Gastritis, alas, is a real scourge in our busy world. However, it is easy to explain - very few people can say that they are right, slowly, fully powered, and do not absorb food on the run between work, school and other things. Even fewer people closely monitors the state of the organism. And certainly not the stress in our time is indispensable.
And now - gastritis. First of all, you must understand what causes gastritis varied: stress, long-term inflammation, poor diet, parasites, inappropriate medications, drugs, alcohol and infectious diseases. But the result is the same - an inflammatory process, which is involved in the gastric mucosa.
The symptoms of gastritis
At first, gastritis can not in any way express themselves and the person just does not know about his illness. But sooner or later all the symptoms will be felt:
Nausea, especially in the morning, and sometimes vomiting.
Pain in the epigastric region, and often after a meal.
Heartburn is when gastritis occurs against the backdrop of increased acidity of the stomach.
The severity of symptoms depends on the individual and, most importantly, the intensity of the inflammatory process. Leave gastritis without treatment in any case can not if you do not want will soon be the proud owner of gastric ulcer. Self-medication - also not an option because you are unlikely to objectively assess their condition and you choose the right course of treatment. But something you still can do.
The role of the diet
And we will focus on diet, without which all the efforts of the doctor will go down the drain. Moreover - a diet for gastritis with high acidity is probably the main treatment. Do not get too much afraid - nothing complex in such a diet is not. And indeed it is very useful - the body will respond to you good health, and the figure - graceful silhouette.
To begin with I would like to tell you about the basic principles of proper nutrition - not knowing them, it will be difficult to follow a diet:
Split meals
Most importantly, what should be remembered for gastritis - food should be part of, at least five or six times a day. Of course, the smaller the portion, the better - this way you reduce the burden on the stomach. The top three receiving small amounts of food than Olivier bowl at a time. In no case do not let feelings of hunger - in this case hydrochloric acid, which is already in excess, has on the gastric mucosa very negative impact.
Cooking methods
Excluded are all fried and too fatty food, because for your patient's stomach, they are a real time bomb. The best option heat treatment of any food - it's steaming, or at least in the oven. Of course, the first time will not be easy, but your body will soon get used to such a diet. And you, by the way, there will be plenty of money saved on cooking time.
Also, do not eat too hot or cold food - it also serves as an irritant to the mucous membranes. Ideally, all food should be at room temperature, and this applies not only to food but also drinks. Of course, almost cold tea or coffee - not a very pleasant prospect, but for the sake of health can bear. And the sugar content should not be too large - it is also not the most favorable effect on the stomach, as triggers enhanced production of hydrochloric acid.
Prohibited Products
Chips, crackers, peanuts, pizza, hamburgers and sausages - all this will be only in dreams, because if gastritis fast food and semi-finished products is strictly forbidden. In addition, it is necessary to abandon smoked, spicy and smoked products, without exception sauces.
Pay attention to what you drink - natural juices, soft drinks, alcohol gastritis is strictly prohibited. Do not overdo it with milk and milk products - they are also in the period of treatment is not very desirable, especially in large quantities. Ideal savory homemade compotes and fruit drinks, weak black and green tea. Note - caffeinated beverages diet for gastritis with high acidity is strictly prohibited.
Meals are recommended for gastritis
To help with gastritis comes good old porridge. This can be buckwheat, Pshenko, semolina and, of course, oatmeal. Kashi must be liquid or be boiled - so their stomach will be much easier to digest. In order not to get bored of the monotony of this simple dish can be a little pokoldovat on traditional recipes, for example, cook oatmeal or semolina in the broth from the berries or fruits.
Preparing it is very simple - boil water, for example, some apples, and then cook in the broth cereal. Cooked apples can also be put to use - to cut and add to the porridge. The most important condition - chosen fruits and vegetables should be non-acidic. Excess acid is already inflamed gastric mucosa completely useless.
You can add a ready-made porridge whipped mixture of honey with egg yolk - it will give it a very delicious taste. Also, do not forget the butter. No wonder folk wisdom says that oil will not spoil porridge - just one teaspoon of gruel tastes change beyond recognition. But the milk should be abandoned - porridge, cooked in milk, a tough test for the patient's stomach.
Mucous broths
If you have been diagnosed with a complex gastroenterological, pay attention to the so-called slimy concoctions - they not only satisfy hunger, but also contribute to the restoration of the gastric mucosa. Just one cup of this decoction of fasting, and just one week you will notice a significant improvement in their condition.
You can prepare a decoction of the various cereals - barley, barley grains, rice and oats. Cooking them is easy, but for a long time. On the large amount of water is taken a little cereal and boil one and a half to two hours. The resulting broth is necessary to drain through a sieve and cool to an acceptable temperature. All you can drink - rather specific tastes, but pleasant.
Another very simple and delicious option for patients with gastritis is a jelly. The dish is just perfect - cook it quickly and easily, and its consistency is ideal for irritation of the stomach. This is the easiest recipe for jelly:
Rinse any half cup of berries (this may be a currant, cherry, blueberry, etc.), then squeeze the juice from them, the flesh is cooked in a half cup of water and drain. A spoonful of starch to dissolve in cold water, mix all the liquid and stir, cook on low heat for about 15 minutes and then turn off the heat and add sugar to taste. Similarly, you can cook anything from jelly - most importantly, do not forget that you are contraindicated sour.
If you can eat porridge for breakfast, jelly drink two to three hours after, the dinner you want something more substantial, such as vegetables, meat or fish. From vegetables best suited broccoli or cauliflower. Especially as space for culinary imagination is wide enough - it would wish. For a start it is necessary to boil the inflorescence within seven -desyati minutes and can be prepared in several ways.
First, you can roll them in bread crumbs and fry in vegetable oil for a few minutes. Secondly, you can pour the inflorescence eggs and fry until done - it turns a very unusual side dish that is sure to your taste. And the benefits of cauliflower is invaluable - it contains a huge amount of nutrients.
In addition, as a garnish for patients with gastritis perfect mashed potatoes. Recipe for this dish is very simple - boil the potatoes, mash, add a little butter and milk, stir well. Tender, delicious mashed potatoes is a real lifesaver in these situations.
Meat and fish dishes
As for the meat and fish, there are many options. The easiest option is the main dish meatballs or meatballs. Turn the chicken or veal in a meat grinder, add the egg, form balls, roll in breadcrumbs and cook in a double boiler. If you do not, you can just boil meatballs in boiling water.
You can make so-called "hedgehogs". The same chicken rotate through a meat grinder, add an equal amount of boiled rice and salt. If desired, add a little milk. Mix well - better to use a mixer. Then do get a lot of balls of equal size and cook them in boiling water.
If for some reason you prefer fish to meat, make meatballs from pollock or any other not too oily fish. You must be prepared from fish mince, add some chopped stale bread, chopped onion. All components must be thoroughly mixed and cooked in a double boiler.
If you wish, you can cook the fish souffle. To do this, you need 150 grams of low-fat filet any desirable river fish, 30 grams of milk and 5 grams of butter, half the eggs and salt. Fillet to cook in vegetable broth, mince, add butter, milk, egg yolks and beaten egg white separately. Put into a mold and bake until done.
Cheese dishes
Very useful during acute gastritis eat dishes from cottage cheese - it's the only dairy product that can be consumed in any quantity. It produces sweet desserts - pies, casseroles, conventional cheesecakes, which are suitable for dinner or a snack. Here, for example, cottage cheese casserole recipe is simple:
You will need a pound of cheese, 4-5 large spoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of semolina, 2-3 eggs, sugar to taste, butter for greasing the form, a little vanilla sugar. It is necessary to mix the sour cream and semolina, leave for half an hour, the mixture swelled, cheese mince or a sieve, mix with sour cream and semolina, add the remaining ingredients. Mix well, put in a greased form. Bake it should be at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for forty-forty-five minutes. Serve the pudding is best served cold, and sour cream or honey perfectly complement the taste.
As you can see, the diet for gastritis - not the worst thing that can happen to you in life. A little bit of time, patience and imagination - and your food is delicious, varied, high-grade. And gastritis can not long retain their positions. But do not forget a simple truth - diet food for gastritis with high acidity must be respected as long as doctor does not allow you to concessions in the diet. A doctor and a doctor - do not focus on the symptoms disappeared - they may come back. Enjoy your appetite and be healthy!