Normal facial skin is only for children - it is certainly true. An adult so the skin can not have! And the reason for that - anything ranging from hormonal trick the body, continuing our thoughtless abuse of the benefits of civilization and ending aggressive medium urban reality. So that the skin of an adult is either dry or oily, and most of all - combined. Men generally do not care what skin covers their face, but women are directly dependent on natural givens, because choosing Toiletries come with that in mind.
For the young woman becomes a problem oily skin, women age postbalzakovskogo cause trouble caring for dry skin. But by this time the ladies already know how to understand the makeup, the question of preferences and choices acute just before the owners of oily skin. What cream to choose in this case that prefer and how to use it? Let's find out.
Features oily skin
Increased excretion of fat - this is a problem in youth and salvation in adulthood. So inconsolable tears pouring over each new pimple young maidens are subsequently rewarded the ability of the skin for a long time to preserve freshness and youth. And this is due to the fact that this type of skin is less susceptible to the harmful effects of the environment, easier to tolerate the cold and wind is due to greasy film that covers the face and protects the skin. In general, this type of skin, as it were thicker, perhaps, stronger. That is why oily skin face long wrinkles.
However, this advantage has to pay in his youth, and at other times of hormonal revolutions (pregnancy and childbirth, menopause), acne and acne that is a direct consequence of enlarged pores and increased sebaceous excretions. In addition, oily skin tend to have a grayish tint and shine.
Features cream for oily skin
Oily skin is considered to be a problem, so the cream for oily skin should be multicomponent. Given the characteristics of oily skin, beauticians have developed a universal formula cream for her, due to which the cream for oily skin should at the same time nourish the skin, moisturize, matt, disinfect and heal.
Naturally, to achieve all these effects in a vehicle is difficult, so creams oily skin, tend to have some effect one primary (designed specifically for dampening or just for power), but the skin and exert an additional effect. In general, the selection of ingredients for this cream must meet the main goal - to regulate fat metabolism, rid the skin of greasy shine, softens, moisturizes and improves its elasticity. That and trying to put into practice the manufacturers of high-quality cosmetics.
Types and the cream for oily skin
Any face cream is designed for use at a particular time of day. There are, of course, and the generic creams, but they are generally not designed for regular maintenance, and for the specific purpose. For oily skin, it is desirable to use day and night cream, because the objectives of these creams are very different.
Moisturizer for Oily Skin
Oily facial skin also needs moisture. This is especially significant for women after forty. Moisturizer helps your skin maintain moisture balance and stay healthy. Typically, moisturizers also cleanse the skin and narrow pores. This multifunctional cream for oily skin is used as a day and has a light watery consistency.
Nourishing cream for oily skin
Oily skin needs to be nourished, and to do it best at night. Therefore, night creams for oily skin is this function and perform. And Nourishing Night Cream for oily skin is designed to upgrade and repair the skin. Nourishing Night Cream, tend to have a dense structure.
In addition to these basic creams for oily skin and release such funds:
Cream greasy with matte effect;
Cream against acne;
protective cream for the cold season;
protective cream from the rays A, B (SPF 10);
for deep cleansing cream;
Cream for the healing of acne;
anti-aging cream for mature skin.
Of course, indicate on the package all the benefits of a cream for oily skin manufacturers sometimes not. Therefore, you should learn how to decipher its structure.
Caffeine, benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid effectively narrow pores. This means that the cream, which they get dried and has a matte effect (eliminates the greasy).
Niacinamide soothes irritation, soothes the skin and prevents acne. Particularly relevant is the cream with this ingredient as a teen cosmetics or creams for young oily skin.
Retinol and sulfur dried spots and help fight acne.
Alpha-hydroxy acids and essential oils have antibacterial effect, helping to absorb the moisturizing ingredients that make up the cream.
Choosing a cream for oily skin
Understand the main rule: properly selected cream never hurt your skin. And the opinion that the cream for oily skin only exacerbates the problem wrongly. The fact that the deprivation of additional moisture, nourishment and protection of oily skin begins to compensate for this increased sebum secretion. Therefore, use creams for oily skin, but only the right to choose them.
Typically, as a day cream, experts advise to choose the light on the structure of a cream containing no oils. Change cream depending on the time of year, and the reaction of skin condition, on their own feelings. For example, in the winter use thick and dense cream and heat it to change the light whey cream or gel. If the skin there are new spots, replace your moisturizer for a light cream, or simply start to use them less often. Conversely, in the apparent dryness of the skin using a more intense moisturizer.
If you come at a time when the skin requires anti-aging, then choose for oily skin creams with lactic acid, antioxidants and antiradikalami. Just be sure to check that this cream has been marked as a cream for oily skin. Try to use together with the cream and other means (preferably from the same series). And if hygienic cosmetics does not help to solve problems with the skin, you may need to see a specialist (cosmetology, dermatology, endocrinology), or try skin care products.
With proper care and, most importantly, with the right choice of means, any imperfections can be corrected. Oily skin - it's not bad, just a few troublesome because such skin requires more care and more attention on your part. Stay beautiful! At any time, and in spite of everything.
We recommend that read: Moisturizer "Beautiful Skin" by Nivea
The beneficial properties of apples
Masks for normal skin types
Mask for oily skin types
Masks for dry skin type
Beauty is committed to the ideals of almost every woman. And on the altar of beauty we are ready to put everything - time, money. And in most cases, money is not small - one salon visit can cost as much as the average family spend on food per week. Yes, and a variety of cosmetic preparations also are not cheap, though their packaging tied with gold thread.
Of course, the beauty demands victims. However, whether the victim is always proportionate? Indeed, in the home, you can cook at least effective drugs, for example - the mask. Of what they do, you ask? For example, apples. After all, the most simple face mask from apples is able to greatly improve the skin condition.
The beneficial properties of apples
That's it about apples and will be discussed in this article. For apple - the fruit is not so simple as it seems at first glance. And this is due to the exceptional chemical composition of apples. Apples contain a large amount of nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements:
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Organic acids
Essential Oil
Masks apple cleanse the skin from keratinized particles soften, tone, help to improve the complexion. There is a lot of variety of face masks, and for all skin types - dry, normal, combination and oily.
Masks for normal skin types
You are lucky and you are the owner of a normal skin type? So you should pay attention to the following mask from apples that nourish, moisturize the skin and prevent premature aging:
Mask of apples and eggs
To prepare this mask, we need one ripe apple is medium in size and one egg. Apple grate and place in refrigerator for 10 minutes. At this time, thoroughly whisk one egg and add it to the pre-cooked applesauce. Once again all mix and the resulting mass Apply on the face and décolleté, leave on for 20 minutes.
Then rinse under running cold water, let dry out the skin and apply your usual moisturizer. Such a nourishing mask should be done at least twice a week. And your skin will shine with health.
Mask with apple and sour cream
To prepare this mask you will need one medium-sized sweet apple, 1 teaspoon of fat sour cream, 1 teaspoon of starch. Apple rub on a small grater and pass through a sieve. Continuously stirring malic mass, add the starch, and then the cream. Stir - you should get a homogeneous mass.
The resulting mass Apply on the face with a thin layer, leave on for 30 minutes. Then rinse with cool water, wipe the face with ice. The best way to do this mask before going to bed - it perfectly removes fatigue, improves skin tone of the face and, more importantly, prevents swelling of the face. Such a mask should be done at least three times a week.
Apple - vegetable masks
If you have dark spots or freckles, pay attention to the following mask. For its preparation you need half carrots, half a cucumber and an apple of medium size. All ingredients rub on a small grater, squeeze the juice gently using gauze cloth and apply on face with a thick layer.
Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cool water and apply your usual moisturizer. This mask can be done only once a week, because the fruit acids, which are found in large numbers in the mask affect the skin as chemical peels.
Refreshing and rejuvenating mask from apples
For mature skin, you can do the following mask for the preparation that you need one sour apple is medium in size and 50 ml. cream. Apple peel, grate on a fine grater. Boil the cream and add the apple pulp, boil for 2 minutes, then leave to infuse for one hour.
The resulting mass Apply on clean face and neck, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This mask can be done up to three times a week for one month. Next month's worth making a break.
Mask for oily skin types
Oily skin facial gives a woman a lot of trouble. However, the apple and there may well come to the rescue. Please note - to prepare masks for oily skin, it is desirable to use only sour apples.
Purifying Mask
One of the most effective masks for oily skin - malolactic mask. To prepare this mask of apples you will need a third of a teaspoon of lemon, half a medium-sized apple and a glass of milk. Milk bring to the boil, put in a pre-chopped apple and cook for about three minutes.
After that, cool slices of apple mash using a fork. The resulting slurry Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and rinse with a solution of lemon juice - a third of a teaspoon in half a glass of water. It is advisable to make such a mask every other day for two weeks. As a result, the skin color is improved at times, narrow pores, and inflammation virtually disappear.
Protein - apple mask
This mask is especially good if the skin enlarged pores are clearly visible. On a fine grater grate one apple peeled medium size, place in the refrigerator for a few minutes. At this time, beat the egg whites - you should have a thick dense mass. Mix it with applesauce and immediately apply a thick layer on the face.
Mask must leave at least an hour, then rinse with plenty of cool water and wipe the face with a slice of lemon. This mask should be done in a day, for one month. As a rule, the skin condition improves at times after the first week, and a month later the problems are not a trace remains.
Mask and apple horseradish
To prepare this mask out of the apple, you will need - in addition to the apple - 20 g of horseradish, one egg. Horseradish and apples grate on a fine grater, carefully whisk one egg and mix all ingredients. The resulting mass Apply on the face and neck, leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then wipe face with ice. The mask is very effectively cleans the skin, tightens enlarged pores. This mask can be made not more than three times a week.
Mask - peeling
This tool is very effectively cleans the problem skin, acting like scrubs. Prepared mask as follows: one tablespoon oatmeal pour a half cup of water, leave for two hours. Then press the flakes using a gauze cloth, rub on a fine grater half an apple is medium in size.
Applesauce and oatmeal mix, put on clean face. Leave on for 10 minutes, then gently rub the skin and rinse with cool water. Be sure to apply your usual moisturizer. Do not do this mask twice a week, so as not to damage the skin.
Masks for dry skin type
If the facial skin is dry, it needs nutrition and hydration. And for this purpose the mask from apples fit perfectly. The most popular are the following mask:
Honey - apple mask
To prepare this mask you will need one medium-sized apple, ½ teaspoon olive oil, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey every. In a glass container thoroughly mix all the above ingredients and leave to infuse for two hours.
Before going to bed to thoroughly cleansed face and neck, apply a thick layer mask, leave on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of warm water, apply a moisturizer. The skin becomes noticeably fresher, improves the complexion, stimulates blood circulation. It is recommended to make two such masks a week.
Mask with camphor and apple
Grate half of a small apple, add to it 1 chicken yolk and 1 teaspoon of camphor oil, 1 tablespoon of fat cottage cheese. All the ingredients mix well, leave to infuse for one hour. Then apply the mask on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the mask with warm water is necessary. It is recommended to do such a mask every other day for one month.
The mask of baked apple
Bake in the oven for a medium-sized apple, cool it. Mash it with a fork, add one tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of honey every. Immediately after preparation, apply the mask on the face and neck, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. This mask can be done three times a week /
Apple - carrot mask
Grate an apple small size, ½ carrot, mix in a plastic container, add a few tablespoons of fat-free yogurt. The resulting mass Apply to your face, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply any moisturizer. This mask can be done at least every day.
Apple - banana mask
Use this mask from apples is obvious - it hydrates even chapped skin. For its preparation you need one apple, banana and egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apple and banana puree state to crush, mix all the other ingredients. Apply the mask to your face, leave for 20 minutes.
Take these face masks from apples on a note, and very soon, make sure that the fairy tale about rejuvenating apples have the lion's share of the truth!