How to treat eczema on the hands? This issue is, unfortunately, a lot of people worried. Especially since that summer is around the corner. But in the warmer months, the relevance of the problem of skin diseases has grown significantly. Therefore it is better to stock up in advance the necessary information that will help you cope with eczema as quickly as possible.
And the first thing to do - is to become familiar with what is eczema. Doctors call this term inflammation of the skin, accompanied by various types of rashes. There are several qualifications eczema - microbial, seborrheic, professional and true. This will be discussed in more detail below.
Eczema in all cases is characterized by increased sensitivity of the skin with respect to different allergens. Generally, eczema affects the skin of the face and hands, in more rare cases - the legs. The disease has a very long duration, and recurrence of eczema is quite common.
Types of eczema
As mentioned above, eczema divided into several types. For proper treatment, it is important to correctly determine the form of the disease:
The true focal acute eczema appears sharp swelling and redness of the skin. The skin appears a large number of small papules and vesicles that burst and merge into erosive surface moist. Sick man observes the feeling of itching and burning. If a person combing the affected skin, infection is possible.
In the event that this form of eczema takes a chronic course, lesions of the skin become bluish-pink shade, and swelling less strongly expressed. By the way, and erosive lesions much less itching and burning with much less pronounced.
Occupational eczema is very similar to the previous form. Skin affected mainly on the hands, arms and neck. In all cases, the culprit of the disease is a particular allergen to which the sick person has to work a long time. Typically, this form of the disease is treated quickly enough.
In that case, if the human body of the patient - typically in the region of the extremities - are sores, fistulae or wound, it is very likely to develop fungal infections of the skin. They appear in the same way as everyone else. But the main feature is a clearly defined boundary.
As a rule, almost all skin diseases are a real indicator of the state of internal organs and systems of the human body. And sometimes eczema is only a consequence of liver disease and kidney disease, as well as the digestive tract.
Let's try to more clearly indicate the possible symptoms that may indicate the development of eczema:
- Redness kozhiSnachala skin gets a slightly pinkish hue, which is gradually becoming more and more vivid. Much depends on the way in which the sick person cleans the hands. Typically, when a button or other moisturizer, redness can be expressed less bright.
- Occurrence otekaSpustya some time after reddening skin edema - Moderate first, but after a while it becomes very dense. The rate of swelling of all kinds - from several hours to several days.
- The emergence vysypaniyNa second - third day after the onset of the disease in the lesions of the skin lesions appear. Most often they take the form of bubbles filled with a clear, colorless liquid. These bubbles burst quickly, forming a moist erosion.
- Uncomfortable oschuscheniyaZud skin becomes stronger and stronger, soon joined him a burning sensation. The temperature in the affected areas of the skin increases. Especially if eczema joined inflammation.
Treatment of eczema
So, it's time to talk about how to treat eczema hands. The main thing you need to remember - is that eczema treatment should be complex. The doctor - a dermatologist will necessarily give you advice about the daily routine, work and leisure. It is also very important to keep medical diet. From diet sick person need to completely eliminate all foods that can cause allergic reactions.
It is desirable to carry out detoxification of the entire body, removing allergens. These procedures should be carried out under the strict supervision of medical professionals. In that case, if a human patient have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they should be solved as soon as possible.
In addition, treatment of eczema necessarily involves the use of preparations containing in its composition corticosteroids. They very effectively relieve inflammation in the body. So, and as recovery occurs much faster.
In addition, the important role played by local treatment. Its main purpose is to eliminate the main symptoms of eczema - burning, itching, dryness of the skin. It is also important to prevent possible accession of secondary infection. For this arsenal of modern medicine has a great number of various means, such as hormone and antiseptic ointment. In addition, an important role in the treatment of eczema play antiseptic and hormonal ointments. But they all have to appoint a doctor - dermatologist. The uncontrolled use of these tools can greatly worsen the disease.
In addition to the above funds is very effective in stimulating recovery physiotherapy. Physical therapy relieves inflammation and stimulates regeneration. In some cases it is necessary to resort to the help of a doctor - immunologist, which helps normalize the functioning of the immune system.
- Treatment of eczema folk remedies
There are several effective ways of traditional medicine, which are also highly relevant to the present day. However, remember that this treatment may not serve as a pretext for refusing to visit a dermatologist. And all the traditional recipes can be used only with the consent of a doctor, so as not to worsen the disease.
Very good decoction relieves inflammation elder. To make it, put in an enamel bowl 3 tablespoons of elderberry and pour a liter of water. On low heat bring to a boil, simmer for about 15 minutes and leave to infuse for two hours. Take baths for hands every 4 hours. Hands do not rub - let them dry on their own, and then lubricate any moisturizer.
In the initial stages of developing eczema very well help bath with sea salt. Take hot baths with sea salt at least twice a day - morning and before bedtime. Sea salt can be purchased at any pharmacy. To prepare the bath dissolve in one liter of boiling water 5 tablespoons of salt. The duration of the bath should be around 15 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse your hands under running water and lubricate them with a moisturizing cream. The course of treatment should last for up to a full recovery.
Did you know that cucumber solution effectively helps not only during a hangover? Yes Yes! Take twice daily baths with cucumber solution. Cucumber pickle beautifully addictive erosive wounds. Although, of course, directly during the baths are extremely uncomfortable feeling. Be patient - it's worth it!
- Milk infusion of mother and stepmother
Mother and stepmother not only helps to eliminate the burning and itching, but also stimulates the regeneration processes. Chop one hundred grams of mother and stepmother, put it in a thermos and pour one liter just the boiled milk. Leave for about two hours, then pour the milk into a separate container. This milk can wipe his hands during the day as a moisturizing cosmetic milk.
The resulting mass of the plant's mother and stepmother, apply to the affected skin and cover with cling film. On top put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. Those who have tried this recipe on yourself, argue that only 3-4 sessions almost completely cleanse the skin from eczema.
To prepare this cream, you will need an ordinary moisturizer and two sprigs of aloe. Aloe should be carefully grind and squeeze using gauze cloth juice. Mix the juice with cream, place in a glass bowl and leave in the refrigerator for about a day. Grease hands with a cream after each wash. Duration of treatment - until complete recovery.
Now you know what eczema, how to treat this disease, and how it manifests itself. Of course, it is much better to practice the knowledge you will never come in handy.