Fashion on the loose disheveled hair and volume intricate styling gave way to fine hair, known at all times and loved by many - beam. He gives the "flavor" of the majority of the fair sex. It is not necessary to dock with the shape of the face or tsvetotip your appearance. Make a bundle quickly and easily, it is suitable to ladies of any age, it is worn both at work and at a party and the secular reception. Indeed, the simplicity - the key to elegance.
The beam - hair at all times
This hairstyle invented the ancient Greek women, who valued the simplicity and naturalness. Then the women tied a knot at the nape hair, decorate their tiaras, mesh of fine gold lace or ribbons. In the Middle Ages instead of women braid wound around his head, began to make so-called "node humility" - smooth hair with a tight knot at the nape chipped.
After the era of austerity it is time for hair hairstyles Biedermeier. This intricate form tufts of hair going up in the form of loops and bows, and the neck was left open. In the first of these hairstyles hair strands at the temples stacked in curls. These hairstyles were intended for ceremonial exits, receptions and balls. Over time, dense bunches of curls replaced more lush and small curls, which were called "blown snow" or "whipped cream".
This hair was parted prerequisite. One or two zigzag or parallel. In accordance with the mode, the tufts on the crown were to be the highest possible, so later in their design steel frames used. Bunches of steel is an air loop of braid or smooth strands of hair combed in the form of bows. Of course, a large number of parts required thick hair, which caused a big fashion to use the pads.
Today it is one of the most simple, elegant and practical hairstyles. His popularity has earned the beam that perfectly combines with different styles of clothing: sporty, casual, business, evening. Perfect for all occasions, it all depends on the version of the beam and properly selected hair accessories.
What you need to know to make the right beam
For hairdressing experiments are ideal as a long hair and medium length hair. Moreover, the beam does not require you of any special skill or complex devices. It can be done correctly in any conditions of life, even in the hike.
Variations on the beam there are so many. Therefore, every woman can choose for your hair appropriate option. However, we should not forget that, like any other hairstyle, he can not only beneficial to emphasize your strengths, but also to highlight the deficiencies. Combined with a graceful neck and classic features even disheveled, hastily made a bundle will look fine. If you do not have the above parameters, it should be made lower so as not to focus on the neck.
If your height is more than 180 cm, it is not necessary to do high beams. Low beam and tidy - the best solution for you. This nuance should be taken into account and women are too long and thin neck. Small and fragile ladies are contraindicated lush and voluminous bundles. For "dyuymovochek" more suitable versions of this tight hairstyles, decorated with curls and curls, or two small beam on each side of the head.
If you decide to do a high beam on top, make sure that the hair on his neck were not too tight. Using various techniques, you can make a bundle of ordinary original, elegant evening hairstyle.
Several variants of the beam
The simplest version of the bundle
Carefully comb the hair.
Collect them in the tail where you want to make a bundle.
Screw the tail in tow.
Twist it in a knot and secure with pins.
Decorate the beam in two ways: leave a few thin strands at the bottom of the beam, or twisting them into flagella, lay on top of the beam.
Volume beam
This type of beam is easy and simple to do with a special lining. In the absence of such - you can make it yourself. The most common material for homemade lining - sock. To do this, cut from the sock "fingers" and twist a few times, until it becomes like a thick rubber band.
Gather hair into a ponytail where you want to beam.
Insert the twisted hair in a sock, in the usual scrunchy.
Wrap the tail on the roll of the sock so that the hair covered the entire roller.
Secure the bundle of pins.
You can decorate the braids, flagella of twisted curls, ribbons, flowers.
Unusual beam
Next beam - an application for identity and extravagance. But, despite its intricacy, making it pretty easy.
Divide hair parted on the side.
Assemble the tail of the bottom side (near the ear).
Divide the tail strands and twirling around your finger, put your own.
Bends locks attach pins and invisible.
For larger volume of strands may be slightly before fixing comb and sprinkle with varnish.
The beam-bow
Despite all its scope, this option is just to make the beam, it will take you about 15 minutes.
Separate from the forehead major strand of hair, slightly lowered and secure on top with a small clip. This is done to ensure that the hair is not subsequently lost their volume.
Gather hair into a ponytail where you want to make a bow. It can be done on the top or side, how do you tell a fantasy.
On the last turnover of gum tail should form a loop. Make a loop, what size you want to make a bow.
Divide the loop gain in two parts. Middle screw the rest of the bow. Thus, two parts - the "ears" of a bow and stranded hair - his "bundle" that needs to be fixed invisible.
Give "lugs" bow shape. If necessary, secure them invisible base.
Remove small hairpin with strands from his forehead.
Secure the hair with hairspray.
Lovely stylish bow out of hair is ready!
How to decorate the hair?
Variants of jewelry for the beam there are so many. Limitation here - only your imagination. It could be gum with artificial flowers, and metal clips with crystals and beads, and hairnets of any color and decorative combs, and various clips. You can also experiment with the parting, combined with a smooth strand curls, braids weave in a beam of varying thickness.
But the main thing - remember that everything is good in moderation. This is especially true of massive jewelry and metal pins. Too large number of them will look gaudy. And the abundance of prikolok color, among other things, can lead to headaches.
And the rest - go for it. Try new images, do not be afraid to experiment with styles, discover new facets of his nature! With the beam color is convenient to do household chores, or sports, or walking their pet shop, to shine at a business meeting or a dinner party. But most importantly - you'll not only look great, but feel confident to 100%.
We strongly recommend to read: How to do a bundle on her head
What are the options?
What options are popular?
What hairstyle for your hair type?
Flower decorations
Wedding hairstyle in the Greek style
Classic wedding hairstyle for medium length hair
Many of us have childhood dreams of enchanting wedding. It is - it is an event that will open a new family chronicle, which will tell the grandchildren. Yes, in our time is more popular form of civil marriage for various reasons; magnificent wedding, and especially the wedding, is now more associated with a tribute to the old times. But if you want the chance to realize his childhood dream into reality, and you will soon planned wedding, this article will tell you how best to choose a wedding hairstyle on the average length of hair.
At the wedding image every detail counts: from the last curl on his head to ribbons on the bouquet. Wedding hairstyle is an integral, and sometimes style-forming, a component of the image of the bride. The options of wedding hairstyles there are myriad. The limiting factor here may be only your taste or imagination stylist.
Many people think that wedding hairstyles for medium length hair monotonous and similar. But this is not the case. First, the hair should be stacked in accordance with the overall style of the chosen bride, where there is plenty of options. No need to fear that your hair will be a copy of an ensemble of some other lucky. It has been observed that different women, even the same haircut looks different because of personal charm and style of the wedding ensemble. And, secondly, it is necessary to add one or another decoration, or put curls, and on your head has a unique author's work, unlike others.
What are the options?
Bride - a way. And wedding hairstyle should be considered according to this way, and not just as a separate structure. More focus on the wedding hairstyles for medium length hair. Nowadays this is the most common length. And most embodiments offer hairstyles precisely on this length, as in this case there are more opportunities to experiment than with short or long hair.
You can wind the hair, making hair smooth a la Carmen, retro style 30s, used a variety of linings and artificial curls on the head to create a unique ensemble of different types of weaving. The advantage of medium length hair in comparison with long that they better keep the volume and perm.
Selection of hairstyles, mainly depends on the style dresses and the overall style of the bride. Classic elegant dresses require moderate hairstyles. If the image of the bride is different conservative, with hair, too, you can experiment. It is advisable for a few days before the wedding to make a trial packing to assess in advance the image. And if suddenly you do not like the result, you will be able to choose something else.
Wedding Hairstyles also be decorated studs and rhinestones, ribbons, high and low tiaras, combs with pearls and feathers. The main thing that decoration combined with each other, other accessories (earrings and necklaces) and came to the dress. If you decide to decorate the hair with flowers, make sure that the veil is not closed all the beauty.
With the advent of on the market a large number of cosmetic products, it is much easier to transform the hair, to give it liveliness and volume. It is possible to make a multi-level stacking embodiment, when the hair are wound beforehand, and then split into strands and zone. For example, you can remove the back hair up, and straighten the front and tuck.
Do not forget to advice of stylists: the harder you dress, the easier it should be a hairstyle. And remember, no matter what the work of art is not created on your head hairdressers, it should be comfortable and not lose shape during the day. And at an official ceremony and a walk around the city and directly at the ceremony the bride should look your best.
What options are popular?
The main rule here: the popularity that suits you. If the selected style you feel uncomfortable - change it. Now popular hairstyles based on light curls. In this case, the hair curling does not start from the roots, and below that is not visually reduces their length. The curls can be woven flowers, fasten their beautiful hairpins and bobby pins, or decorate the tiara.
For medium length hair updo beautifully obtained that "to face" almost all brides, regardless of the height and build. Especially if the wedding dress with open shoulders, neckline and corset.
Very often do wedding hairstyles based on never coming out of fashion beam, which can be combined with different types of weaving braids, curly or straight locks. Options such as haircuts there countless.
What hairstyle for your hair type?
When choosing hairstyles should necessarily take into account the type of hair. Otherwise, all your efforts may go to the dogs. For soft and thin hair categorically not suitable shallow waving, hair done better with more details - curls, large waves, tangles. This visually add volume and lightness. When installing this type of hair it is not necessary to use funds from the oily texture and liquid fixing means.
If your hair is hard, they will keep the good form of soft curls parted. But note that if the holiday pripadet on a hot or humid day, the locks may droop. You should also consider the direction of natural hair growth, if you do not want to "cement" unruly lock of a huge number of fixing means.
Flower decorations
You can use fresh flowers. For wedding hairstyles using bush rose, freesia, orchid, peony, lilies. It is quite resistant flowers, they will carry the day in the hair without losing its freshness. But the rose, hydrangea, iris fade quickly, so do not use them in wedding hairstyles. Keep in mind that some colors are poorly attached to the hair due to the large size (orchids, lilies, calla lilies). If you still want to use them, you have to pick up for them a hairstyle that will be proportional to the selected color.
You can use artificial flowers that are sold in stores or order them, given the style of your image. It is used as a vine of flowers and beads. You can order a hat of flowers. It will look extraordinary and romantic.
Wedding hairstyle in the Greek style
An excellent and original option is the hairstyle in the Greek style. It can be done independently, without the help of stylists and hairdressers. To do this, you need only to hair curlers or curling, elastic bandage and studs.
Wash your hair, dry them, lifting the strands at the roots to give more volume to the hairstyle.
Take a curling iron and curl the hair with one hand in one direction from the person on the other side - the opposite. So you create a broad "flowing" curls.
Curls can stab pins, removing the face, the back in a bun or keep flowing.
Hairstyle can be supplemented by a veil of varying lengths, double rim, flower arrangement of fresh flowers or a tiara with stones. This hairstyle is perfect for an informal part of the event on the nature or the seashore, and on the second day of the festival.
Classic wedding hairstyle for medium length hair
To do it, you will need: comb, heated rollers, pins, rubber bands, invisible, hair dryer, hair spray strong fixing, hair ornaments heels or invisible.
Comb your hair.
In front of the head separate strand of hair from temple to temple. Screw it on heated rollers. This portion of hair will add the volume of hair in the front.
Make 2 tail of hair over the ears.
Collect the remaining hair and make a third ponytail.
Screw 3-4 termobigudi for each tail. The smaller curlers take - will be the stronger locks.
Cool heated rollers with a hair dryer, using the cooling mode, or wait until they cool down until.
After removing the curlers, fix her hair lacquer.
The front part of the hair back and collect the pin to secure the tails.
Hair on one side of the head to pass on to another, by attaching strands of the middle pins or invisible.
Check the uniformity of stacking using a mirror.
Pin curls beneath a veil and flowers adorn her hair and beautiful prikolkami.
Remember that only you can limit yourself to choosing the image. But whatever it was, classical or extravagant, it must be thoughtful and gracious. All must be combined: the hair, the dress, and accessories. Think carefully about the image of your wedding. And let the wedding will be for you one of the happiest days of your life!
We advise to check: Beautiful styling for medium length hair