What is the most effective hair removal


  • Types of hair removal
  • How to choose "his" method?

Women aspire to perfection. And so it went. Ever since the ancient Greeks and Cleopatra women are grueling and relentless war of unwanted vegetation. Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the fact that all the legs will look much more attractive to them if the skin smooth and soft. What can we say about the bikini area and underarms! Neat, is watching a woman simply can not afford to let out the unsightly tufts of hair sticking out. And the naughty little mustache who decorate.

Only the most unapologetic feminist, ardent supporters of all natural, let themselves go to the "natural" form. Fortunately, since the ancient Romans and Greeks, much has changed. Science and new technologies come to the aid of aspiring to the ideal of ladies. As a consequence, new, modern ways of dealing with unwanted hair. What is the most effective hair removal? In order to understand this, you must at least learn about all the existing methods.

Before we start talking about hair removal methods, you need to determine what is the difference between epilation and depilation. Ironically, many women are still confused these two concepts. So, hair removal - is the removal of only the portion of the hair, which is already out on the surface. The root portion, however, remains intact. As a rule, hair removal - this is what we do at home - shave, treatment with various creams, hair removal using wax, etc.

Positive aspects of this method of controlling undesirable vegetation - is simplicity and speed. Negative - is that hair begins to grow after a short time. This is understandable - after all, this method allows you to remove only the visible part and the hair bulb remains intact and continues to function.

Hair Removal - the more radical procedure, affects not only the hair shaft, but its roots and gradually destroy them. Of course, do not expect a miracle, and hope that after the first procedure, you will get rid of annoying vegetation. Use the chosen route will have for a long time. But after a while you begin to notice that your hair becomes thinner, colorless and gradually disappear.

Types of hair removal

Well, after we understand the concept, you can elaborate on the hair removal methods that exist today. They can be divided into several groups - electricity, light, ultrasonic and enzymatic hair removal. Let us consider each of them in order. Perhaps the oldest and most trusted, but also the most painful way - is electrolysis.

The essence of the procedure is very simple - the skin at the site of hair growth is pierced a thin needle through which current flows. It destroys the hair follicle. Several procedures allow, as a rule, get rid of 95% of the vegetation. But all is not rosy - from electrolysis there are many contraindications - for example, any damage to the skin, a pacemaker or a pregnancy. In addition, if you have sensitive skin, then it may be due to burning, and even formed scars.

One more thing - if you get into the hands of would-be professional, there is a risk that the hair will not disappear, but will grow into the skin. And it will agree, very unpleasant! In order to protect themselves from various troubles, we recommend a very serious approach to the selection of interior and not run into the first. The procedure is best done in autumn or winter - so you protect the damaged skin from excess UV rays. Before a session do not forget to drink a painkiller - it will help reduce the discomfort.

The following method - removing hair by means of light waves. It is suitable rather for dark hair. Svetoepilyatsiyu divided into laser and photoepilation. Usually, in fact, and in another case, enough 4-6 treatments to 80% to get rid of excess vegetation. In the first case, the laser beam penetrates the skin to the follicle and causes destruction of the hair bulb. In a second - not use a laser, and the light pulses of different frequencies. Light method is less painful than electrolysis.

However, he has a mass of contraindications. This hypertension, varicose veins, herpes, coronary heart disease, diabetes, skin diseases and many other health problems. In addition, the treated areas may remain scars or pigmentation change. Therefore, we recommend pre-tested on a small area of ​​skin.

Another way to deal with unwanted hair - ultrasonic hair removal. It is better suited to gray, light or vellus hair. Hair follicles are destroyed due to the impact of special gels and ultrasound. The main drawback - is that the method can only be used on small areas of the skin. And that - not at all. For example, treatment is not recommended for the bikini area. The usual course consists of 7-11 procedures. The gap between the two - month. Accordingly, you can observe the effect not earlier than one year. Moreover, in addition hair follicles may be damaged and cells of skin in the immediate vicinity. The procedure can not be done during pregnancy.

Another way of getting rid of hair - hair removal enzyme. It - one of the newest methods of effective hair removal. First, does beautician normal waxing. Then applied to the skin, special preparations containing enzymes. Places designed for hair removal, cover termobandazhami and heated by infrared rays. Under the influence of heat on the enzymes penetrate the hair follicles in the channels and destroy the bulb. After the procedure, the skin is treated with special milk, which relieves redness, moisturizes and slows the growth of new hair. Doing this can be waxed in the armpits, on the legs, arms and bikini line.

After the session, you must follow certain rules - before the end of the day prohibited processed wet places, and within a week you need to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. In other places in processing may occur dark spots. One session lasts approximately 45-50 minutes. For sustained effect it is necessary to pass at least seven procedures. Another important point - the use of chemicals can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, this method of hair removal is not for everyone.

And, perhaps, the last way in which I would like to dwell - Elos hair removal. For the curious: Elos stands for electro-optical synergy. You become clearer? This method can be attributed to the combination. It was developed and tested by the Israeli cosmetologists in collaboration with leading physicians and engineers. Elos is not yet very common, and apparently so its price can be confusing very, very many. How it works? In the hair follicles directly affects two types of energy - light and bipolar radiofrequency.

The procedure is almost does not cause discomfort. Only sometimes you can feel a slight tingling sensation that quickly passes. By the conviction of some cosmetologists, this method allows you to safely and permanently get rid of unwanted hair of any type - light and dark, hard and vellus - and in any, even the most delicate places. The full course includes 5-12 sessions to be repeated every 4-6 weeks. The number of sessions depends on the color, density and location of hair. Duration of treatment - 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the surface to be treated.

 the most effective hair removal

How to choose "his" method?

Surely you have heard very mixed reviews about the same method of hair removal from different people. Do not think that you are deliberately trying to mislead, "telling tales" or mercenary motives, trying to advertise something different. Just all the people - different. And what works for one, absolutely contraindicated another. How to make the right decision and not to get lost?

First, there are general guidelines. Not long ago, a study was conducted that allowed to compare the effectiveness of different methods. In the course he had studied the state of women throughout the year using a type of hair removal. It has been found that for a dark and hard vegetation most preferred method is laser hair removal. While the thin, light or gray hair on the nature of the most suitable method of using ultrasound.

Secondly, we should not forget that the contraindications to any type of hair removal are:

  • severe diabetes;
  • chronic or acute skin diseases;
  • keloid disease;
  • infectious diseases and acute form of herpes;
  • oncologic diseases;
  • neoplasms of the skin;
  • varicose veins in place of the procedure;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • severe form of hypertension.

So before you decide on a particular procedure, do not be lazy and consult a doctor. He'll give you recommendations based on the condition of your skin and hair, as well as overall health. The main thing - it does not hurt. And the most effective hair removal - is the one that is right for you and no harm.

But even if you find yourself in these or other contraindications - do not worry. It absolutely does not mean that you now have to go "hairy." After all, in addition to hair removal - remember? - There is also waxing. And it's something you should be able to take advantage of. Believe me, if you want, then nothing can stop you to be beautiful!

 What is the most effective hair removal - choose the best method

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