hair straightening


  • Chemical and thermal straightening
  • Useful tips

Straightening hair at home is possible by various methods, including the use of a hair dryer, brushes, laundries, special keratinous compounds. How can you straighten your hair, what it requires in the home? Let us examine in detail the process.
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Chemical and thermal straightening

Permanent or chemical straightening - the procedure is complicated, it requires certain skills. Therefore, to carry out its own is not recommended, it is best to visit this room, once again not to harm your tresses. Used for laying a sodium hydroxide, lock and air conditioning. The mixture is applied to the strands, and then maintained the necessary time is fixed converters. This installation can last about six to nine months.

The thermal method is the hair straightening using the ironing with plates of different materials. This allows for high temperatures to remove excess moisture from the hair, the strands give smoothness and shine. But this method is harmful to the hair, it is likely that they will be over dried will become brittle. Therefore it is recommended to use special protective measures that are applied before installing. Not recommended for frequent ironing.

Technique keratin straightening the house

Hair straightening - it's not only chemistry and ironing, today of the professional salons in the house came keratin straightening technology. For this special formulations are available that provide almost perfect smoothing, moisturizing locks, sealing split ends, strengthen color colored strands. The effect of straightening hair at home with the help of keratin is stored for 90 days.

Contraindications are almost absent. Hair type, its condition, the length of no significance. Of the minuses should be noted only the high cost of the method, the need for specialized care shampoos, conditioners. If we compare with the cost of salon straightening, then the price of one set will be more five times, but it will last for 5-10 treatments Home alignment.

Houses for straightening must have:

  • means for rectification;
  • spray bottle;
  • hair dryer;
  • brushing;
  • Ceramic utyuzhok.

The technique is very simple: the hair should be washed twice using shampoo with keratin, and then dried, carefully combed. On the back of the head fixed hairpin strands in a spray agent recruited for the job. Ingredients should be sprayed separately for each strand. This is a mandatory condition for hair straightening at home with this method.

Before drying agent is maintained for 10-15 minutes, the hair are dried using a round brush and hair dryer, divided into thin strands and processed separately. After the procedure is applied to the surface of the strands with a small amount of serum keratins.

 applying means for straightening hair

Straighten without ironing: home method

Contrary to popular belief, straighten your hair without visiting the salon, very simply. The house - a place where it is possible to provide an excellent, attractive hairstyle. It is not necessary to use harsh methods rectification, such as chemistry and a strong thermal effect.

Sometimes it is sufficient merely circular brush and ordinary household dryer, to give the hair the desired size and shape.

For home security locks straightening is often recommended to use special round brush with different diameters. They are called brushing, selected on the basis of the length of the hair. If you need to take much shorter small brush for long curls perfect comb with a large diameter.

The process of rectification is as follows: hair combed forward, fixed crab around the forehead. Then the strands are separated from the nape of the neck, which extend from the root to tip, dried with a hairdryer. The size of the strands should not be large enough for about 5 cm in width and two in thickness. From the first time it may seem difficult, but it is actually quite simple. Several of these home treatments and straightening will no longer be delivering any difficulties.

The first part of the temple are dried, the strands at the top of the head, in the forehead. Each strand after drying it is necessary to fix a light spray paint, you can use the funds for more shine.

A common way to straighten hair dryer

Straightening hair dryer refers to the thermal method, but it does not hurt so much hair as utyuzhok, plus it's very easy to make at home.

The procedure for straightening hair at home hair dryer is carried out by supplying hot or cold air. The procedure is as follows: the separation of small strands of combing from the roots, a hairdryer blowing in the same direction to the ends of the hair. But you first need to thoroughly wash your hair, using a nourishing shampoo, then apply a special moisturizing balm, giving curls sufficient softness. Before the laying, apply spray liquid thermofilter.

But there are also disadvantages of this method: hair straightening can not provide for long. It is therefore necessary to use additional cosmetic agents. Recommended use of mousse, gel, wax, hair spray. We need to pay attention to what you painted your hair, as some funds may enter into undesirable reactions with paints.

From traditional methods of prolonged effect, you can note the use of sugar water, which is simply wetted before laying the strands. But we must respect the right proportions to not look unkempt locks and glued.

 the last stage of straightening hair at home
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Useful tips

If you decide to straighten your hair at home yourself using the ironing, do not forget that this procedure for hair does not pass without a trace, will require reducing the use of masks. This is the main condition! Here is an example of some useful tips that will help you maintain a healthy condition of the hair using thermal methods:

  • if the hair after various chemical zavivok, then they can not be straightened. It does not fit not only the irons, and chemical methods;
  • at constant thermal straightening method should be used special cosmetics for termoukladok and restore the state of the hair;
  • after chemical straightening head Mosley washing should be dried naturally, without using the hair dryer;
  • to curl is not overheated or electrified, it is necessary before using the ironing apply them protective equipment in the form of jelly, spray, and others;
  • at constant straightening chemical or thermal method is not recommended to paint the hair;
  • You can not use wet hair straightener. An exception is allowed only for shaper, which is specifically for simultaneous drying and straightening;
  • iron is not recommended to heat more than 120 degrees to hold it in one spot long strands.

Thermal methods of rectification should not be too often use, it is best to limit ourselves to one or two treatments a week, since otherwise the hair will become dry, very brittle, the tips will be over dried. If you are not confident that you can make yourself at home straightening, it is best to refer to the master, who will select the most suitable for your specific hair type method, make recommendations on the use of irons, tell you how to carry out restorative procedures.

 How to straighten your hair at home?

 proper hair growth acceleration


  • Folk remedies for hair growth acceleration
  • Cosmetics to accelerate growth
  • Proper nutrition and vitamin complexes

Every girl dreams of becoming the owner of chic thick shevelyury.Vopros how to speed up hair growth, interested in the fair sex for centuries.

For beautiful, healthy, long hair has always been admired by the opposite sex. Growth rate of healthy hair is approximately 1 cm per month. In cold weather, their growth slows down a bit, in a warm, on the contrary, accelerated. Some women have slow hair growth. Thus they grow by an average of 0, 5 cm per month. On the question of accelerating the growth of the hair must be approached comprehensively.   The main thing - is to begin to eat properly, get rid of bad habits and start to play sports.

Sporting body burden of a positive effect on metabolism. As a result of increased blood flow to the scalp, and it helps to grow hair faster. Alcohol and smoking, on the contrary, slow down their growth and adversely affect the overall condition of the hair. And of course, an important role in the health of the hair and scalp care plays properly selected.

 mustard mask for hair growth
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Folk remedies for hair growth acceleration

Even in ancient times the beauty of the world for the beauty of his head of hair using different roots and herbs. They were prepared from their masks, infusions and decoctions. Folk remedies you can make at home. Among the many recipes for accelerating hair growth can be identified yeast mask. Cook it very simple. To this end, Article 1 is taken. l. all varieties of honey, 0, 5 cups of warm water and half a pack of ordinary yeast. After 20 minutes of warm water is poured, then adding honey and applied over the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes the hair is washed in the usual manner.

At home, you can use another folk remedy proven. This mask is based on various oils rubbed into the scalp. You can use ordinary vegetable oil. If desired, the mask may be added with a few drops of essential oils. For example, peppermint oil or oil of nutmeg is very good effect on the rate of hair growth. They are applied for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair in the usual way.

Acceleration of hair growth can be achieved by means which act as a stimulus to the hair follicle. These funds increase the blood flow and thus expedites the growth of hair.

  • Pepper mask for growth

Many people believe that pepper the mask is the best way to accelerate the growth of hair. It is available over the counter or make yourself at home. We need to take one hot pepper and pour vodka or oil, then leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. The resulting infusion can be added to a variety of masks for hair. For example, take liquid vitamins E and A, add 2 tbsp. l. any oil and 1 tbsp. l. pepper infusion. For a time, leave the mask on your hair depends on the sensitivity of the scalp. In order not to dry up the hair, do not apply the tincture in a pure form. Owners of dry and sensitive skin on the head of it is better to refuse.

  • Mustard mask for growth

At home, you can also make a mask based on mustard. The properties of mustard is similar to burning chilli, but it affects the scalp is much smaller. Suitable for women with dry skin on the head. Take 2 egg yolks, 250 ml. yogurt (higher% of fat, the better) and 1 tbsp. l. Mustard (ground). All ingredients were mixed and applied to the entire length of the hair.

To soften the scalp at the same time, a mask add 2 tbsp any vegetable oil. If desired, it is possible to add 2-3 drops of any essential oil. Make a mask with mustard often than 2 times a week, is not necessary. This can lead to excessive dryness and as a consequence, the appearance of dandruff.

  • The mask for the growth of cinnamon

This mask is the least irritating to the scalp and good effect on hair growth. We need to take 2 tablespoons. l. cinnamon (ground) and mix it with colorless henna powder. Dilute the mixture with warm water and apply over the entire length of the hair for half an hour before washing.

  • Ginger mask for growth

For this mask is better to use fresh ginger. He will burn less than dry. Ginger rub on a fine grater and fill with water, and then a little bit added to a variety of masks. For example, a mask of onion juice. Onions make hair shiny and strengthen the roots, and ginger is good impact on their growth.

 applying a mask for hair growth
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Cosmetics to accelerate growth

Many cosmetic companies have developed the series to accelerate the growth of hair. There are shampoos, balms, conditioners, masks, a variety of air-conditioning. If there is insufficient time to prepare home remedies you can use this option. Find the right care can help Sales.

Cabin methods of acceleration of hair growth

In beauty salons have recently become very popular procedure aimed at accelerating the growth of hair. For example, such a procedure is mesotherapy. During her cosmetologist with a syringe is inserted under the scalp biologically active substances. They include amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and other therapeutic ingredients. Their dosage and the number of required procedures is appointed strictly individually and only by a physician. The average course of mesotherapy consists of 10 sessions.

If added to slow the growth of a problem such as loss, in this case, beauty shops offer this service as ampoules hair growth. In the composition of the vials contains a concentrate of nutrients and biologically active elements. They act on the metabolic processes of the hair follicles. Due to supply it with all the necessary nutrients onion strengthened and enhanced hair growth. Duration of the course - 3 months.

Enhance blood circulation of the scalp and as a result, will help accelerate the hair growth process such as laser comb. The course can be passed in the beauty salon and at home, having bought the comb. It will be much cheaper.

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Proper nutrition and vitamin complexes

We must remember that proper nutrition plays an important role in this process. Nourishes the hair must not only outside but inside. If the body lacks vitamins E, C, D, K, B vitamins (especially B6, B5 and B2), folic acid, inositol, rutin and biotin hair grow very slowly. Trace elements are equally important, in particular iodine, copper, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, iron and calcium.

How to speed up hair growth in the cold season, when the vitamin and mineral components in fruits and vegetables are not as much as in the summer? In order to provide the body the necessary amount of all vitamins and minerals, in addition to proper nutrition can choose a multivitamin complex, which will contain more and minerals. Today in pharmacies of the city of the huge choice. Make the right choice to help a doctor.

Massage scalp

To improve blood flow in the scalp massage is recommended. It is possible to do both in beauty salons or at home. Massage movements can make any: stroking the hair of the head, rubbing, tapping fingers, and so on. D. Most importantly, they followed in the direction of hair growth. Duration of massage - 3-10 minutes.

To achieve the desired effect and conquer the surrounding beauty of the hair, we must remember that caring for them is to be integrated. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve the result.

 Means for the rapid growth of hair at home
