treatment of angina

Angina is one of the most common diseases. But, despite such widespread treatment of angina, as well as its causes, many people are still not clear until the end. But in order to alleviate the condition of the sick person, and subsequently prevent recurrent disease, this knowledge is essential.

And this is what will be discussed below. Let us first try to understand what is angina. The name of the disease is obtained from the Latin word «angere», which means "squeezing, squeezing." Indeed, many sick people complain that they feel very unpleasant squeezing sensation in the throat.

Angina is an acute infectious disease that affects the throat, tonsils and advantageously. There are quite a number of agents that provoke the development of angina - fungi, bacteria and viruses. However, as shown by numerous observations of doctors, often the disease is provoked by streptococci, which penetrate into the pharynx by household - for example, with dirty hands or dirty dishes.

A sore throat often arises from the fact that those microbes that are always in the pharynx person becomes more active under the influence of various unfavorable factors. These factors may be sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature, hypothermia, weakened immunity, concomitant diseases. The share of such cases account for up to 30% of all diseases.

Especially often such cases arise when a person is largely disrupted the normal functioning of the immune system. These people are faced with angina often enough - they just swim in the river or the sea, eat ice cream, or just caught in the rain.

In addition, the development of angina can be triggered by exposure to various irritants that regularly fall into the throat and respiratory tract. Such substances may be alcohol, smoke, dust of various origins. Yes, and the presence of adenoids, which are very difficult to normal nasal breathing, as is often the culprit of angina.

Nor can we lose sight of the chronic sources of infection present in the human body. These sources may be destroyed carious teeth or inflammation of the nasal cavity and sinuses - maxillary sinusitis. That is why doctors strongly recommend to carefully monitor the state of their health.

In no case can not be forgotten that the sore throat is contagious, which means that a highly contagious disease. Of course, if a person has a sore throat, treatment is necessary. But remember also that ill person as quickly as possible, it is desirable to isolate, especially children and the elderly, whose immune systems are most vulnerable. In addition, it must be remembered that the sick person should be a separate dishes, which no one should use - this will also prevent possible infection of a sick family member.


Like any other disease, angina has distinctive symptoms, which can be determined by what it encountered a sick man. These symptoms include:

  • Increased body temperature, sometimes very large - up to 39 - 40 degrees.
  • The deterioration of general health - weakness, dizziness, discomfort in the joints.
  • The increased size of lymph nodes, particularly the submaxillary.
  • Acute pain in the throat when swallowing is greatly enhanced.
  • Bright - red tonsils, palatine arches and uvula.
  • In some cases, the tonsils can be affected by a white coating, or ulcers.

At first glance it may seem that angina symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a cold or acute viral disease. However, angina is more severe, the person feels much worse. And the pain in the throat with angina is much stronger than the common cold - mix them quite difficult. The sooner the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the sooner people will feel better. Without treatment, the angina may take up to three weeks.

 Sore Treatment

Types of angina

It is not enough just to diagnose the sore throat. There are several different types of diseases, and each requires its own specific treatment, although the overall circuit, of course, common for all cases. Thus, the types of angina:

  • Primary angina. Primary angina is also called simple. The inflammatory process are involved only lymphadenoid ring. He visualized a clinical failure. This type of disease occurs most often compared to all other types of angina.
  • Secondary angina. Secondary angina is also called symptomatic. As a rule, the defeat of the tonsils in this case is the result of infectious diseases such as diphtheria, infectious mononucleosis, scarlet fever. Furthermore, in some cases, loss of tonsils occurs because of the presence of systemic diseases of the blood such as acute and chronic leukemia, agranulocytosis.
  • Specific angina. This type of angina occurs much less frequently than all other varieties. In this case, the pathogen is one or another specific infections, such as fungal. Diagnosing this kind of angina can be a doctor, after conducting the necessary research and analysis.

Furthermore, angina may be catarrhal, follicular, lacunar and necrotic, depending on what the nature and depth of the lesion and palate tonsil. As a rule, most easily flows catarrhal form of angina, and the most difficult - is necrotic form of the disease.

All forms of the disease have approximately the same incubation period - from 12 to 48 hours. In any case, unlike colds, sore throat begins acutely. At first the sick person's body temperature rises and says chills, and only after that swollen lymph nodes. Last Statement lets you know the pain of swallowing thief and, in special cases and for a reason.

Further, the development of the disease depends on what type of angina struck the sick person:

  • Catarrhal angina

In this case, the defeat of the tonsils entirely superficial, the body temperature rises slightly - no more than 38 degrees, and symptoms of intoxication is very low. The results of laboratory studies do not show significant changes in the blood. Sore throat is not particularly intense, and the general condition of the person and his health suffered not particularly strong.

During the study, the physician notes a strong tonsils redness of the tonsils, which may also extend to the soft and hard palate. Sami tonsils swollen and enlarged, but not particularly strong. As a rule, the acute stage of the process takes about two days, and then gradually on the wane. Either is possible to develop some form of angina - or follicular lacunar.

  • Lacunar tonsillitis

Lacunar angina, as well as follicular, has a much more pronounced symptoms. The body temperature rises to very high values, there are pronounced symptoms of intoxication of the organism - headache, weakness, pain in the joints and muscles.

When lacunar angina noted a severe defeat of the tonsils, and purulent coating covers the entire surface of the tonsils. On examination, the doctor discovers a severe swelling of the tonsils, the gaps widened. As the disease forms the contents of the lacunae in the tonsils film loose plaque. However, this coating does not extend beyond the tonsils and can be easily removed from the surface.

  • Angina follicularis

In this type of angina is affected follicular unit tonsils. They are very swollen, hypertrophied. When viewed under the epithelium well looked purulent follicles. Once they are opened, the tonsils are covered by thick purulent coating.

In a laboratory study revealed quite serious blood changes, including significant increase in ESR - 50 mm / h. In some cases, the changes may be in the analysis of urine - the investigation of protein is detected and erythrocytes.

 tonsillitis in children treated

How to treat a sore throat?

In that case, if a person became ill, treatment of angina should start before the arrival of the doctor - by the way, do not forget to call. The first thing to do - is to begin gargling. And note - as long as the sick person does not check-up, no drugs should be avoided. The best remedy for gargling - a weak solution of salt, which can also add a few drops of iodine solution. Iodine, by the way, the treatment of angina accelerates significantly.

In principle, this solution can gargle during the time of treatment, but most doctors prefer to appoint a human patient rinses various antibacterial agents such as sodium furatsilina. In addition, the more likely the doctor will prescribe additional treatment with special throat sprays.

Of course, these aerosols have a very positive influence - lead to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and greatly reduce the intensity of pain. However, to completely replace the rinse sprays can not, because during the rinse and pus and microbial products, as, indeed, and rinse the microbes themselves are removed from the body.

We have already mentioned that almost all kinds of sore throat accompanied by quite a pronounced intoxication. To prevent this, or at least reduce the intensity, even before the arrival of the doctor a sick person should drink as much as possible. Note, however, that excessive fluid intake is very harmful to people suffering from hypertension and kidney failure.

A rare case of complete without the use of antibiotic therapy. Treatment of tonsillitis without antibiotics is also rare. Usually, the doctor prescribes them either in tablet form or in the form of injections - depending on the type and severity of angina its flow. And use of antibiotics is justified in this case - they quickly inhibit the growth and activity of microorganisms.

Also, by treating a sore throat, it is often used analgesics such as paracetamol, aspirin and analgin. They have complex effects on the body - effective analgesic when pain in the throat, headache and muscle pain. Furthermore, if a human patient fever occurs, the aforementioned drugs reduce the body temperature.

However, in each case, then, as will be the treatment of angina, determined by the physician. It helps to choose the treatment that is suitable for you. And if a sore throat in children, treatment is often carried out in hospital.

 Angina - Symptoms and Treatment
