A lot of people are faced with such a nuisance as warts. At first glance, they are all the same - well, the wart that's so special? But in fact there are several types of warts, the treatment of which is also different. So first of all refer to the dermatologist, who will examine your wart and accurately determine what species it belongs.
The same doctor quickly and without a trace remove warts and prescribe antiviral drugs that destroy the human papilloma virus, which is, in fact, leads to the appearance of warts. Although it's worth noting that the warts in most cases manage to get rid of without surgery - with traditional medicine. But let's take first things first.
Types of warts
First, let's still try to find out what kinds of warts exist. in most cases, to understand how the wart you are dealing with is not so difficult, if you carefully examine it. But let's take first things first:
Verruca vulgaris
The most common type - is, of course, common wart, because it is found in more than 80% of all cases. This wart - this is a common benign tumor of the skin, not too large size - often no more than the diameter of one centimeter. Looks a neoplasm is a solid tumor of the skin, its boundaries are clearly marked, and the surface is very uneven.
These warts always have a rounded shape, and color - yellow to dark brown. In some cases, color may be so dark brown that outgrowth appears nearly black. However, this color is extremely rare neoplasm. If the wart begins to change its color to the pink side, immediately consult a doctor, dermatologist - a risk of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant.
Most of these warts oblyubovyvayut places such as elbows, knees, fingers, scalp, lip corners. By the way, doctors say that most warts are located in those areas of the skin that were previously injured. For example, on her lap. Well, who associate the appearance of adult wart on his knee with repeated drops to discharge the same as a child?
In most cases, these warts are stored in the skin throughout life. Of course, if this person will not treat the wart. Common warts disappear on their own extremely rare, so it is not even hope. And what's the point? Even with self-treatment, you get rid of warts in just a couple of months, not to mention the medical intervention.
Plantar warts
Plantar tumors - is, in essence, the same common warts, but settling on the sole, as the name implies. In fact, they also have an oval convex shape, but due to the fact that they are constantly under pressure the whole body mass, plantar warts quickly acquire a flat shape, and the skin around them becoming chapped.
By the way, on the appearance plantar warts are very similar to corn - very often people confuse them and try to cut. And I understand that they face not only the corn when discovering that the top of the build-up does not flow clear liquid and blood. Incidentally, a similar attempt to cut the plantar warts can result in very sad - degeneration of benign growths into malignant.
Color plantar wart also varies from light to dark shades of brown to light. Chapped skin around the wart also has a much darker pigmentation than the rest. Plantar warts insidious by the fact that in addition to the aesthetic aspect there is physical - as it grows all the time and there are enhanced pain while walking.
Genital Warts
Slightly less people there are genital warts, which are also often referred to as genital warts. By their nature, these warts have nothing but the fibroepithelial neoplasms. Genital warts look like nodules with a sharp tip, as single and unrelated. If the treatment of warts does not start on time, they greatly expand - the picture is not for the faint of heart. These warts are located mostly on the inner thighs, shoulders, armpits, on the mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth.
Depending on the location of genital warts they can be both white and red. By the way, very red warts bleed easily - try not to hurt them. Firstly, it is very painful, because the warts are very sensitive, and secondly, to stop the bleeding is not so simple.
Filamentous warts
The most unusual type of warts - warts is filamentous. The name they received because of its shape - is very narrow and elongated. These warts are located exclusively on the face - most often on the eyebrows and lips. Although very rare they can be seen on the neck. In addition to their shape longer these warts are not remarkable - they have a brown color.
Flat warts
Flat growths also look very unusual - they resemble flat nodules, absolutely smooth to the touch. Such tumors have a brownish color and are formed only on the face - cheeks or eyelids. Incidentally, an interesting fact - the adult to find a wart is rather difficult, as they are developed mainly on children's skin.
Medical wart removal
The easiest way to get rid of warts - to go to the doctor. In the arsenal of modern medicine, there are many effective ways that will allow you to think, and forget about the wart.
Laser removal of wart
The most popular today method of wart removal - the laser beam. The procedure is virtually painless, takes only a few minutes. Furthermore, the laser during the procedure provides complete sterility, whereby the healing process takes place very quickly without complications and pain. And any special care during wound healing is not necessary. After the removal of the place completely zarubtsuetsya likely to have even a trace remains. Maximum - a small depression, almost imperceptibly.
The removal of warts high frequency current has a number of advantages. Firstly, the current cauterize vessels feeding the wart, so removal is virtually bloodless. Secondly, reducing the likelihood that the tumor is formed repeatedly as blocked access papilloma virus to healthy tissues. But there are also some negative aspects. Wart removal procedure itself can cause pain, but in place of the removed tumors are often formed scar. Therefore, if the wart is on the open areas of the body, it is better to give preference to other means removal.
Some doctors still use for wart removal, liquid nitrogen. This method has many advantages - it is completely painless, no blood at all, and marks on the skin left. But this - ideally. In practice, the situation is a bit different - control the depth of the impact of nitrogen on the wart is very difficult and it is only by truly experienced doctor.
Otherwise, if the freeze is not deep enough, the procedure must be repeated again. And if you are too deep - high probability that damage healthy skin layers. And to avoid the appearance of scars you simply will not succeed, no matter how carefully you have not cared for the wound.
Surgical removal
Surgical excision of benign tumors, regardless of their type, doctors in our time is almost not doing that, however, is not surprising. If the tumor is excised with a scalpel, without overlapping the seam do not succeed. Accordingly, you will be a scar on the skin. Also, do not forget that the procedure is quite traumatic, sometimes a lot of blood. This means that a very high risk of wound infection, and the care it needs very, very careful.
Traditional recipes wart removal
If you are not willing to medical wart removal, you can try to get rid of them at home, with traditional medicine. But remember two very important thing: First, go to the doctor is still necessary, at least in order to make sure that is really benign neoplasm, and without antiviral treatment can not do if you do not want the appearance of new warts. Secondly, in any case, do not use any recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of children of pregnant women - their experiments to anything.
Clean few cloves of garlic, pass them through chesnokodavku or mash in a mortar, add a little bit of any vegetable oil and stir. The resulting mass apply on the area of the mass, the top cover with a small amount of plastic film and leave for about 20 minutes. Normally, you should feel a slight burning sensation, but if the discomfort is too strong, rinse garlic before.
Once the skin on the wart dries, brush her baby cream. If the size is not very large tumors, makes the procedure a day. Otherwise - every night. About a week and a half you will see the first results, but somewhere in a month and you do not think about the wart.
One-third of small onions clean from the husk, finely chop and place in a glass bowl, pour apple cider vinegar so that the whole bow was covered with liquid. Leave it for about three hours - eventually bow to become soft. Then strain the bow, izomnite and apply to the wart, bandage and leave for two hours.
Unpleasant sensations you feel at all, but you need to keep track of time, otherwise the inflammatory process can begin. Wash skin with warm water and lubricate any vegetable oil. Repeat every night if you want to two months on the wart did not even looked like.
Laundry soap
Another very effective way to remove warts - soap. And the treatment will suit only the most simple soap without perfume. Rub soap on a small grater - you need five tablespoons. Then fill it with apple cider vinegar on low heat bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Turn off the fire and reload the mass is in a glass jar with a lid.
Apply a thick layer of soap wart mass, put a little gauze and put on top of plastic wrap, secure with plaster. This compress should remain on the wart is not less than three to five hours, so it's best to do it in the evening when you will not take your time.
Whichever method of wart removal for yourself, you choose, remember that healthy skin around the wart is sensitive and highly undesirable to her fell a ready means. This can be avoided by protecting your skin. The easiest and fastest option - Vaseline or any fat cream. Simply apply a thick layer of the skin around the tumors.
With the second method is necessary to tinker, but it is much more reliable. Take a small piece of adhesive tape, cut a hole in it, it climbed to the wart and stick tight. All the skin is protected. By the way, if you buy a hypoallergenic adhesive tape, it will not need to be changed every day, while the ordinary may cause allergic reactions.
And finally, what would like to warn - if, within two months, you could not get rid of the growths on their own, then it is not necessary to experiment. Go to a dermatologist!