Sesame seed - is one of the world's oldest spices. However, scientists, historians still argue about why people grew sesame - because of its taste, or as medicinal properties. The fact that about the useful properties of sesame people knew in antiquity, can not be questioned - there are many legends, one way or another related to sesame.
Before we talk about what is useful sesame seed, let us remember what is this plant. Sesame refers to annual. Precious sesame - this is its fruit, having the form of elongated boxes. Depending on the type of sesame seeds varies color - black, white, yellow, brown.
Grow sesame in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Typically, sesame grown for sesame oil. It sesame oil is used to treat many diseases. Although Russia sesame seed is most often used in confectionery purposes - for topping baked goods.
Useful properties of sesame
One of the most valuable qualities of sesame oil - is its fatty oils. The composition of these oils include organic acids, glycerine, and many other substances. In addition, sesame contains a powerful antioxidant as sesamin. Useful properties sesame effectively reduce blood cholesterol, prevent the development of cancers and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
Furthermore, in the sesame seed contains proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins E, C, A, and group B is not without it, and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Thus, sesame oil is not only a drug, but a preventive measure, which is virtually harmless and has no contraindications. Interested? Then let's talk about the beneficial properties of this amazing plant more.
Using sesame oil can be derived from the body toxins, normalize blood pressure, metabolism, cholesterol levels, contribute to the prevention of various diseases of support - motor system. And because the sesame seeds contain large amounts of calcium, its oil is used to treat osteoporosis, muscle building, and more.
Sesame seed oil is also used to treat hemorrhoids, disorders of the gastro - intestinal tract. Sesame seeds are added in various ointments, lotions, emulsions. In addition, the useful properties of sesame oil used in cosmetology - for the manufacture of cosmetic agents.
Traditional recipes
There are quite a number of the most varied recipes of traditional medicine with the use of sesame oil. But remember that the self-engaged in any case impossible. Be sure to consult your doctor, who correctly diagnoses the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. A popular recipes can be a supplement to, and even then - only after approval by the attending physician. No useful properties of sesame seeds can not replace the advice of a physician.
Cough periodically plagued all people without exception, and getting rid of it is often extremely difficult. But it is real. For the treatment of cough, prepare the following means. Wash and clean a large raw potato tuber. Rub it on a fine grater, then mix thoroughly with a tablespoon of sesame oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees.
Put a thin layer on the mass of the chest and back of the sick person, and the top cover with plastic wrap. Secure wrap bandages and put on some warm or jersey. Ideally compresses should be left for at least 8 hours, so it's best to do it before bedtime. Parallel to this, carefully rub the feet with warm sesame oil and put on woolen socks. Using this recipe is acceptable in all age categories of people.
Those who tried the recipes themselves, argue that the cough is largely reduced on the second day, and disappears without a trace - in a week. And it does not matter what was the cause for the occurrence of cough - allergies, bronchitis or pneumonia. This recipe is effective in all cases.
Do not forget the sesame seed oil and angina. As, however, and in other cases of sore throat. Ready means easy. Boil one cup of water and dissolve it in three tablespoons of sesame oil. Cool the resulting solution to a suitable temperature and very carefully - within 10 minutes - gargle. The pain will recede after the first rinse, but treatment must be continued until full recovery.
From such troubles as indigestion, not insured by any one person. And then come to the aid of sesame seed. Carefully grind two tablespoons of sesame seeds and mix with one tablespoon of honey. Dissolve half a teaspoon of the mixture in half a glass of cold boiled water. Taking this agent must be every few minutes, small portions. Glass should be drunk within one hour. Accepted necessary as long as the disease does not recede. As a rule, the use of this tool makes it possible to cope with the strong cough.
- Other disorders of the digestive tract
If a sick person ulcerative colitis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer or gastritis is banal, it is necessary to pay attention to the sesame oil. Take it should be on an empty stomach, one teaspoon before breakfast. Then you can eat no earlier than 30 minutes. In the evening it is necessary to prepare an infusion of chamomile.
Preparing it is very simple - in a thermos vsypte one tablespoon of chamomile, fill it with one cup of boiling water and close the lid. After three hours the infusion is necessary to filter using gauze cloth and add a tablespoon of honey. The infusion should drink before bedtime. The treatment should last at least 10 days, and if necessary, it can be repeated as often as necessary. Useful properties of sesame does not have a "flip side" - the side effects.
In the event that a person is experiencing pain in the ears, help him next. In a water bath, warm the sesame oil and bury it in both ears every three hours. At night, in the oil necessary to moisten small tamponchiki of wool. It is desirable to leave on all night. If the ear hurts a child, you can take the next wrap. In the oil soak the gauze, put a layer of cotton, polyethylene cover and secure with a bandage or scarf. The use of this tool often helps even under the most severe otitis.
In that case, if the doctor diagnoses you have blood clotting, you need sesame oil. His need to drink during a meal one teaspoon. The course of treatment should last at least 21 days.
Equally effectively sesame oil and various skin diseases and irritations, such as eczema or dermatitis. To do this, prepare the following means. In a plastic container, mix 100 grams of fresh grape juice and aloe. Leave to stand for about an hour, then add to the same 100 grams of sesame oil. Thoroughly mix all and put in the fridge for three days. The resulting mixture is necessary to lubricate the affected area three times a day. Very useful is the treatment and dry skin.
In parallel, it is necessary to take half a teaspoon of sesame oil three times a day. Proper treatment take on a momentum effect only if it is comprehensive. Usually, the first results observed after 3 - 5 days, but the full course of treatment should not be less than a month.
Be sure to take note of these recipes. And maybe you practice, make sure that the sesame - a wonderful doctor. And if the application is correct, the use of it is invaluable.