Cats - wonderful animals. They are quite thin feel human emotions. When you are ill or if something hurts, pet curtailed a ball on his knees and be nice growl. It is enough to pat fluffy ball - and your mood will improve.
But unfortunately, not everyone can make this sweet little animal. Sadly, cat allergy occurs in 15 percent of the world's population. The tears, runny nose, sneezing, coughing - all of these symptoms you may have as soon as you pat your pet. And many of us have health problems blamed on the cold or fatigue. Which, incidentally, is fraught with serious consequences. After all, sometimes contacts with pets fatal.
Why are allergic to pet
Allergy - a reaction to a substance your body Fel d 1, with which you constantly you contact. It is found in the feces, saliva glands and cats. Allergen gets inside through the nose or throat (with inspiration). Oral - when ingested food. Or through the skin - when stroking a pet. Your immune system is trying to cope with a foreign protein, producing at the same time increasing the number of white blood cells.
So imagine your cat sheds, leaving lint and pieces of skin on the couch, clothes chair. Licking it sprays into the air and saliva lubricates her hair. Note that at a young age little animals allocates a small amount of Fel d 1, so you can easily transfer your contacts with the pet. But the older he will become, the worse you will begin to feel.
"What is the problem? "- You think. Many naively believe that it is sufficient to have a shorthair or hairless cat (the Sphinx, for example) to avoid such unfortunate consequences. But not so easy as it seems at first glance. The fact that the hair itself is not an allergen! Pel d 1 falls on the villi through saliva. This material is also found in the skin and in urine, wherein the animal is sometimes sprayed indoors to mark territory. But even if accustom your pet to the tray, you do not get rid of the problem.
Another detail, which cat owners should keep in mind: the allergen is on objects, walls and things for a long time. So even if you give a pet, an improvement in the next 2-3 months will not occur. Attacks are repeated continuously until you spend spring cleaning with detergent.
How Allergies: Symptoms and consequences
The patient after a brief contact with animals lays nose, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes. Skin rash and gradually covered with blushes. If there is worsening, people may start to choke as bronchial asthma. This breath is accompanied by a dry cough, shortness of breath and suffocation.
Unfortunately, in such a case would have to say goodbye to a favorite. If you keep contact with an allergen, the situation will only get worse. Due to lower immunity to begin a health problem, you'll quickly get tired, there will be aggression, apathy, bad mood. But that's not the worst!
Conjunctivitis, asthma, eczema, chronic rhinitis - this is just a small list of what you will encounter. Next - worse. If almost all the time to be with the source of the allergen (ie the cat), ignoring the above symptoms may occur anaphylactic shock. Stay alert! Once the patient's blood pressure will fall sharply, he starts to choke, lose consciousness or has seizures appear, remove the animal from the premises and call the ambulance. Fortunately, death after exposure to cat comes rarely.
Treatment of allergy to pets (cats)
So, it all depends on how you are allergic to pet. If the symptoms are minor (itchy or runny nose), you can take special antihistamine medicines prescribed by your doctor. At the same time in the house should be decongestants, which will be useful if complications occur.
In no case do not self-medicate and do not buy the pills, sprays, solutions or similar products at random. They may not be appropriate or even lead to a distortion or exacerbation of symptoms. In the future, it is much more difficult diagnosis of the disease.
First you must pass a comprehensive examination to find out from what you really feel bad. In the clinic, you may be offered a course of treatment that will allow time to get rid of allergies. This can be a dropper or injection. Of course, such a pleasure will cost expensive, plus you have to then repeat the procedure all over again. But the result will exceed all your expectations.
We get the cat: how to cope with allergies
So you've decided to get a pet, in spite of his illness? Or too late to realize that you're allergic to cats? In such a case, you should follow some rules and regulations to avoid exacerbations and serious consequences. And if you follow them implicitly, any future problems will not arise.
Castrate or sterilize kitten
Scientists have found that castrated pet allocates fewer allergen. How would you feel sorry for little animal was not, contact the veterinary clinic has six months. On top of that, you will no longer have to worry about where to put the new offspring. By the way, better to start a cat, not a cat.
Every day (morning and evening), ventilate the room. In summer, the night can leave an open window or balcony. Get a humidifier that helps to clean the room on the allergen. And do not forget to do wet cleaning at least 3 times a week.
Get rid of unnecessary items
All on what may settle the dust should be removed from the premises. Try to get rid of carpets, curtains, synthetic blankets, figurines and paintings. If finances allow, buy only leather and wooden furniture. And do not let your pet to her bedroom.
Wash your cat
Periodically (every two weeks) Wash your pet. Buy in pet shops special shampoo designed for cats. Otherwise, if you use regular soap, the animal may begin dermatitis and hair loss. Once a week, comb his comb with curved iron teeth.
Attend doctors and veterinarians
Before that you are not allergic to cat manifested, and then you suddenly started to hurt, the reason may not be in the animal. First, see your doctor, try to time to give your pet friends. Go to the veterinary clinic to your pet checked for the presence of mycoplasma, toxoplasmosis, etc. diseases. The fact that some types of infections may be transmitted from animal to man. This also applies to the fungus (lichen) or mites (mange).
By the way, the animal may not be pronounced symptoms. So, for example, after hlomidioza the cat will not necessarily strong conjunctivitis. A profuse discharge from the eyes of the owners usually take as the norm. This pet will infect those who are in contact with him.
Choose quality products
Note allergy can not be on the animal, and on what you feed him, wash. Try to buy another filler tray, change and feed zookosmetiku (shampoos, dental care), clear for a while out of sight of toys.
Equip area
The cat - an animal that walks by itself. You can not make the freedom-loving pet to sleep on a concrete place. When you go to work, he will still try to run to the bedroom to mark territory. But if you put in the corner scratching post with a house and a three-level bases, the cat will spend time there, watching you from above. Well, if your pet has the opportunity to walk in the street. In this case, your contact with the allergen is minimized.
Observe elementary hygiene
Once you play with a cat or pet her, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Try as little as possible to touch the pet. Do not let him rub on your face, hair or body. If you have been a guest of people who have cats come home wash all things, because they could get wool allergens or saliva.
Cats and children: Whether wind pet
Experts have found that children whose families were from birth cats are less prone to allergies. Therefore, if you are in a position or have recently given birth, are free to start a pet. It is not necessary to do so in the event that one of the parents literally can not stand cats. Since hamsters, dogs and feathered friends as well better not to risk. The best option - fish. Behind them and look almost do not need (of course, if the tank is equipped with), and they do not emit noise. But beautiful, comfortable, and completely safe for your health.
What if you bring a kitten into the house? For the first time the animal is necessary to limit contact with the child. Do not leave them alone together. The danger lies not only in the manifestation of an allergic reaction, but also in the behavior of the cat. It may scratch, bite the kid who is too tired or it will press for its pestering. If this happens, be sure to lubricate the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and treat iodine or brilliant green. Wash the wound with antibacterial agents twice daily (up to complete healing).
A cat can infect the baby worms. Therefore, every two or three months, let the animal special tablets. Do not let the baby kissing, hugging pet, take his paws or tail in the mouth (somehow the kids like to do it). Once your home played enough, make sure to it that they washed their hands with soap. In the future, such cleanliness should get into the habit.
If the cat will take care of the child, explain the basic rules of hygiene. Tell us how clean the tray, wash the dishes and give the cat food to the animal. Well, if you buy a rubber glove, which is safer to do it all. Your child should not touch with your bare hands and other parts of the body to food and cat feces.
What you need for your cat
Before you decide to get a pet, take care of it and to its security. Many owners naively believe that is enough to buy a bowl, a tray and a pair of toys. As a result - and constantly angry cat bite, the apartment is an unbearable smell of excrement, and family members - an allergy. By the way, these pupils - not a cheap pleasure. Initially, therefore, count all your future expenses, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make the final decision.
Choosing a litter box
The average cost of a good pan, made of quality material - about 200 rubles. Buying a toilet, expect that one cat need two containers. One would have to change them every two years, as during this time the smell manages vestsya in plastic. But you can then teach the pet to a conventional toilet or to the street.
Today you can find in pet stores bio-toilets in the form of houses. They are like a big box with doors. So your cat will not spray urine on the floor and sprinkle sand. Thanks to a carbon filter that absorbs unpleasant odors, the air is not polluted. The disadvantage of this wonderful device - the high cost.
Another option that attracts purity, but the daunting price - toilet with towels. For the first time a tray went on sale in Japan. It was only after some time, these products became available in Russia. The main advantage lies in the fact that converge on the affairs cat is not in contact with their feces. Paws pet stay dry and clean, and the allergen is not spread throughout the apartment.
Choosing Fillers for cat litter tray
Sand with flavor - from 40 rubles per 1, 5 kg of sawdust - from 50, a means to gel - from 120. What is better to choose - it depends on your financial capabilities and needs. You want to clean up less frequently, but it does not suffer from the smell? Well, the tenth part of the budget will go only on the filler.
Wood filler
Inexpensive and practical option for those who do not plan to spend much on the maintenance pet. Pine or cedar shavings do not cause an allergy for you and your family. However, they manage quite well with the smell, and the cat will not distribute the contents of the tray throughout the apartment.
Bentonite filler
Once moisture gets on raw materials, wet particles begin to stray into clumps. To remove the animal, it is enough to walk on the surface of a special spatula. Unfortunately, this is not an option for those who are allergic to cats and their feces. The filler is also coping with bad smells.
Mineral filler
Quickly absorbs moisture, it does not miss unpleasant odors. It made a filler of chalk, quartz and mineral supplements. As for the cons, it is - the dust that will settle around the tray. Once the cat looks in the toilet, you have to wipe the floor with a damp cloth to get rid of the white traces.
Silica filler
If you are allergic to cats, buy a silica gel filler. It has bactericidal properties and fully absorb moisture, it does not form lumps. Very convenient and safe to use. Your pet will be able to walk into the tray for a week, and you do not have all the time to clean up after him.
Choose accessories to care for cats
Among other things, you'll need a special blade that allows you to clean the excrement from the tray. Choose a device with a long handle to not have contact with the allergen. You can get a flavor with an antibacterial effect.
Note: you can not throw the waste into the toilet, as it can become clogged. For these purposes it is better to acquire plastic bags. And, of course, do not forget to wear rubber gloves. Any procedures (washing cat, cleaning tray) holds only in them.
What toys to buy a kitten
To the cat as little as possible and leave traces of scratches on your chair or sofa, buy him a scratching post. As mentioned above, your pet will need a comfortable house. If desired, you can equip the windowsill or table special sunbed.
Do not forget about small toys: balls, mouse, feathers. If you do not purchase these items, the kitten starts to play with what we have - with curtains, table cloth, carrying, your hands and feet. By the way, the choice of such things should be approached with great responsibility.
Thus, rubber balls and mouse manufacturers are impregnated with a special liquid (catnip), Fuzzy was interesting to play with them. You, by the way, maybe this is what allergy. Therefore, buying a toy, smell it. If you immediately start coughing or sneezing, look for something else.
Buy cat food
Remember once and for all: to save on the little things you can not. Purchase only quality products known manufacturers. Cheap food, of course, are more profitable, but they pose a hidden threat not only to pets, but also for their owners.
And never buy a product on the market and in the transitions. It is difficult to predict the conditions under which all stored there, as well as some animals as a result of this can be got in the stern.