Everyone loses every day from 40 to 100 hairs. On average, each hair lives of 3 to 7 years, and 90% of them are actively growing, and the remaining 10% of the growth process is slowed down. If these hairs are dormant for longer than six months, they begin to actively falling. Typically, the age structure of the follicle becomes weaker - this provokes strong brittle hair, dry them, and increased loss even baldness. A good shampoo for hair loss can help solve the problem, but initially you need to understand why it is a loss of hair.
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Possible causes of hair loss
Perhaps this guilty damaged scalp, or constant stress. Taking certain medications also affect the condition of hair. Other causes, provokes problems can be:
hormonal problems (eg after childbirth);
disorders of the nervous system;
permanent coloring, perming or frequent blow-drying;
head trauma;
fungal, bacterial infections;
certain autoimmune diseases;
unbalanced diet;
the wrong hair, pinch locks.
If you notice that you have been actively losing his hair, the first thing is to visit a doctor who will help establish why this is happening.
You may have to pass some tests to assess the health status. If the main problem lies in the serious violations to the body, even the most effective cosmetics will not help you.
Causes of hair loss may be some external factors, such as the burning sun in summer and winter - over-dried air and a cold wind. At such times, you need to additionally protect the hair with special oils, sprays and serums and, of course, to the maximum filling your diet useful products.
Another important factor is how you use shampoo. The modern market offers a huge range of products, to strengthen the hair. But not everyone knows how to choose such funds, and rely only on the colorful advertising appeals. Let's see what you should pay attention to, acquiring strengthening shampoos.
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Tips for choosing a shampoo
Almost all the women, choosing shampoo, pay attention to a pleasant smell and a nice package; but these indicators do not affect the product quality. Many manufacturers add in the caring means exotic ingredients, but even they can not guarantee a good result. Density of shampoo, the color - all this also plays no role. As a rule, a pleasant smell, color and consistency - are qualities that only increase the attractiveness of shampoo. To judge them on the effectiveness of the product is not worth it.
It is considered that a good shampoo - is one that gives a lot of foam. The commercials often seen huge hats on their heads foam models - is nothing more than a simple cosmetic overruns, which produces this effect. Depending on the composition of the foaming shampoo can more or less, but its quality is not connected.
The primary objective of shampoo - cleansing the scalp and wash the hair. Therefore, the main component of which is included in the composition of such cosmetics - a detergent having good detergency. This ingredient is also called a surfactant (abbreviated - SAW). The label, which lists the composition, it is usually indicated in the beginning.
The composition of surfactants include components that encapsulate the strands on the excess grease and dirt, and then rinsed off with water. When combined with water and air cause the appearance of dense detergent foam. From as far as quality and quantity of surfactants which are included in the shampoo composition, and its effectiveness depends. For example, the means for greasy hair type surfactants concentration is much higher than those intended for dry.
In addition, there are shampoos and synthetic detergents - they are called surfactants. Today, most use synthetic detergents following:
ammonium lauryl sulfate;
ammonium laureth sulfate;
sodium lauryl sulfate;
Sodium laureth sulfate;
TEA lauryl sulfate;
TEA laureth sulfate.
In the vast majority of modern products use only the first two kinds of surfactants. They are very cheap, have excellent detergent properties, quickly washed away from the hair. Their main drawback - the stiffness. Dermatologists do not recommend the use of funds, which is composed of similar components. Of course, it is beneficial for the producer, but the skin of the head of these shampoos can be seriously affected. Hair break, dried, and the epidermis is inflamed - it provokes an even greater loss.
Those manufacturers that their products are not to save, use the last three surfactant. These shampoos can be used even to those whose hair is very damaged and dried. This also applies to additives that enhance the quality and properties of consumer products - dyes, fragrances, nacreous fillers and viscosity regulators. Respectable manufacturers along with preservatives are added to produce a complex of vitamins, special infusions, extracts and extracts - all of which help to minimize the harm caused by preservatives. Most useful hair vitamins A and B group and PP. They accelerate hair growth, strengthen and restore the structure.
When choosing a shampoo, pay attention to whether it includes the composition of vegetable oils - the more of them the better. Castor, Lopukhov (burdock) oil, extracts of avocado, coconut and jojoba - that's what makes the hair look great. These natural ingredients envelop each hair, as if locking them in the water. This prevents drying and brittle locks. Accordingly, normal and growth.
Therefore, when buying shampoo, always pay attention to his label, wherein said composition.
Please rate how much chemical ingredients, plant extracts and vitamins it includes. It is from this and depends on how effective your hair will be one or the other product. If in addition to preservatives in the composition of the shampoo did not, and purchase such goods do not need to.
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Shampoos Homemade
You can cook strengthening shampoo houses - for this you need simple products that are always at hand. For example, you can make an egg shampoo. Just take a few egg yolks - they just need to rub into wet hair. For greater effect, leave the mixture on the curls for five minutes, then rinse.
Excellent restores hair and shampoo nettle home. Take 100 g of fresh nettle (can be dry) and fill with cold water - just one liter. This also add half a liter of vinegar. Mix. Boil the mass is about 30 minutes, then strain. A couple of glasses of the mixture into a container, add water and wash your hair the resulting compositions.
It strengthens the hair structure and rye bread that is necessary to grind with the water until a homogeneous mass. The resulting rub shampoo into the hair, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. You can adopt and another great recipe - based on herbs. Prepare calendula flowers, birch leaves, burdock root and hop cones, mix. 50 g of the resulting mass pour hot beer, let stand a few minutes, and then wash your hair safely.
If the scalp is quickly becoming fat, it is recommended to prepare a home-birch shampoo, which you need to fill in birch buds with hot water and wait 20 minutes until the mixture infusions. Apply for a month. Or try to use the original recipe - pomegranate shampoo. For its preparation 100 g of pomegranate peel takes 15 minutes to boil a liter of water.
Finally, one of the most effective shampoos - Kefir. Instead of yogurt or yogurt can be used a simple sour milk. It should be abundantly lubricate the hair and wrap them with polyethylene, over which roll up a towel warmer. After 30 minutes, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, then for rich curls shine rinse solution with diluted vinegar or lemon juice.
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Folk remedies for hair rinse
Designed to cope with hair loss healing broth nettle nettle combined with mother and stepmother, which is used for rinsing the head. To do this, every three tablespoons herb pour a liter of boiling water and insist hour. Then filtered. Before you rinse your hair, you need to wash their tar soap or egg yolk.
With hair loss admirably broth made from nettle leaves. This recipe is suitable when excessive sebum and dandruff in the presence (in conjunction with hair loss). Rub a tincture of nettle leaves (about 1 large spoon) into the scalp once a week. To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for half an hour.
Do not despair if you have hair began to fall. The correct Shampoo, conditioners are good, competent care, a balanced diet, stress and lack of good sleep - those components that affect the health and beauty of hair. And it is healthy hair is the most luxurious decoration for any woman!