Acne can bring any woman to despair, and only in the event that on the bow a ceremony - all the more! Makeup picked, selected hairstyle, wardrobe careful attention to detail, but pimples spoil the whole picture. And there is a reasonable question: how to get rid of acne for 1 day? And really there at all - to quickly eliminate acne?
Strictly speaking - no. Acne - it is nothing more than an inflammatory process. It is therefore quite natural that one day get rid of it even theoretically possible. So what to do? Just accept? Of course not! A little to rectify the situation is quite possible - though to stay strong swelling and redness. In this condition, acne will be much easier to hide under makeup.
Of course, this holds only in respect of individual spots. If the skin you really trouble and rashes are numerous, one day you can not do anything. But in this case, you can not give up - start to act quickly. At a certain tenacity and proper treatment can be overcome even the most severe acne. And do not delay the start of treatment pigeonholed. This festive event will take place - will come next. And again you will be frantically looking for ways to get rid of pimples in one day.
Eliminate redness
The first step is to eliminate the redness of the skin - red shade is very difficult to mask the tone cream. This can be done in several ways - we offer you the most effective ones. But remember - for every component of any funds may be allergic. Therefore, first check the sensitivity of the organism. The more that this is not so difficult - Apply to the skin behind the ear, a small amount of money and leave for 15 minutes. If you feel discomfort, and no skin rashes and redness appeared - you can safely use the tool.
Levomekol - cream, which is available to any girl: it is cheap and is sold without a prescription. Liberally lubricate all pimples ointment, cover the top with a piece of gauze small cloth or cotton wool and attach the adhesive plaster. Leave a compress for about two hours, and then make a fresh - in your case, do not be afraid to overdo it. Within 5-6 hours, the redness is gone.
Zinc ointment
Zinc ointment is ideal for highly inflamed pimples, which begins to mature white head - zinc has anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Apply a small amount of zinc ointment on the spot, leave for about 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. Two hours later, repeat the procedure and do it throughout the day.
Before going to sleep soak a cotton swab in iodine and point lubricate all rashes. It is not necessary to be afraid that the skin color - by the morning of brown will be over. But acne is significantly reduced in size and go red. However, remember that iodine - this is an emergency measure.
Chamomile compress
Chamomile - an indispensable tool in all those cases when it is necessary to remove the inflammation. To begin prepare chamomile broth: In a saucepan put 5 tablespoons of dried chamomile blossoms, pour two cups of water and a very low heat bring to a boil. When the broth comes to a boil, immediately turn off the heat. Then cover the pan with a lid, wrap a towel and leave to infuse for two hours.
Then strain the broth using gauze, divided into two parts. One part of chamomile broth pour into molds for ice and put in the freezer. The second part should be left in a thermos to the broth before each procedure was warm (but not hot!). A small amount of broth pour into a bowl, make a few napkins from the bandage or gauze. Dampen a towel in chamomile broth and attach to rashes, leave for 20 minutes. As drying is required to change the towels. Repeat like chamomile compresses every two hours. In the evening, before going to sleep and in the morning wipe rash chamomile ice cube. By the way, this procedure is not only struggling with acne, but also on the skin affects a very, very positive.
Reduce the size of a pimple
Remove reds - is only half the story. It would be nice also to reduce it in size and it's real. Of course, the pimple will not disappear completely, but make it about half the size it is real. And no special ingredients you do not need - only readily available means at hand.
Aloe - a powerful anti-inflammatory, which is able to cope even with boils, and not just with acne. The main thing - that the plant is not less than three years. Tear off a piece, cut his flesh and apply to acne, cover with cheesecloth and secure with adhesive tape, leave for 5-6 hours. When you remove the bandage, you are sure to enjoy the changes that have occurred with acne.
Many of us have heard that toothpaste helps with herpes. But it is no less effective and acne. Take mint toothpaste, brush with a pimple and leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Repeat this process every four hours during the day and a pimple becomes noticeably smaller.
Oak bark
If you are not too lazy to go to the drugstore to buy oak bark, you can very quickly "neutralize" a pimple. In a saucepan put three tablespoons of chopped oak bark, pour two cups of water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until then, until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Cool oak broth, strain and pour into a glass container.
Every hour and a half to make compresses - soak in the oak broth gauze and apply to acne. Once the gauze starts to dry, change - the duration of a compress should not be less than an hour. And to do this procedure is often needed - hour by hour. Yes, of course - it's quite troublesome. But you want to quickly get rid of acne?
General recommendations
Excellent results, alas, one day you will not achieve. So if you decide to start a serious struggle with acne, you should remember a few simple but very important rules. If these recommendations are not followed, the question of how to get rid of acne for 1 day will be familiar to you. You do not want it?
It is important to review your eating habits. Because it is necessary to eliminate all fatty and salty foods, meats, sweets, coffee and soft drinks. Pimples will disappear fairly quickly - within a week the results of proper nutrition will face, in the truest sense of the expression. But once you break the diet, they just as quickly back.
Face Care
Hardly able to avoid pimples and blackheads that if you ignore the need for proper skin care. Firstly, during the day you need to wash at least twice a day - morning and evening. Morning cleansing is necessary in order to remove sebum, develop overnight. But the evening, of course, to clean the skin of dirt.
Deep cleansing
Several times a week is necessary to carry out deep cleaning - with peeling. This procedure is necessary to exfoliate dead skin cells and deep cleanse the pores. Peels can be bought in the store, but you can do it yourself - efficiency will be the same. By the way, do not use scrubs eve of responsible action - one day radically situation will not change, but the redness of the skin will be expressed very strongly.
Masking pimples
So, we found out that one day get rid of acne is almost impossible. This means that they must disguise - and just cover up creams fail. Cloaking - a delicate matter and approaches must be responsible. We will reveal to you some secrets that will help you look perfect.
Preparation of the skin
Even if you have just washed, the skin before applying make-up should be properly degreased - wipe it with lotion or tonic. Only in this case, the foundation will fall as you need to, and not as he wants.
Tone cream should be chosen very carefully - the first got to mask acne will not do. The same is true for correcting pencils. Camouflage pencil should be a shade of green - only then it will mask the pimple. Put a pencil point at the center of the pimple and then gently blend.
Then apply a thin layer of foundation cream - is better to use a sponge. Note - layer should be only one! If you apply it on the skin, like a plaster on the wall, acne will be much more noticeable than without masking at all.
As you can see, to get rid of pimples in one day is impossible. But to remedy the situation and to hide the traces of "catastrophe" for the very same day a very mozhno it under force to any woman, does not require special skills and financial costs. So be beautiful in spite of all acne!