Wart, wherever it appeared, it does not please anyone. And the appearance of warts on the sole of a disaster at all, because it causes severe pain when walking. That, however, is not surprising, because the wart presses the entire mass of the body. And the larger the size of the wart, the greater the pain. Sometimes they are so strong that turn walking into a real test.
If you do not want to be out of the Little Mermaid fairy tale, for which every step of the land resembled walking on a sharp dagger, from the need to get rid of plantar warts. And the sooner you do, the better - it is not necessary to wait until the wart becomes too large. Firstly, in what suffer acute pain, and secondly, the smaller warts, so not easy to get rid of.
The most common warts oblyubovyvayut for themselves reference points of the foot - the places, which account for the main pressure of the body. As a rule, the pads of the fingers and toes. And the main insidiousness warts is that it can not begin to grow on the surface of the skin, and inside - the result is a bone spur. It is not difficult to guess that in such a case the attempt to get rid of warts are not only useless, but also dangerous for your health.
Causes of warts
Warts on the feet, for that matter, on any other parts of the body develop because of the human papilloma virus. Doctors say that the virus infected a huge number of people - at least 70% of the total world population. Of course, this does not mean that all people who are carriers of HPV have any warts.
As long as the immune system is functioning normally, peacefully papilloma virus is dormant in the body, it does not prove itself. But it is necessary to give slack immunity, the virus is activated and begin to appear warts. Therefore, the best prevention of warts, including on the soles - this, of course, strengthen the immune system.
Infected with the human papilloma virus is quite simple, as it has a very wide distribution. Most often occurs direct transmission of the virus - from person to person, sometimes even in the normal handshake. But household transmission is also very common - it is enough to contact with the surface of a sick person, which is a virus. Shower, floor gym, pool bottom, someone else's shoes - all of which can cause human infection. By the way, very often papilloma virus goes hand in hand with fungi.
If the skin has even the slightest cut or microcrack, just a touch of an infected surface, so that the virus can easily penetrate the human body. The incubation period may vary widely - from several weeks to many years. Its duration depends solely on the human immune system. And when it weakens - warts appear - one or several, depending on how quickly propagates papillomavirus.
Despite the fact that from plantar warts is safe absolutely nobody, doctors distinguish the so-called risk groups - a category of people whose likelihood is much higher than all the others:
Adolescence is a turbulent hormonal changes, so in this period the work of the immune system is weakened. And considering that teens tend to visit the various sections, go to physical education classes at school, the probability of infection increases significantly.
Pregnant women
Very often the scourge of plantar warts, faced woman awaiting the birth of the child. The reason is simple - during pregnancy have any expectant mother, without exception, decreased immunity, the body was able to bear a child.
People active in sports
For this category of people, too, everything is simple - they often go to sports halls, undress in public changing rooms, wash in the general soul. And since people with perfect immunity is very small, human papilloma virus does not sleep.
Symptoms of plantar warts
It would seem as may signs? Well, the wart and the wart. But no - the plantar wart people are very often confused with normal corn or corns. And understand that the mistake only when trying to cut a wart - instead of the expected transparent liquid droplets of blood appearing.
Therefore, it is useful to know how to distinguish a wart from corns. Make it easy, if you assess the nature of pain. If you have a plantar wart is formed, when pressed on it you will experience a sharp pain on the sides of the build-up. But if the pain is in the middle of the build-up - most likely in front of you is the most common corn. Although if the wart is very large, accurately determine the location of the pain will be very difficult, as virtually all will hurt foot.
Another way to understand the wart to you or not - carefully inspect it. Plantar warts will have a round flat shape with a clearly limited edges. Painting the warts on the feet tend to flesh or dark brown shade, and in its center a small shade - there are blood vessels that feed this same wart.
Treatment for plantar warts
While plantar warts are small, they rarely pay attention, not to mention the specific treatment. Warts may be located on the bottom of a long time - sometimes several years, and in rare cases, disappears on its own. But more often it does not happen - the wart gradually grows and starts to cause pain.
But this is not the most unpleasant - if the human papilloma virus is activated too, will begin to appear other warts, sometimes merging into a group. It is natural that in such cases, the treatment will be much more difficult. And do it without fail, because otherwise constantly increasing pain deprive you the possibility to walk normally.
Plantar warts - the most stubborn of all, so be prepared for the fact that the treatment will require you a lot of effort, and most importantly, patience. Of course, you might get lucky and you get rid of warts on the foot the first time and in a short time, but most often it takes a lot of time.
Important! People suffering from diabetes should treat warts on the foot entirely and constantly under strict medical supervision. The same applies to children, teenagers and the elderly - no amateur! It is very difficult to predict how to behave in their body.
Although, strictly speaking, the control of the doctor during the treatment of plantar warts do not hurt anyone. The scars that may remain on the skin after removal of the wrong warts are often painful, but get rid of them is difficult. So always treated warts on the feet is necessary to start from the very gentle method - to drastic measures, you always have time to go.
Today in the arsenal of physicians are following methods of removing plantar warts:
For such a beautiful word hides the usual freezing warts - usually liquid nitrogen. Plantar warts using a special applicator is treated with liquid nitrogen. Under its influence around the wart quickly formed blister with watery content. Approximately 7-10 days will be peeling off layers of dead skin warts, a week - to heal formed on the site of wart removal crust.
During this procedure, a person may experience pain moderate intensity, and quite painful blister. But the scars are almost never are - of course, only if the doctor correctly calculated depth of freezing. Therefore it is very important to choose a really experienced specialist.
Cantharidin - a substance that is in the sights of the Spanish. The liquid solution was treated with plantar warts - pain does not happen hardly ever. After about 12-24 hours in situ handling blisters. They must be treated with iodine and apply a sterile dressing. Here at this stage of pain can give themselves felt, but not very intensive.
The dressing should be changed every day, until the moment when the fall off appeared at the site of dead brown warts. It is recommended that each time you process the wound dressing salicylic alcohol. If techenie7-10 days the wound starts to heal immediately go to the doctor!
Laser treatment
One of today's most popular treatments - laser therapy. With the help of a laser beam the doctor carefully removes the wart on the spot where there is only a speck of light pink, the color of which will soon be equal to the rest of the skin. Scarring often after laser removal of warts on the feet remains.
The essence of this method of wart removal - its impact on the blood vessels of the high frequency electric current. As a result, the wart is deprived of food and quickly dies. The method is good for the small size of removing warts. If they are large, high risk of scarring.
Surgical excision of warts
This method of removal - the most traumatic. Doctor excised with a scalpel body warts, after which imposes the required number of joints. By this method, to date virtually no resort clinicians. Firstly, it is painful. Second, the high risk of wound infection. Thirdly, normally painful scars remain rough.
After the doctor will remove the wart, it will appoint a special antiviral therapy, which will help to eliminate the root cause of the problem - human papilloma virus. If a person does not receive such treatment, sooner or later it will have a new wart on his feet. And "this song is good to start again" .In addition, we should not forget your immune system. You remember that you can become infected at any time, anywhere? And there is no guarantee that the person cured of HPV, it may pick up again. And in order that this virus could not be activated in your body, your immune system should be strong enough to contain him.
We recommend that read: Treatment of plantar warts