- Whitening lotion
- Bleaching compresses
- Whitening Mask
Women Striving for excellence worthy of respect. What did not make beauty to look perfect! However, this perfection, alas, always something tries to spoil - the dry skin, the pimples, if not dark spots. Incidentally, spots upset the ladies most of all, because getting rid of them is much more difficult than from the same pimple.
But do not worry - it's difficult does not mean impossible. You will need some patience, effort and, of course, knowledge. although you can take the path of least resistance and go to the beautician. But it can make not all women - for whatever reason: someone is not enough time, someone - money.
That is why you should not categorically reject the possibility of eliminating age spots at home, using the popular recipes. Home. what must be remembered from the treatment - it is about the rule of moderation. As much as you do not want to quickly get rid of age spots, strictly adhere to treatment. Do not increase neither the concentration of the components or the recommended duration of treatment. Otherwise you earn burns to the skin, which will have to be treated.
And do not forget a little trouble, as an allergic reaction. If you know that before you had an allergy to any component of the proposed use other means. If you do not know for sure - check before use. Check whether you have allergies - very simple.
Grease a small piece of skin behind the ear mix, leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and evaluate the state of the skin. If there is no rash and redness, you do not feel itching, burning and feelings of tightness, an allergic reaction can not be afraid. Feel free to use the selected tool.
Whitening lotion
If dark spots are mild, you can try to get rid of them with simple whitening lotions. There are several very effective recipe:
The bleaching properties of cucumber are known to mankind for hundreds of years - even our prapraprababki used it to maintain the then fashionable white skin. For the preparation of this lotion you will need one medium-sized cucumber, 70 grams of water and 30 grams of vodka.
Cucumber peel and grate on a fine grater, so that you have turned cucumber porridge. This mush put in a glass container with a narrow neck. Pour the cucumber water and vodka, carefully stir and close the lid. Insist lotion in the refrigerator for ten days, do not forget to stir occasionally.
Get the lotion grease spots on his face as often as possible, but not less than five times a day. In that case, if the skin begins to peel, use any intensive moisturizer. But as a rule, this happens only if you originally very dry skin. But for those women whose skin is oily type, this lotion and did find. Before going to bed certainly wipe the entire face - and very quickly you will forget about all the problems in one way or another connected with oily skin.
If you have fresh berries of mountain ash, live your pigmentation spots is long. For the preparation of the whitening lotion you will need two tablespoons of rowan berries, 100 grams of water and five tablespoons of vodka. Berries izomnite using fork and place in a glass bottle, fill it with water and vodka.
Mix all the ingredients, close the bottle and place it in any cool place, where not exposed to the sun's rays to the present lotion - about 5 days. Do not forget at least once a day to shake the bottle of lotion. Brown spots on the face should be cleaned three times a day. About a week later spots begin to fade and then disappear altogether.
Did you know that dill - is not only delicious condiment, but also a great bleach? Finely chop the fresh dill - you should have about three tablespoons. Place the fennel into a suitable glass container, cover with 50 grams of boiling water. When the water has cooled, add 50 grams of vodka.
Lotion can be used immediately - it does not need to insist. Wipe pigmented spots two or three times a day for as long as necessary. Generally, treatment continues for about one month. If you notice that the skin becomes too dry, be sure to use moisturizer.
Bleaching compresses
If the spots on his face more pronounced, some lotions's not enough. But you should not be sad, and in this case, because the bleach compresses operate more efficiently! Try them - surely you will be satisfied with the result.
Compress red currant.
The berry season can not miss the opportunity to try and packs of red currant berries. immediately I would like to remind - a certain amount of fruit is placed in the freezer as the season comes to an end very quickly. But you have to compress the stock berries remain.
Interpret three tablespoons of berries and put them in the area of pigmented spots, top cover with plastic wrap and leave on for 20 minutes. Then wash the skin with cool water. This wrap can be done twice a day for as long as needed to dark spots on the face disappeared - your skin at the same time does not suffer.
- Compress hydrogen peroxide
In that case, if the dark spots on the face is very dark, have to resort to radical means. For example, hydrogen peroxide. To compress you need one or two tablespoons of flour and peroxide. Make dough from flour, water, instead of using hydrogen peroxide. Apply this cake to the spots and leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse the skin with water.
If after three days you will not see that the dark spots on the face brighten, toughen treatment. Wet gauze in hydrogen peroxide and apply to the spots, the top cover with plastic wrap. Leave compress for 15 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. Any discomfort you experience. And yes, by the way - do not forget to lubricate the skin moisturizer. The duration of treatment - no more than 10 days. And then you need to make at least a seven-day break.
The pharmacy buy white clay, a pharmacy - pills gidroperita. Interpret the two tablets into powder gidroperita, mix with two tablespoons of white clay and dilute with water until creamy state. Immediately, without delay, the resulting mass apply on spots, cover with gauze and leave for 10 minutes.
Most likely, you will feel a slight burning sensation - this is quite natural. However, if it becomes too strong burning sensation, wash immediately with plenty of water weight and immediately lubricate the skin of any vegetable oil. If you keep the mask as much as it should, and washed it in time, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of a simple children's cream.
With this compress it is very important not to overdo it, to prevent damage to the skin - a procedure can be carried out not more than three times a week. But in fairness it should be noted that the number of procedures that are enough to make about a month lentigo virtually invisible.
- Compress with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is perfectly whitens the skin without damaging it and without causing absolutely no negative effects. To prepare a compress you only need apple cider vinegar and gauze small size, as well as plastic film - ideally, the most common food.
Wet apple cider vinegar in gauze, apply to the spots and cover with plastic wrap. Unpleasant sensations you experience, but over time should still be - the duration of a compress should be about 15 minutes. After compression, flush skin with cool water. Compress enough to do once a day, but be prepared to ensure that the treatment is quite long - about two months.
In some cases, get rid of age spots is easy with very normal yogurt. Dampen a yogurt gauze and apply to the spots, the top cover with plastic wrap and leave on for 30 minutes. These packs can be done quite often - several times a day, as they do not harm the skin. But in fairness it should be noted that the yogurt is effective only in case of sufficient light pigment spots.
If Kefir compresses did not help, try a compress of cottage cheese with lemon. Mince half a lemon and mix in equal proportions with cream cheese. The resulting mass apply on spots, and the top cover with gauze or a plastic film.
Duration compress - 20 minutes. Compress to be done twice a day for two weeks. In most cases, pigment spots capitulate. But if it does not happen, the treatment can be extended to one month. However, despite the fact that the mask is sufficiently gentle, the skin may become dry. Therefore, be sure to use moisturizer.
Whitening Mask
In addition to the bleaching agents will come in handy and masks. Typically, the masks are the most effective, but at the same time and the most aggressive to the skin. Therefore, recourse to them is at the very least.
To prepare the lemon mask, you will need one tablespoon of starch and half of a large lemon. Press the lemon juice and mix it into any non-metallic container with flour - you should get a pasty mixture. Apply this mixture on the spots, leave for 15 minutes.
If you feel too much discomfort, the mask should be washed off immediately. After the mask allow the skin to dry yourself, then be sure to brush with a small amount of vegetable oil. The mask can not do more than three times a week, and duration of the course of bleaching - three weeks. If dark spots on the face will not disappear, you can repeat the treatment. But no sooner than 15 days.
The mask acts very aggressively! Therefore, people with sensitive skin this treatment is strictly contraindicated. To prepare the masks mince two cloves of garlic and mix it with one tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask on the dark spots, leave for 10 minutes. If you feel too strong burning sensation, immediately rinse the mask. In any case be sure to apply on the skin after the mask vegetable oil.
And about the moisturizer not ignore - must lubricate the skin before going to bed each day. But garlic mask to do more than twice a week is by no means impossible. Yes, and the treatment itself can last no longer than two weeks. But, as a rule, in most cases this is enough time to get rid of age spots.
And finally, the most effective means - ammonia. To prepare the mask, you will need the usual children's soap, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Soap rub on a small grater - you will need one teaspoon. Pour into a ceramic soap dish, pour one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Mix thoroughly until, until you have a homogeneous mass. Then add to it 4 drops of ammonia and mix again.
Dampen a cotton swab with this mixture and apply a thick layer of dark spots. Be sure to watch out for, so that the mask does not hit on other parts of the skin - otherwise they also brighten. And sense then? The treatment will only worsen the situation.
The mixture is on the skin should be not longer than 20 minutes. After that, it should be thoroughly cleaned with plenty of water and liberally lubricate the skin with plenty of nourishing cream. In no case do not do this mask twice a week, as the very high risk of damage to the skin. The treatment itself should last no longer than a month in a row.