white clay for hair


  • Kaolin: benefits and harms
  • How to use white clay?
  • Masks from kaolin and not only

After coloring your hair lost its former glory, and now you're looking for a suitable tool that would help you fix them? Every day, women are spending huge sums on shampoos, masks, balms and other cosmetic products. However, many inexpensive and less effective means, such as white clay, can be found at your local pharmacy.

Kaolin - a true gift of nature, as it contains relatively large amounts of salts and minerals that the human body needs so much. Calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper and silica - all these substances help revitalize hair dye exhausted.

Kaolin: benefits and harms

Mask with white clay perfect the fair sex having problems greasy hair or dandruff. It not only disinfects, cleans and dries the skin. If you use shampoos and masks with this component is constant, your locks will look alive even after the hundredth painting.

The only negative is that the clay draws out all the moisture, so the owners of dry and heavily damaged hair have to use additional means to care. Pay special attention to the fact that it is not recommended to apply a mask of kaolin more than three or four times a month.

 Mask with white clay for hair

How to use white clay?

Despite the fact that the white clay is totally safe for health, yet do not neglect some rules regarding its storage and use. Before the first use of kaolin is recommended to read the instructions in order to avoid the most common mistakes allowed.

So, first, hair mask is done only on the day when it will be applied. Second, do not knead the solution more than you need for a single procedure. Dilute with water or clay must be used all at once or throw the remains in the trash. Remember, keep kaolin in this form can not be more than a day.

Pour the powder with water (the exact amount to be specified on the package), then stir until smooth. As a result, you should get a mixture similar to the consistency of thick sour cream. Once the mask with white clay is ready, put it on his head and spread over the entire length of the hair to the roots and the tips are well soaked. Twenty to thirty minutes should wash hair with mild shampoo. For during the procedure does not smear clothes and strengthen the positive effect, put plastic wrap, then wrap the hot towel.

To mask after the hair does not tangle and is not too hard, apply balm on them indelible. On the same day it is not recommended to dry hair dryer at full power, aligning hair ironing, twist the strands using ploek, heated rollers or a hot curling iron.

Often, blondes and light-brown beauties after using white clay tresses begin to fade a bit or take on a yellowish-gray color. To avoid this trouble is possible using conventional low-cost coloring shampoo or hair balm, diluted with a little water.

 useful white clay for hair

Masks from kaolin and not only

Of course, the clay itself useful for hair, and this is difficult to argue, but if added to it several additional ingredients, a positive effect can be enhanced by several times. But in this case it is recommended to test the resulting mixture at a single site skin to avoid irritation or an allergic reaction.

  • Lime

The girls, who on the second day after washing your hair starts to shine and zhirnet strongly recommended mask with clay, lemon or lime. In a glass of water - one or two teaspoons of fresh juice. Please note that in any case can not replace it with the essence or citric acid, otherwise you may get burned.

  • Broth

Clay works seamlessly with the other components, so be sure to fill it with plain water from the tap, this may also be used freshly prepared broths from yarrow, oak bark, stinging nettle, linden, chamomile and other herbs.

  • Eggs

Strengthen hair, avoiding the dryness of hair, it is possible with the help of burdock oil and egg yolk. The clay mineral is diluted with warm or filtered water, thoroughly mixed, then added to the remaining ingredients. The mask is applied only twenty to thirty minutes, and then thoroughly washed. After it is not necessary to use balms, conditioners and the like cosmetics.

  • Garlic

Unfortunately, concentrated garlic mask quite specific smell, so many of the fair sex, or very rarely use it, or do not dare to such experiments. But if you properly prepare the mixture and prepare a special herbal solution for rinsing hair, unpleasant odor does not remain on the hair.

The first thing you need to squeeze into a glass pot two small cloves of garlic and two tablespoons of lemon juice, pour three tablespoons of clay and pour all that half a liter of warm water or herbal decoction. Recommended garlic strain through cheesecloth, then do not have to comb out the hair from the remnants of the mask. At the end of the procedure should wash your hair two or three times with shampoo, then rinse decoction of herbs, which can add a bit of aromatic oils, and then - to put balm.

  • Mead

Honey mask with clay is difficult to wash off, so it must be done in a day when you are not planning to go anywhere. Another detail, which should know not to come in horror after rinsing the head - at the end of such a procedure in the bathroom can be a very large number of locks. There is nothing to worry about. This mask helps to purify the scalp, remove horny skin cells and dead hairs stuck in the bulbs because of the large accumulation of grease and dirt.

Thus, melted on a water bath butter mixed with clay, and then added to the yolk, honey, mustard and lemon juice (one teaspoon of each ingredient). The resulting mask is first rubbed in a circular motion to the roots, then spread over the entire head of hair using a comb with thick teeth. After application head wrapped film towel and left to stand for a couple of hours, depending on the condition of the hair, then the mixture was washed with copious amounts of water.

  • Berries

The mask of berries help prevent tip-section, accelerate the growth of hair and scalp will saturate all the missing vitamins and minerals. The ratio of 2: 2 is mixed with fresh milk, clay and fresh juice of sour grapes. This can be buckthorn, currant, cranberry, etc.

Wash hair with kaolin

If you do not have time to go for at least twenty to thirty minutes, with a mask on his head, make a rinse that get your job done no worse. To this end, the clay is mixed with purified water and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions (three to four tablespoons). Apply the mixture to clean damp hair for five minutes, then rinse with water with lemon.

 White clay for hair damaged paint

We recommend that read: Hair masks of white clay

 hair mask from clay

More than 2,000 years ago in the Chinese province of Kaolin (which means "high mountain") was discovered clay, which when added to the porcelain gave him extraordinary whiteness. After the time it began to be used in medical and cosmetic purposes. Since ancient times, women have used hair mask from clay to maintain their youth and natural beauty. After all, kaolin (white clay is so named because of the area where it was discovered) contains salts and trace elements, perfectly digestible by the human body.

An indispensable feature of white clay is that it detoxifies, absorbs excess oil and dirt, stimulates metabolism in the cells. Thanks to these abilities white clay gives excellent results in the fight against dandruff and oily seborrhea, strengthens weak and brittle hair, prevents hair loss. Additionally, kaolin has antibacterial and regenerating properties. White clay capable of absorbing poisons, toxins and even radiation, which are known to accumulate in the body is the hair.

 clay mask for hair

Recipes masks on the basis of white clay

For greasy hair

  • A small amount of clay should be diluted with warm (45-48 degrees) with water or a decoction of herbs. You can use nettle, chamomile and calendula. All mixed to a creamy consistency and applied to the hair, about half an hour. Clay hair to remove excess greasiness and improve the nutrition of the skin. Rinse, like any other mask;
  • Effectively the mask with lemon juice and cream. Take 1 tablespoon of dried cream, the same amount of clay and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting mixture is applied for 20-25 minutes.

For hair growth

To improve hair growth, use a mask with the addition of mineral water. Good also added to the mask essential oils such as bergamot, juniper, cypress, grapefruit, cedarwood. 4-5 drops is enough. The resulting mixture was put on the scalp, massaging and rubbing it easy to blend in roots. Then distributed throughout the hair strand by strand. Put the plastic cap. To create even more heat effect, wrap the head with a towel. Rinse shampoo and warm water, about half an hour after application.

In order to strengthen

  • To prepare mask strengthens brittle hair, giving them shine and volume, it is necessary to take a teaspoon of clay and add to it one egg yolk. There also put a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and butter. Apply this mask to damp hair and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse as usual with warm water and shampoo;
  • Also helps to strengthen hair mask with yogurt, which have to dissolve 2 tablespoons of dry clay until smooth. Apply the mask to the scalp, rubbing in the roots. You can wash off after half an hour;
  • Another mask of white clay helps to strengthen hair. To prepare the clay, diluted with water or broth herbs, add egg yolk and a small amount of burdock oil. Apply the mask should be the entire length of the hair and leave for polyethylene and a towel for 20 minutes.

 hair masks out of clay

From Loss

  • Coping with hair loss can be white clay, dilute with kvass. It should dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of clay with half a glass of kvass. You must get a lot of, the consistency of sour cream shopping. Apply it on your hair for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water;
  • For the density of hair growth, and good will of the mask yolk, whipped with one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil and a teaspoon of honey, with the addition of two tablespoons of white clay. After 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

For split ends

Take the sour berries (cranberries, sea buckthorn), milk and clay. All in equal proportions - to 2 tablespoons. All mix and applied to the hair. The roots can not rub it, and pay attention to it ends. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and wash the head with shampoo.

Use a mask with white clay can be once a fortnight. After using the mask necessarily apply balm or conditioner. Do not use white clay, if you have dry scalp. Due to the ability of the absorbent clay will draw much-needed moisture to your hair.

Masks made of clay hair help your tresses gain a natural beauty, get rid of the clogging of elements, such as excess sebum accumulated toxins. This means that your hair will be able to absorb nutrients. The scalp will start to "breathe", enriching the tissues with oxygen and improving blood circulation, which undoubtedly will benefit your hair.

 Hair mask of clay: nutrition, hydration, strengthening

We recommend that read: Masks of split ends
