East - a delicate matter, but for us, with our Eurasian mentality understandable. So we have the same enthusiasm accept something entirely Western or come to us from exotic Asia. So all sorts of healing techniques, diet and exercises void sumnyashesya begin to try on: whether the new-fangled Nordic walking or a proven millennia Indian yoga.
Incidentally, it is yoga - one of the few affordable, effective and, most importantly, enjoyable ways to improve their health, lose weight, rejuvenate your body and find peace of mind. Here is a wonderful and miraculous it yoga - incomprehensible system of perfection of mind and body, to learn that it is possible even at home. Let us know on the basics of this eastern practice and how to start doing yoga.
The meaning of yoga
Among beginners to practice yoga at home a lot of those who are not entirely true imagine its true purpose. Yoga - it's not a sport, not a method to combat obesity and even methods of healing the body. Yoga - this is, above all, a philosophy, a different attitude to life, his body and his soul. The main purpose of yoga - to achieve by means of mental and physical practices the sublime state of mind and a healthy spirit, as you know, there can be only in a healthy body.
That is why yoga and help along the way to the spiritual perfection of the body and improve your own state of their own health. However, outside India itself (the homeland of yoga), it is associated with only one part of the doctrine, namely, the physical practice of hatha yoga. Even hatha yoga is largely underestimated begin to master the practice at home. It is believed that it is enough to learn a few asanas (postures), is proud to inform friends about her involved in this Indian scientist. However, Hatha Yoga is a not only exercises (those asanas) but also diet, breathing, meditation and ritual gestures. In general huts yoga is considered the first step, a preparatory step for the comprehension of all the teachings of yoga and achieve physical and mental harmony.
Benefits of Yoga
As we have said, a healthy mind can exist only in a healthy body: so say not only the Soviet propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, but also practiced yoga for centuries - the philosophy of physical and spiritual harmony. It is no coincidence physical and breathing exercises in yoga help to find the body of the ease and flexibility, and save us from many ailments. For example, hatha yoga lead to normal respiratory system, "treat" diseases of the lungs and bronchi. And yoga helps to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and headaches, strengthens blood vessels, joints and heart muscle, helps to cope with depression and obesity, and even (even!) Is recommended in the treatment of infertility caused by hormonal disorders.
One of the most important advantages - the lack of age restrictions. In addition, the benefit of yoga say it available (you can do at home), and any level of physical fitness. Do yoga (both at home and under the supervision of a coach) can absolutely everyone, not bedridden or wheelchair person. There are no standards, and only a full immersion into the process and awareness of each of their movement.
Rules for Beginners
Yoga - a kind of ritual, which can not violate. Therefore, for beginners to practice yoga at home, it is important to learn the basic rules:
No violence on the body
No distraction by extraneous sounds and actions
Regular classes
And, of course, the most important thing (repeat) - total immersion in the process. Therefore, beginning yoga, be prepared for what you'll need comfortable clothing that does not hinder movement, isolated room (the room in which you can close the door) or the ability to be alone and not be distracted by phone calls. Doing yoga is best barefoot and on an empty stomach, and to heighten the effect is still desirable to observe low-calorie vegetarian diet. From the equipment you need is a mat or small blanket.
If you are mentally prepared and have the opportunity to observe all of the above conditions, then nothing can stop doing yoga at home. And even if you have no special benefits or guide, you can simply master a set of exercises for beginners. Only this complex will be enough to improve your health, back muscles and joints flexibility and power to get rid of irritability and lose weight. And only then, feeling that you need to go further, you can safely move from novice category to the category of advanced yogis.
Basic Course
Having learned the basic rules, you can start practicing at home. For novice yogis enough to master a few basic asanas and regularly perform. Note that under the implied daily regularity, albeit short-lived occupation. This practice will bring more tangible results than you will engage in a long time, but only a couple of times a week. And one more rule that must be followed: the load on both sides of the body must be the same when performing asanas. If you have to make asymmetrical poses, you must first perform an exercise in one direction and then the other. Thus, the basic postures (asanas) of yoga included in a course for beginners.
Tadasana. Mountain Pose
Stand up straight and pull up his whole body. At the same time connected to the foot, pelvis and stomach in, feet straight. Arms down at the sides of the torso and slightly out to the sides, palms are straight, fingers extended. Shoulders back and lower, keep your back straight, and lift kits and keep parallel to the floor.
This asana has no contraindications. That it is necessary to begin with exercises at home as well as to complete this asana complex exercise. Tadasana posture corrects and compensates for the harmful effects of sedentary work on the spine and high-heeled shoes.
Namaste. Pose thanks
Starting position, as in the previous asana. Arms bent at the elbows, palms joined in front of chest and turned thumbs up (ritual gestures "wise"). Another option poses gratitude - United palm behind. This option is much more difficult, it turns out is not the first or even the second time. But, and the effect of this embodiment of this asana is much more tangible.
Urdhva. Pose with hands raised
Because of the situation in the mountain Pose (Tadasana) put your hands up and stretch as much as possible. Hold this position. Exercise operates on the principle stretches all the muscles of the body. But unlike the stretching here takes place, and the combined effect of a softer effect.
Utthita Trikonasana. Pose elongated triangle
Arrange the legs as wide as possible, without losing balance. Hands dissolve in hand and pull. Feet expand right, lean to the right side and take the right hand on the right knee. The left hand while pull vertically. The same thing happened with a slope to the left. The main condition for the correct posture of an elongated triangle - the maximum, but a pleasant stretching arms, legs, neck, and spine lateral muscles. Moreover, the body and limbs should be in the plane thereof.
Utthita recommended in osteochondrosis, poor mobility of joints, arthritis. It helps in the treatment of gastric and intestinal diseases, strengthens the obliques, the muscles of the legs and abdomen, promotes weight loss.
Virabhadrasana. The pose of a hero with a sword
First, your legs as widely as possible and pull to the side arm. Then put your hands up to the ceiling with his hands unfolded and connect them over the head. Left foot and torso expand to the right and bend your right leg at a right angle. Now you need to straighten your right leg and her right foot and expand. Hold this position for about a minute or two and repeat the asana with a turn in the opposite direction.
Virabhadrasana recommended for diseases of joints and spine. It improves lung function, promotes weight loss in the abdomen and waist. It strengthens the muscles of the whole body.
Mukha shvanasa. Pose dog
Asana is known in two versions - a dog with a lowered stance and posture of the dog snout to snout lifted. In fact, it resembles movement sip a dog, for which he was named.
Adho mukha shvanasa. Pose dog with lowered snout. Sit down on his haunches, putting feet on the width of the pelvis and lower the arms down and put his hands on the floor shoulder-width apart. At the same time between the hands and feet should be enough distance to be able to pull and straighten your back. Then lift your pelvis up toward the ceiling, straightening the legs and an emphasis on the toes and on the palms. Now, directing force in legs, try to put the heels on the floor, holding his torso and arms straightened and relax the stomach and neck.
Urdhva mukha shvanasana. Pose with a raised dog muzzle. Starting position, as in the previous asana. Drawing on his hands and the tips of the toes, lift your legs and torso off the floor, and head zaprokinte ago.
This asana is recommended for fatigue and headaches, for the treatment of pulmonary and gynecological diseases, as well as kidney disease and menstrual disorders. Corrects posture and helps with osteochondrosis.
Balasana. Pose child
Stand with your knees on the floor, then lower your buttocks to your heels. Now slowly put the body on the hips, arms outstretched. Hold this position for one minute or two. Balasana allows you to restore the balance and harmony of the body, relaxes the muscles of the back and squeezed her neck.
Vrikshasana. Tree Pose
Stand up, rest your heels on the floor, straighten your legs. Inhale and lift up, join hands and take away the most raised hands behind his head. For greater effect, bend one leg and place it on the thigh (the front part of the leg above the knee) opposite leg. Vrikshasana allows for graceful posture and strengthen the spine.
Dhanurasana. Pose onion
Lie on the floor face down. Take your hands back and cupped his ankle. Inhale and raise both the lower and upper body. Hold this position. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the stomach, makes a graceful hand and aligns the back.
Salamba Sarvangasana. Pose candles
To master this asana - one of the main tasks of novice yogis. Salamba Sarvangasanu called the mother of all asanas and consider it a beneficial effect on the body simply enormous. To do it, lie on your back, pull and strain your knees. Then exhale and pull your bent knees to the abdomen, thighs pressed tightly to the body. Take two breaths, lift your hips off the floor and prop up his hands bent at the elbows hands. Take two more breaths. Now lift your legs and body up, clutching his chest to the chin (legs bent at the knees). Two breaths - and legs straight up. Being in this position should be not less than five minutes, keeping the free breathing.
Sarvangasana is recommended for any diseases of the spine, nervous disorders, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, hemorrhoids, insomnia, bronchitis, diseases of the lungs and kidneys. This asana cures migraines, dizziness, gout, flat, gynecological diseases, rhinitis, tonsillitis, prostatitis, flat and chronic fatigue syndrome. Especially useful for the endocrine glands (gonads, thyroid, pancreas, thymus, adrenal, pituitary, pineal gland).
Important! You can not Pose candles during an exacerbation of any of these diseases.
Uttasana. Traction down
Take Pose mountains, then Pose with outstretched hands in the air, and then lean forward as much as possible without bending the knees and hands touch the floor. Hold this position for a minute or two, relax your head and neck.
Savasana Mritasana. Corpse pose
This asana concludes the cycle of yoga for beginners. It allows you to completely relax and disconnect from the external sounds and his own thoughts. Simple seems at first glance as to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles very hard, but with the first attempts impossible.
Lie on your back, hands, palms up, expand, move the heel and spread sideways socks, close your eyes. Try to relax completely. Try to purposefully relax muscles, starting with your toes and ending with eyes. Ideally, you should cease to feel your body, and even the pupils of the eye does not have to move. Breathe deeply at first, and then a surfactant. Keep this state and the state of fifteen to twenty minutes.
Savasana is Mritasana completing each lesson, it is recommended for menstrual disorders, headaches, stress, neurosis, heart disease and chronic fatigue. It has no contraindications.
The effectiveness of training
Opening your own club and doing yoga in your own home, you get yourself an instructor. Of course, the benefits, pictures and video - is a very good support. But how to understand what yoga is your right, and you're doing it, "how to" rather than "how it is". The main thing - listen to your body and understand their own feelings. If you do it right, it will be only pleasant sensations. The main thing - is to feel and to keep track of their feelings. If they are, then you're doing it right.
The fact that each asana forces to work certain muscles and organs, and launching its special mechanism for healing the body. So the first sensations (tingling, tension, heat, vibration) talk about the launch of this mechanism. If you start to feel your body, then woke up the muscles, involved in active work, and the first results did not take long to wait.
Very soon you will feel not only an improvement in well-being, but notice that passes melancholy, negative thoughts are replaced by optimistic mood, activity and awakens the desire to act. So go for it! Do not stop at the beginning of the road, because the road by just walking!