Today amazing word SPA on a hearing at every woman, but if they know its value? If we translate this abbreviation in Russian, literally get "health through water". Even the ancient inhabitants of the planet, it became clear that the underground springs, especially hot water, have a beneficial effect on the human body.
Today variety of SPA-salons work in any country of the world. In addition, these services are provided, each more or less decent beauty salon. However, this service is quite expensive and those who can not afford it, we offer to arrange a personal spa salon at home, in your bathroom.
It is known that the human body is 65 percent water, and it is a prerequisite for his life and work. The sea and the mineral water is the source of a healthy body and a sound mind. It is this focus and numerous spa. Clinics and salons offering services spa treatment, apply it not only to deal with a rather severe skin diseases or adjusting the figures. Spa treatments are beneficial effect on the mental state of man: to help him relax and deprive tension.
The term spa therapy treatment is meant not only the sea or mineral water, and easy to use running water, the beneficial effects of which become stronger through the use of herbs, clay and mud. The same set of procedures includes massage, aromatherapy and color therapy, and the use of rejuvenating and cleansing masks, herbal teas and mineral water.
Step 1. Take a bath
For total relaxation, we need:
- aroma candles;
- foam or bath salt herbal;
- a set of essential oils;
- big fluffy towel, in which you can wrap;
- music for meditation session.
Turn off the phone and try to make you nothing could prevent relax. In the bathroom, where possible, arrange candles. To do so, as much as possible to safer places. Fill the tub with water and add a little flavor. To combat psychological stress and nervous exhaustion is recommended to use essential oils calming and invigorating effects. Bergamot oil acts bodryasche, geranium oil helps to relax and lavender brings calm.
Add to your bath 2 drops of bergamot oil, 2 drops of lemon oil and ylang-ylang (it can replace 4 drops of grapefruit oil) and 3 drops of geranium oil. Then sprinkle salt. Better to smell her and the smell of the foam was not very sharp. Usually synthetic smells stronger than natural. This can be explained by the fact that create them chemically. Such funds can be used for normal swimming, but if you want to relax, use the best products based on natural ingredients.
Before we plunge into the fragrant body fluids, including music. If you are totally against meditative music, put the disc with the recordings that you like. However, even if you really like heavy music, it is better not to include, since it does not help to relax and the effect of the bath will be significantly reduced. Of course, it is not necessary to carry a tape recorder into the bathroom. Turn it right into the living room, it push the boundaries of your space.
In order to brighten up your stay in the bathroom, you can afford to eat a bar of your favorite chocolate and drink a glass of martini. But do not overdo it, because overeating can cause discomfort and intoxication - and worse.
After the bath, wrap yourself in a towel near left, wipe, and you can start the following procedures.
Step 2. Make a foot massage
To soften the skin legs hold them in warm water where previously to dissolve fourth of the cup sugar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. This solution can be replaced with addition tray petals field of flowers. Then start massage. First, rub the eggs, then deep stroking the leg from the ankle to the lower part of the thigh, calf back rub both hands at the end of which a good mash up.
Perform massage better sitting or standing. It all depends on what muscle massage you are going to do. Stroking the legs operate with one hand and turn right and left. Right thigh stroking convenient right hand to knead the - left. Rubbing to be performed in the direction from the knee to the groin. Often, rubbing his fists do. Go on lying on your back. Bend your legs and two hands shake thigh muscles. Make stroking moving from the inner surface of the knee to the groin, and then make a rubbing fingertips.
Perform massage back muscle groups should be in a position lying on its side or standing. During the massage alternate stroking, it is rubbing and kneading. After the massage both hands to make a stroking of the muscles, moving from the knees to the groin. Then wear cotton or wool socks, and do not remove them at least the next two hours.
Step 3. Make a face mask
The mask of banana
Banana knead thoroughly and add to it 1 teaspoon of milk. The mixture is applied to dry skin. If the specified composition, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, the mask can be used and the owners of oily skin. The mask is left on the face for 20 minutes, then remove with a cotton swab dipped in milk or warm water. The mask is suitable for everyday use. Recommended course - 20 days.
Cucumber Mask for normal skin
1 tablespoon of cucumber juice mixed with the same amount of heavy cream and add 20 drops of water. The resulting mass is mixed and thoroughly shake up, to get the foam. The mask is applied to the face with a thick layer, then remove with warm cloth and wipe the face with rose water. The mask for dry and normal skin with signs of aging.
For skin whitening
In the fight with freckles makes good use of quince juice, strawberry, cranberry, raspberry, black and red currants, radish, marigold flowers, lemon juice mixed 1: 1 with the potato starch. Also, use the juice from the leaves of parsley and the juice of sauerkraut. It helps washing birch juice in the morning and rub facial skin in the mornings and evenings, lemon juice diluted in half with boiled water.
Typically, a mask is applied on the face with light smoothing movements in the direction of the sides of the nose and left for 15-30 minutes. After that, the mask face wash with warm water.
Carrot mask for dry and oily skin
1-2 carrots rubbed on a fine grater and mix with one egg protein. In the resulting mass add 1 teaspoon of olive or peach butter and a little oat flour or starch.
On oily skin of the face and neck mask is applied for 15 minutes, if the skin is dry, the mask is left on for half an hour. At any time after the face wash with warm and then cool water. The mask for aging skin with small wrinkles.
Mask of carrots and olive oil
The carrot juice add one beaten egg yolk and a few drops of olive oil. Apply the mask on the face and neck. Duration - 20-25 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
The mask of egg yolk and lemon
Lemon peel grind to a state of powder and one teaspoon of powder mixed with egg yolk, then left in the tank under the hood. After 15 minutes the mixture was added 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix.
The mask is applied to a thick layer and keep until dry. For washing off the mask from the face of an aqueous infusion of parsley. At the end of a cold compress is applied. The mask is suitable for dry and normal skin, it nourishes and toning effect on the skin.
The mask of egg yolk, honey and lemon juice
Egg yolk mixed with half a teaspoon of buckwheat honey (honey or other dark varieties), add 3-4 drops of vegetable oil and 10 drops of lemon juice. Beat until a mass of foam, and then pour into a teaspoon oatmeal or milled oat flakes.
Mask cleanses and nourishes the skin, restores moisture balance. It is applied on a dry and normal skin with signs of peeling or fading.
Mask of St. John's wort
Mix half a tablespoon of mammal infusion with 1 tbsp. spoon of water, 1 tbsp. chopped oatmeal, 1 tbsp. olive oil and 10 drops of vitamins A and E. Facial hold 10-15 minutes.
This nourishing mask for dry and normal skin of the face and neck. Anti-inflammatory effect.
Face mask of zucchini
Crushed grated Pumpkin pulp is spread on the gauze, then put on the face for 15-20 minutes. The mask has a stimulating effect on the operation of skin metabolism, cleans, moisturizes and tones it.
The mask is suitable for dry and rough skin, it is used to prevent the onset of wrinkles. It softens and smoothes the faded and wrinkled skin.
Typically mask partitioned massage movements across the surface of skin, avoiding the eye. The mask must not touch the hair, so it is applied at a distance of one centimeter from the hairline. The layer deposition masks must be quite dense. After removing the mask skin rubbed lotion or moisturizer.
After all the procedures described beds Clean linens and pillows whisk well. Candles move from the bathroom to the bedroom, make the music so loud and try to sleep. If the dream is not just to dream. Tomorrow you will feel like a brand new person.