Rosacea - test still is not for the faint of heart. Despite the fact that this is simply acne, rather than boils, they spoil the appearance very much. And get rid of rosacea is very, very difficult. But as you know, nothing is impossible. Of course, the fight against these small pests will take a long time, and forces too. But at a certain stubbornness victory nevertheless remains yours. And we can help you with this.
The first thing you have to remember - without medical help will be very difficult to manage. Therefore hike to dermatologist obviously will not be superfluous. The doctor will assess the actual condition of your skin, if necessary, order tests and select the most appropriate in your case, the course of treatment.
Basic principles of treatment
If you do not take into account a number of specific rules, then all your efforts will be wasted. Therefore, how to remember the rules and observe. And yet - and never, under any not squeeze acne rosacea. Nothing good will come of it: infection, boils, unsightly scars in these places. Do you need it?
Lifestyle, diet
The first is to analyze their usual menu. Because it is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee, sweets, especially chocolate. Dairy products, porridge, fruit and vegetables should become your best friends.
And on your way of life it depends very much. Firstly, it is important to regularly visit the open air, and secondly, to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and about the sport should not be forgotten. By the way, these changes for the whole of your body will not go unnoticed. Just a month you will need to see the first positive results.
Proper skin care
It is equally important to properly care for the skin - a simple washing clearly not enough. In the morning Wash your face with warm water without soap - so you remove the sweat and sebum that have accumulated overnight. During the day, ideally you need to wipe the face with a damp cloth - certainly, if you are not working with makeup.
In the evening, cleansing should be especially careful - First, remove makeup using makeup remover. Second, wash your face, using a special cleansing gel for oily skin. Two or three times a week to do steam bath with chamomile - they contribute to a deeper cleanse pores.
Remember vessels!
Try to avoid a long stay in a stuffy room - overheating people with pink acne is absolutely contraindicated. By the way, visiting the bath or sauna - as, indeed, and from the hot tub - you too should be abandoned. Heat stimulates dilation of blood vessels, blood rushes to the skin of the face - all this only exacerbates the situation and provoke a new eruption.
Avoid sunlight
Direct sunlight - this is another thing that should be avoided by people suffering from rosacea. The reason is the same - the sun warms your skin, blood vessels dilate, which is extremely undesirable. So try to avoid whenever possible once again out in the sun. Of course, entirely avoid this not be possible, so do not forget about protective equipment: Use a sunscreen with a high level of UV protection.
Folk remedies eliminate rosacea
There are many traditional medicines that can help you eliminate acne rosacea. All of them are safe, but be careful that you did not have an allergic reaction to any of the members of the vehicle components.
Iodine Mesh
Iodine mesh well not only helps the seals after the injection, but subcutaneous pimples. Do fishnet once a day, in the evening - long pimples will be much less. Very often people are afraid that in the morning on the face traces remain - in fact it is not so, iodine evaporates very quickly.
Vishnevsky ointment
The good old Vishnevsky ointment subcutaneous pimples virtually irreplaceable. In the evening, before bedtime, make a compress with this ointment. Cut small gauze, apply a thick layer of ointment Vishnevsky and apply to acne for about an hour. Such treatment can not continue for more than three weeks.
Lemon cream
To prepare this ointment you need baby cream and a little lemon. Lemon with peel mince, mix with the same amount of baby oil and transfer to a glass jar with a lid - you only need to store it in the refrigerator for no longer than one month.
Morning and evening, apply to problem areas of the skin a thick layer of cream and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and wipe with fresh lemon juice. But only if there are no open spots - or may develop severe irritation. The first changes you'll notice a week without treatment does not stop - it should last at least two weeks.
Aloe leaves
To make this means you'll need a few leaves of aloe plant, which is already more than three years. The leaves are put in the freezer for three days. Then, using a fork or chop meat grinder leaves and place them in a sealed container. Every evening, pre-steam the face, acne Apply a thick layer of pulp of aloe - about 30 minutes. A week later the rash will begin to disappear, and the treatment can be continued for as long as necessary.
Broth nettle
In a saucepan put five tablespoons of dried nettle pour a liter of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about an hour, then wrap the pot with a towel and leave for at least three hours. Broth strain using gauze cloth and pour into a glass bottle or carafe. Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink half a cup of this decoction - just a month rosacea almost completely disappear.
Protein mask
Place in a bowl two proteins carefully whisk them with a mixer. While whisking, add the juice of half a lemon proteins. The resulting mass apply on pre-steamed face, leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Repeat the procedure every other day for one month.
Yeast mask
Mix 100 grams of sour cream and half a teaspoon of dried yeast and let sit for 15 minutes in a warm place. At this time it would be nice to make a steam bath with chamomile. Then lubricate the acne rash obtain funds, leave about 40 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. The skin should be dry on their own, without a towel. Then be sure to wipe the skin with cold broth chamomile.
Preparing the broth is simple - put in a saucepan five tablespoons of dried chamomile blossoms, fill with half a liter of water, bring to a boil and reduce heat. After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, let cool and strain the infusion it. Store this broth in the refrigerator can be a long time - up to three weeks.
Decoction of chamomile compresses
Chamomile is good not only for steam baths - very effective and compresses. However, preparing the broth a little different - you need five tablespoons of chamomile, one tablespoon of honey and a few drops of salicylic alcohol. Daisy put in a saucepan, cover with water and on high heat, bring to a boil. Then remove the pan from the heat, add the honey, mix thoroughly. Cover the pan with a lid, wrap a thick towel or blanket and leave for 10 hours. Strain the broth and water bath slightly warm it.
Cut some gauze, soak them in warm decoction of chamomile and apply to places of accumulation of rosacea. Compress should remain on the skin for a long time - at least one hour. As you can imagine, gauze will dry out - immediately change to wet wipes. While acne is a lot compresses to do every night. Then repeat the procedure at least once a week to prevent repeated eruptions.
Tincture of calendula
Calendula tincture can help, even with very strong eruptions. Of course, you can buy in a drugstore calendula tincture ready, but it is best to do it yourself. To do this, buy the dry calendula, put three tablespoons of herbs in a glass bottle with a lid and pour half a glass of vodka. Close the bottle cap and send it stand in a dark place for two weeks.
Get tincture is necessary to wipe your face at least twice a day - morning and evening. And do not forget that alcohol is very dry skin, so do not forget to grease it with any moisturizing cream - the best for children. Treatment should continue for no longer than one week.
Cabbage juice
Cabbage juice helps to cope even with very inflamed acne. For treatment use fresh cabbage juice - soak it in a gauze cloth and attach to places of accumulation of acne for 30 minutes. To gauze did not dry up, put it on top of the plastic film. After that, try not to wet your face at least two hours.
A similar procedure should be done at least once a day, but if you have the opportunity to do more often - it's just a big plus. After about 5-6 days begins to decrease inflammation, and after a week and do rash will begin to fade. In order to prevent the appearance of new lesions, can make such wraps once or twice a week.
In the summer, we can not ignore raspberries - a real healer. Moreover, raspberries and can be used for masks, and to prepare a lotion. The mask is very simple - remember the raspberries with a fork and immediately put on the problem areas. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and allow the skin to dry yourself. This mask can be done at least every day, until the disappearance of rashes. By the way, you can use frozen berries - do not forget to prepare them for the future.
If in addition to the masks you twice a day to wipe the face lotion from raspberries, the treatment process will proceed much more active. The lotion is also preparing quite simple - put in a glass bottle five teaspoons of raspberries, pour half a glass of cold boiled water and three tablespoons of vodka. Lotion should insist no less than three days, after which you can start the treatment.
If such an attack as rosacea, happened to you in the winter when the raspberries to get very difficult, it can be replaced rowan. Rowan used for making masks and cleansing lotion. To prepare the masks remember rowan berries - you need three tablespoons of sour cream and mix. In the pre-steamed face, apply a thick layer mask, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
The mask should be done every night for two weeks. If the acne does not disappear after a week's break, the treatment can be repeated. Lotion is preparing even easier - Pour 50 grams of mountain ash half a glass of vodka and insist night. Clean skin lotion at least once a day.