Almost all women are dissatisfied with the natural color of your hair - at least it seems to them quite dull. But now it is no longer a problem, because there are so many different cosmetic products that help our tresses look more impressive and attractive. Including this means for changing their colors.
All the cosmetics for hair coloring can be divided into two main groups: the proof paints and unstable tint means. The first are highly efficient and help to dramatically change the color of hair, whereas tinting colorants affect the curls more gently without destroying their structure. Adopt unstable dyes may be even several times a month - you can do your own hair tinting at home, changing the color of their curls and not causing harm. On what are tint tools and how to do shading, and will be discussed in this article.
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Features tinting agents
First of all, it should be said that any tint means do not interact with the internal structure of the hair - they affect only the outer shell. Every time during shampooing such dye is gradually washed away, so no boundaries between colored and regrown strands will not see; and thus locks will always be shiny and have a nice color. It is also important that in the modern tint products includes a number of nutrients and caring components that provide a healthy head of hair and a beautiful view, moisturizing and nourishing every hair.
However, these tools have some drawbacks, chief among them - the low resistance. They keep the hair no more than three weeks - for those people who frequently wash your hair, it's not very convenient, because they will have to tint your hair every two weeks. On the other hand, it allows you to experiment, creating new images. Many girls use tools and dubbing in order to make sure whether they fit one or another color, and if the chosen color is good, become resistant paint with the same hue.
Importantly, unstable dyes allow to paint hair in colors that are close to the "native" or a little darker than his; give the head of hair a lighter shade does not work, but you can achieve the effect of slightly burnt hair that does not look less attractive.
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Toning hair yourself
Now it's time to talk about how to carry out hair tinting. This can be done using special bezammiachnymi paint toning shampoos and some health toning complexes. The structure of health resources include special components that make it possible not just to paint the hair, but also feeds them, filling in vitamins and beneficial trace elements. As a result, the curls become more smooth and shiny, and damage, breakage and dryness is not a trace remains.
The process of rendering a home is not particularly difficult. To conduct dyeing need high fat cream and gloves - it protects the skin from coloring pigments. The cream is applied to the neck, forehead and ears. Before you paint the hair, they need to wash and dry a little bit, and then painting will be more effective.
In the case of hair tinting paint bezammiachnoy it carried out just as in the simple staining.
Be sure to read the instructions that came with your cosmetic products!
Each painting is unique and requires compliance with specific requirements: some tonics should be applied more dense layer, and some must be kept on the hair longer. Apply the product evenly on the hair - tint paint should cover the entire length of hair. It is best to distribute funds through his hair with a comb, which in any case should not be metal.
It is not necessary to paint all of the hair; You can change the color of some strands - it will look no less stylish. Once the agent is applied to the hair, you need a good massage head, stuck firmly to remedy. Then, after the allotted time, the paint washed off with regular shampoo. That's all there is - your hair is painted!
When tinting using the shampoo process is carried out in several stages. First you need to wash your hair. Then apply on the hair coloring shampoo, spread it evenly over the curls and leave for a few minutes. Duration of treatment toning can be different - it all depends on how bright and saturated color you wish to receive. Acquired color will gradually washed off, so you do not need to worry because regrown roots - as we have said, the difference will not be noticeable. you can experiment and used for staining several shades. However, taking more than three colors is not recommended, otherwise the hair will look unnatural.
If you apply for toning toning mousse or foam, they should be applied to slightly damp hair. The peculiarity of mousses and foams is that they are much easier to apply and get a brighter shade. Recently appeared on the shelves and special coloring sprays that change hair color in just a few minutes and does not require rinsing.
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What shade to choose?
The girls, who by the nature of light hair color, can make it more saturated, bright and shining. For example, Light Brown or ashen hair can give a beautiful chocolate brown or shade. No less advantageous to the blond hair looking soft honey color, but red or purple will go to those who have dark brown or chestnut color. Girls whose tresses light brown color, very lucky - they can safely experiment with your hair, lighten them or making darker.
Tinted dark hair as possible, but only if you pre-lighten individual ringlets. If you add to its natural color a few dark locks, the discoloration is not useful - would be enough to choose one or two shades that are similar in tone to natural. This method allows you to make your hair more volume, while significantly reviving their views.
But even more fortunate, it's blondes - they can afford to give any shade of curls, from honey and ending with dark chocolate and even black. But it is important to remember that the very dark shades do not always go well with light skin and delicate with light eyebrows and eyes look so advantageous is not painting; on the contrary, the image will turn out unnatural and even a little vulgar. Hairdressers and stylists recommend girl blondes opt for bronze, light brown or sandy colors.
The procedure can be combined with toning highlights - it is suitable for light, and dark hair. You must select a few strands to color and give them a color that is close to the core. Toning conducted after dyeing allows colored hair more "play" in the sun, shimmering bright highlights. Especially looks good toning after dyeing on light hair - the result is even more rich and noble color.
First time highlighting best to hold a professional hairdresser - he will tell you how to do it correctly, and in the future you will be able to change their way on their own.
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How to avoid failure in self-tinting
If you want to try out the procedure for rendering on your hair, you will be useful to know some of the nuances. For example, some toning products "conflict" with henna, which is strongly absorbed by pigment in the hair structure, as well as any other persistent colorants. Therefore, and the results of rendering may not be the way it was originally planned.
If you have a lot of gray hair, then using the dubbing paints also should exercise extreme care - in most cases, these dyes are ineffective, so is better to use gray painting resistant paint.
Before you spend toning should be healthier hair. Use the professional cosmetics: balms, special health-restoring mask, air conditioning. Then the hair will become more well-groomed, and the paint will fall on them smoother. And best of all to carry out rehabilitation of keratin hair.
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Terms hair care
Any staining involves the impact of various chemical components on the scalp and on the hair itself. To minimize the negative impact of this procedure, it is necessary to provide additional care curls. For this ideal, some traditional recipes.
If you dye your hair frequently and want to strengthen them, it is recommended to wash your hair with a simple egg mixture. To prepare it, take two eggs and break them into a glass, then add to the warm water. All the mix, making sure that the eggs are not curled. Then on wet hair, apply the resulting mixture and massage the scalp. Rinse. To enhance the effect of such a mask, you can rub the egg yolks into the roots of the hair for 10-20 minutes and wrap your head in a towel, then rinse with warm water curls.
Moisten dyed hair and make them shine helps egg foam, which is prepared on the basis of the yolks - they just need a good shake up. Apply this mixture on dry or damp hair. You have to wait 10 minutes and rinse with warm water (in any case not hot). The number of egg yolks used depends on what thickness and length at your hair. On average, enough 2-3 yolks. To conduct such a procedure is recommended several times a week. If your hair is very dry, you can use egg foam each time before washing the hair.
Excellent restores and revitalizes hair rinse with lemon juice. Instead of a lemon, you can use an ordinary vinegar; but wash the hair after the vinegar will have longer - it has a very sharp and persistent smell. After such rinsing curls are soft and supple, more radiant. Additionally, it is recommended to rub into the scalp burdock oil and apply on the ends of the strands of coconut oil or cocoa, which effectively nourish and strengthen the hair structure.
Tint toning - a way to always look stylish, the opportunity to experiment and change, surprising surrounding their new images.
And the above tips for the care of hair will help you to always keep it in perfect condition, which is very important, because the hair - this is the main decoration of each girl.