Who does not dream of a luxurious thick hair? Beautiful hair - jewelry for women of all ages!
Shiny healthy tresses - a sign of health and good living. Surely a woman who is too lazy to care for themselves, can not boast of such a magnificent gift as thick hair. This is because the holders of the magnificent waterfall shiny hair regularly and take care of them every day. But what to do when her hair began to lose its former beauty and, moreover, began to drop? How to stop hair loss? After all, this problem faced by even the most diligent fashionista, caring daily for her priceless beauty.
Increasing the amount of hair on the comb should be a signal for a change in lifestyle: good nutrition, proper rest, a positive attitude. Along with these actions, the need for mandatory visits to the therapist and trihologu - a specialist in the treatment of hair.
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Causes of hair loss
To stop and prevent hair loss, should identify their causes. A precedent of this event can serve a number of factors:
Health status. Before topical treatment of the scalp, it is necessary for a complete examination of the body and determine the cause of the "inside". To do this we need to write to a local physician, who will issue a referral to the passage of the necessary tests. Basically, hair loss is due to:
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, goiter, etc .;
Problems with the endocrine system: thyroid disease;
hormonal failures: as a result of disruption in the body, as well as after the adoption of hormones;
Timely detection of disease can quickly restore full operation of the entire body and get rid of hair loss problem.
Pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy, there is a serious women's hormonal changes. Maternal body gives the maximum amount of nutrients your child that can be expressed in anemia, general weakness and hair loss of the mother.
However, this problem is not a serious threat. Often in pregnant women, on the contrary, there has been improvement in the hair as a result of intense hormone production and accumulation of useful minerals. In addition, this case is only temporary. And if a few years after the birth hair is still falling out rapidly, so the cause is more serious.
The cause of hair loss and even baldness in women can be a fungal disease of the scalp, such as seborrhea. Seborrhea - a disease of the scalp, which can cause baldness in both men and women. When symptoms must first consult a dermatologist. Therapeutic agents in this case are the vitamins A, E, B1, sulfur preparations, iron, riboflavin. External treatment is to wash the head of special shampoos containing ketoconazole.
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How to stop hair loss in women
Lack of vitamins, especially in autumn and winter, is reflected not only on the state of the hair, but also on health in general. To fill the necessary nutrients in the food we must eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as additional vitamin complexes.
Loss problem becomes unhealthy diet and diet
. Often, in the pursuit of fashionable women's standards body, owner of magnificent forms are ready at any cost to become slim. However, rapid weight loss - it is destructive and dangerous process is stressful for the whole organism! The rapid withdrawal of kilograms can lead to a sharp loss of hair, bad skin and many illnesses in women.
Lose weight must be properly and only under medical supervision. Do not forget that fat is necessary for the body of women, since they are produced using female hormones and shine also depends on sufficient fat. The best and the right diet - a rejection or a maximum reduction of smoked, fried, spicy, salt, flour, and high-carbon products. Seafood, nuts, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs - the guarantee of health and beauty of shiny curls!
Stress - a major cause not only loss of shining curls, but virtually all human diseases. The causes of stress may be excessive physical and mental overload, lack of sleep, feelings. To avoid this, you need to learn how to organize their time, time to go to sleep, get enough rest, and it is easier to perceive complex situations.
Every problem - it is only a figment of our imagination, and it is serious in so far as we perceive it. A positive attitude towards life - that's the key to being happy! A positive attitude will help to create meditative music, exercise, favorite book, positive thinking.
Hair loss can be caused by frequent experiments with hair: part painting, the use of hair dryers and alkaline shampoo, braids, dreadlocks, hair extensions, cheat on curlers, perm. A sharp change in temperature through the fen, ploek, ironing very detrimental to the curls. Of course, the beauty demands victims, but that does not mean that we have to "donate" hair. Mechanical effects should not be systematic. Manipulation of the hair must be combined with regular health cures in the form of masks, medicated shampoos, scalp massage.
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Folk remedies to strengthen scalp
There are many recipes firming masks, which can be easily made at home.
The egg is one of the basic elements that are used in medical and health purposes instead of shampoo. On the basis of such a valuable ingredient can be prepared at home this composition:
1 egg;
1 tbsp. Spoon the ridge;
1 tbsp. spoon insoluble coffee.
1st. teaspoon of honey
All components should be mixed until a homogeneous slurry and put on freshly washed hair. His head wrapped in cellophane top hat and cover with a towel. Keep need from 30 minutes to 2 hours (the effect of increasing the duration of exposure). Such nutrients saturate the scalp with essential trace elements, which provokes the strengthening and growth of hair.
This mask is very good for brunettes. Since, thanks to coffee, hair get a great coffee shade. For owners of the bright head of hair instead of coffee, you can add 1 tbsp. spoonful of yogurt or lemon juice. These products are well nourished scalp, improve blood circulation and lighten hair color.
Well fortified and promote hair growth masks based on mustard, tincture of red peppers, onions. Mask of mustard prepared as follows:
1 egg yolk;
1 tbsp. Spoon yogurt;
0, 5 ch.lozhek dry mustard
These components are mixed and applied to hair. Keep the mask for at least 30 minutes under a warm hood, and then rinse with water. In the end, you can rinse with water with apple cider vinegar. This mask is good that mustard is a slight burning sensation of the head, which promotes a rush of blood to the skin. The effect is amplified if the procedure combined with a scalp massage.
Mask of onion juice is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice mixed with 0, 5 teaspoon of decoction of burdock root and 1 teaspoon of vodka. This mixture should be vigorously rubbed into the scalp. His head wrapped in a warming cap and leave for an hour. Rinse with warm water, rinsed at the end with water and vinegar.
A good result is given and shampoos for hair loss. The main thing - not to be mistaken in their choice: to buy only licensed products and only at the pharmacy. It should guard against counterfeiting.
Healthy hair - a priceless gift that nature has given us. Nothing is as attractive and beautiful as natural beauty. Careful and daily care of your tresses will make a unique image of women!
Hairstyles with braids for long hair
How to choose the type of spit to the face shape
The final touches on weaving braids long hair
All we ever heard of the fair sex, they take pride in their hair and on the proposal to change the long hair to a short cut almost all as one, refuses. In arguing its negative attitude to the shortening of the hair is very simple and understandable word "sorry." And rightly so, on the one hand. Recall, for example, as the girls went to Russia. They braided their beautiful gorgeous long hair in a thick braid.
And the nicer and thicker was the Xhosa, the enviable became a bride. That is important for the matchmakers had spit in ancient Russia and, in particular, of course, for women, we all see in Russian folklore. For example, an episode of the fairy tale "Jack Frost", picturized Alexander Rowe in which the stepmother tries to marry his own daughter Marfushka, tying her fake, bought at the fair plait.
Like it or not, as long braid hair for girls is a real gem, but they need to clean up properly, at least in the same way kosopleteniya. But fashionistas do not be afraid that they will grow old scythe, because hairdos, the main element of which is Xhosa, now at the peak of popularity.
Moreover, Xhosa, as no other hairstyle can remove the hair so that the owners of long hair will be the most comfortable in any season and in any weather.
And the stylish braids can be used as the ladies in their daily lives, and as evening or festive hairstyle. Modern designers, stylists and barbers offer a huge variety of the ways in which it is possible even at home braid braids long hair.
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Hairstyles with braids for long hair
How to weave braid?
Let us start weaving braids long hair into a classic example of the spit. Weaving a braid does not require special skills, as it is one of the most simple braid that trailed ever in the history of hairdressing. In order to simplify your task, you need to carefully prepare their beautiful hair this procedure. The first thing to do - is to carefully comb the hair over the entire length, then smooth them with a brush and, if you are dealing with a particularly unruly hair, which have a habit of fluffs, treat them any means for styling hair, such as mousse or gel . At your discretion. This training is required before hair braiding absolutely all types of braids and dreadlocks.
We continue to talk about the classic spit. To create this hairstyle will need to evenly divide the hair into three strands. Next steps are very simple and familiar to every girl, and maybe the boy if he had a sister, since childhood. The algorithm is as follows: the leftmost strand take your left hand and jumped on average, which is comfortable to hold in your right hand. Then it takes a central place already left strand and have it snapped a lock, located on the right. Repeat this procedure right up to the moment when the hair is braided along the entire length.
The end of the resulting anchoring elastic braids, hair clips or tape. By the way, if the algorithm weave classical braid knows almost everyone, is that it is also called "English" oblique, known only to a few. So, in England appreciate classical canons in all, as well as minimalism and lightness. Lovers of all things simple, slightly changing the initial phase of this hair, offered the world to weave classical braid of 4, 5, 6 or even 8 primary strands.
French braids
A slightly more complicated technique of weaving different French braids. All hair are on top, you must distribute into three parts and to start throwing alternately left and right through the middle strand, as described in the embodiment of the classical woven braids. However, after every two throwing to the right and left strands need to add a little free with the corresponding side of the hair. And so on until such time as the loose hair will not end. Fix the finished French braid hairpin. French braid braiding suggests some options for creative individuals, such as the weaving of braids on the right or left side of the head or weaving baskets or rim.
Beautiful African braids
In addition to African braids braid itself, must be approached very responsibly. For details hairstyles suitable for those girls and women, whose inner world is so bright appearance corresponds to its manifestation as African braids on her head. They braided a classical way or spirals. The main condition for which you get a really nice pigtails - a uniform distribution of the total volume of hair is not less than 100 parts. This is quite a good idea, if you distribute them in half, on either side of the parting. An important advantage of this hairstyle is that it can be worn for three months and it is unlikely to get bored with time to as braids can be collected in a bun or ponytail.
Dutch braid, braid or inside
A variation on the three-dimensional braid long hair can successfully become a Dutch braid, also known as inverted or oblique inside. The thing is that the basis is taken scheme of weaving the French braid, but the highlight here is that the side strands need not throw in the central and slip under it, twisting turns each of the three strands out.
Greek Spit
Greek or openwork, braids involve more complex weaving technology. So few people get make nice and neat Greek plait themselves. Indeed, it is better to go to the master, he did not make the big work. But at the same time I want to try myself in this art. To do this, carefully study schemes that offer stylists. Please do middle and weave classical braid usual, throwing two of which, on both sides, separate the strands and podpletaem her back in a braid on one side only, and then continue for two throwing strands weave usual, the English braid.
Then again separated, and then add the strand with the same hand with which we have already added it. And so to the end of pigtails. Like any other braid, braids can be beautiful Greek braid diagonally, or make a couple of braids on either side of the parting. What can you do with all other types of braid long hair.
The fish tail or braid-herringbone
The name of this braid was due to the similarity to a fish tail or ornament "Christmas tree." Technique of weaving it is quite simple: the hair must be divided into two equal parts, of which in turn need to take a small number of strands. They, in turn, transferred at each other until all the hair is not will be woven into a braid. Thus, you can braid not one but two beautiful and very light in performing delicate braids.
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How to choose the type of spit to the face shape
Most were lucky with the choice, to be honest, the owner of an oval face. Since this form is unique in that suit all types of hair braids and packings. They do not have anything to limit myself and just choose a favorite option braids.
Owners of long hair and a round face shape, experts advise to give preference to French braids, which are beginning to weave a little above the crown and finish better than small tail, fixed rubber band or hair barrette. No less impressive it will look pigtail ending knot. Kos with the exotic name of "dragon" is well suited to girls, face shape which resembles a square. It is recommended to begin to weave across the head, and then gradually returns to normal classical weaving. This form is ideally smoothes rough facial features and makes the lines more soft and smooth. Moreover, the braid may be only thin braids face contour, hair and the other, in this case, is left loose.
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The final touches on weaving braids long hair
Modern hairstyle, the main element of which is Xhosa, do not imply a thorough licking and straightening each strand.
A more stylish and interesting will look slightly disheveled, somewhat casually gathered in a braid hairstyle.
Not interwoven strands if accidentally dropped out of braids, your looks will add more life and, of course, the amount of color. Do not forget about accessories, which successfully complement the final image of the hair and give your image the desired hue.
For example, woven into a braid satin ribbon adds its possessor softness and tenderness. A skilled stylist can just decorate the hair, braiding a variety of delicate braids all over the head, that the need for accessories may disappear altogether.