The best combination for the beauty and health of hair
Features of the application of masks for hair with honey and cognac
Beautiful and well-groomed hair - a necessary attribute of modern girls and women. But keep the curls in good condition is becoming increasingly difficult because of bad ecology and frequent stress, which adversely affect the health of the hair. To keep them strong and beautiful, have to exert a lot of effort.
In beauty salons presented a number of services that help to keep the hair in good condition. Modern cosmetic market offers us many tools for hair care products: shampoos, scrubs, rinses, all kinds of masks to strengthen, shine and hair growth. But it is fun is not cheap.
And is there any assurance that cosmetic products that offer the market and shop, do our hair will be useful and will not cause them harm? After all, it is no secret that in all kinds of cosmetic products added chemical components, which some women may cause allergic reactions.
Perhaps we should turn to the experience of our grandmothers? Not attending beauty salons, and not having in its arsenal of such a huge variety of means caring about the health and beauty of hair, they managed to preserve the beauty and youth. How did it manage to our ancestors? The secret is simple! They followed a simple rule: Do not apply outside that can not consumed inside. Therefore, we used to maintain the beauty of only natural ingredients: various dried herbs, bark oak, cognac, honey, vinegar and more.
Here and now home cosmetics is becoming more popular. Modern women are turning to the experience of his grandparents and prepare the means to care for skin and hair yourself at home. The main components of such cosmetics, various fruits and vegetables, herbal extracts, essential oils and much more. Very popular products to preserve the beauty of hair is honey and brandy. On the basis of these components can be prepared very effective hair mask. Let's try to figure out how honey and brandy affect the state of curls.
Effect of honey on health and beauty hair
Honey is used in cosmetics since time immemorial. This valuable product composition of biologically active substances similar to human blood plasma. Therefore, it is very well absorbed by the body. Honey in its composition contains a huge amount of nutrients, beneficial effect on the skin and hair. This protein, and carbohydrates, and vitamins, and various mineral substances.
B vitamins are essential for the maintenance of the E youth and beauty is not only hair but also the skin of the face and body. B vitamins prevent hair loss and promote their growth. Folic acid, fructose and glucose, are part of honey, have a positive effect on the state of curls.
Hair masks, which are based on honey, essential to maintain the beauty. However, these ingredients should be natural. Because we all know that often the sellers in the market, pursuing their own selfish interests, provide honey with different additives. Such a product will not do any good. Therefore, make sure quality and natural honey, and then proceed to the manufacture of cosmetics.
On the basis of honey made mask to enhance, grow and shine, as well as for clarification. They are suitable for different types of locks: fat, dry and mixed.
Honey against hair loss
Honey can be used even without additional ingredients. It simply applied to wet hair, wearing a cap or hat to warm and wash off with warm water in an hour. If a bit to add propolis, having excellent antibacterial properties, then a means to help cope with dandruff.
Well strengthens hair mask with honey and mummies. For its preparation, mix 1 tablespoon of honey and jojoba oil, add half a teaspoon of extract of propolis, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablets mummy. This mask is very useful for hair loss is rubbed into the scalp and is distributed along the length of the hair. After 30 minutes, washed with shampoo.
Masks with honey for hair shine
This mask is being prepared by mixing 1 tablespoon of mustard powder and 2 tablespoons of yogurt or yogurt, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey and vegetable oil, castor better. The mixture should be kept on the hair for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Give a special shine to hair mask from honey and lemon juice. Especially suitable means such blondes. 2 tablespoons of honey mixed with 5 tablespoons of lemon juice, spread over the entire length of the dry hair and leave for 10 minutes. This mask is used 3 times a week to maintain the desired effect.
Mask with honey against split ends
Mask with the addition of honey and apple cider vinegar and almond oil to help cope with split ends. The mixture of these ingredients is rubbed into the hair for 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water. This mask is made once a week.
Honey for clarification of hair
It is known that honey not only serves as a means to strengthen and restore curls, but also a great alternative to chemical agents with ammonia, which desiccate and spoil the hair.
To lighten hair 1-2 tones used mask with honey. Before applying it is necessary to wash the hair with any shampoo with the addition of ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. Then heat the honey and apply on the hair. The head cover with plastic wrap, put on top of warming cap. This mask is best left for the night and in the morning you wake up not only brightened, but with soft silky curls.
Action cognac on health and beauty hair
Cognac - a noble beverage, which the fans are more are men. However, women have learned from the benefit to themselves. They began to use this drink is not inside, and used as a means to maintain the beauty of hair in the various face masks. Masks with brandy enhance the state of hair follicles, increase blood circulation and, consequently, accelerate the growth of curls. This is a great tool for those who are concerned about hair loss. In addition, the mask with cognac will give hair a beautiful golden hue.
Many people mistakenly believe that after the use of funds on the basis of the drink will keep the smell of alcohol. No unpleasant smell on the hair after using cognac remains. Feel free to use the recipes of masks based on it.
Mask with brandy to speed up hair growth
1 tablespoon brandy mix with 4 tablespoons of juice onions. Prepare the infusion of burdock. To do this, 1 tablespoon of dried plant pour 1 cup boiling water and cool. Add the mixture of cognac and onion juice 6 tablespoons of broth. The mask is put on the hair roots evenly rubbing into the scalp. Leave a firming cap for 1 hour, then rinse hair with warm water.
Mask with cognac from split ends
2 tablespoons brandy, mix with 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil, add 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of Iranian henna. This mask hold on the hair for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo.
The best combination for the beauty and health of hair
Given how well influence honey and brandy separately on our hair, we can imagine how effectively the effect of the mask is based on these two components. Brandy stimulates hair growth, and honey nourishes from root to tip. This combination gives a striking result. We offer a few recipes of masks for hair with honey and cognac, which is easy to prepare in your own kitchen.
Mask for strengthening hair
Mix in a small container honey, cognac and henna powder. All the ingredients, take 1 teaspoon. Add 1 beaten egg yolk. Spread the mixture on the hair, wrapped head with a polyethylene foil and wait for 40-50 minutes. Rinse with warm running water.
Masks for giving volume
This cosmetic preparation is remarkable in that it can be used not only as a mask, but also as a shampoo. So, take equal parts of honey, brandy and sea salt. All components mix thoroughly. The resulting composition of the tank and pour into a tight zakuporte. Put in a dark place for 2 weeks. This mask is applied to the hair warming cap for 20 minutes, then wash without detergent. Instead, shampoo the mixture can be used no more than twice a week.
To give the hair volume can make a mask with a decoction of oak bark. To do this, 1 tablespoon of crushed plants Pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Then, prepare a broth mixed with 50 grams of brandy and 2 tablespoons of honey. Like any other, this mask is applied to the entire length of the hair under the plastic wrap.
Mask with brandy and honey for hair growth
1 onion grate or chop in a blender. The resulting slurry for squeeze onion juice. Mix it with 2 tablespoons of brandy, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil (possibly use castor or burdock), 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 10 drops of any essential oil at its discretion. Honey and vegetable oil before mixing is necessary to slightly warm water bath. If the mask will be too liquid, you can add to it 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder. Keep the mask is not more than an hour, to prevent over-drying hair. Rinse the means necessary to water at room temperature, then rinse with a solution of apple cider vinegar or water with lemon juice.
Features of the application of masks for hair with honey and cognac
Honey and brandy - potent means, so they should be used with caution in order not to cause harm. The masks, which include these products are more suitable for oily hair. Owners of dry hair before applying the mask lubricate any hair oil (burdock, castor, olive, jojoba oil, and so on. D.). Instead, the oil can be added to yogurt or kefir.
After applying the mask with cognac and honey is recommended to rinse the hair with water and apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. This procedure will make the hair even more beautiful and shiny.
Using a mask with cognac and honey at least once a week, you will forget about the problems of hair loss or dimness. Your curls will be thick, shiny healthy and the envy of everyone around!