For people who lived together, making plans for the future, and established a joint life, the separation becomes a serious test.
If the relationship is no longer bring joy and satisfaction of spouses, they decide to start a new life apart from each other.
We have to think how to survive divorce, get rid of the feelings and begin to live in a new way.
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Experiences with which to cope
The gap relationships - the loss, after which a person feels lonely and useless. He or she is experiencing stress, accompanied by a feeling of emptiness and depression, anger at the spouse who does not live up to his expectations. How to survive a divorce after infidelity favorite? Especially sharply this question hurts women, who are more prone to depression.
The reason for the divorce each pair has its own, and a way to survive the divorce, too. The reason for the separation, in most cases can serve as:
infidelity of one of the spouses;
sexual incompatibility;
different views on life;
very young age and lack of readiness for family life;
addiction to alcohol or narcotic substances;
the lack of financial stability and more.
To find out how to go through a divorce, it must be remembered that this phenomenon is quite common, and not the end of the world. On the contrary, it is the beginning of a new round of life, the opportunity to meet his man and be happy. Emotional mood of anger, denial, depression is gradually disappearing. Time for finding the psychological balance at everyone. The initiator of the divorce spirit will rise faster than the abandoned side.
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How to get rid of negative emotions
Experiences related to separation - a natural phenomenon that must be overcome.
On average, then, to stop digging in past relationships and investigate the cause of the unsuccessful completion, takes about 8-12 months. The man did not say goodbye to the past will not be able to build their lives in the future. Psychologists have a question, how to survive a divorce, give the following advice:
Due to the existing daily divorce cases and added new responsibilities: a change of housing, job, construction of the new place and so on. It is necessary to make a list of all cases, and to structure it in importance. Phased implementation of the necessary actions will help to feel control over the situation, which means - to gain a sense of confidence.
The next step on the road to emotional balance is getting rid of all the things in the house that are reminiscent of a past life, including the former page in social networks.
Use the opportunity to talk. If in the immediate vicinity there is no person who is able to share the experience, you can contact the experts. You can write about the problem on internet forums and get support. It helps keeping a diary.
From unpleasant memories and negative thoughts should be diverted trips to the theater, meeting friends, reading books, and other activities of interest. We need to relax more often, bringing himself small pleasures.
Try to be interested in everything new, because divorce is - a reason to change a job, find a new hobby, to get more interesting acquaintances, reveal a previously hidden potential.
You can not drink their sorrows with alcohol. We must stop thinking of the former spouse, to communicate more with others and do not take major decisions until the dust settles previous fears and experiences.
Choosing a present on different dates
Gifts for serious date
Wedding in the life of newlyweds - it is a great and important event. This date all remain in the memory of the most light, festive and good afternoon. That it will be remembered every time you will celebrate this holiday.
Gifts for the wedding anniversary selected thoroughly.
After all, each of them is of great importance and symbolism.
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Choosing a present on different dates
The first year of married life summed calico wedding. This symbolic anniversary of the husband and wife should share chintz handkerchiefs. Guests can present all sorts of jubilee products from calico bed linen, tablecloths, towels, clothing. On the first anniversary of diapers have traditionally presented as a symbol of wishes for a speedy pregnancy or childbirth successful.
After this comes a paper wedding anniversary. Anniversary gift on this special day offered appropriate. They can be beautiful photos, the money in two envelopes or vouchers for holidays. Beautiful tradition on this day to give spouses of each other homemade paper figures. This unusual, but peace greetings tell the true feelings of each.
The third anniversary is the name of the leather. Choosing a present for this anniversary is huge - from small symbolic souvenirs to major appliances. After all, giving it the third date of the wedding Friend of the poor tannery master brought him gifts, came to visit her daughter's parents have seen in any abundance live young.
The fourth and fifth anniversary of the called linen and wood respectively. The gifts are chosen based on the name of the anniversary. But there is a very beautiful tradition that unites two dates - is to present a special souvenir that you can always carry with them. They can be dried bouquet of blooming flax or a small wooden object. These small but very important things will protect as well as any mascot from evil alien thoughts and unkind eyes.
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Gifts for serious date
On the tenth anniversary is accepted to give products of tin. As a present to the anniversary of marriage choose all kinds of statues, sculptures, home fountains, candlesticks. Household decoration items and gifts can be the fifteenth anniversary. Only they must be made of crystal, in honor of the name of this date. Similar gifts, but of porcelain, decided to give to the porcelain, or twenty, the anniversary of living together in marriage.
Silver anniversary - a special date. Gift wedding anniversary selected the most significant. It must be made of silver.
A great gift would be a pendant in the shape of a heart, star sign, pendant mascot or two silver coins.
Same daryatsya we launched a gold wedding, but they should be made from this precious metal. On this anniversary of the wedding to give symbolic clock that will measure the time for the next 50 years.
How to stop being dependent
Tips psychologists
Before many women who have experienced betrayal, betrayal, suffering from unrequited love or troubled relationships, a vital question arises: how to get rid of love addiction? How to stop harassing myself guesses follow his every step, to be completely dependent on his actions or words? This condition can not only deprive the spiritual world, but also to turn a woman's life a living hell.
Love relationship has little to do with true love, and arises because of the initially dysfunctional relationships.
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How to stop being dependent
The first step to healing will be based at diagnosis. If a woman has attended to how to get rid of love addiction - this is a good result. So she understands the destructiveness of this impasse, wants to get out of it, come what may. Understand Finally, it can not be the future of a man who makes you suffer. Mutual harmonious love has no place bondage. True love brings joy and inner peace, false - anxiety, fear and pain.
Next, you need to quickly and decisively to get rid of anything that connects you to the person to whom there is a destructive addiction. This includes photos, gifts, phone numbers and so on. Under any pretext to stop to chat with your common friends, avoid places where you can meet the subject of addiction.
The brighter burn bridges behind you, the sooner will come the healing of painful affection.
Fill out your day to the eyeballs, try to mind was constantly busy with something that does not give yourself a minute on useless memories, tears and self-pity. A lot of work, communication, travel, new experiences - that's what you is vital. Visit the gym, get a dog or go on a long journey. This is a proven way to get rid of intrusive thoughts and memories, because the head will be busy with other problems, and in the evening you will fall to the ground, and so hard to sleep peacefully and not to cry at midnight pillow.
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Tips psychologists
There is a good phrase that characterizes the love relationship of man: "How to get rid of love addiction? Nothing, just wait until your back will be no place for his stab wounds. " Still, there are some guidelines to help cope with the disease, or at least weaken the unhealthy attachment. Each particular person needs a special approach, depending on the situation.
Try to force to keep the idea on the object of affection for an hour, no matter what distractions. Causes the brain to focus on its image as long as you are mentally not vomit on him, because violence is a reaction.
Focus on the shortcomings of your lover, exaggerating them in his mind. You can even record the defects on the paper and re-read when nahlynet desire to meet or call again. Teach yourself that obsession humiliates you in his eyes, that men try to avoid women who constantly monitor them, or throw themselves on his neck.
Some psychologists argue that the roots of loving affection are in our childhood. Man, do not get enough love and care at an early age, I am inclined to dependence on another person. Also, the reason may be hiding in the low self-esteem of women.
Rejoice each new day, fully develop, crank more friends - and get rid of dependence will happen!