 1 cm. The size of it has to be a little more baking pan.
Transfer the batter into the pan, wrapped it for the convenience of a rolling pin. Slightly press the dough to the bottom and walls of the mold.
Put the dough on slices of apples, layering them on top of each other. Apples need to spread very close to each other.
Then the apple slices liberally sprinkled nuts and cinnamon powder all. Sprinkle with brown sugar.
Excess trim edges of the dough, and the remaining inside the wrap so as to obtain a rim of dough. Decorate the rim around the perimeter of the nuts.
Put the cake in the preheated oven to 200º. Bake for about half an hour, can be a little longer. During baking, you need several times to moisten the top of the cake with water, so that the filling is not too dry. In addition, the spraying will help dissolve the sugar and turn into caramel.
Bon Appetit!
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Lean apple pie-shifter
This cake, in which the apples are used not only as a filler, but also added to the dough. Changeling this cake called because apples are placed on the bottom of the form, and only after that are covered by the test. Ready pie on the plate is flipped upside down.
Flavor in cake is expressed most the next day after baking.
Ingredients for the dough:
apple large size - 1 pc .;
flour - 180 g;
sugar - 120 g;
vegetable oil - 120 ml;
honey - 1 tsp.;
Ground cinnamon - 1/3 tsp.;
lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
baking powder - 1 tsp..
Ingredients for the caramel:
water - 2 tbsp. spoons;
Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
brown sugar - 2 tbsp. spoon.
For the filling need 2 large apples.
Cooking method:
Clear a single large apple, grate and mix with sugar and cinnamon. Add weight honey, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Then - the baking powder and flour.
Prepare the caramel. To this must be heated in a pan the brown sugar, honey and water to complete dissolution. Warm up for 1-2 minutes.
Pour the caramel into the prepared form, laid by the paper, and flatten it on the bottom of the form.
Clean the apples and cut into thin slices. Then arrange them on the bottom to form a layer of caramel. Share on apples cooked dough and flatten it.
Bake in a preheated 180º C oven for about 40 minutes. After baking the cake to cool in the mold. Then remove it from the mold and invert on a plate apple layer up.
Bon Appetit!
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Open apple pie
This cake is prepared from lean dough, which, compared to conventional, has large pores, and while squeezing very quickly to its original shape. Apples are best put out before baking, so the cake will be much softer.
Ingredients for the dough:
flour - 700 g;
Water - 1/2 liter;
sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
raw yeast - 20 g;
Salt - 1 tsp.;
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoon.
Ingredients for the filling:
Apples - 3-4 pcs .;
Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoon.
Cooking method:
First you need to prepare a lean yeast dough. For this it is necessary to dissolve in water, yeast and sugar, mix well. Put in a warm place for the formation of fluffy foam. Pour salt, pour the vegetable oil. Add the flour and stir well. Knead the dough by hand, so it was not sticky. Then cover with cling film and let stand. Knead again, cover and leave for some time.
At this time, to prepare the filling. Apples peeled and cut as much. Then put them in a pan, add a little water, sugar and stew for 5 minutes. Pour syrup.
Roll out the dough into an oval, lay on a baking sheet and prick with a fork across the surface. Share on him apples and gently fold the bumpers.
Put the pie in a preheated 180º oven and bake until done. After baking, the pie remaining grease the bumpers of quenching apple syrup.
Bon Appetit!
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Lenten biscuit apple pie
This cake is much richer taste of cake prepared with eggs. It uses a berry-fruit filling, which makes pastries and more useful.
apple juice - 1 cup;
apples - 3 pcs .;
flour - 2 cups;
Sugar - 1 cup;
vegetable oil - 0, 5 cups;
soda - 0, 5 tsp.;
Citric Acid - 0, 25 h. spoon;
Walnuts - 0, 5 cups;
vanilla - 1 package;
salt - 0, 33 h. spoon.
In addition, any need dried fruits - apricots, raisins, prunes, sweet thick jam or syrup and cinnamon for decoration if desired.
The juice is better to use sour. Instead of juice, you can use any jam seedless, 3-4 tablespoons dissolved in a glass of water.
To decorate, you can use frozen berries. Thus they do not need to be defrosted. And so they do not lose the appearance and did not become acidic, to dip berries in syrup, jam and place on cake. Instead, you can use any berries, fruit puree.
Cooking method:
Dried fruits pour boiling water for 30 minutes, then rinse well and dry them. Cut into small pieces. Apples Peel and grate. Nuts are lightly chop.
Prepare the dough. To do this, mix the sugar and butter. Add juice or jam, diluted in a glass of water (best suited cherry jam). Then add the salt, vanilla and gradually add flour. All thoroughly. To the cake is well risen, knead the dough better mixer or whisk.
Add dried fruits, apples and nuts. Mix well.
Prepare a split mold. Since the dough liquid must be the place of the castle and the junction of the rim with the bottom sealed parchment. The form you need to put on a baking sheet to the syrup did not get to the bottom of the oven.
In the prepared form to pour the dough and bake in a preheated 180º C oven for 35-40 minutes.
Slightly cooled cake to pull out of shape and put on a dish. Leave to cool. Then lubricate the sweet jam or syrup, garnish with berries and nuts.
Bon Appetit!
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Cake with apples and bananas
This is an easy vegetarian recipe for baking in the lean dough, which you can pamper yourself at least every day. Preparation will take more than 20 minutes. Depending on what type of shape used for baking can be prepared cake or cakes. The recipe is especially good for making the cake in a double boiler: it gets wet and lush, but also in a conventional oven pie turns out excellent.
wheat flour - 1 cup;
oatmeal - 0, 5 cups;
semolina - 1 cup;
sour-sweet apple - 3 pcs .;
ripe banana - 3 pcs .;
vegetable oil - 0, 5 cups;
sugar - 3/4 cup;
soda - 1 \ 2 tsp.;
vanilla and cinnamon - to taste.
Cooking method:
Apples and bananas, peel and grate.
Rolled oats in a coffee grinder to grind to a state of flour (you can use just oatmeal).
Mix sugar, flour, semolina and oatmeal. Add the grated apples and bananas. Pour vegetable oil.
Knead the dough. It should have to be very thick cream. Then add soda. If you are using sweet apples, then you need to pay off the vinegar, baking soda and immediately add them to the dough.
The dough is spread on the forms. You can use glass or iron pan, silicone molds for cupcakes. Glass baking should be lubricated and sprinkle on top of semolina and baking in an iron pan is better to use parchment for baking.
Bake in a preheated oven at 160º C for 40 minutes. Ready cake can try a toothpick, which from the finished cake should come out easily and dry.
For a change in the dough, you can add raisins or walnuts. It can be in the center of each cake pan before baking in the oven placed on a square of dark chocolate. This will give the dish elegance and piquancy.
Bon Appetit!
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Lean apple strudel
It's very tasty, classic apple strudel with raisins, nuts and spices, which is suitable for dessert for those who observe fasting.
Ingredients for the dough:
Wheat flour - 200 g;
olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
water - 150 ml;
Salt - a pinch.
Ingredients for the filling:
Apples - 4 pcs .;
Cheese - 100 g;
Walnuts - 2 tbsp. spoons;
Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.;
Sugar - 60 g;
lemon juice - 1/2 pcs .;
semolina - 2, 5, Art. spoon.
Cooking method:
Mix the flour, salt and warm water. Add the olive oil. Knead the dough, then cover it with foil and leave for 2 hours.
Apples peeled and cut into thin slices. Raisins hold it in hot water for 5 minutes, then dried. Then mix apples and raisins, add the sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle with lemon juice and let stand for a while, until the sugar dissolves.
On a clean pour flour and roll out the dough rectangle is not too thin. Then his hands to pull it around. The dough should have a very thin and transparent, like papyrus paper.
Stuffing sprinkle semolina. At first lay out the dough nuts, then the apple filling. After that using towels to wrap the dough into a roll and shift it to the pan.
Bake in a preheated 180º C oven for about 30 minutes until golden brown.
Ready apple strudel sprinkled with powdered sugar. Bon Appetit!