Eye Care at home

Most of the women take care of the beauty and youth of your face. But they forget about taking care of the body. Our body is hidden under the clothes and therefore it is protected from ultraviolet radiation, dust and dirt from the temperature changes. For these reasons, the aging of the body skin occurs much later. Cosmetologists say 30-35 years - a critical age for women. During this period, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, if you did not pay her enough attention.

In order to be in a form that we need exercise. It is necessary to visit a gym or pool, can make jogging in a nearby park or at the stadium. Finally, you can just walk a lot, it will give your muscles extra load, plus a walk in the fresh air beneficial to the body as a whole, more oxygen to the blood.

In addition to exercise, if you are overweight, you need to follow a diet. The diet will not only help to throw off extra weight, but will your skin in order, as a healthy diet is beneficial to the appearance of your skin. Very useful buckwheat diet for weight loss that will help you get rid of the 2 week about 12 kilos!

In addition, you need to engage in physical activity and applying a diet need to take care of the body as well as for his face. Many cosmetic lines offer a variety of means to care - creams, scrubs, masks and body wraps. However, these tools, you can cook yourself, using only natural products.

  • Coffee Scrub

You need not soluble ground coffee and massage glove. Under the framework, use shower gel. Mix gel with scrub and massage the problem areas on your body. The skin after the procedure becomes elastic and smooth.

  • Chocolate wrap

Boil 200 grams of cocoa in 500 ml of warm water and wait until the mixture has cooled to room temperature, and then apply it to problem areas. Then wrap film. Such a procedure is struggling with cellulite.

  • Anti-Cellulite means

5 drops of grapefruit essential oil is mixed with 10 ml of olive oil. With the receipt of funds is made anti-cellulite massage.

 Eye Care at home

We recommend that read: how to care for the skin around the eyes

 anesthesia of epilation


  • The methods of hair removal
  • Treatment of pain and epilation depilation

As soon as we remove warm clothes and closed tight tights, we are faced with the age-old question - how to get rid of the excess hair? Unfortunately, many of us only in the spring begin to think about taking care of your body, the state of their skin, not only the face but also on the legs. But these procedures should be part of the daily care of themselves regardless of the season. Today, there are two methods of body hair removal - waxing and hair removal. Let's see, what are they and how can be pain relief of epilation and depilation.

The methods of hair removal

Extremely cheap, easy and painless option of getting rid of excess body hair - shaving. Today in the shops you can see a huge selection of razors and advertising on television does not tire of telling us about the benefits of a model razor. Most importantly - when buying pay attention to the fact that the razor should have a protective strip for easy slide over the skin. Before the procedure, it is desirable to use the goods and chattels, to remove all the dead skin particles. This method is called depilation. The results of his lasts for two or three days.

Pretty affordable and also painless method of hair removal - depilation cream. It is very convenient for getting rid of hair in hard to reach areas on the face where you can not use a razor that would not accelerate the growth of hair. The cream is applied to the skin for fifteen minutes. And then the hair scraped special spatula, and the cream is washed off with warm water.

Hair removal using plucking - is also quite simple, but much more unpleasant than the previous method of hair removal. It is made with forceps only in small areas of the body. The hair plucking when they grow more slowly than after shaving. If the procedure done regularly, then a few years later and completely cease to grow. In this respect, the cream for depilation of its performance is significantly inferior plucking.

One of the most common variants of the destruction of excess vegetation on the body is waxing and hair removal. Weeding wax relatively inexpensively and effectively. Wax for this method of preparing natural and synthetic components. Take advantage of this way it is possible and in the home. However, specialists in beauty salons hold the procedure faster and better. The procedure is performed as follows: the wax is heated to a certain temperature and special trowel applied to the skin area from which it is planned to remove hair. When the wax hardens, the resulting film should be removed with a quick jerk with hair. After this procedure, hair growth rate decreases markedly, and the need for an epilation can forget to three weeks.

Electrolysis involves the removal of hair using electric current. It consists of the following. At the depth of the hair follicles under the skin of the conductor current is injected. This current destroys the hair follicle and thus removes the hair itself. Electrolysis is divided into several types, each with different frequency current is applied. It's quite effective, but it is very painful method of hair removal.

When laser hair removal Body Hair destroyed special laser. It heats the hair follicle and destroys it without damaging the surrounding skin. This method is used only for the elimination of dark hair. The principle of operation of another embodiment of the hair removal - hair removal - is similar to the previous one. But it can be used to remove hair of any color. Ultrasonic hair removal - is a method of destruction of the hair bulb through the use of special gels and ultrasound. Finally, when the enzyme hair removal are destroyed by special agents.

As we have seen, most of the methods of hair removal from our body is a rather painful procedure. Someone brings it relatively easy, but for someone to destroy unwanted vegetation - a real torment. Is it possible to avoid it, and what can be anesthesia during hair removal?

 how to anesthetize epilation

Treatment of pain and epilation depilation

Today, there are a number of tools to help not only to reduce the pain of hair removal, and even destroy it completely. One of the best methods of pain relief spray is called "lidocaine". You can purchase it over the counter in a department where they sell all sorts of painkillers. It is advisable to buy lidocaine Hungarian production as domestic ineffective. It is used externally for laser spray, wax and hair removal electrolysis and mechanical epilator.

To use this tool, you will need not only to lidocaine, but also plastic food film. In order to achieve maximum pain relief before an epilation to take a warm bath. Then dry land intended for treatments of skin, apply it in copious amounts of spray, wrap with cling film and leave it for two and a half - three hours. And then to proceed to the removal of hair.

Spray is used mainly for arms, legs and bikini area. Lidocaine ampoules can be used as injections. Its analgesic effect in this case is worse. But for pain areas of the face, underarms, stomach still more suitable cream "Emla". Its structure, in addition to prilocaine, lidocaine is also included. The cream is rubbed into the skin, which is then closed and a half - two o'clock cling film. Over time, the film is removed and carried out the procedure of liquidation of vegetation. Buy Cream "Emla" can also be a pharmacy. And lidocaine cream and desirable to use only after consulting your doctor.

Not bad analgesics during hair removal and waxing are special nozzles on epilators. They come in different types. There are tips from thinned epilating discs, which reduce pain by reducing the number of simultaneously pull out hairs. The anesthetic effect and have a cooling nozzle. They are a special container, which is filled with water before the procedure, and put in the freezer. Attachment to freeze not only allows you to anesthetize the process of hair removal, but also relieves irritation from him.

Anesthesia during regular sessions of small local hair removal on small plots have massage attachments. Their principle of operation is based on a breach of the transmission of pain signals through nerves. It is similar to rubbing a bruised something about body part. There are more tips, do not pull the skin during hair removal, and presses it. They also produce an anesthetic effect.

To minimize the pain of hair removal analginum, ibuprofen, tempalgin. Preparations need to take forty minutes before the procedure. With the same purpose, you can use special creams and body scrubs, exfoliating dead skin cells around the hair bulb. Liberated from them, it is extracted more easily and therefore less painful.

If none of the described methods of pain relief for some reason does not suit you, it is advisable to listen to some tips and follow them in order to facilitate the procedure of hair removal. How to reduce the pain of hair removal by following these tips? Firstly, to hair removal took place in the least painful, it is best done in two or three days after menstruation. Second, the best time of day for the procedure - from four o'clock to six o'clock in the evening. Third, the destruction of vegetation on the body will not be as sensitive, if not to allow the hairs to grow strongly.

Finally a few recommendations. Before epilation the skin is desirable good massage or a little nibble, and then attach to it a cold wet towel. And can be subjected to a pre-wipe procedure place alcohol. It will also help to make hair removal more bearable. And finally, it is not forbidden to steam the skin, take a bath or go to the sauna. After that, the hair is removed from the body more easily.

 Treatment of pain and epilation depilation

We recommend to check out how to use a cream for hair removal
