Temperature allergies


  • When the temperature rises?
  • Allergy and idiosyncrasy
  • Allergy and genetic predisposition
  • Whether there is a high temperature during normal allergy?
  • We are struggling with food allergies
  • Allergies to medications
  • Temperature pollen allergy
  • Often if the temperature by the bite of insects in the soil allergic?

It is believed that regular allergy is not accompanied by fever. Doctors also argue the opposite. This really happens, but when it comes to atypical allergy. Most allergy symptoms resemble atypical viral infection, so very difficult to decide what you are worried about disease.
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When the temperature rises?

Temperature may rise allergy when different intensity and individual tolerability allergens affect the organism. This food pathogens, intolerance to drugs, foreign proteins, plasma, vaccines, bites of various insects, pollen. The list of allergens is not yet complete, as there are many types of allergies in people prone to its manifestation.

 fever allergy
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Allergy and idiosyncrasy

One should distinguish between allergic condition and individual intolerance of any of the exciting factors. For allergy occurs immediately, this immediate reaction to the allergen. After the action immediately manifest characteristic symptoms of allergic diseases: rash, itching, redness of the skin, sneezing, fever. If you have an individual intolerance of any product or other irritating factor, its effect will be visible after some time, even a few days. This "delayed" reaction to the pathogen.

A variety of allergy symptoms and you are hypersensitive

If we talk about the symptoms of allergies and intolerances individual, they are similar, but at the same time are very diverse. Some symptoms seemed to have no similarities with allergies, but, nevertheless, they occur often in our time. Allergic symptoms are: depression, joint pain, pallor, yellowness and dryness of the skin, swelling under the eyes, shortness of breath, dizziness and decreased clarity of thought processes, constipation or diarrhea, herpes, runny nose, rashes, indigestion, dark circles and bags under the eyes and enuresis in children night.
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Allergy and genetic predisposition

People often ask: "Why is the child turned out to be allergic if both parents had no allergic reactions in childhood and in adult life? "The fact that irritability and sensitivity to certain allergens genetically inherent nature. If the child's mother and father are not prone to allergy, but this unpleasant disease suffered once a grandparent, that is a strong likelihood that the grandson would also be allergic.
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Whether there is a high temperature during normal allergy?

Many are asking whether allergic reactions are accompanied by very high temperatures? Allergy symptoms has a wide variety, often resembling OCR, but if the temperature rises, until 38. If allergy is applied also to viral infection (e.g. common cold), then the temperature would indeed be high. Then you need to have a comprehensive treatment of both diseases, which is appointed by the doctor. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate and prohibited.

 Temperature allergies to medications
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We are struggling with food allergies

In order to prevent ingress of the above allergens in the body of the child, they do not need to include in your daily diet. Eventually, after a month or two, you can try to gently introduce a small dose of "forbidden" foods, but include the slightest reaction to allergens. With age, many allergens in children are no longer active, but it depends on individual susceptibility and hypersensitivity of the body. Of course, without consulting the children's pediatrician and a dietician (in the case of allergies with adults) is required because the health - above all else.

Food allergies in children

Food allergy is the most common, especially in children. Pathogens are most often the following products: honey and bee products (beeswax, bee bread), fish, citrus, cocoa, chocolate. Temperature increase in food allergy is not a major symptom, but accompanied by a rash, vomiting, nausea, abdominal tenderness and intestines, the common concern of the child, and in later stages - and swollen lymph nodes, and parts of the face and neck should alert parents. The temperature usually rises of 38, so you need timely medical assistance and the normalization temperature antipyretics.

Food allergies and heredity

If the child's parents are prone to allergy to any food, it is often transmitted and their children. So, Mom, knowing their individual intolerance to certain food pathogen should not use it during breastfeeding. Understand your child has allergies or not, you can at the time of transition from the infant nutrition breastfeeding introduction of complementary foods. If there is a rash on the cheeks, it is clear that the body was an allergen.

Severe allergies that cause anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is an extremely severe, severe and life-threatening reaction to an intolerable irritant. Such a critical condition can cause peanuts. Therefore, if you are careful, it is usually indicated on the labels of the possibility of allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Most allergens are some seafood, especially shellfish, but the warning labels on the package, you will likely not find. Strong allergen can be a wasp or bee sting, and the use of bee products.

Symptoms and first aid for anaphylactic shock

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock - an increase in temperature to 39 degrees, shortness of breath, palpitations, swelling of the eyelids, face, neck, convulsions, critical reduction in blood pressure. If such symptoms are obvious, the first thing to do - to bring the victim immediately to the nearest medical center as often in such cases, an injection of epinephrine. If possible, you can get a shot himself. If the patient difficulty breathing and swelling of the already developed, breathing victim need to stick a straw in your mouth.

Food complete immunity

There are times when the body gives a response to "all eaten." This condition is caused most serious intestinal disorder - dysbiosis. There is acute inflammation, resulting in the undigested remains of food are thrown back into the blood. In this case, qualified medical help, because they can develop serious complications, up to heavy intoxication. Full nutritional immunity also happens when the liver can not cope with the load provided it: as a result of alcohol poisoning, sucrose or high doses of drugs.

 Temperature pollen allergy
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Allergies to medications

Beginning treat viral disease, we immediately turn to antibiotics, forgetting that in this way can provide no help, and harm to the body, causing allergy medicines. Allergic condition is caused by an overdose of medication, incorrect dosage regimen of the drug and as a result you are hypersensitive to the drug or its components. Often, drug allergy is accompanied by fever.

Symptoms of drug allergy

Allergies to medicines (pills, injections) is accompanied by the following symptoms: rash in the form of urticaria, irritation and redness, like bumps, angioedema, fever. In more severe cases, anaphylactic shock. If your child complains of abdominal pain, nausea, weakness and dizziness, these symptoms should be given special attention because they are talking about a serious form of allergy and its danger to the body. Talking about the timing of the appearance of allergy to medications, distinguish fast and deceleration time (a few days), the body's response to the stimulus.

What to take action when drug allergy?

  1. Stop immediately the use of the drug. This action will be sufficient as a first aid for mild allergic reaction.
  2. If within 10 minutes of the human condition is getting worse, and the reaction persists, call for help immediately doctor.
  3. When an allergic reaction develops as if in his eyes, before the arrival of the doctor to take an antihistamine, available at your fingertips (alfadril, suprastin, diazolin, Claritin).

How to prevent allergy medication in a child?

  • If you know that your baby - allergic, do not self incipient disease, in particular, the common cold. After all, your "concern" with antibiotics suffer from the child's body, the immune system.
  • Always consult with a leading pediatrician in the choice of drugs for a particular disease.
  • Use a special dispenser, which is present in children's cough syrups colds. Try to avoid overdose, do not forget about the consequences - the emergence of allergies.
  • You need to know what medications to treat arisen antihistamine allergy in the child. So be sure to ask your pediatrician how to help your child in case of an exacerbation at home and with the help of tools.

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Temperature pollen allergy

The temperature may increase slightly in the spring and summer (in the range 37-38 degrees, but it does not need to shoot down) when the mass flowering occurs trees and flowers. Some people, including children, are experiencing all the "charms" of seasonal allergies to pollen of flowering plants. Once in the nose, eyes, bronchial tubes, pollen irritates mucous eyelids, nose and respiratory tract. Symptoms resemble ARI: itchy eyes, acute rhinitis, sneezing and even fever. This response is typical for allergies is called seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

How to treat allergic to pollen

If you come spring and summer, and you know that an allergic reaction will take care of the acquisition of antihistamines that you appointed an allergist. Especially watch for allergic children at this time. Before giving any medicine, take advice from children's allergist because rhinoconjunctivitis can progress and develop into a more serious illness - asthma or hay fever. Do not self-medicate!
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Often if the temperature by the bite of insects in the soil allergic?

Insect bites are transferred differently. Available from a mosquito bite causes severe itching, burning, and even rashes. At a sting of bees, horseflies, wasps observed the characteristic symptoms: pain in the area of ​​the bite, redness, swelling at the site of the bite and around the small moderate rash, fever, and sometimes difficult stage and allergy - anaphylactic shock.

How to help with allergies to insect bites?

Immediately after the bite carefully inspect the site of the bite. Carefully, so as not to damage the small bag of poison, pull the bee sting with tweezers, nail or other object. Treat the bite with soap and cold water. Bandage with hydrocortisone - soothing the pain ointment.

What if after insect bites have symptoms, similar to anaphylactic shock? Or suddenly developed fever allergies? How to fight against all manifestations? More specifically, these questions can be answered only by a doctor.

If everything is much more dangerous, there is a rise in temperature, swelling extends symptoms resemble anaphylactic shock, you need to take appropriate antihistamines. Severe allergic reaction treated by injection of adrenaline. If the child has suffered a severe allergic reaction, it is necessary to provide first aid and immediately contact a doctor.

 Allergies and its manifestations
