How to dye your hair resistant paint: the rules and precautions
Painted hair: how to proceed?
Resistant hair dye - a great option for those who want as little as possible to resort to the procedure of staining. Due to the special and unique ingredients, resulting color is not washed off much longer, besides becoming a brunette or blond can even completely gray of the fair sex, which is difficult to achieve with conventional paints.
Resistant paint: what is it?
Unlike conventional temporary dyes such as henna, brahma and tinting shampoos or conditioners, resistant paint more intensive hair colors, not just covers it, but after the application of the hair is much more suffering. And if such products will be used correctly, can be obtained as a result of not bright and shiny hair, as in the picture box, and the dry, broken and badly split ends.
Remember that any proof paint contains active and aggressive chemicals, thanks to which it penetrates the hair shaft and paints them. This can either be ammonia or an oxidizer. In small quantities, they are both harmful for the health of the adult person, but to answer the question, which option is better to prefer - is difficult.
Lately it has become fashionable to use bezammichnuyu products, as it is believed that she is safe, but its cost is not everyone can afford. In addition, some dishonest manufacturers have replaced conventional agent is peroxide. So, buy the paint, be sure to study its composition. And if it has any oxidant does not make sense to pay more for bright packaging and fine publicity stunt.
If you want to get a bright color that will hold the hair more than one week, you have to use a lot of products with ammonia. She would have to give preference, if your hair has started to lose the natural pigment, which is why you quickly sedeet. Normal paint with such a problem will not cope.
Another detail, which necessarily should be remembered - the time of exposure. Resistant hair dye should be at the head as much as specified in the instructions, but not a minute longer. Otherwise, when you start to wash it with a head of hair but also find this tool in the sink or bathtub is quite a large number of scraps its chic braid.
If you hold on to it at least five to ten minutes ahead of results from the staining will not be any, because in such a short time will not happen oxidation process in the hair shaft and will not get a substance that will change the pigmentation cells. Remember that before you get to the store shelves, the paint has passed a lot of tests in the laboratory, on the basis of which were created by experts recommendations.
Cons resistant paint
Ammonia, like any other such chemicals have never benefited the hair. Even the most expensive hair dye, which you will find in the shop of professional cosmetics, make your hair thin and brittle. After using such products will always have to make a mask for the hair, apply the balm, just wash your hair with special shampoos.
Independently painted at home this paint is not recommended, as even professional masters sometimes commit serious mistakes and inexperienced newcomer will be much harder to understand that something in the coloring process has gone wrong. As a result of these experiments is quite a large number of the ladies walking around with perepalennymi hair color unknown. It is unlikely that you will be able to guess what must be done if the roots after the procedure a little darker or lighter tips.
Benefits resistant paint
If you want as long as possible to be bright and irresistible? Then, this option is ideal for you! You can visit the sauna, swimming pool, swim in the sea, without fear that the paint will flow from your hair and on your skin, bathing suits or towels remain traces and divorces. Thus, if you just make hair coloring, no one would guess that, for example, dark brown - it's not your natural color.
If you are afraid to do serious harm to your hair, purchase products, which is composed of components that protect the locks from aggressive and restores the structure of hair. This can be herb extracts, oils and the like useful additive.
The only thing to remember always - is that proof paint never, under any circumstances can not save. Cheap means unknown manufacturers can be made of toxic and hazardous substances that cause allergy, inflammation, itching, hair loss, or lead to more serious consequences.
How to dye your hair resistant paint: the rules and precautions
Even if you use already proven version of the famous manufacturer is not the first, in any case, prior to the application you want to test the products. Apply the paint in the crook of the elbow for five minutes to seven, after which it is washed off with plenty of water. Twenty-four hours on the skin there is no trace? Then boldly proceed with staining.
However, it is not recommended to experiment with hair during the women's days, as due to the increased amount of the hormone, resulting color may be different from what you want. Fully contraindicated like hair dye girls in the state and nursing mothers, as toxic substances can enter the body of the child and even cause poisoning. Also, do not dye his hair to those who have recently had a perm, lighten or completely repainted the blonde. It will take at least two weeks after such manipulations.
The day before the procedure, do not wash your hair, as in this case, the paint better and more evenly fall on the strand, and the natural oil will protect your hair from aggressive. But this does not mean that if you do wash your tresses in the day, the result will be much worse.
So, starting the procedure, make sure that you have everything you need for painting: gloves, comb, towel or sheet, so as not to stain your clothes, watches to measure the time, cellophane cap and paint. In the long hair will need at least two packages (one - for every ten to fifteen centimeters, depending on the splendor shag).
Do not use a brush instead of a special toothbrush, washcloth, and other handy tools, as was the custom to do before. First, the result may be unforeseeable, secondly, contact one with the other chemical products is not desired.
If you decide to drastically change your image, think carefully about whether you are willing to take this step, because after the reception of paint back to the original color of the hair can not be quickly, especially if you were repainted in a dark or very bright colors.
Painted hair: how to proceed?
Even the most stable and professional paint is washed off in time, so if you want to save the rich color of hair as long as possible, in future, only to tint roots, use special shampoos and balms. But the masks, which include a large amount of fat is washed brightness. They are only suitable to lighten the girls and want to get rid of yellow.
Some girls just prefer to use baby shampoo, thinking that they are useful, because they are much less harmful substances. In fact, this product is absolutely contraindicated ladies, hair coloring in dark colors, the same goes for funds from dandruff. In extreme cases, use medicated lotions, ampoules and other funds that are rubbed into the skin.
Enjoy a swim in hot water? Unfortunately, such pleasure now have to give up. From now on, you can only wash my hair under a small and barely warm trickle. Remember that the hot water is harmful not only painted, but completely healthy hair.
At the end rinse hair with plain water, or filtered, to which is added a small amount of vinegar, dry mustard, or citric acid. This is done in order to normalize the pH and rinse with bleach, which negatively affects the scalp, excessive podsushivaya it. Besides, what else might be in the water in our country, many of the fair sex is better not to know.
If you are a fan of ironing, ploek, heated rollers, be sure to use products that protect hair from heat treatment, otherwise your hair will begin to quickly fade. Try as little as possible to dry the wet strands of hair dryer, do so only at the minimum speed and at low temperature. For laying choose mousses and foams, which is composed of paint pigments. They are also encouraged to apply to regrowth, so that they do not stand out, and the ends.