essential oils for hair growth


  • Basic information about essential oils
  • Masks for better hair growth
  • How to apply oil mask

Almost certainly when watching regular commercials, which offers a tempting and buy a tool for creating wonderful hair volume, almost any woman with longing eyes looking at the silky, shiny tresses fluttering starred in the video model and goes to buy the advertised vehicle. But alas, the practice shows that very rarely the effect of it is so miraculous, as advertising promises. In addition, during the study of the composition of purchased shampoo or balsam hair conditioner can increase its volume unintentionally, literally standing on end with the transfer of all those chemicals, fragrances and dyes, which are contained in large amounts in similar facilities.

At such moments come to mind thoughts of natural cosmetics, such as shampoo raw egg yolk, yogurt feeding of hair and rinse with a solution of chamomile or beer. But there is another option, which rarely think in this context - is essential oils for hair growth, for giving curls shine and volume.

There are hundreds of kinds of essential oils, they are expensive and cheap, they are made from flowers, trees, grasses and other plants. Not only do they smell great, filling our lives with bright flavors, but also very useful for the entire body, as well as for its individual parts. So, use them to improve the condition of the hair is more than justified.

 essential oils useful for hair growth

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Basic information about essential oils

It is important to remember that before using essential oils is necessary to conduct a preliminary test for allergies. It is best to test the agent in two stages. To start on a piece of cotton, apply a drop of oil checked at short intervals and inhale its aroma. If you do not like the smell or during the day there were any discomfort, it is better not to use a product with this ingredient. If no problems, add a few drops of essential oil to test a small spoonful of any vegetable, mix and apply on the elbow bend, then wait a few minutes. If there was even a hint of irritation or redness, this tool does not suit you.

To check whether you have bought undiluted oil, a simple test using a sheet of paper. Apply a drop of essential oil, but at some distance from it - a drop of vegetable. Wait a few minutes, until the droplets will drain; If both tracks are equally fat, you bought diluted essential oil. This should leave a trail of lightly colored, and sometimes do not leave any trace. Unfortunately, this test does not allow to determine whether the test agent is a natural or synthetic reconstituted. This can be checked only if you have a natural remedy, and certainly you can compare their flavors. But in principle, this information should be specified in the certificate.

It is believed that the essential oil will certainly be expensive and low price allegedly necessarily indicate that the product is of poor quality. Typically, citrus and pine essential oils are much cheaper flower. In addition, prices for essential oils are often more dependent on the policy of a particular firm, they are producing.

Note: essential oils is strictly contraindicated in women pregnant and nursing, as well as young people before puberty, people with heart disease or with severe kidney disease (without consulting a doctor).

 correct essential oils for hair growth

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Masks for better hair growth

The basic recipe for any hair mask looks like this: in a teaspoon of vegetable oil you choose you need to add three to five drops of essential oil. Depending on the length of the hair, the base oil must take two to five tablespoons (more about the properties of plants and essential oils will be discussed later). The oil mixture should be rubbed into the surface of the scalp and hair roots.

It is necessary to massage the head for fifteen to thirty minutes, gradually distributing the mixture, without missing a centimeter, the entire length of your hair. After some time (from half an hour to several hours), the mixture should be thoroughly rinse shampoo. Please note that under no circumstances should you use any essential oil undiluted, pure, because you can get very nasty burns to the skin or mucous membranes. Such masks have to do courses for six to eight weeks, with a periodicity of twice a week.

Base oils:

  • Jojoba oil

A truly versatile tool for the comprehensive care of our hair, it is well suited for all, including the very damaged hair. But it is believed that the best way it works on greasy hair. Due to the fact that this tool helps cleanse pores, it perfectly stimulates hair growth, as well as eyelashes and eyebrows.

  • Avocado oil

It is, on the contrary, suitable dry hair. Moreover, it is an excellent remedy for dandruff.

  • Coconut oil

Also suitable dry hair. It protects hair from the harmful effects of the sun and not enough moist air. Its advantage is that it is always washed off without any problems with any hair.

  • Burdock

Another versatile tool, suitable to any hair, strengthens them very well, and after a few performances, returns elasticity and shine. However, it should be noted that if you have light hair, you will only fit burdock transparent means: greenish sold in tubes, alas, can stain them.

  • Almond

A great option for very oily hair as it cleanses the pores of the skin and quickly tidies the function of the sebaceous glands.

  • Olive

Universal means knowingly its value since the days of ancient Greece. It significantly accelerates the growth of hair, also makes them shine, restores brittle tips can stop hair loss.

  • Linseed

Almost as useful as the olive. Suitable for absolutely every type of hair. It helps to cope with the fragile ends of hair and dandruff.

  • Walnut oil

Suitable for dark hair, if used in too large amounts may be slightly stain very light and thin hair. The tool is also contributes to better growth of hair.

  • Sesame

Other acts efficiently on dry hair. However, keep in mind that it is very strong smell, get rid of it will be very difficult. Although this tool is extremely useful.

  • Argan oil

Also suitable for even the driest hair. Excellent help cope with split ends.

  • Shea butter

The best remedy for curls. It is universally suitable for all types of hair, moisturizes, nourishes, makes shine, strengthens the damaged ends. Before use, it must be melted in a water bath.

This is not the entire list of base oils, but it includes the most popular, effective and affordable. Moreover, most of them can be bought in ordinary supermarkets. It is desirable, of course, choose one hundred percent natural oils, as a last resort to acquire the so-called beauty. Buying agent, be sure to pay close attention to the indication of its validity. It is very important in the preparation of hair masks as the basis for the use of suitable base oils for your skin type.

We want to provide a list of the most effective essential oils for hair growth, which also have a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  1. Oil juniper. It is useful for oily hair, also contributes to the rapid regeneration of the skin and cleanse the body of toxins.
  2. Oil of lemon balm. Suitable oily hair, copes with dandruff, removes greasiness of hair.
  3. Clove oil. It improves heat transfer and eliminates fatigue.
  4. Cinnamon oil. It has a warming effect.
  5. Oil nutmeg. Visibly improves circulation, tones and washes hair with henna. With this tool, which has a very strong effect, it is necessary to be careful: First, you should carefully check yourself for a possible allergy, and secondly, when you first use it makes sense to reduce the dose in half.
  6. Peppermint oil. Excellent removes anger, irritability and fatigue. Very useful for oily hair with regular use facilitates the hair, give them volume. It is also a means of strengthening the hair roots.
  7. Ylang-ylang. Pretty quickly restores brittle and damaged hair, tones the scalp.
  8. Rosemary oil. It stimulates cell regeneration, tones and prevents hair loss.
  9. Oil hit. It is believed that this tool has a miraculous properties. It strengthens the hair, as well as all the oil in the list, accelerates the growth of hair, also thickens the hair shaft itself. If you get this oil on the scalp may be slight tingling, do not be alarmed, this is normal.
  10. Sage oil. It tones the scalp. Treats dandruff and other possible skin disorders. It is recommended to combine the butter sage and rosemary, as such a mixture is significantly faster hair growth.

To enhance the effect of exposure to a mixture of oil, it is possible to warm up, but before that it is necessary to make sure that the selected base vehicle does not deteriorate when heated. Especially does not like flaxseed oil. Of course, a mixture of oils must not overheat, it is recommended to bring it to body temperature. Heat treatment is subjected to only a small amount of oil that you want to use. Preferably, the mask is applied to dry hair, as the wet mixture will form a film, and is not absorbed.

Dry, damaged hair after use of masks can be further processed on the ends of the base oil, such as olive oil or argan, wherein after such a procedure it is not necessary to wash off. It helps to cope with the section ends and weakened.

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How to apply oil mask

Take a small container to pour the right amount of base oil, add in the correct proportions, essential, mix well. Carefully comb the hair, dip your fingers in the tool and drag them through the hair from the roots. Massage the scalp, if necessary, dipping his fingers into the facility. In order to distribute it over the entire length of hair, just very carefully disassemble strands of hair on his fingers and comb them, occasionally adding a small amount of money.

Pour it on the head does not make sense: a large part of the mask with such a method will be lost. After processing all of the hair comb-toothed comb and braided, unless, of course, allows the length. If you wish, you can wrap your head with cling film or a conventional package: sauna effect enhances the effect of the mask. However, this method is suitable if you are not going to keep the mixture on the hair longer than a couple of hours; on the cellophane on the head begins to irritate and sleep in it is very inconvenient. Accordingly, if you are going to leave the mask for the night, a soft pillow bed for a good absorbent towel.

Rinse shampoo should be a means, and it is important to distribute it through the hair to wash away the mask. During washing it is desirable to assess purity touch strands, optionally adding shampoo. But do not overdo it, so as not to dry up hair. Over time, accumulating experience, you calculate the right amount of shampoo and oils.

If for some reason you do not want to use the basic vegetable oils, for fear that they will be weighing the hair and washed off with difficulty, you can add a small number of selected essential tools in the finished cosmetic hair mask or shampoo. However, the use of base oils with essential allows you to have a complex effect on the hair.

If you want to not only accelerate their growth, but also treat, oil mask can be left on the hair for the night at least once a week. Thus you enhance the effect. If desired, you can combine a variety of essential tools: this will not only allow you to enjoy the delicious flavors, but also to combine several effects that are sometimes very much in demand in the world where the environmental situation, alas, not too contributes to the health of hair.

 Miracle cure for hair: the essential oils
