- Peeling Skin
- Is applied to the sore place a bit of acne medication
- Steamed skin
- Depilation
- Completion of the
Ingrown hair - it hairs which could not grow through the skin and zagnuvshis backwards began to rise toward the follicle. Ingrown hairs can appear on the face, arms, legs - any part of the body where hair grows. Usually, ingrown hairs are accompanied by only a slight annoyance, but can cause painful and feeling; and looks ingrown hairs from the skin is not very aesthetically pleasing. Also, if the problem is not solved, inflamed skin can seriously infected.
Ingrown most often occurs in people with curly hair. But if you often make hair removal or shave the hair (for example, on your feet), you greatly increase the risk of ingrown hairs. The fact that the hair follicle during their frequent removal is weakened, and the hairs become thinner. Thin and weak hair is much more difficult to break through the upper layers of the skin, and it starts to grow in the opposite direction. What to do? After all, we can not just abandon depilation? No of course! Let's learn how to get rid of ingrown hairs, so if you have them there.
I must say that you can not only get rid of ingrown hairs, if you follow our instructions, but also to prevent their occurrence, fulfilling our recommendations on a regular basis. What should I do?
Peeling Skin
If you find yourself growing hair, then this procedure should be carried out every day. This will help to remove dead cells of the skin, dirt and grease that may hinder the free growth of the hair. Massage movements that are made during the peeling can physically push the tip of the hair from the skin.
Just do not overdo it, do not rub the skin too much, otherwise you will not only get rid of the problem will not get, but also to make it worse. If you damage the skin and it starts to bleed, it is very hard to lose anything to remove the ingrown hair from under a scab. It is better to clean the skin gently but for a longer time. The friction in this movement which is in different directions. You can wear a special mitten for the peeling, or you can try one of the three suggested methods of cleansing the skin.
Exfoliation using paracetamol
You should know that the main purpose of peeling - the removal of rough top layer of skin with dead particles. There are various ready-made exfoliating agents that it might be easier to use, but many of them contain harsh ingredients, which is undesirable in your situation. In addition, such tools can be quite expensive.
Peeling with the help of tablets of paracetamol is advantageous from several points of view: on the one hand, you save money on the other hand, paracetamol would have on the inflamed skin anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect. Here's how:
- Prepare the ingredients. Use for about two or three tablets, depending on, where you do peeling.
- Cook the pasta for peeling. Add a few drops of water to dissolve the tablets. Be careful - the addition of too much water will blur tool, and in fact you need is pasta, ie slurry of paracetamol tablets. You can pre-crush the tablets with a spoon, it will accelerate the process of dissolution in water.
- Apply the paste on the inflamed areas. You can mix the resulting paste with gel cleanser or lotion, it was easier to distribute over the skin. A circular motion rub the mixture over the desired location within a minute or two. Longer rubbing is not necessarily one to two minutes is sufficient.
- Rinse with clean water and a means of accurately drain the skin with a towel. If you are not planning to get rid of ingrown hairs, but just clean the skin for prevention of ingrowth, the next thing you have to do is put on your skin moisturizing cream or lotion to slow the growth of hair.
Peeling with salt
- Prepare a mixture of half a teaspoon of salt and a small amount of foam or gel for washing. If you want to clean a large surface of the skin, take a little more salt.
- First, take a shower as you normally would.
- Take a little of the mixture and rub it in a circular motion into the skin. Do not forget to rub the knees, elbows and any other areas where there may be rough skin.
- Rinse off the mixture, dried and apply a moisturizer.
Peeling with olive oil and sugar
This peel is best suited for sensitive skin.
- Gather the following ingredients (do not mix them!): Olive oil (it is very beneficial to the skin); regular or brown (cane) sugar; warm water. Only it was warm because the hot dry skin, and there is the risk of getting burned.
- Rasparte skin under the shower. If you make peeling a small area, you can make a compress by putting it in hot water soaked cloth.
- Take olive oil, and with a cotton pad, wipe the desired area with oil.
- Sugar sprinkle in his palm and a little rub it in your hands. Then rub the "sugar" palms greased surface of the skin. Do it carefully, do not hit the skin hard and making no sudden movements sweeping. Rub enough twenty or thirty seconds.
- Rinse the treated area prepared with warm water to wash away the sugar. The oil will continue to remain still on the skin.
- Take a damp cloth and gently wipe the face, until the fabric is not will absorb all of the oil.
Take a peel every week, and you get a nice smooth skin. In addition, making such peeling regularly, we achieve a double result: the skin becomes soft and delicate, and we get rid of problems with ingrown hairs.
Is applied to the sore place a bit of acne medication
Ingrown hairs are very similar to acne and appearance, and skin condition. Especially when ingrown hairs accompanied by inflammation and suppuration. Apply any medication for acne several times a day for several days. This, combined with the peeling, it is often enough to remove the ingrown hairs, since the tumor is reduced, giving them more space to grow.
If you do not have on hand any medicine for acne, you can try again the ways that we offer.
Reduce the size of redness and inflammation with aspirin
- Place one tablet of aspirin (or as many as you need) into the water. You will need approximately two to three parts of water per part of aspirin. There is no need for chopping aspirin, it is well soluble in water.
- Mix the aspirin in water. You should have a pretty thick, a little "sand" paste. You'll need just a few drops of one at a time.
- Apply a drop of the solution directly on the sore spot. If you do it with your finger, then wash your hands thoroughly beforehand, so as not to add to the sore spot new bacteria.
- Keep aspirin on the skin as long as you can. Typically, the paste dries in less than half an hour, and vysohnuv begins to flake. Use a clean damp cloth or napkin to remove the remnants of aspirin from the skin. By the way, during the removal of residues of the drug occur extra easy peeling.
We treat inflammation with the help of toothpaste
This is a very old way! You can simply take a drop of toothpaste and put it on the affected area of the skin. Then - as with a mixture of dipyrone: rub the paste on the sore tubercle, hold the skin about half an hour, rinse with a clean, damp cloth.
You probably themselves have realized that using these two funds can be treated not only inflammation of ingrown hairs and pimples.
Steamed skin
If the problem with ingrown hairs you have not is very serious, then you have enough, and the first two steps to get rid of it. If the situation is serious, continues. The next day, after peeling in a few minutes to steam the skin with a cloth soaked in hot water. Wring the cloth and put it on the area with ingrown hairs. Once the towel cools down again, moisten it in hot water, wring out and put on the skin.
Repeat until such time as the hairs steamed skin will not rise to the surface. If you applied a compress for ten minutes, but still do not see any signs of hair, then you should say that to remove yourself you will not be able to. Either the problem is not in the ingrown hair. In any case, you will need to see a specialist.
Use sterile forceps to gently get the hair out of the skin. The warm compress should raise them to the surface of the skin; But if you realize that you can not grasp the hair, then in any case, do not pick the skin, to get to him. Be patient, the process of "taking" the hair can take some time.
Sometimes you can see how to loop of hair. This means that hair made his way through the skin, but then turned down again and began to grow into the skin. As often happens, if the hair is curly. Then take a clean needle, insert the tip into the loop and pull gently to release the hair. Most often the tip of the hair comes loose.
Completion of the
Once rid of ingrown hairs you fully managed, wash the treated area with warm water and mild gel cleanser. Apply to skin antiseptic to provide additional protection against infection. In the future, try not to wear tight clothes or shoes in contact with this place, so as not to provoke a new ingrown hairs.
And finally a few more tips:
- Tools can be sterilized in boiling water or an alcohol.
- Do most skin peeling, and the hairs will be easier to break through it.
- The longer the hair, the less likely it is that they are minimized and will grow into the skin, so it's best not to shave them at the root. Use with a single blade razor, rather than with three or five.
- Anywhere on the skin, which has a tendency to ingrown hair, never use comedogenic (clog pores) moisturizer.
- If the inflammation extends beyond the hair follicle or persists for a few days after the hair has been released, think about the need to visit a dermatologist.