Hands can tell a lot about a person - to give his age, and social status. That is why the fair sex as closely monitor the status of your hands - do manicures, baths, enjoy all sorts of creams. And so it is natural that the calluses on his hands are capable of upsetting anyone, because the appearance deteriorates dramatically.
But do not despair - desperate situations, as we know, does not happen. So, you need to calm down and find a way to get rid of warts on hands. Especially that such methods are many and most of them are quite affordable. Immediately I would like to make a reservation - to engage in self-treatment is not recommended. It is not necessary to consider the build-up in the hands of something serious. Even if you give preference to folk remedies to get rid of warts, pre nevertheless consult a dermatologist - he must approve your chosen treatment.
What you need to know about warts?
Warts - a benign tumor of the skin that occurs under the influence of human papillomavirus. Warts can be located anywhere but somehow they often just oblyubovyvayut hand. Warts can not ignore, even in the event that the aesthetic side of the issue you do not particularly care - despite the fact that the formation of a benign, once under the influence of unfavorable factors it can degenerate into malignant. Become such factors may burn, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, injury.
Why there are warts? If you do not know the answer to this question, the treatment will not be successful. Before you try to get rid of the warts, you must undergo a special treatment, aimed at destroying papilloma virus. Otherwise your fight with warts would be only a temporary measure - only to get rid of one, how will the other. And this running in a circle can last a lifetime. Agree, it is much wiser to be treated properly and not wonder why they reappear.
But, alas, there is no guarantee that in the future you will not become infected with HPV again. Keep this in mind and observe basic prevention measures - Do not share towels, do not wear someone else's shoes, and do not let anyone touch her, do not go barefoot in locker rooms and gyms remember rubber slippers in the pools. The slightest damage to the skin surface, so that the virus has penetrated into the body.
By the way, you'll learn about their infection is not immediately - a very long time, the virus can remain in the body completely unnoticed, because it hinders the human immune system. And is it even a little loose, as the virus begins active life. And you of its existence the virus will declare it the appearance of warts. If treatment is not started right away, there are more and more warts.
Traditional wart removal
Removal of warts today offers almost every beauty parlor. But we should not act hastily and go to the first that fell among experts because removing warts should only be a person with a medical background, and not with unknown origin certificates.
That doctor will tell you on what method of wart removal is to stop you. For them there are many:
In this case, the doctor ally in combating warts become liquid nitrogen. Physician wet in liquid nitrogen special applicator presses it firmly to the wart for a few minutes - depending on its size. Fabrics warts strongly cooled, damaged and begin to die. After a day - two wart turned into a blister, which is about to fall off on the seventh day. Most scars after such treatment remains. But, of course, only if you take care of Ranko properly.
If the warts are small, you can try to do less blood - remove them with the help of electric current. Doctor damages the blood vessels that feed the wart tissue, causing it to die. But this procedure is painful enough, so very popular today, she does not enjoy.
Laser removal
The best option is laser removal of warts. The laser beam can eliminate the tumor quickly, painlessly and almost bloodlessly. The risk of infection of the wound is minimal, and the scars on the spot wart removal is not - a maximum of a small pink spot, which eventually disappear.
All these methods of removing warts completely accessible for all people. When you select the main reference point should be the doctor's opinion. As a rule, no complications after the removal of warts does not happen. Of course, if you properly care for the wound. Moreover, it is quite easy - treat the wound as the doctor says, try it once again not to wet and certainly not dirty - buy in a drugstore medical gloves. A maximum of two weeks you will not even remember that not long ago on your hands "flaunted" the wart, but may not be alone.
Removal of warts using garlic
If for whatever reason you do not want to remove the wart by a doctor, you can try to deal with them improvised means - traditional medicine knows a lot of good recipes. But as soon as I would like to warn you that this treatment - solely at your own risk. Yes, in most cases, people do manage to get rid of warts without any complications.
But we must not forget that there is always a let and small, but the probability of degeneration of benign warts in malignancy. So whether or not unnecessarily risk their health? But if you already have decided on this treatment, at least, consult your dermatologist. It helps to choose the most gentle recipe.
One of the most effective means of removing warts is the most ordinary garlic. We offer you some recipes - choose any. But remember that garlic is very aggressive effect on the healthy skin around the wart. So, if you do not want then to treat burns, you must take care of the protection of the skin.
It is best to do this with the help of plaster. All you need is a patch spool and scissors. Cut a square of adhesive tape, cut a hole in it, corresponding to the diameter of the wart and stick so that the wart was left on the surface. All your skin, no adverse effects are not terrible.
Garlic and sunflower oil
Rub on a small grater several small cloves garlic, add a few drops of any vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Gruel of garlic oil and apply to the wart, put a little gauze and firmly secure it with adhesive tape. The resulting garlic poultice to the wart should be at least an hour, after which the skin should be rinsed with plenty of cool water. But if you feel discomfort, immediately rinse garlic - most likely, the skin of your hands are too sensitive. This procedure is not necessary to carry out more frequently than every other day - and so is your wart will disappear in about two weeks.
Garlic Flatbread
If the wart is large enough, it makes sense to make a garlic cake. For its preparation you need five large cloves of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of rye flour, half a teaspoon of olive oil and a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Of these components knead dough - it should be elastic and not too steep. Store this test should be tied in a plastic bag in the refrigerator no more than two weeks.
Every evening, apply on the wart cake formed from the test. Above necessary to put a layer of gauze fabric and a polyethylene film and then secured - either using bandage or adhesive plaster via. This cake is to remain for at least 5 hours or even better - overnight. The first results you will notice already after 10 days and the wart will disappear completely in about a month.
Treatment of warts using onions
If you do not like garlic, you can seek help from his brother - bulb onions. Treatment, of course, will take a little more time, but acts much milder onion - the risk of skin damage is minimal. Although, of course, the skin around the wart should be protected in this case - at least lubricate it with a thick layer of any fat cream.
Onions with butter
Peel half of the onions, pass it through a meat grinder and squeeze gently using gauze cloth. Add the onion to the weight of a small amount of vegetable oil, stir and transfer to a glass container. Store onion mass should be refrigerated, not more than a month.
Every evening, do a hot bath for hands - best with a decoction of chamomile. After 15 minutes, dry your hands, apply a thick layer of onion wart and put on top of plastic wrap, bandage and leave for two hours. Then wash your hands and brush wart zinc ointment, which is sold over the counter at every pharmacy. It is best to do this procedure every night - and after about a month you will say goodbye to the hated wart.
Onions with apple cider vinegar
If the wart was very stubborn, you can use more powerful weapons - onions with apple cider vinegar. Finely chop the onion head, put it in a glass jar, cover and place in refrigerator. Immediately before the procedure take out a teaspoon of onion, using a fork crush it and apply to the wart. Top - all the same plastic film and gauze cloth. Then fasten a bandage and leave for five - six hours.
After onions rinse and let dry wart. Dampen a cotton swab apple cider vinegar and generously lubricate the wart. If the wart is small enough to repeat this procedure every day for a month. But if it is a large or a week you have not noticed the slightest change, make onion packs every day.
As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated about these procedures there - they can do at home. But if after a month of treatment, the warts on his hands and did not disappear with the experimental time to tie - go to the doctor. Most likely, you'll need a qualified serious treatment.