Everyone has long known that the human eye is the mirror of his soul. And that is the mirror was compelling and attractive, you must take good care of him. An essential decoration of our eyes are eyelashes. In order to achieve their maximum length and density, requires constant care for lashes.
To achieve luxury, captivating eyes will daily care of the skin of eyelids and eyelashes. The best time to take care of eyelashes - before going to bed, after eye makeup is completely removed.
The structure of the lashes are identical to the hair, so for their health, the strengthening and growth requires the same vitamins that hair:
Vitamin A - is useful for eyelid skin, and for the growth of eyelashes;
Vitamin E - to nourish and strengthen lashes.
Ready vitamin complexes for the care of eyelashes can be purchased at any pharmacy, in the form of tablets or capsules.
How to care for eyelashes?
Caring for eyelashes involves removing makeup everyday before going to bed. It is best not to wash with plain water, and special lotions or foams, to avoid irritation and dry skin century. After removing the make-up of special agents, you need to rinse your face with warm water and blot with a towel. Then wipe the eyelids with a cotton pad dampened with a weak solution of brewed black tea, it helps strengthen them.
Even before going to sleep can be applied on the eyelids special care cream and serum. Before buying these cosmetic products be sure to check their composition, in which there should be no animal ingredients. The composition of serum and cream components should be vegetable oils and vitamin complexes.
Regular care of the eyelashes in the home does not require you to titanic efforts, but it will help keep the cilia healthy and beautiful. To make your lashes will always look attractive, you need to comb their special brush or a well-washed mascara brush from the soaked olive or castor oil. This procedure should be prodelyvat 2 times a day: in the morning and evening. Such combing eyelashes will improve their growth.
For gentle care of eyelashes, use ink, which consists of vitamins and nutrients. Not stingy and buy for yourself a more expensive mascara to later regret not harm your eyelashes, using cheap cosmetics. Keep in mind as well, and that one tube of mascara can be used no more than 4 months. A subsequent application may cause skin irritation or damage to eyes.
In the care of the eyelashes significant and very helpful are the various oils:
buckthorn - improves the structure of the eyelashes;
Dog rose - to give shine and silkiness;
Castor - prevent loss of eyelashes;
Almond - stimulates the growth of eyelashes;
burdock - strengthens eyelashes;
peach - contributes to the restoration;
Rose - slows down aging and relieves irritation of the skin with age;
flaxseed - to increase the density;
grape seed oil - to nourish and strengthen.
Any of these oils is applied to the lashes with a clean brush from the carcass, and every day for a month. It can be applied alone or by combining them with each other. As a result of this policy, the damaged cilia recover disappear loss and improve the growth of eyelashes. Good effect on the growth of eyelashes Vaseline, which can be applied on the eyelids with a cotton swab before bed 2-3 times a week.
Folk remedies for the care of eyelashes
It implies care eyelashes folk remedies such as infusions and decoctions of various herbs.
A decoction of chamomile
2 tablespoons chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water. Put the resulting solution in a water bath for 10 minutes. After that, cool, strain and mix with 1 liter of cold boiled water. Broth is necessary to wash the face and the eyes to relieve tension and fatigue.
Insist cornflower
2-3 tablespoons cornflower pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 3-4 hours, then drain. This infusion rubbed his eyes after washing to relieve irritation.
Tincture of calendula
3 tablespoons of calendula flowers pour 1, 5 cups of boiling water. Insist during the day. This tincture relieve tension from the eyes and remove the remnants of dust.
On the basis of these decoctions and infusions are done relaxing compresses. Cotton pads, soaked in a herbal infusion and put on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. This will help relieve fatigue from his eyes and strengthen lashes. Compresses best done 2 times a week.
Good care of eyelashes can be provided with special masks.
Mask with parsley
1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil mixed with 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 2 teaspoons chopped parsley. Apply the mask to light massage and leave on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
With this mask, you can improve and eyelids, and eyelashes.
Potato mask
2 teaspoons potato juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Saturate cotton balls with the mixture and put on eyes for 10 minutes. After the procedure, wash your eyes with warm water.
This mask will help to make eyelashes thicker.
Rum mask
1 teaspoon of rum mixed with 1 teaspoon of castor oil, slightly warmed. Apply the mixture on the eyelids and leave for 1 hour, then remove the remains of a napkin.
This mask is used to increase the density of the eyelashes.
Mask blefarogelem
½ teaspoon blefarogelya 1 (this gel can be purchased at the pharmacy) mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive or almond oil. Apply to the eyelids for 30 minutes, then remove the remnants of the mixture with a napkin.
This mask is well strengthens eyelashes and skin care age.
Regular grooming her eyelashes, you can achieve a natural long, thick eyelashes and shiny, saturated colors without the use of capacity.
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Find the perfect shape
As a self-plucked eyebrows
Ugly, groomed eyebrows able to spoil the most exquisite makeup. Well-groomed eyebrows make a neat, well-chosen palette makeup make eyes more expressive. To give the necessary kind of eyebrows, you need to choose the right their shape. Many women, especially young girls, are often asked how to pluck eyebrows. It may be advisable for the first time to do it in a beauty salon. A professional stylist will help you find the right shape that is suitable to your type of person who will advise how to fix minor bugs appearance by correcting eyebrows vyschiplet their quality. After correction plucking eyebrows by using sight becomes more vivid, open, and his face takes on a particular expression and charm. Then, in the future you will simply follow the shape of the eyebrows, occasionally self-plucking hairs grow back.
But you can also do on their own and do not go to the salon. It is enough to know how to properly and carefully plucked eyebrows in accordance with its type of person. His image can be improved just in front of the mirror, sitting at a favorite dressing table.
If you are going to do it at home, it is important to choose the right tool. In order to properly and beautifully plucked eyebrows, you must take the tweezers with bevelled edges. Moreover, it should be disinfected so as not to carry infection. Also proper plucking eyebrows involves subsequent treatment of skin lotion relieves inflammation.
Note that to perform these procedures need to applying makeup. Every woman knows how to pluck eyebrows knows that otherwise it "earns" skin irritation.
In principle, this science is not complicated. You just need to know some of the nuances and explore the different tricks of the case. Of course, you first need to determine the shape of the eyebrows. But this is something for beginners and is an impossible task. But do not despair. In fact, nothing complicated about it. Little practice, you'll know exactly how to pluck eyebrows, can do it with no problem.
Now let's move on to the finer points on which we should focus.
Find the perfect shape
Using a small correction of eyebrows can be a matter of seconds to get dramatic results. The main thing - the right to determine your type of person. And then you can begin to correct their appearance, plucked eyebrows desired shape. In the examples of celebrities we consider different forms of the face and eyebrows that are perfect for them.
Square face, for example, can be mitigated, if properly and carefully pull out his eyebrows to make them slightly rounded. Megan Fox - that is a living example of this option. Such eyebrows make the face more rounded, slightly sexy. If you outline the nature of such a person, but his eyebrows straight or tapered, get them corrected. Comb your eyebrow top to bottom and walk tweezers on its upper part. Then comb it from the bottom up and remove the now on the bottom of the excess hair. If the eyebrows of the nature of the round, you have to just once a week to pull out the hairs grow back, to maintain their ideal shape. The error for this face shape is to pull clear direct line of the eyebrows. It will weight the lower part of the face.
Oval, slightly elongated face with the soft lines of the cheeks and lower jaw. For such shapes most sexual be sufficiently long eyebrows, the ends of which slightly lowered. A good example would be for you in this case the person Emily Blunt. To properly set the length, grab a pencil or a ruler and draw an imaginary line from the wing of the nose through the outermost point of the eye to the eyebrow. If you own eyebrows in short, extend it with a pencil, which is a shade lighter than the color of the hair. When a dark color eyebrow pencil will look unnatural. If they are too long, you need to pull out the hairs outside the ideal form and then powder is a place to hide redness. For women with this form of the person can not be done carefully traced his eyebrows with a break - they visually lengthen the face.
If you have a heart-shaped face, like Ali Larter, where the width of the cheeks and forehead are almost identical, and pointed chin pronounced, the best for you to become thick and short eyebrows. They promote a balance between the upper and lower part of the face. Eyebrows should not be too wide, but thick to offset the pointed chin. Line eyebrow should end above the outer corner of your eye, you just need to pull out excess hair on the nose and on the ends. If eyebrows are very thick, zacheshite hairs up and scissors trim the ends thereof. Then comb the eyebrows through the growth of the hair and apply a clear gel - then they will be more neat appearance.
A round face, the width of the face is almost equal to its length, and a rounded chin and gentle, like Jennifer Goodwin. The ideal form of eyebrows - clearly defined, arched. In this case, the person will look the more well-groomed, the higher the angle of the eyebrows. At the same time they break should be just above the outer edge of the iris. From here to the end of the need to perform plucking eyebrows, the hair is not will fall to resemble something like a tick or inverted V. If the eyebrows straight from nature, they need to comb upwards to the middle, and put under the eyebrow white shadow - due to the fact that they attract the Light, will produce a visually attractive arc.
As a self-plucked eyebrows
Having defined the form, you can begin to lead his eyebrows in order. Before plucking apply to the skin around them a little eye cream and leave it for ten minutes. After that cotton pad to remove the remains of cream and rub the skin with an alcohol lotion. Then, a special brush comb the eyebrows and Draw their outline. Use a pencil contrast. Now, grasping hairs close to the top, pull on their sharp movement in the direction of growth. To lower the skin is injured, lightly hold it second hand. Plucking the hairs one by one, do not try to speed up the process, capturing several at once - it may injure skin. After finishing the procedure, disinfect inflamed skin lotion, and then apply a soothing cream.
Now that you know how to determine the shape of the eyebrows and understand how the process of plucking, you can try yourself to give your eyebrows the desired shape in accordance with all the rules and their own taste. Get shred of patience, and you will be satisfied with your new image.
Knowing how to pluck her eyebrows, you can change to create new images and to be always in a good unpredictable. So we advise to pay due attention to the advice given above - they work.