Many famous haircut "cap." Its very name speaks about the similarities with the headdress. This haircut is universal, suitable for many girls of all ages with different forms of face. As a rule, it is chosen by a woman with short hair and thick - they "cap" looks spectacular. However, this hairstyle will suit and those whose hair is thin and curly, because using clippers "cap" on the short hair can hide many flaws hair, for example, lack of density.
Suitable for a haircut "Riding Hood"?
Today, design options such haircuts, as "Cap" - the mass. You can cut your hair in a semicircle and draw in the form of caps top and bottom at the same time not to touch. You can expose the back of the head or cut off a fringe of any form in addition to the most haircut - countless variations. No less popular today and stylish two-level version of haircuts. For example, the lower layer of hair below a few centimeters, than the top. This haircut will not leave you in the shade - you will always be paying attention.
If you have any facial imperfections, for example, a massive chin heavy or too high cheekbones, the "cap" is the best hide such problems by ragged and uneven strands lines bangs. Perhaps your hairdresser will offer you a special geometric solutions - the idea depends on his imagination. Today such a hairstyle is very popular in that it is ideal for busy business women who do not have much time to care for themselves, but at the same time want to look modern and fashionable.
Haircut "cap" is made on the short hair noticeably refreshes the image looks nice and neat, without requiring special care. Even after the hair grow, hair is neat. A variant of such a hairstyle is suitable for those who want to grow hair, for example, for the quads. In addition, "Riding Hood" favorably complement the vivid color of hair - with a haircut you can afford the most incredible experiments that classical haircut may have looked ridiculous. Highlighting, coloring - whatever you like!
The technique of shearing
Now consider how to perform classic version strizhki- "Caps". First of all it is necessary to separate the temporal area of about 5 cm tall. Each zone is divided longitudinally, in which combed the ear of the most extreme and the strand is made in the form of braids. This may be a model temple - it all depends on your wishes. After that, the wizard behind the ear edging vertical cut.
Ear in this case may be either covered by half and fully open. Whichever option is chosen by you, you need to ensure that the temporal contour was smooth and clear. Subsequent strand of the temporo-lateral zone already cut out a previously trimmed line. Hair at the temples should be profiled vertically - this will allow them to look natural and elegant.
Now go to the back of the bottom. Here she is separated from one ear to the second simple parting. The hair on the top of the occipital area better pin clasp, then they will not interfere. Extreme lock on the left side separated by a vertical parting, and then pressed between two fingers. This lock - control, it mows the outside of the hand. It was under this strand of hair cut, and will lower the occipital part.
Then the barber follows a pattern: temechko area is divided in half by a vertical parting, and the upper part exactly combed hair growth. Hair cut two zones should be round. Hair length in this case may be different from the upper edge, or even up to the middle ear. If you want to align the locks on both sides of the parietal area, the hair should be combed side to face and align.
Please note that such a haircut, as "Cap" will look good when all the lines - smooth and consistent. This can be achieved by all the strands vertically shaped like the upper occipital and parietal areas. Stylists recommend profiling and bottom, has trimmed the occipital area.
The process ends with tapering bangs haircut and trim the bottom of the occipital area, which can be made in the form of teeth or just to stay level - it all depends on the style of your desired hairstyle. That's it - pretty simple and fast!
Benefits haircuts "cap"
The first and most important advantage - ease of installation. You will not need to spend every morning for thirty to forty minutes around the mirror, trying to tidy hair. For girls, whose day is scheduled every minute, this is the perfect option! In addition, on the basis of such a haircut, you can experiment with all sorts of options for hairstyles, using conventional termoutyuzhok - curl, straighten, crimped hair.
"Riding Hood" perfectly complement the hair coloring, which is now possible in all kinds of bright color choices and options. For more festive and solemn situation, you can make a retro hairstyle, such as popular today cold wave or refined Rockabilly. This hairstyle - is the choice of brave and creative women who strive to delight their appearance not only themselves and friends, but all the others.
But before you make a cut, cap, it is important to remember some of the nuances. The classic version of "Riding Hood" exactly suitable for all hair colors. If you are performing a cut in a semicircle, then choose for coloring warm, soft and bright colors. It may be honey, light brown or wheat. Ideally such a haircut would complement the palette of red or brown shades.
If your choice fell on an asymmetrical haircut, the light blond in your case - the perfect color. If this option is far from your preferences, chose the opposite, bright red or reddish-brown color. The main thing is choose a more natural colors - the colors of eggplant and other artificial colors have not a trend and look ridiculous and out of place.
Speaking of creative coloring, it should be noted that the main factor is the asymmetrical hairstyles. For example, if you dye your hair in two bright or contrasting colors, asymmetrical cap further complement this image and make it more bold and dynamic. This option is suitable for young fashionistas who are not afraid of radical experimentation.
In addition, you can opt for highlights of selected strands separately - it will give a haircut greater playfulness, but, at the same time, your image as a whole will look restrained. In any case, such a haircut, as "Cap" will not leave you unnoticed among the other girls, and you certainly will and then catch yourself admiring male glances - what else is needed by this girl, to feel unique?
Elegant and simple hairstyles for long hair
Haircuts for long hair
Long hair - is undoubtedly the most luxurious decoration, which only nature can give a girl. Owners delightful long hair can afford to experiment with their appearance every day, changing hairstyles, hair styling shapes, hairstyles - be different and surprise surrounding each new way. Today let's talk about what hairstyle on long hair with bangs in a trend today and what to look out for if you decide to change something in his manner.
Generally, in itself fringe softens facial features, making it more elegant. It is, depending on its shape, can reduce the face or pull it. It is suitable for the oval, and for the roundish face. In addition, this year already bangs different lines and forms continues to be relevant, and all the stylists, hairdressers recommend to use it to make the image more fresh, trendy and unconventional.
The important thing to take into account some special features. If your face is triangular in shape, then you will be perfect rather thin, light bangs. Especially it will look good with long hair arc shape. This will create a fringe balance between large upper portion of your face and a small chin.
If you - a round-faced girl, you should pay attention to the long shaped bangs. If the broad cheekbones, forget the short version - they only further exacerbate facial features. But thin-faced girls are well suited dense and relatively thick bangs, cut them - clear and smooth. Incidentally, such a bang - a definite trend leader of the season. If you have severe facial features or a large nose, do a long or oblique bangs, about the parting line side.
Elegant and simple hairstyles for long hair
Before proceeding to discuss the cuts, let's look at three simple but beautiful hairstyle, perfect for long hair, regardless of their form and facial features. This is a classic tail, simple flowing hair and sculpted curls. These hairstyles are always in place and suitable for those who is not going to radically change its appearance.
Classic Tail
If you are lucky enough to get hold of a thick mop of long hair, you, of course, agree that the most popular and convenient hairstyle for a head of hair - the usual tail. It is quite simple to perform and can always help out when you need to look good, but do not have time to create complex hairstyles. This can be a regular ponytail, as well as its more sophisticated interesting variations.
If your hair is perfectly straight, and you have enough minutes to collect high smooth tail. If the hair is a little twisted, then it does not matter - at the expense of conventional ironing straighten hair and assemble using conventional gum. By the way, if you hide under the gum a little lock of hair, which you wrap the resulting tail, the hair will be even more accurate and stylish.
You can also make the tail, using a few rubber bands. Make bouffant hair and drag a rubber band. Now comb the tail, add a couple of rubber bands in other parts of the hair. This option may be suitable for work and for evening relaxation, whether it is a restaurant, nightclub or more solemn way - this hairstyle will look organically.
Splayed hair
We can not agree that the simple flowing hair, especially if they are thick, it is the most simple, but incredibly beautiful, elegant and stylish hairstyle that will be relevant always. Splayed hair suitable for every type of person. An exception may be except that too long face - this hairstyle will extend it even further.
There are a huge field for experiments: frizz hair, make small or large curls, combine them, crimped - whatever you want. It is only important to monitor the condition of hair - flowing hair delight only when they are well maintained. If you suddenly do not have time to wash your hair and they look untidy better assemble them into a bundle.
Contrast: sculptural and smoothness
The undisputed leader in hairstyles for long hair with bangs - sculpted waves and curls. They look like a well-structured strand of hair, which can vary between a size and stacking technology. Today recommended to perform such tresses, playing on the contrast.
For example, from the roots up to the chin, and the hair is straight and smooth, and the lower - the large and spectacular curls a clear form. In order to make the wave curlers can be used and special tongs. Hair is recommended to wind rather tightly with thick strands, then the hair will look spectacular.
Haircuts for long hair
Now let's talk about the most trendy and topical hairstyles this season. Hairdressers are now paying attention to fashionistas for three stylish hairstyle that will suit owners of bangs and long hair - change its image and make it originality and flair!
Multilevel asymmetry
First hairstyle, perfect for long hair with bangs - layered haircut. Asymmetry today still popular, so this option will not be losing haircuts. Through this hairstyle, you can make even more density, volume and splendor hair. By the way, men consider such a hairstyle is very sexy.
Asymmetric hairstyle also allow you to spend less time styling hair. Simply wash and dry the hair, then twist the strands using a round brush or heated rollers. To fit this option haircut? Those whose face is round or diamond-shaped. Most spectacularly, it looks a little curly hair. If the hair is hard, it takes more time to care and styling.
Please note: if your face is round, the levels of shearing a person should not be above the chin. If the elongated face, the front level best to make shorter. With such a bang hairstyle will look incredibly stylish and up to date!
Layered hairstyles, or as they are called, cascade, all are also popular, as many years ago. They look boldly and dynamically, effectively, and if the face is framed by "waterfall" of hair. This season, changing only the performance techniques such haircuts and add new stylistic accents.
Cascade haircut can be both smooth and volume. You can add to it a little asymmetry, lengthen or shorten the bangs. Generally, the intensity and the general appearance of calibration can vary. It all depends on the imagination of the stylist, the shape of your face, and, of course, on the length and thickness of hair.
Misalignment line
Fantasy and courage hairdressers - that's what is envy! Admiring their masterpieces are keenly aware that in the art of hairdressing borders and frames simply do not exist. For example, a haircut with misalignment lines - the perfect proof. It cuts out the strands of different lengths in a chaotic manner, and not at an oblique angle and at right. Same goes bang - it is also recommended to cut out unevenly, to match the overall style haircuts. It turns easy, bold and stylish!
The above hairstyles and haircuts - here's what to look out for this season. Naturally, this is not the limit for long luxurious hair - they can experiment endlessly, choosing new forms and stylistic solutions. However, the need to keep up with the times and meet the dynamic world of fashion, to be always in the trend.
In conclusion - the main rule that must be observed by all owners of long hair. Do not forget about proper nutrition and a comprehensive daily hair care - it depends on their condition. Take care of what nature has given you - nourishes the hair, moisturize, raduyte their masks and vitamins, and then your hair will delight both you and the people around them!