Poor environment, the use of chemicals for growing plants, experiment with different food additives that are force-fed almost all semi-finished products and many other similar factors lead to the emergence of allergies. And with the same disease often face both the fairer sex, who live in big cities, and rural women. Hand on heart, allergy can truly be called a serious disease of the 21st century.
Diet for Allergies: What to Look For
To begin to understand that the allergy is and why it is so terrible. So, this is a reaction of your immune system to a foreign protein that gets into the body. What is most interesting, the first time your body can not react to the allergen. Only after the second or third exposure to this substance can occur itching, runny nose, redness, etc. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult to determine at what you actually allergic: to cure, animals, weather conditions or on the products.
Of course, that after testing and diagnosis in each case will be assigned to a particular course of treatment. Plus, in order to avoid recurrence or worsening, the patient will have to adhere to a strict diet. Normally menu signs on the basis of the patient's condition.
Please note: the diet for allergies appointed only physician! To self-medicate in any case impossible. So before you start experimenting with dishes and products, first consult your doctor about what you can cook at first. By the way, to quickly determine what is the core of the problem, you can take a blood test. Unfortunately, these procedures do not always give one hundred percent return.
Meals per day: what you should know the patient
Your first task - to get rid of the symptoms of manifestation (rash, itching, irritation) and cleanse the body of the allergen. In this case, special diet simultaneously performs two main functions. The first - diagnostic, the second - therapeutic. Eliminating or gradually introducing certain products in their menus, you can easily identify the direct cause.
Enter a new ingredient in the diet should be cautious. Trying even one strawberry or grape, you are risking your health (especially if you are allergic quickly and strongly). Therefore, you should always be near the first aid kit to lie to relatives or friends to provide first aid. Plus, do not have experiments alone.
Diet for Allergies - a healthy, full and proper diet in which there should be no harmful substances. Do not buy finished products and fast food. Do not be lazy to carve meat and fish on their own. In the packed fillets, canned, blanks contained dyes, stabilizers, flavors and other additives, which eventually provoke deterioration.
Read the composition and require you to provide certificates. This way you can protect yourself from counterfeit. Of course, there is still a likelihood that the mayonnaise or ketchup contains substances that are not listed on the package. But since you're a little safe, reducing the risk of acquisition of low-quality product to a minimum.
Diet during the exacerbation
The man who discovered the first symptoms of allergies, it is necessary, first of all, go to the nonspecific hypoallergenic diet. This is not to enter the forbidden foods until it is complete improvement. But even if you feel great, it is better to wait a couple of weeks.
Please note: the diet for allergies are not subject to the law: "If you really want, you can be a little bit." In that case you provoke aggravation. So eliminate from your diet vysokoallergennye products for which the body reacts. These include:
Some varieties of fish and seafood (black and red caviar, clams, squid, brine);
Any fresh and sour milk products, eggs;
preserves and pickles, smoked, sharp, salty dishes, spices, seasonings, sauces;
pepper, pumpkin, tomatoes, beets, eggplant, carrots, sorrel, celery. Also, you can not eat fruit and vegetables, especially those that have a pronounced red and orange color, citrus fruits, and everything;
packaged juices and carbonated drinks, flavored yogurts with additives and chewing gum;
Dried fruits, such as raisins, apricots, dates, figs, honey, everything mushrooms and all kinds of nuts. Under taboo sweets such as jelly, caramel, chocolate and all the products with the addition of him;
homemade fruit juices, fruit drinks and other beverages prepared with the addition of the above-mentioned berries, fruits and vegetables, as well as coffee and cocoa, alcoholic beverages;
all products that incorporate food additives (emulsifiers, preservatives, colorants, flavors);
all the exotic products imported from eastern countries. The fact that they are processed before transporting chemistry or wax. So your favorite apples, peaches, bananas are kept much longer. But, unfortunately, rinse with water all the above stuff is impossible.
The big question remains the products that fall into the category average activity. They can cause allergies, but such cases are very rare. Therefore, they should be excluded only if prescribed by your nutritionist. So, the problem may be with some cereals (wheat, corn, buckwheat, rye), fatty meats (pork, horsemeat, lamb, turkey and rabbit), fruits and berries (red and black currants, peaches, bananas, cranberries, apricots, cranberry, watermelon). Also provoke a negative reaction in your body can vegetables such as green peppers, potatoes, peas, and some legumes.
The third category - a low-allergenic foods that just should eat in an aggravation of allergies. You can eat some varieties of fish (cod, sea bass), lean meats, dairy products, meat products, rice, buckwheat and corn bread. It is also recommended to eat vegetables and greens, but only after you make sure that you are not allergic to them. Safe consider oat, barley, rice, semolina, butter, sunflower oil and olive oil, green apples and pears, gooseberries and white currants. There may be some dried fruit (it can be dried apples, pears and plums).
As you know, the diet for allergies in adults and children starts with the mandatory exclusion from the diet vysokoallergennyh substances. You will also need to strictly limit the intake of vegetables and fruits from the second category. As soon as you will be able to achieve full recovery.
How to eat if you are allergic
It is not necessary to get rid of fruit and vegetables, to cope with allergies. You can eat full, balanced, indulging in a little holiday abdomen. The main thing - to observe moderation and do not overeat. Do not eat more than you need, even if your body normally carries favorite product. If you eat at one time 2 strawberries, nothing will happen to you. When you'll use a kilo of delicious berries, allergies manifest immediately.
Do not forget about the variety. Do not get hung up on one thing. If you stop eating fruits, vegetables, fish, and will sit on some cereals, from your body to take vitamins and useful elements. It is diversifying the daily diet, of course, permitted under the diet.
Experts recommend eating one type of food every three days. That is, if on Monday you eat broccoli, it is best to cook dishes from it the next time no earlier than Thursday. Such a requirement is due to the fact that allergic reactions may occur in the accumulation of a certain amount of body protein.
To choose the right menu, you can alleviate and even completely prevent the deleterious effects of allergens. For example, people suffering from pollen of flowers and trees, you should not include in your diet most of the stone fruit and berries. They need to eliminate from your life nuts, celery, fennel and carrots.
Those who suffer from allergies to grass or meadow grass, it is strongly recommended to limit the consumption of bread and a variety of baked goods. The ban also fall kvass, pasta, semolina, bread crumbs, cream, paste, all legumes, sorrel.
When an allergy to Asteraceae plants (eg ragweed or mugwort on) need to be excluded from the daily diet melon, watermelon, herbs and hot spices. Also worth very careful to treat sunflower oil and derivative products. Under huge ban mayonnaise, mustard, halva. If you have an allergy to quinoa is strictly forbidden to eat spinach and beets, peaches and pears, exotic fruits, honey and some seasoning.
By the way, alcohol can also provoke serious allergic. The reason lies in the composition of the drink that you drink. Wine, cognac, low-alcohol drinks contain so many colors, flavors, stabilizers, and other additives that even the most powerful body does not always withstand such loads. Therefore, to completely eliminate all alcoholic beverages, especially vermouth and absinthe. Or choose expensive products, as you are sure that a hundred percent.
Following such a simple food restrictions, you can easily bear it worsening and avoid recurrence in the future. But even after you identify the cause, it is not necessary to go back to my old life. After all, it does not know how your body will react to other allergens.