How to improve metabolism? A lot of women ask this question and try to answer a variety of sources. And they find these answers - usually a variety of variations of diets. The woman begins to follow these diets in the hope that normal metabolism, and the body will begin to occur miraculous processes. However, one diet to improve metabolism, is unlikely to be even how - ever effective.
However, this is not true. Of course, in order that the body running smoothly and disorders, metabolism really have to be perfect. After all, most a wide variety of health problems occur because of improper metabolism. Yes, and the remaining small part of the disease, one way or another, but is also associated with it.
Individual approach
That is why, of course, necessary to normalize the metabolism, and then maintain it is also very important. However, do not mindlessly sit on different diets - such measures not only normalize metabolism, but, on the contrary, it can significantly degrade and provoke development of various diseases. Normalization of metabolism - it's not a one-time raid on a diet, but a very long and, most importantly, a complex event.
What's more - there is no universal way to the normalization of metabolism, suitable to all people without exception. In each case, a program of weight normalization should be selected strictly individually. And it is desirable to do this is not their own, but under the guidance of therapists and nutritionists.
The doctor - the therapist will conduct a full examination of the human body, if necessary, prescribe certain tests and studies. After that the doctor will assess the condition of the body, to make a statement and recommendations. Doctor - Dietician, after a conversation with the patient and with the advice of a therapist, will help to make the individual chart of the normalization of metabolism.
However, doctors still emit some general guidelines that are relevant to all people without exception. In cases of lung disorders of metabolic processes, these measures can normalize metabolic processes. Yes, and they can support them very effectively. But still before it should consult with your doctor.
Schedule meals
Unfortunately, more and more, you can observe the following picture: during the day the woman has virtually nothing - in the best case, that - or "hooks", and in the evening before going to sleep, I eat. However, this way of life - a direct path to disruption of normal metabolism.
To avoid such complications, should try to develop the habit of eating right. The best doctors recognize the so-called "fractional" food - the food should be taken in small portions, but often: approximately every three - four hours. And especially important not to skip breakfast - it was in the morning metabolic processes are most active. And as paradoxical as it may sound - but it was the food, and starts the metabolism. And in order to be active and correct, breakfast is a must.
Also, pay attention to what it is you are eating. Try to eliminate from the diet of all the food, which is called "harmful" - anything that contains preservatives, dyes, smoked, salted, spicy foods. Of course, the first time you will be quite difficult, but very soon this way of life will become a habit and will have something - something taken for granted, does not produce any discomfort. But the benefits to your overall health and metabolic processes in particular will be really invaluable.
Exercise man
Maybe talk about what good health brings moderate exercise. However, despite this, a lot of people simply ignore the need for regular exercise - occasional forays into the countryside or in the gym do not go through. Generally, people blamed this attitude to the sport to thousands of the most diverse reasons, among which the main course - a lack of time.
However, this is not a valid reason to refuse to exercise. No time for the gym or the swimming pool? Highlight a few minutes for morning exercises. You can not force yourself to get up a little earlier? Perform at least a few simple exercises throughout the day - even ordinary tilts and squats. Get off the bus one stop earlier, or take a walk in a nearby park before going to sleep at least fifteen minutes. The main thing is to have a regular load.
Despite the fact that the time and effort to do this, you do not have to spend so much, the result is truly stunning. And as a nice bonus to the normalization of metabolic processes, you get slim and elastic body, tightened muscles, high vitality and a great feeling.
However, it is worth paying attention to one feature. In many sources you can find a very common advice to perform certain physical exercises just before going to bed. It explained this advice to the fact that the alleged similar exercise at times increase the rate of metabolism. However, doctors say that such activity is nothing but an unnecessary excitation psychophysical organism. At best, it will result in insomnia.
Full body massage
Stunning effect gives and massage. And we are talking about the power of massage, in which the muscles and the skin is very strong physical impact. This exposure leads to an increase in the intensity of the blood and lymph circulation, and hence the improvement of metabolic processes.
Especially effective in this respect, honey massage, acquiring a very wide popularity. The most expensive and high-end beauty salons offer such a procedure. However, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on trips to the beauty parlors. You can purchase honey make this massage yourself, before each taking a bath.
But, alas, there are certain groups of women, which all kinds of absolutely contraindicated. For example, in any case impossible to massage those women who suffer from varicose veins or have weak blood vessels. In any case, before the course of massage is advisable to consult your doctor.
A visit to the sauna or bath
No less benefit to the normalization of metabolic processes, brings a visit to the bath and sauna. Especially popular in recent times it uses infrared sauna. Under the influence of infrared rays is an acceleration of metabolism, skin regeneration and skin. And just bath and sauna no less effective - by heat expansion occurs then, the person sweats heavily. Together with then from the body displays a wide variety of toxins.
However, note also the fact that there are a number of different diseases for which any thermal procedures strictly contraindicated because they can be very dangerous not only for health, but in some cases for life. So before you go to the bath or sauna, you should consult with your doctor.
By the way, even if the woman is absolutely healthy, it is by no means impossible to visit the steam room during menstruation. High ambient temperature provokes vasodilation due in increased bleeding. This in turn may lead to a lowering of the pressure and the development of iron medicine.
Water Consumption
For the normal life of an adult should drink at least eight glasses a day. Everyone is familiar with the fact that, without water does not flow, no exchange process. And in that case, if the water stop ingested in full screen, the organism would be to delay the small amount that it gets. As a result, it may appear rather strongly pronounced swelling.
Doctors recommend to give preference to such drinks like sparkling mineral water with a slice of lemon, or as green tea. Incidentally, green tea is an excellent oxidant, which is a very positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body.
Sufficient sleep duration and lack of stress
It is important to keep track of how much time you sleep. Doctors recommend sleeping at least eight hours. And note - the eight hours should account for it in the night, so the sleepless nights at the computer held a cup of coffee in a society, have to leave in the past. However, these victims will be compensated by a beautiful complexion, lack of bruises and bags under the eyes and excellent metabolism. Agree - not such a great sacrifice in the name of beauty?
One should not forget about the various stresses. Of course, to completely avoid their often virtually impossible - it is such a feature of modern life rhythm. However, to a large extent reduce their very real. A lack of stress for you to say "thank you" is not only the metabolism, but also the entire body.
In any case, if the woman will comply with all of the above recommendations, her health and appearance will certainly change for the better!