Healthy deep sleep - one of the components of an active lifestyle, in which enough energy for all sectors of activity, whether it is work, study, household chores, communication with loved ones and so on. In the dream, the human body makes up for the lost energy during the day, and the rest is stored by the next day. Moreover, healthy sleep cures, in a dream, you can lose weight, sleep allows you to relax mentally.
However, not always sleep a person gets a full and healthy. Often, it interfere with distractions such as snoring. A person suffering from this disease (which is how the snoring is classified by doctors in recent decades), without knowing it, becomes irritable, it becomes prone to hypertension and even impotence. Sleep, which interferes with snoring, never be complete, which means that the next day a person will feel tired and sleepy.
In fairness it should be noted that the person who snores in her sleep, prevents not only his, but someone else calm. As you know, someone else's snoring sleep under extremely difficult and sometimes impossible. Different ways of distracting sleep while snoring, help only for a while, then the situation is back to square one. So, as is the case with any disease, it is necessary to cure the root cause of snoring, to get rid of him forever, and only then, you can use anti-snoring to the effect of it was positive.
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A few words about the mechanism of snoring
Speaking briefly, snoring is a process which is accompanied by a person's breathing during sleep. This process is rather special, because it is characterized by low-frequency vibration sound. A person suffering from this disease, can not hear yourself from the outside and can sleep normally, even if the next day will be tired and irritable. However, his household sleep is problematic, since the vibrations of snoring at times can be very loud and even rattling.
By the way, there is an interesting fact that snoring affects not only people but also animals. So what if the house with your dog only and you hear a distinct snoring at night, do not be alarmed. Animals in this sense too vulnerable.
What is the mechanism by which a man in his sleep issues such loud vibrating noise? It's all about the soft parts of the pharynx contact with each other. In other words, during sleep there are some fluctuations in the soft palate and uvula, which, combined with the flow of air passing through narrowed airways, creating a similar sound phenomenon.
How then to explain that snore during sleep, not all people? The fact is that healthy people simply do not feel vibrations of the soft palate. And if by these fluctuations is covered way for the air, a man is forced to make an effort to not suffocate corny, and it is difficult lying position during sleep. Thus snoring arises. And when you consider that these efforts are considerable expenditure of energy, it is understandable that in the morning the patient this disease feels overwhelmed and tired.
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What about the statistics snoring?
For a complete analysis of the disease for subsequent recovery is useful to familiarize with statistics indicating the number of ill them, the incidence of and percentage of successful recovery. Thus, the statistics say that snoring - a disease in which sick people aged 30 years and older. In more detail, it is believed that snoring during sleep about every second person in this age category. And if in this case may be a temporary "poisoning", is already one in five people over 30 years of statistics snore during sleep time. And it is not just serious, but also dangerous to health.
As for the analysis of the "snoring" by gender, statistics show that more men are prone to this illness than women. As you know, man snoring present bear much heavier because of the natural physiological characteristics, it is a more loud and long.
If you are a male over the age of 30 years, there is reason to think about your healthy sleep. And since in the US the problems associated with snoring, die each year up to 40 thousand people, think is really worth.
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Are there any tools that can overcome snoring?
Statistics is sometimes disappointing and harsh, as if to say that the problem is very serious and it is almost impossible to solve. However, in an attempt to get rid of any disease the most important - is the belief in success. Of course, the person who snores in his sleep, in fact, is experiencing a serious illness, and the problem really is, but to solve it is quite capable to everyone. Today, there are methods and means of snoring that can help once and for all get rid of the problem of unhealthy sleep.
I must say, snoring, as well as other diseases, has its stages. Thus, for example, snoring in mild stage (not very loud and not so extended vibratory sound) can heal without medical intervention. Sometimes you need to recover just to lose weight, if you have an excess of body weight, or get rid of nicotine addiction, if you are a heavy smoker. These measures should be sufficient to snoring gradually faded away.
However, not all suffering from "snorer" has a light stage of the disease. And in this case, when the house was literally shaking from the vibrations of the night, losing weight and quitting smoking can not do. It will either have to use a medical remedy for snoring, or to resort to surgery. Fortunately, modern medicine can provide a range of tools and techniques aimed at getting rid of snoring. Below are several options for such an "emergency."
Devices for the treatment of snoring, which are assessed in the mouth. For example, this can be a special tube, preventing ceasing base of the tongue during sleep, or devices supplying pressurized air into the airways. But it should be noted that sleep with such devices is not always and not everyone can.
Also popular laser plastic sky. With it you can correct the shape of the soft palate, so that later it does not interfere with normal breathing during sleep. At the same time, like all laser surgery, the operation will be carried out without tools, only with the help of a laser beam, under local anesthesia and virtually bloodless.
Another method of getting rid of snoring - orthodontic treatment. As a rule, they do not only doctors, orthodontists, but also cardiologists, internists, a sleep and ENT doctors. The method is to fix the position of the lower jaw of the patient, because the cause of snoring is often ceasing jaw back.
Equally effective remedy for snoring can be found among the popular methods. For example, many of the partners of snorers sleep just do not give a patient to sleep on their backs, in certain cases this method works. But in this case it is also important to consider the degree of snoring and individual characteristics "snorer".
So, choose a method suitable for the treatment of snoring only you can. Consult your doctor, you will be able to identify the extent and characteristics of their snoring, and analyzing all existing methods, determine which will suit you for medical and financial performance.
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Do I still treat snoring: The Case for
If you have not decided to treat snoring or not, or maybe think that no this is not a disease but a feature of your body, read the arguments, pro-snoring treatment. They might make you think.
The first and most important argument - sleep apnea. It is not necessary that this process will result in death (though there are such cases). The fact that about 500 of such stop overnight equivalent to four hours without oxygen, and this inevitably leads to heart disease, until the infarct.
Snoring detrimental effect on the brain, literally destroying it.
In addition, snoring causes early male sexual dysfunction and even impotence.
If these arguments are not enough, remember the disappointing statistics in the USA, indicating enormous number of deaths banal snoring. This should convince you!