ringlets utjuzhkom


  • Preparing for curling
  • How to wind the hair with the help of ironing: doing everything correctly and quickly
  • A few tips on how you can keep your hair beautiful

As practice shows, a girl with curly hair trying to straighten them, and direct - curl.

How to please and so, and others? You do not need to spend money on expensive perms, because a lot of girls believe that a similar hairstyle can be done only in the cabin. To do this, there is a universal device - utyuzhok! It looks like a curling iron is looks, but carries a lot more features. So how screwed hair utjuzhkom?

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Preparing for curling

How to be good it did not turn out the curls with the help of ironing, in any case, it causes irreparable harm to the structure of the hair, so you need to prepare in advance, in order to properly protect them.

  • to start well wash your hair;
  • Apply a balm or mousse;
  • treat the thermal protector means;
  • if necessary, apply a foam or gel for styling.

All of the above will help to mitigate the devastating effect of temperature and protect your hair.

 how to cheat curls using ironing
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How to wind the hair with the help of ironing: doing everything correctly and quickly

So, you have the right to protect your hair from the adverse effects of temperature and now need to decide what you want to get stacking, because there are many different ways of how to wind the hair utjuzhkom. Let us consider in detail all the options.

Classic locks

  • Take a strand of medium thickness;
  • Stepping 10-15 cm from the roots, clamp the straightener strand;
  • Screw locks so that the tips peeking out;
  • Expand utyuzhok forward and pull down;
  • Repeat this operation with all the locks.

This hairstyle can be done quickly, for example, before work or date. It will give your image of elegance and mystery.

Curls in the style of Carrie Bradshaw

  • Divide hair into very fine strands;
  • Tighten the lock in the wiring and clamp the rectifier;
  • Once you have curled all the hair shake them and use a little polish.

With this hairstyle can safely go for a walk, a movie or even on the beach, because they look quite naturally and beautifully.

Luxury locks

  • Divide the hair into strands;
  • Each strand screwed into the finger and secure the roots of invisibility;
  • Tighten alternately every utjuzhkom harness;
  • Straighten curls hands and sprinkle with varnish.

Properly made locks give hair incredible volume and will look very nice.

Curls of 80

  • Form a very thin strands;
  • Arm yourself with a comb with a thin metal rod or needle (the rod must be made of metal, or it will melt);
  • Screw each strand to comb;
  • Stranded strand is clamped between the pressing of the plates and hold 5-7 seconds;
  • Straighten curls hands;
  • To get the effect incredibly lush hair, comb their small comb.

This hairstyle was very popular among young girls and women in the 80th and 90th year.

 utjuzhkom hair at home
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A few tips on how you can keep your hair beautiful

  1. Do not apply to wet hair straightener. Water from the effects of heat and boil the hair becomes lifeless.
  2. At a temperature of 180 degrees, you get tight curls, and if it is below 180, the locks obtained barely noticeable.
  3. If we draw on strands utjuzhkom quickly, you get a fashionable "careless" hairstyle.
  4. To get the effect of vertical curls keep utyuzhok, respectively, vertically, and for classical curls - Horizontal

Now that you know some ways on how beautiful, quickly and correctly can do curls with the help of ironing. Do not forget that it is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week and your hair will stay lush and natural.

 How can the right to wind the hair

 how to cheat curls curling


  • The sequence to wrap curls curling
  • Recommendations for hair care

What woman does not dream of luxurious curls, correctly and beautifully laid? Beautiful hair - is an important part of the whole image of women. You can be stylishly dressed, have expensive perfume and shoes, but if there is chaos on the head, all the charm fades ...
Beautiful Curls are always in fashion, you can create a variety of ways: a perm, hair curlers, curling. Perm obliged to go with the same hairstyle every day, for curlers take a long time, but the curling - perfect!

Curling many ladies called a lifesaver, as it is the quickest and easiest way to make curls.

But how to wind the hair on the curling iron? Is it so simple, how often you can resort to this procedure?

 how to make curls curling yourself

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The sequence to wrap curls curling

Curling Irons, affects the hair by means of high temperatures. Under the influence of this they acquire the necessary form, which can be stored for a long time. Of course, such a procedure is detrimental to the health of the hair. To wrap process was the most gentle, you must properly prepare the hair and choose a good tool to adjust the temperature.

If you do not know how to wind the hair on the right and beautiful curling, keep the following tips:

  1. Screw locks only on dry, clean hair!
  2. Before curling hair should be applied Heat protective agent which protects the structure from the harmful effects of high temperatures. Styling products: mousses, sprays applied not necessary.
  3. To decide on the nature and shape of hair curls. To create tight curls, you should comb your scalp well and divided into several zones. First, wind the curls back of the head, then the side, finishing with the front part of the head. Bang wind the last.
  4. Strand, which is wound at one time should be approximately 2 cm thick. Too thick strands should not be taken, as they will not have time to warm up and the effect of such a wave would be minimal;
  5. Curling must be kept in the right hand and the left - a comb;
  6. A heated curling iron at the roots, but so as not to burn the skin of the head and curl lift up, keeping his comb. Prepared strand clamp curling, and begin winding it spiral motion from root to tip.
  7. A lock on the forceps should hold no more than 20 seconds, then gently unwind.
  8. After all the strands are wound, they can comb comb with wide teeth and fix fixing hair lacquer.

To create a festive curly hair, comb the curls do not, however, all the locks at the same time must be twisted to one side.

To create soft waves, wind the strands randomly, slightly reeling them in curling in 2-3 turns.

Just to refresh the hair, optionally create curls all over her head. Chelochkoy recycled and several curls give the image of charm and flirtatious. The main thing, from hairstyles to be a finished look, and it should match the image.

 curling of different diameters
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Recommendations for hair care

To wrap the hair after curling are healthy, you need to carefully select the tools - curling.   Good curling to be with temperature control and ceramic holder. Since the state and structure of the hair at all different, and the selection of the temperature should be individualized. If your hair is very thin or damaged due to frequent coloring, then the temperature should be minimal curling. Do not use curling irons too often, especially if the hair is damaged. First you need to do their rehabilitation and recovery.

Wash your head should be as needed, for example, 1 time per week, if the hair is normal. Of course, for oily hair wash is required to perform more often, but also excessive frequency of washing affects their condition. When it is necessary to use a shampoo nourishing balm for the hair or use homemade masks.

Recipes home masks set. But the most proven and reliable recipe is as follows: 1 egg, 0, 5, Art. spoon burdock oil, 1 tbsp. spoonful of black coffee insoluble (for brunettes), 1 tbsp. tablespoon of brandy. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair at 0, 5 - 2 hours. Result - shiny and healthy hair! If you engage in such health treatments on a regular basis, then wind hair curling can without much damage.

For the modern woman, to care for their hair, there should be no problem as to wind the hair on the curling properly without damaging them. With the development of industry, dealing with the issue of new units, ploek, curling hair, you can easily create beautiful curly hair!

 Curling hair curling correctly and beautifully
