- The causes of bruises under his eyes
- Eliminating black eye at home
The phenomenon of dark circles under the eyes, familiar to many people. However, few people are satisfied. Immediately the question arises - why they have come out with me? That is why people are constantly looking for ways to deal with these very bruised. And it finds! Get rid of the bruise is quite real. But the most important thing to do - is to find out, which is why these black eyes appeared. After all, without knowing the cause, eliminate the bruising you are unlikely to work - can make it worse.
So let's look at the first. We'll tell you about the main causes of bruising, as well as effective in each case how to resolve them. But remember that all this information is given only as an overview. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will specify the cause of the bruises. Indeed, in some cases, they may be only a consequence of a variety of serious diseases of internal organs.
The causes of bruises under his eyes
So, what can cause the appearance of such troubles, as the dark circles under your eyes? There may be several reasons:
- Anatomical features of the human body
In some cases, the only culprit bruising under the eyes becomes an anatomical feature of an organism. The skin under the eyes is thin and blood vessels are too close to the skin surface. Because of this, they shine through the skin, giving it the same bluish tint. As a rule, such a phenomenon is observed since childhood. And get rid of these bruises under his eyes only using services of a cosmetologist. There are no home remedies you just will not help.
- Age-related changes of the skin, weight loss
In the event that there were bruises under the eyes of a woman over 45, you can suspect the age-related changes of the skin. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, begins to sag - formed a kind of bags, which, because of the blood vessels appear bluish. The same thing happens with a sharp decrease in weight. Therefore it is impossible to drop more than two kilograms a week.
- Diseases of internal organs
The most dangerous black eyes - those that are the result of internal diseases. They may appear in a result of a number of diseases. Iron deficiency anemia - in this disease the skin become extremely pale shade, the skin becomes very dry, thinning. As a result - the appearance of bruises under his eyes.
Another pathology that can provoke the appearance of dark circles under the eyes - is the kidney. For kidney infection, usually sooner or later lead to the development of edema, including the eyes. Due to the accumulation of fluid under the skin, it gets darker shade. This condition may be indicative of a serious threat to human health - the kidneys do not suffer neglect.
No less dangerous and pathology of the cardiovascular system - they are also often the culprits bruising under the eyes. For example, vasodilation, which are more visible under the skin - is observed at many of these diseases. In that case, if the disease is congenital, bruising may be accompanied by a person from childhood.
In no case do not try to self-medicate - at stake is not only your beauty but also your health. Do not pull the time - immediately after the bruising contact your doctor. Most black eyes are the first alarm bells. If in time to see a doctor, you can catch the disease at its very beginning. So, treat it and it will be much easier than in a state of neglect.
- Wrong daily routine and lifestyle
Sometimes bruises indicate only that the owner holds them in the arms of Morpheus too little time. And no wonder - with a modern pace of life! Work, then the household chores, the lessons with the child, but still find time for yourself you need - that we go to we women well past midnight. And then genuinely perplexed - how could I have the bruises?
But the adult needs to sleep at least 8 hours! Try to start just to sleep - sleep normally at least a week. You may cease to torment the question "where I got the bruises? "And if this measure does not help you, you can continue the search for the causes that led to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. And if you keep enough sleep, do not wonder, "when I have the bruises to disappear? "Because the answer is simple - never. Yes, and problems can begin.
Yes, and your life in general, plays an equally important role. Abuse of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, smoking is also very often lead to the appearance of bruises under his eyes. Therefore, if you know for a similar peccadillo, try to get rid of them. Very often you can hear the objection - "for me it's too hard." However, it is very questionable excuse - all of these habits can lead to very serious complications, compared with bruises that seem childish prattle.
- Too much strain on the eyes
If you spend watching TV or computer too long, the eyes can respond to you not only redness. Very often, the dark circles under the eyes indicate it on the excessive overload. To get started, try to reduce the load - activities to television or computer monitor at least replace the walk for an hour. This will be useful not only for your eyes, but also for the whole organism. And if you have the nature of their activities to spend much time at the computer monitor, at least once an hour make five-minute break.
- Excess skin pigmentation under the eyes
And sometimes the cause of dark circles under the eyes is the increased pigmentation of the skin in this area. In this case, you can try to get rid of bruises at home - it will need whitening treatments. What tools can be used for these purposes - we'll tell you a little bit lower.
In that case, if a person received a blow to the eye, wondering why there was a bruise, it is not necessary - everything is clear. In this case, as soon as possible to the damaged area to apply cold. Be sure to consult a traumatologist - it is satisfied that there are no serious injuries, and prescribe further treatment.
Eliminating black eye at home
So, if you really a problem, and there was not worth the long mourning, and others to get the question "why the bruises have appeared at me? ". As mentioned above - first doctor visit. The doctor will determine the exact cause of dark circles under the eyes and tell you what to do next. But at home, you can try using the following means:
- Sour cream and lemon juice
This tool is very effective at increased skin pigmentation. For this you need a few drops of fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of sour cream. Thoroughly mix them, apply to the area of skin under the eyes and leave for 5 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and apply moisturizer. These masks should be done every day for one week. Longer do this procedure is not necessary, since the burn skin.
Another very effective mask - a honey brew. Preparing it follows - Mix one teaspoon of tea leaves of black tea and two teaspoons of honey. Melt the honey in a water bath, the mass of boil for a minute. After it cools, apply under your eyes, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
If you do it right, it is hardly a question of "why do I have dark circles? "Be your actual.