European manicure: technology treatments in the salon
Pros and cons of not edging manicure
Edged manicure at home
Manicure is the calling card for both women and men. For every woman it should be mandatory and permanent procedure. After the hands are quite capable of "open" to outsiders about us very sensitive information: our age, health, and our work habits. To our hands always looked great, there are different types of manicure, but the most common are now classic and European types of manicure.
Classic, or manicure is most common in our country, but the machinery of the European manicure itself gained increasing popularity in the West, where the edging type, on the contrary, is a rarity. In general, classic manicure is good only as a "first aid" for nails, regardless of their status. But if you decide to permanently maintain the beauty of your hands, then is put into a "diet beauty" European manicure. It's a softer way of handling nails.
For this reason, a clear result of the European manicure on the thin skin of the hands can be seen in just a few sessions, and to remove burrs, use tweezers. It follows that the European edging manicure definitely need to do regularly to save the well-groomed hands. Since this type of manicure is not used cutting tools and a manicure is safe and not traumatic, in the process of European manicure is almost impossible to bring any infection.
All the benefits of the European manicure
This procedure is in its form is not edging manicure. The main difference from other European varieties nail is that it is not subjected to cuticle art cutting, but only very carefully shifted orange stick. European kind of manicure perfectly fits all, in particular it is recommended for people who have a very thin and delicate skin or who have very close arrangement of blood vessels.
And for those who by nature is quite dense cuticle, be patient and act consistently, because the show itself in all its glory the European edging manicure can after only a few treatments. And no doubt will bring its owner a lot of joy for your patience. The quality of this manicure will surpass even the wildest expectations.
Since all women, without exception, want to renew their youth and to preserve the beauty and our neck, hands and eyes betray a woman's age first, all of the fair half very much interested to visible aging occurred as late as possible. But edging manicure will help our pens look your best!
Agree on the hands of European women is sometimes difficult to determine their age. This is not because they do not do anything around the house. After all, today, almost every house has a dishwasher and washing machine, but one is unable to keep youth hands. And the main reason beauty hands of Western women is that they prefer not edging manicure.
As mentioned above, this kind of classic manicure is much safer, because in the process of its implementation is no risk of infection. Its safety due to the fact that this procedure does not involves cutting cuticles. But the cuticle just meant to a close the root of the nail from infection. But how do European manicure? What is included in this procedure? What used cosmetics for the European manicure?
European manicure: technology treatments in the salon
Here's how to make a manicure in any salon:
First, a master in the cabin disinfects the hands of the client and, of course, his own.
Then he removes the remnants of the old varnish using nail polish remover without acetone. This liquid is usually established on the basis of the humidifier Cuticle Treatment, so it actively moisturizes the cuticle and the nail and leaves feeling a tightness of the skin. In addition, the concentrate of a tea rose in the tool brings a pleasant smell.
Use the nail file to shape your nails.
The next step in the technology in the European manicure cuticle is applied Kutikov Remuver (Cuticle Remover) for two minutes - the tool splits the dead cells of the cuticle and side bolsters. This process occurs due to the complex splitting fruit acids, which is included in the tool. In addition, it does not contain alkali, and it prevents the appearance of yellow spots on the nails. Also part of the extract of tea tree will have an antiseptic effect and contribute to the prevention of fungal infections.
After the hands are placed in a tray for manicure;
Skin removed with an orange stick or a special pumice for the European manicure. She removed the movements that are directed from the center to the side bolsters, while you can not touch the nail plate;
Remains of this agent is removed with a wet towel;
The wizard then rubs a cream or nutritional oil for hands and cuticles. In this case, the protective hand cream Only Hands, which is based on complex includes Pro-Vitamin B5 and chamomile, creates a protective film, full, restoring, moisturizing skin, and it does not leave any greasy feeling in her arms. This cream also warns all the age-related changes in the skin of hands, including hyperpigmentation.
Next, the master gives a healthy beautiful gloss surface of the nail polisher;
The next stage is applied to a suitable base Pronails: Pastel Ridge Filler (Pastel Ridge Filler), Fix Plus (Fix Plus) or assets Hadener (Active Hardener). Active Harderner is a patented tool for the prevention of brittle, soft, layers, thin nails on the basis of special hardeners. This tool is a coalescing of the damaged area and a well-glues scales of the nail plate. And as a consequence returns nails healthy and a real strength.
Fix Plus adhesive is the basis for the natural nails. The molecules of the Net means, if they penetrate the cell scales of the nail plate, thus protecting the nail. The adhesive properties of the Fix plus contribute not only to bonding with any nail lacquers, but also protects the nail itself from both the pigments color lakes and from the external environment. If you apply the Fix Plus, the paint will last longer. Pastel Ridge Filler- basis for leveling uneven natural nails.
When it is necessary to apply colored nail Pronails. A diverse palette of paints Professionails would allow for the selection of colors for every style and mood.
To dry the nails as fast as possible and give them a gloss, it is necessary to apply a protective coating: Hot Gloss (Hot Gloss) or Seko Seko (Seco Seco). Seco Seco is a unique tool in one of two PROFESSIONAILS - this protective coating and drying. In just two minutes
� Seco Seco will be able to dry all layers of polish and give the nails perfect gloss and shine - a great option for customers who typically have little time, and they have no time to wait, when the lacquer dries. This tool will allow customers very quickly dry your nails, even making European edging manicure at home. It is well fills micro-cracks and pores, beautifully updated old paint coatings.
The final stage moisturize cuticles, as a rule, using moisturizer pencil "Pronails" or Kutikov the Treatment (Cuticle Tritment). Cuticle Tritment a moisturizing concentrate for intensive anti-European manicure, which contributes to the excellent care of the cuticles and nails. This concentrate moisturizes dry nails and gives them flexibility. He has a property accumulate in the root of the nail. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and leaves no greasy layer - it gives the opportunity to immediately apply a varnish.
That's a fairly detailed description of how to do a manicure at the salon.
As you can see, another significant difference from the classical European manicure is that the skin of the cuticle are not using trays soaked with water. From this comes the name of both the European manicure - nail polish dry. The side bolsters are not cut, and cut down on the dry special laser sawing.
It should also be noted that this is the only type of manicure, which ensures that the nail polish can hold the longest. After edging manicure is dry, without any maceration, and each coating is kept much longer. Of course, it is better one time to do, feel and see on your hands a manicure, the whole beauty of the Transfiguration nails and hands in general, than to read about it. We recommend that you try it!
Pros and cons of not edging manicure
This, of course, the procedure is safer in comparison with the classic cut equipment; there is no swelling and cracking of the cuticle; there is no infection; will not be tolerated and deep trauma of nail tools; absence of micro-bleeding and pain, because cutting tools are used; varnish will last longer; big time savings, faster to do than other procedures; slowing the growth of the cuticle. And as a result - hands look younger and softer.
People with a sufficiently dense cuticle have to be patient. For the first time such a cuticle can not be removed with the help of the European manicure. But anyway, go to this technique all possible. But since it is not necessary to cut cuticle clippers or scissors.
Edged manicure at home
Noticeable time savings in the care of hands after when you go to a manicure, affects the majority of women who have children and a lot of things, but little time for herself. And if you do a European manicure at home, it is worth noting that the cost of the set for the European edging manicure minimal. We also recommend to pay attention to the fact that the instruments for the European manicure individually more expensive than in sets.
What should be included for the European manicure at home? How do edging manicure yourself not to have suffered any quality manicure or nail beauty?
So, manicure equipment must include a:
Cloth or towel
Tool to remove the cuticles
Universal is a good nail file
Wand of orange tree
The facility, which slows the growth of the cuticle, or nourishing cream (oil)
Restoring Floor polish
And now look at how to make the European manicure yourself:
First, as a rule, in the classical and European manicure we remove old varnish with our nails. A little trick: remove the nail right. To do this, put on a cotton swab slightly liquid varnish, press it for a few seconds to the nail, and then in one swift movement of the hand to remove the varnish.
Next, nail file nails to attach the desired shape. It is necessary to remember: most of the leading specialists in the care of nails are advised not to cut nails and rasp them using nail files. Starting file nails best with a side part and gradually move toward the center. The corners do not need much to handle. Once you're done, you should check whether the clues are not left on the nail. The same experts strongly recommend opilivat nails Glass nail files, to nails are not stratified. Skin around the nails are best removed with special soft saws (possible mineral).
Apply a cuticle tool that it will soften and remove. After the strike the gel or other means to remove the cuticle, will have to wait a bit for a minute, and then gently push the cuticle stick from an orange tree. Keep your nails have clear outlines.
It is necessary to wash your hands. Before the following procedures be sure to wash your hands well with soap and water. For best results, the soap is better to take nutritious, containing cream.
Apply a nourishing firming lacquer base.
Now paint the nails. To paint lay down evenly and correctly, it should be slightly warm, which is necessary to ride for a few minutes in his hands. After gently spend a brush from the middle to the tip of the nail, and then on either side.
Apply lock. Locking is needed in order to protect the paint from chipping and cracking. In addition, it will provide a real manicure brilliant shine.
Apply a "fast drying" If you do not have time to dry nail polish, you will help designed for fast drying varnish special agent.
That's all. If you do it right, then you are sure to please the European manicure on your nails. It is not only European-stylish, but also beautiful and, most importantly, is completely painless.