how to apply self-tanning


  • How to choose a bronzer
  • Proper application of self-tanning

The whole world is concerned about how to reduce the impact of UV rays on the skin. Unfortunately, direct sunlight, so tenderly caressing our body, are in your touch many dangers - it is not only the pigmentation and premature aging of the skin, and severe skin diseases (such as cancer of the skin). What to do, to give up the wonderful golden tan? Not at all. You do not need to go to tropical countries in order to then show off to your friends a winter tan. You will also not necessarily spend time on the solarium, giving a certain amount of money for the dubious pleasure to lie down (to stand) in close, stuffy box. All this can be replaced with a remarkable cosmetic - tanning.

Yes, you say, that's just the page you'll ever need a crowded scathing commentary about the fact that domestic and foreign stars of show business do not know how to put this very tan. That Lindsay Lohan came out from head to toe carrot color, Yulia Volkova again gone too far with tanning and looks twenty years older than his years. Well, if even the stars do not always know how to apply self-tanning, the where to us, mere mortals, for this thing take?

Well, there are mistakes each, and our task - to learn how to avoid them. That is why we dedicate this article how to properly put on a skin tanning. Learning to be a mulatto-chocolate three hundred sixty five days a year is not difficult, the main thing - to follow certain rules when choosing a bronzer and learn how to accurately use it (and let Lindsay Lohan for a couple of Yulia Volkova go crazy with envy!)

How to choose a bronzer

The correct choice of bronzer or self-tanning agents - is real science. The main condition is the right choice - it is wholly natural. After all, no one should imagine that an artificial tan, right? Stand in front of a mirror and try to put on the face of a drop bronzer different tones of the proposed store in the probe. One color that will look more natural, and have your best tone tan.

As a rule, well-chosen color bronzer only three or four shades darker than your natural skin color. As much as you may have dreamed to be like Natalia Oreiro, or Jennifer Lopez, do not overdo it with the colors of deep tan. For example, if you are a blue-eyed girl with white complexion, you will never choose a chocolate hue tanning, otherwise avoid ridicule over his unnatural view does not come out. So do not tempt fate and choose a bronzer is not on the pictures with beautiful tanned girls on the packaging, and in accordance with the tone of your skin.

So, if you have a very light skin, your choice - it's copper shades bronzers. Just do not overdo it with the amount of tanning, and then someone decides that you are eating too many carrots! If your skin is not bright or dark, and somewhere in the middle, then you should look at the golden bronzer. Well, if nature endowed you have dark skin, then you are in good conscience be able to choose any chocolate hue that will be three or four shades darker than your own skin.

Bronzers are sold as creams and powdery, the latter being much more popular. The fact that tanning powder is much easier to apply evenly, it looks more natural and gives the skin a radiant appearance. By understanding how to choose the right bronzer, will understand how to apply self-tanning.

 how to apply self-tanning on the body

Proper application of self-tanning

In order to apply self-tanning, we need:

  • The correct bronzer;
  • One big soft brush with rounded top for applying make-up (preferably natural fibers are best - sable);
  • A cotton pad or sponge.

The first and most important rule applying bronzer - your skin should be completely dry before the procedure. No fatty bases, no greasy shine - if you apply bronzer on a wet or oily skin, instead of even tan get dirty stripes across the face (or body). The unpleasant prospect, is not it? If you have very dry skin, prone to peeling, then all you can do - apply a moisturizer a very thin layer, let it soak, and only then to apply bronzer. If the skin is very oily, then put on her light layer of translucent powder, which "absorbs" a greasy isolation and moisture away from the skin surface. So you protect yourself from unpleasant prospects amuse people around you at the time of "the publication."

The golden rule of applying self-tanning - is moderation. Otherwise, you repeat the "exploits" Lindsay Lohan, Volkova and heaps of other celebrities do not cope with their own bronzer. Try to dial the tip of the brush quite a bit of powder, makes it easy rotating motion. If you feel that you took too much bronzer, then shake off any excess back into the powder compact, and best of the brush on a clean cloth.

Lightly apply bronzer in the middle of the forehead, gently spreading it toward the nose and cheeks. Touching the chin should be just a little bit, this bulging part of the face always looks a little darker than the rest of the background. Try to apply evenly the tone, creating a natural tan color - as if the sun had just kissed your cheeks. If the hand trembled, and you have done too thick layer of bronzer, do not despair: Try to save the day with a cotton pad or sponge - just blend tanning in this place.

Finally listen to a few useful tips.

  • If your face tanning, it is not necessary at this time to use eye shadow: still neat makeup fail. Particularly awful look reddish-copper shade, unpleasant shading golden tan or chocolate on your face;
  • Regularly wash your makeup brushes - they should always be in perfect condition and ready to go. For example, experienced makeup artists wash their brush in warm water with shampoo, rinsing them balm-conditioned;
  • Before you "go out" with bronzer on the face and body, be sure to look at myself in the mirror in sunlight. The fact that natural light exposes everything your mistakes and shortcomings of the application of self-tanning. You may need to wash off all makeup and apply it again.

It does not matter if you put tanning right the first time failed. But you have acquired some experience and know exactly what part of your face or body requires special care with bronzer. The main thing - the desire and patience, because if you have mastered the ability to properly apply the tan, bronzer is a long time will be the favorite type of your cosmetics.

 How to apply self-tanning: golden skin without any harm to health

 lashes after extension


  • Who can and who can not do this procedure
  • What to do after?
  • Recovery procedures
  • A few tips on care

Probably each of us is unhappy with their appearance. Someone small breasts or long nose, thin hair or overweight. Even the most compelling beauties are a number of disadvantages. However, thanks to the development of cosmetology, unsolvable problems does not exist today. The complexion can refresh with a mask or the imposition of foundation, short nails are longer in the hands of a master, artificial strands help "grow" magnificent hair, even sparse lashes - not a sentence. Do you want to solve this problem? Then do buildup. But before agreeing to the procedure, weigh all the "pros" and "cons", because that effect was really overwhelming need, firstly, to choose a good professional, and secondly, to care for artificial hairs in the future. Only in this case the event will be a success!

Who can and who can not do this procedure

To extended eyelashes are well kept and look beautiful, you find a great master. But sometimes even the most skilled specialist by doing the work of a hundred, you will not be able to guarantee long-term wearing of cilia. So in some cases it is better to abandon the procedure, so as not to waste neither time nor money.

It is believed that the adhesive which is used for building, is harmless to the mucous membranes of the eye. However, the resin included in it, some can cause allergies. To protect yourself from the appearance of inflammatory processes, ask your master to paste a couple of pieces of artificial eyelashes. Walk with them during the day, and if there will be no deviations, feel free to go to the salon.

Another contra - infectious diseases of the eye. In this case, the conduct of the procedure can only make the problem worse, so set it to full recovery. If you loose, weak ciliary bulbs, they can not stand the man-made fibers that drop out after two or three days, at best - for a week. You do not need "receding hairline" in his eyes? It is also better to abstain and women with an increased allocation of fat on the eyelids - lashes will not stick.

The exact answer to the question, is it safe to build, does not exist. It is absolutely individual: each body reacts in its own way as adhesives, and in themselves man-made fibers. Someone eyelashes subsequently remain the same as before, do not break and grow well, and some, on the contrary, become weaker. But - the beauty demands victims! Therefore, if you want to tame men only one eye, it is worth the risk. Consult with your friends, read reviews of stores and select the appropriate. Also, do not forget to watch the material certificates, which are used by beauticians in their work.

 After eyelash

What to do after?

So you have ventured into the procedure, everything went well, what's next? In order not to spoil the jewelry wizard, you need to know a few subtleties.

Eyelashes after the building in any case can not soak for two to three hours, and in the first two days you can not implement a steam bath. Only after the resin grabs, you can safely wash. By the way, that it does not dissolve, so that the effect last longer, do not use bold, thick creams.

You will have to get rid of the habit of rubbing his eyes. Now in the morning and evening, washing make-up can touch them. Otherwise, all efforts will go down the drain. It is also recommended to put the farthest corner of waterproof brasmatik: demakiyazhnye products contain a lot of fatty substances, as well as amino acids, which have a negative impact on the glue. From fluffy miracle in a few days will be over.

Accrued eyelashes look very impressive, so it is not necessary to use mascara. If you want to keep them as long as possible, it is better and does not do. Also, forget the curlers. Why do that if man-made fibers, and so curled up enough?

To remove eye makeup, use a gel cleanser or a special lotion. Avoid contact with the sea and chlorinated water - now it's your main enemies. To beautiful fluffy eyelashes please you for a long time, will have to forget the favorite position for sleeping - face to the pillow. Lie on your back or side, or the beauty of fly around like autumn leaves.

Recovery procedures

Accrued eyelashes can be worn for about three months. The main thing - time to make the correction (every two weeks), otherwise you run the risk of going to the beams sticking out in different directions. If you decide to return to the original appearance of eyelashes, in any case, do not remove the extensions themselves. This is done using a special tool - debonder. Of course, if you have, in consultation with his master, and read the instructions carefully, you can do it yourself. But better to trust a specialist: he with maximum accuracy, without any loss to the natural hairs remove artificial. You want to be as beautiful as ever?

No matter how secure any capacity, anyway after this natural lashes (as well as nails, hair) are not the same as before. During removal of the ends can break, causing lost height and density. But there is always! We will tell you about a few ways by which you can return to its former beauty.

It helps restore normal eyelashes castor oil, which is sold in every pharmacy. For four weeks every day (preferably at bedtime) on a cotton swab, apply a few drops and then rub into the roots of the hair massage movements. Then soak for about ten minutes and rinse. If you do not find such a tool, replace it with almond or olive oil, linseed oil or peach. You can even make a cocktail of three components - in a short time it will return the length and splendor. Also suitable fish oils: it should be used in the same manner as the aforementioned drugs. Along with such procedures is not superfluous to drink a course of vitamins (C, A, E, B). If you want to be beautiful and healthy, watch your diet. Eat milk, liver, sour cream, vegetables, eggs and fresh tomatoes.

Do not see the results, eyelashes continue to fall? Then try another method of treatment. To do this mixture: Put one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil and burdock, and the same number of razmelchёnnyh hips. Soak in a cool dark place for about ten days, and strain every day lubricate the roots of eyelashes. Use ordinary brush from the old carcasses, rinse it well, then drip a little finger treatment solution and apply it on the hair. Comb their way from the base to the ends on the upper eyelid, and after - at the bottom. Clean the brush with soap and water after each procedure.

There are other people's money, the use of which will return to its former beauty. For example, a decoction of nettles: take the dry grass, pour hot water and let it brew for a bit (about an hour). Then strain, cool and soaking cotton pads, apply them to the eyes. Also excellent curative effect of green tea: do the night lotion, brewing it for about ten minutes.

 beautiful eyelashes after extension

A few tips on care

Accrued eyelashes certainly look very impressive. However, if you decide at some time to take them off, to preserve its natural lashes, you need to perform a few simple rules.

During treatment, refrain from using mascara. And then always follow the shelf life of cosmetics, as overdue can contribute to hair loss, and so weakened hairs. If brasmatik dried up, do not dilute it with alcohol or other means. It is better to buy a new one.

Change your makeup: eyeliner once a year, eyeliner and mascara - once every six months, and the shadows - not less than twice per twelve months. And do not forget every evening before going to bed, wash off makeup special tool. And then apply the eyelashes vitamin cocktails. Following this simple rules will help you to stay charming and beautiful!

 Eyelashes after extension
