Coco Chanel once said, brilliant phrase: "Every day, leaving the house, she goes to meet his fate." And it is true! It is useless to wonder how we will pass today, because it can be fraught with many secrets, mysteries and surprises! From the smallest to the larger. Perhaps that today you met the man of her dreams. Or is it going to happen tomorrow? No one knows why you need to look good every day. But at the same time it is impossible to predict what kind of image you need today. The main thing - remember that you need to be yourself. And yet - to know all the secrets of female beauty.
A word of advice: do not plan your evening attire for the day. Firstly, it's boring, and secondly - who knows what you will have mood in the morning? Perhaps you prefer to be in the image of a glamorous diva and wear bright jewelry? Or you want to stay gentle yoke lightweight silk dress! The main thing that the selected outfit you feel confident and comfortable to be in harmony with itself. Then it will be noticeable to others, and you will reach the people. After all natural so appreciated!
What woman ready for beauty
But we must not forget that beauty demands victims, and have to wake up early to put himself in perfect order. It is better to stand for half an hour before, but do not rush to make yourself styling and make-up and delete stale varnish. That's when you can be with a big smile to go to meet his fate! Women's appeal, like a mosaic, made up of little things. To collect the full picture, you need to invest time and effort, and then not only you, but also the surrounding notice how you shine.
Feminine beauty - is not only an attractive appearance. This grace and confidence, a bright light that shines in the eyes and smile. Mind, body and spirit - all together are the main components of the beauty. And beautiful can be every woman. Secretly, each of us wants that to look more beautiful, without losing its uniqueness. Is there something that we women, we will not do in pursuit of beauty?
For example, we can use a hemorrhoid cream to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, hair spray - to secure more long-term preservation of makeup and whitening toothpaste, we are ready to smear your body, if you need to urgently remove the fake tan. And it's only a few rather unusual way of achieving the desired result in the pursuit of beauty, in which women are willing to admit.
There are other homegrown techniques. For example, to remove edema from the eyes, you can use cold spoons, which are placed on the swollen eyelids. And to prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles on the neck can be, if only sleep on their backs and without cushions. Researchers who conducted a detailed study of all female rituals designed to preserve and enhance the beauty, found that four out of every ten women to improve their appearance using what is in their kitchen cupboards. First place in this list are chilled cucumbers - they are used to improve the complexion, lemon - bleaching and lightening hair nails and cooled tea bags that remove eye irritation.
Despite the abundance of all kinds of beauty treatments are offered in salons, the majority of women tested adhere Beauty rituals that are passed from generation to generation within the family, or drawn from the advice of a friend and co-workers.
Grandma's secrets in the arsenal of modern woman
What women's beauty secrets passed to us by our grandmothers? Oh, there are quite a few! After all, in ancient times there was such an abundance of cosmetics and women want to be beautiful at all times. And many of their tricks can help us today. It does not always have the time or means to visit salons or shops with a sturdy means of caring for the female body.
So, if you suddenly find that the shampoo so inappropriately ended and tidy hair need right now, this minute, you can use the way our grandmothers: spray on hair a little flour or talcum powder, rub the strands in his hands and then carefully shake powder hair. Flour absorbs excess fat significantly refreshed hair. Two minutes - and you look pretty well! A lightening hair with lemon juice? It's even our grandmothers have noticed that lemon juice sunlight gives a lighter shade of hair.
But along with the traditional ways of maintaining an attractive appearance at our disposal, there are new methods that women are inventing, alone in the bathroom. For example, many shaved hair on the legs, after brushing their hair conditioner to soften hair. Vaseline is used for straightening curly hair, toothpaste rubbed into insect bites to soothe the itching and sleep in socks, having put on the soles of a huge amount of moisturizer to heels looked like a small child.
On the same list, you can make use of tea tree oil against ingrown hairs after hair removal and skin rubbing a piece of ice, which is frozen infusion of herbs. But the most surprising, perhaps, was the use of creams for hemorrhoids, which we have already mentioned. Women who have experimented with the application of this cream under the eyes, found that it reduces dilated capillaries on the face, thereby significantly reducing the appearance of dark circles.
A few tips for keeping beauty
It is easy and quick to get rid of dandruff by using such a familiar and accessible aspirin. Dissolve two tablets in any shampoo for dandruff, and regularly wash your hair with this "enriched" shampoo. A surprising result is not long to wait.
If you are giving too much eye cream, then apply it to the cuticle. Perfect condition cuticles will be provided to you.
Do you want to add volume to their lips, without the intervention of the surgeon? Use a little trick when applying makeup: add a little shimmering gloss in the center of the upper and lower lips and your lips thanks to the optical effect will look quite plump.
If you are over nail polish remover, and old varnish is an urgent need to remove, you can do the following: Apply a layer of the old paint fresh and erase both layers. Then you can make up a new nail polish.
To preserve the quality of nail polish store it in the refrigerator.
You want to have your hair shone? Instead, apply the shampoo to the hair beaten egg, rub his head, then rinse. Will wash your hair perfectly and will shine.
Cheeks tingle you will achieve that they will play a nice natural glow.
If you would like to apply blush, but can not find them - use them instead of lipstick. Apply a few light strokes cheekbones and blend well.
Drizzle with a comb and comb hair spirits. They remain unobtrusive fragrance that will envelop you light clouds.
Heat eyelash curlers before use. This will help to quickly and securely attach the bending cilia.
Apply to the eyelashes castor oil every night and very soon they will become much thicker. For the application of oils can be used children's toothbrush or brush from the old mascara.
Wipe your face cabbage broth, which is due to the uniqueness of the complex contained in this vegetable vitamins, minerals and other active substances has the remarkable property to tone and smooth the skin.
Vegetable oil - a cheap and simple tool that can compete with a lot of expensive tools to hand care. Apply at night a little bit of warm vegetable oil to nails and cuticles, then wearing thin silicone gloves. After a few treatments nails will become much stronger, and the cuticle will be much thinner and softer.
Licorice can work wonders with the rough skin of our feet, because it contains estrogen-like substances, softening the skin. Make an ointment from conventional petroleum jelly and chopped licorice, and rub it in corn and other hardened seats.
A mixture of lemon juice with glycerin, which we must take in equal parts, lighten your palms and return them to the children's smoothness even after a large-scale operation to salting seaming and supplies for the winter.
Chamomile has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent, which is including the ability to relieve irritation of the skin. Do not forget you about the healing properties of this plant. In addition, chamomile broth rinsing hair after washing, you will add them a nice golden color and shine.
You can still give a lot of advice for the conservation of feminine beauty, but we want to remind you about another secret, which depends on this beauty. Never forget the good mood! A much better and more interesting to chat with someone who is hilarious and optimistic than ever to listen to someone's whining and complaints about life. A special gift is not necessary to create a good impression on others. The secret of a good mood is simple: you need only to notice in others only good, to be able to say compliments and good-natured fun of somebody, and, of course, must be able to laugh at themselves. The ability to be in a good mood will always be attracted to you people.
Remember this and you will be surrounded by good people, and life will present you a pleasant surprise. Fate loves beautiful and cheerful people!