Every woman is interested in how to preserve youthfulness of skin. This is not surprising, because in today's society for female beauty very high requirements, and the cult of youth is able to plunge into the nostalgia of any person after thirty years.
Unfortunately, we do not become more attractive with age on his face appear brown spots, "bags" under the eyes, "crow's feet" wrinkles between the eyebrows, under the eyes, lips and neck and distinct nasolabial folds. All this together, we add five to thirty extra years. Oh, how I would not like it! Therefore, in my head is full of questions, especially on how to look younger and more attractive, and we are with you will try to find answers to them.
The facial skin - a reflection of the quality of your life: health and good habits Bates age and bad, on the contrary, is added. Of course, we can not exclude from the field of view of heredity factor. There are women who are lucky enough to genes and that effortlessly manages to look breath-taking (such as Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci or Angelina Jolie), but most ordinary mortals it remains only a dream. And, of course, lead a healthy lifestyle - to keep the skin young.
It's no secret that we are what we eat. Proper nutrition is very important for the exterior, especially for the skin. It reflected on it all problems in the gastrointestinal tract, for example, chronic gastritis may manifest as rash, paleness and premature aging. What should be the diet of healthful skin?
Drink plenty of fluids - is the number one rule for those who want to preserve youth and health of your skin. And it should be just water, not juice or soda, as soon as it helps wash away toxins from the body. Fluid is also necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine, as in the case of lack of its operation is disturbed.
Eat vegetable oils and fish. They are rich in fatty acids, which, firstly, are necessary for the absorption of retinol (it is responsible for skin regeneration) and, secondly, are responsible for a clear oval face, smoothness and healthy skin color.
A varied diet, rich in vitamins and trace elements. We will not paint you in detail what are the benefits of the body, each of these substances, as this would require a separate article (and preferably two). In order to present all useful in the diet, try to fill it with different products: meat, fish, milk, cheese, cereals, fruits and vegetables - they you should occasionally eat.
Absence of harmful substances in the diet. We all know about the dangers to the body of preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes and other chemicals. It is also very important way of cooking: fried, spicy and too salty better minimized. Products should be natural and fresh.
Proper nutrition - it's not all: your skin also needs oxygen to delight you with its freshness and beauties. Where can I get it? Naturally, in walks in the fresh air - not only along the motorway, and in the forest area. Generally, one of the main secrets of young skin - this movement and physical activity. They make the heart and blood vessels run, accelerate the metabolism and, consequently, improve the saturation of oxygen to tissues and organs. Plus, working out, you pull up not only the skin, but the whole piece as a whole.
It is important to minimize the bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking: they deprive the skin of oxygen and nutrients, leading to premature aging. Also negatively on her condition affects lack of sleep, so try, even in a mad rhythm of your life to find time for a full sleep, because without it, you can forget about the effectiveness of various treatments.
Thinking conservation plan of eternal youth, do not forget about sun protection. It just so happened that the ultra-violet rays - the worst enemies of youth and blooming appearance. Yes, for some short time you look cool "chocolate", but pay the price the health of your skin. Therefore, every day in the morning, apply a protective cream that will protect you both from the scorching rays, and from contaminated air.
Domestic procedures
Personal care - this is a special action in the life of a woman. We rest body and soul, when locked in the bathroom, makes peeling and smear the layers of creams and masks. Needless to say that the benefits of these procedures is huge! What actions are recommended by the most beautiful and famous women in the world?
Cleaning the skin - this is the first stage in any system of skin care. You understand that if you start to have something to do with contaminated sites, it does not give a positive effect, and, perhaps, on the contrary, further clog pores. Peeling at home involves the use of funds from the microscopic particles of natural abrasives: apricot kernels, nuts, medicinal mud, sand, or something else.
You can use cosmetics, bought in a store, and you can prepare it the most, for example, from the coffee grounds. The recipe is simple: take a couple of tablespoons of coffee grounds and apply it on a clean, moisturized skin. Wait a few minutes to partially dry, then remove the pulp from the skin in a circular massaging movements. Then rinse it with lukewarm water and cool.
If you want to keep the skin in good condition, the use of all kinds of face masks is a must. Artless thing - to buy a magic tool to store and apply it, but we offer you something more interesting: to cook the most natural and most importantly, effective mask.
Good recipe Express mask for dry skin: you need a big, but slim and tight piece of cotton, which could cover his face, and olive oil. Carved in wool holes for eyes and nose, and wetting it in hot olive oil. It should soak a little, but did not follow. Put the mask on for fifteen to twenty minutes, then wash it off with warm, then cold water, spread the face of nourishing cream - and voila! You are the most beautiful woman in the city.
It is very effective in maintaining youthful skin is a technique feysbildinga. It combines elements of massage and facial muscles work, all of which helps to keep the skin in good shape and maintain a clear oval face. This system includes a whole lot of exercises, we draw your attention to just a few:
Exercises of various types of wrinkles. Put your index fingers above the eyebrows. Then start to raise eyebrows and fingers to resist this movement - this technique of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. From glabellar help following exercise: tight slide eyebrows, with their middle fingers press down, preventing the formation of wrinkles. To prevent the appearance of "crow's feet", put a ring fingers on the outer part of the eye socket. His eyes close. To fix the result, squeeze their fists, behind thumbs up to each side, then to the outer corners of the eyes, applying slight pressure. The look should be directed upwards.
Strengthening the cheeks and chin. Stretch lips, putting his index fingers perpendicular to the mouth at the folds between the nose and cheeks. You can strengthen the jaw line dropping lower lip so to expose the front teeth from the bottom (when it is impossible to corners of the mouth were omitted). From the double chin is very good following exercise: stick out your tongue and try to get it to the bottom tip of the chin, applying maximum effort.
Exercises for the neck. Straighten your back, straighten shoulders. Lift the chin until when will tighten the skin of the neck. Somknite jaw, pushing from the inside tip of the tongue on the gum from the bottom. Another exercise: in the same position, lift the chin, pulling the skin on the neck. Slightly opening the lips and teeth, tongue firmly push into the sky.
This exercises should be performed every day for ten to fifteen minutes - in this case the result will be noticeable within three weeks. Regularly engaging in exercise, you will retain the same amounts of subcutaneous tissue and restore muscle tone and skin. You will also need to choose the appropriate care, since your skin will be in particular need of oxygen and nutrients.
Another beauty secret: the use of essential oils can work wonders. Especially favorable effect rose oil, it penetrates the tissue and acupressure on fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen. Add a drop of essential oil to your moisturizer and nine or ten drops of pre-diluted in milk, yogurt or yogurt - in the water bath. It sounds weird, but it really can improve the elasticity of your skin.
Cabin methods
However, if you decide to seriously attend to how to keep skin young, without the intervention of professionals can not do. Be sure to choose a cabin with a good reputation and qualified - only they can really improve your skin condition. What procedures will be useful to you?
Laser lifting - a technique for cleansing the skin, which does not injure the epidermis. During this process the temperature in the deep layers of the skin is enhanced by laser energy, which in turn stimulates circulation in the small blood vessels, thereby accelerating generation of collagen. It is he who is responsible for regeneration and lack of wrinkles. Therefore, this method is considered to be anti-aging.
Radivolnovy lifting - another variation on the well-known procedure. High-frequency radio waves are directed at certain areas of the skin. Due to this heating occurs collagen fibers, whereby their number is reduced, which in turn contributes to the development of new collagen. Also, this method causes an increase in the production of elastin, which is responsible for cell renewal and hydration of the epidermis. That's what gives elasticity and skin density.
Much more extreme method is considered to mesotherapy. It increases the elasticity of the skin due to the introduction directly into the deeper layers of its nutrients. For this purpose, a small dosage of active substances such as vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, nucleic acids, etc. ... They are entered with a very thin needle to a depth of one half to four millimeters. It occurs mikrotravmirovanie skin that activates the blood supply, the regeneration and oxidation processes.
Health and youthfulness of the skin depends on its elasticity. It is quite feasible task, especially if you start to solve it from a young age. The most important secret - in the regular skin care: not much use if you take care of it once a month, but if you do it regularly ... then the dream of radiant skin will become a reality.
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