allergic urticaria


  • Causes of allergies
  • Symptoms of hives
  • Pseudoallergic urticaria
  • Diagnosis of allergic urticaria
  • Treatment of allergic urticaria
  • Prevention of allergic urticaria

Allergic urticaria can be called almost the most common: according to doctors, every second person at least once in his life faced with it. Very often rash occurs in children, but also adults from it are not immune. The name of this type of allergy was not accidental - skin rashes are very similar in appearance nettle burns.

To the disease is not caught you by surprise or your loved ones, you need to have at least minimal information. Of course, to see a doctor you have, in any case, but it is not always possible to do so immediately. So, you should know what to do in such a situation.

Causes of allergies

The first thing you need to do with the appearance of hives - to understand what was the reason for the occurrence of an allergic reaction. If you do not remove the body contact with the allergen, trying to get rid of allergies will also be useless, how to fight with windmills. Of course, in some cases, the exact cause can be diagnosed only allergist, but often assume the cause and you can own.

  • Food items

Food provoke allergic urticaria in about half of all cases. In fact, allergies can cause absolutely any food, but more often it is fatty fish varieties, sweets, honey, nuts, citrus fruit, artificial preservatives and dyes. Therefore, faced with the allergy, carefully analyze the menus in the last day.

  • Pharmaceutical preparations

The share of allergic reactions caused by the medication, account for up to 30 percent of all cases. The most common allergy-causing antibiotics, vitamins and minerals, and, incidentally, the contraceptive pill. If you suspect an allergy medication is called immediately stop taking them and tell your doctor.

  • Pollen

Pollen allergy can cause virtually any plant. However, most allergies in such cases makes itself felt a little different - a runny nose, watery eyes and itchy eyes, coughing and shortness of breath. However, the possibility of allergic urticaria can not be excluded - organisms all people are different. It is possible that your decided to react to the allergen in this way - skin rash.

  • Wool and animal saliva

Allergist is often diagnosed in people allergic to the saliva and / or fur of animals - cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters. Moreover, the allergy can be any animal as well as for some one. Some people have such an allergy can manifest cough, runny nose and other symptoms, and someone - skin rash.

  • Physical impacts

But the physical effects on the skin rarely falls under suspicion. That, however, is not surprising - well, who would think to blame for the development of hives sun or cold? In fact, an allergic reaction to the sun's rays - as indeed the high temperature and frost - a phenomenon occurring very often. And such allergies can occur at any time, even before anything similar was not.

  • Cosmetics and household chemicals

It would seem that for modern housewives nowadays almost paradise - which only household chemicals, easier life there. Then you and the detergents and dishwashing detergent, glass, floors - everything and you name it. But very often the contact with this miracle chemical industry leads to the development of a very strong allergic urticaria.

And all the above is true not only of household chemistry and cosmetics. Gel for washing, lotions, deodorant - but you never know in cosmetics female handbag? Almost any of these agents may provoke allergies.

 allergy causes hives

Symptoms of hives

The rash characteristic of allergy urticaria, very specific - if you see it at least once, you will never go wrong. But for those who have not had the good fortune to witness an eruption of urticaria, we describe the clinical course of this allergic reaction.

Rash in the development of hives strong enough rises above the surface of the skin - 3-5 millimeters. Rash itself looks well-defined blisters, exactly like contact with nettles. These blisters can be very different color - from pale pink to bright red. For this rash is characterized by the following feature - if you click on the blister, it will become normal skin color and disappear. But it is necessary to let go, as immediately appear again.

Dimensions blisters can also be very different - from a couple of millimeters to several centimeters, and the number of lesions themselves can vary from single to multiple, covering almost the entire surface of the skin of the body. Typically, if a lot of lesions, they merge into a large spot diameter of several to tens of centimeters. Probably it would be superfluous to say that the rash hives unbearable itch.

Depending on the time during which the stored rash, doctors distinguish two forms of the disease course:

  • The acute form of urticaria

In this form of the disease symptoms develop very, very quickly - within one hour after exposure to the allergen. Typically, a lot of blisters, they are large in size and very itchy. Symptoms disappear quickly - a maximum during the day after the removal of the allergen.

  • The chronic form of urticaria

If you are "lucky" to face with chronic allergy urticaria, the picture of the disease will be somewhat different. First, the disease develops gradually - every day you discover all new rashes and old will disappear. Although, of course, lesions in the chronic form is much less than in the acute form. Persist such chronic urticaria can be a very long time - weeks or even months. The most common of such allergic dermatitis affects middle-aged women.

Pseudoallergic urticaria

Very often, doctors have to be differentiated from allergic urticaria pseudoallergic. In the second case, the development of cutaneous lesions does not occur due to allergen exposure, and due to the presence of certain diseases. Such diseases include:

  • The presence of parasites in the body.
  • Hepatitis A and B.
  • Tuberculosis and sepsis.
  • The presence of tumors in the body - of both benign and malignant.
  • Problems with the endocrine system.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis.

Outwardly this hives pseudoallergic virtually no different truth. However, blisters slightly smaller, and they are almost always localized at the back and abdomen, while an allergic urticaria affected body without exception. However, precisely identify the type of urticaria, of course, only by a doctor.

 allergy hives treatment

Diagnosis of allergic urticaria

In the diagnosis of urticaria is no big deal, and distinguish it from any other skin rashes can all medical students. However, this is not the most important task - is much more important to find out why this is the allergic reaction manifested itself. After all, without knowing the cause, it is difficult to limit contact with the allergen, and hence the repetition of an attack of hives.

  • Location rash

First the doctor will pay attention to where the hives rashes - if on the open areas of the body, can be suspected cold allergy or an allergy to the sun's rays. Of course, at the same time take into account the history - if you have not been on the street a few days, you can hardly suffers from the weather, whatever it was.

  • The conversation with the patient

By the way, history was very important - allergist should be very careful to ask the patient or his or her parents if allergic urticaria develop a child. Perhaps people have recently eaten something unusual, any product that is not in his daily diet? Or maybe you changed laundry detergent? Or bought a new hand cream? It is important to remember all the details - details not and can not be, so tell your doctor about even what you think is not worth any attention. Very often, such a conversation can quickly identify the source of the troubles - the allergen that provoked allergic urticaria.

  • Allergic tests

In the event that a conversation with a patient proved inconclusive, the doctor is likely to take a decision on the need for allergy testing. This can be a blood test that detects allergens or skin tests - depending on the specific case. Skin testing is done as follows: using a special needle on the surface of the skin doctor makes scratches. They are then applied saline, containing various allergens. After about 20 minutes, the doctor will assess the results - if the skin around the scratch reddened and / or swollen, a person is allergic to the substance, it is dissolved in the liquid. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases where the true cause of an allergic reaction to install and it is impossible.

If a person suffers from chronic urticaria, diagnosis should be more extensive. First, you must pass a general analysis of urine and blood tests, liver function tests, tests to determine that the absence of parasites, eliminate dysbacteriosis, conduct ultrasound of internal organs, X-ray examination of the lungs, and a number of other studies. Such a detailed examination is necessary in order to identify the disease, provokes the development of hives.

Treatment of allergic urticaria

Ignore allergic urticaria can not in any case - the treatment should start immediately after the onset of symptoms. We have already talked about the fact that the true allergic urticaria to get rid of the acute form is not so difficult if you know what to do.

  • Avoid contact with the allergen

The first and most important condition for the treatment of hives - the removal of the allergen. Surely, surely it can be done only if you know exactly what you are allergic. Otherwise eliminate all possible allergens, which have already been mentioned.

  • Antihistamines

If rash enough, do not stop taking antihistamines. Ideally, a medicine to help you choose the allergist. But if the opportunity to consult with a doctor you do not, you can purchase at the pharmacy or tavigil suprastin. Strictly follow the recommended dosage - it exceeded quite a negative effect on the body. Moreover, the drug has to be a one-off, as emergency aid. Continue treatment only after a visit to the doctor, if need be.

  • Local media

Eruptions cause very intense itching, which suffer very, very difficult. In order to get rid of it, you can use ordinary zinc ointment, which is sold in every pharmacy. Just apply a thin layer of ointment rash and leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water. If the situation is critical, the doctor will prescribe you a more potent ointment, which include corticosteroids.

There are many different recipes of traditional medicine that promise quick relief from allergic urticaria. Doctors also categorically opposed to this kind of treatment, because almost all the recipes are based on the action of various medicinal plants. And without exception, any plant - a potential allergen. And when allergy can cause hives, even familiar plant that you have repeatedly used. Therefore, give up traditional medicine.

The only way that is worthy of your attention - it compresses with baking soda, which is very well relieve even the most severe itching. Compresses simple - you only need a gauze cloth and baking soda. From gauze cut into several small napkins and prepare saturated soda solution - dissolve in a glass of water five teaspoons of baking soda and mix thoroughly.

Dampen a soda solution gauze and apply to blisters, leave for 10-15 minutes. If the cloth dries before, change it to the moist. After the procedure did not take a shower even though an hour. Itching will disappear fairly quickly, and come back in about 3-4 hours. If this happens, you can once again make soda compress - it is absolutely safe for health.

Treatment of chronic allergic urticaria - the process quite laborious and lengthy, sometimes occupying more than one month. It goes without saying that the treatment regimen must be selected exclusively allergist. Most often it is receiving antihistamines, external agents, restorative measures and, of course, the elimination of exposure to the allergen. In any case, treatment will be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the specific situation.

 prevention of allergic urticaria

Prevention of allergic urticaria

Starting prevention of allergic urticaria possible before the advent of the child's birth. Pregnant women should completely eliminate from your diet all foods that can trigger the development of an allergic reaction. These products include:

  • Fish and all other seafood.
  • Sweets and especially chocolate.
  • Natural honey and other bee products.
  • Preservatives and artificial colorants.
  • Eggs and chicken meat.
  • Carbonated beverages, excluding mineral water.

And this diet a woman should abide by, not only during pregnancy but also during the entire period of breastfeeding. And what would be longer breastfeeding, the lower the probability of any allergic reactions throughout the future life of the child.

In addition, you must try to avoid contact with a variety of potential allergens soft toys, household cleaning products, food, animals. Of course, in complete isolation is impossible to live, but to take some measures - completely. Soft toys wash frequently to ensure that they do not collect dust when working with household cleaning, use rubber gloves, take care not to change the already familiar to you cosmetics that you do not exactly have an allergic reaction.

In the event that completely avoid contact with the allergen you can not, your doctor will choose the appropriate antihistamines that you have to take a long time. In addition, it can not be avoided and strictly comply with hypoallergenic diet and otherwise all efforts will be in vain. And, of course, you have at hand should always be ointments and creams that will remove the itch in that case, if you still can not avoid the development of a new attack of allergic urticaria.

 Allergic rash. What you need to know?

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