Unfortunately, women's health is very, very fragile - women have to deal with a variety of diseases of the sexual sphere as minor and quite serious. One such serious diseases is adenomyosis. This disease is a very real and serious threat not only to the reproductive system, but also for the health of women in general.
What is this disease - Uterine adenomyosis, treatment which is so necessary? Needless disease name composed of two parts - "adeno" indicates that the pathological process involved some cancer and "miosis" indicates that these same kind of cancer involved in the inflammatory process. Simply put, adenomyosis - is an inflammatory process, one way or another depending on the activity of glands of the genital organs. Doctors believe that adenomyosis is nothing more than a form of endometriosis, but it involves a pathological process in the muscle layer of the uterus body. It is because of this adenomyosis has one simplified name - internal genital endometriosis.
What is the disease itself? The tissue lining of the uterus - the endometrium develops an inflammatory process, the fabrics begin to grow far beyond the inner layer, are located in the uterine muscle layer. Naturally, these pathological processes can not eventually disrupt normal functioning of the reproductive system.
Violation of the hormonal system and, as a consequence, instability of hormonal background, appears almost immediately after the onset of the disease. And as far as its development is progressing rapidly. In addition, women are very much weakened by the work of the immune system - in addition to the underlying disease join a variety of other comorbidities. Yes, and severe allergic reactions are not forced to wait - affected areas of the uterus may be very swollen.
According to the observations of doctors - gynecologists, as well as medical statistics, most often it is the disease affects women of 35 - 40 years of age. What exactly causes the development of the disease in this age category, the doctors could not be determined exactly, but doctors believe that there is a direct correlation with the general state of the woman's body.
After all, the younger the body, so it is stronger - and thus the immune system, and all others are able to fight back and fight on their own with various kinds of negative effects, rather than at a later age. But the aging woman in her body inevitably begins to occur a number of age-related changes, which lead to the fact that the resistance of the body is largely lowered. And if the woman relates to the state of their health carelessly, it may occur a variety of diseases, including adenomyosis.
Symptoms of adenomyosis
Despite the fact that the disease is severe enough, it may be long enough to flow completely asymptomatic, but nevertheless progressed. But sooner or later, but the disease still will have an effect. Adenomyosis of the uterus has the following symptoms:
- Pain. Pain occurring in a woman a few days before and after menstruation. The intensity of pain can be very different - from mild pain to a very, very intense, which is almost impossible to endure, we have to resort to the use of different pharmacological drugs painkillers.
- Sukrovichnye selection. Brown isolation, or as they are called in common parlance - "spotting" of the sexual organs, appearing shortly, in just a few days before menstruation, and in the first few days after it. Selections are scarce, lacking the usual daily pads - they are not particularly concerned about the woman.
- Menstrual irregularities. The disease in virtually all cases leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle - as it is lengthening and shortening, which is much more common. The intervals between periods are becoming shorter and shorter.
- Pathological changes in the uterus. In that case, if the disease progresses too rapidly, and the woman needed treatment in a timely manner and in full, it does not receive, sooner or later it will happen deformation of the body of the uterus - to change both form and size. However, this symptom can be detected only in manual examination of a woman doctor - a gynecologist.
- Heavy menstrual flow. Yet one of the most distinct features of adenomyosis is the increased blood loss during menstruation. And the blood loss can be very, very significant - sometimes you need to stop the bleeding emergency medical intervention.
- Infertility - both primary and secondary. The disease should be excluded and if the woman for a long time can not get pregnant. Adenomyosis can lead to infertility in about half of all cases, as the largely disrupts the functioning of the female reproductive system, preventing a fertilized egg.
The above are the most common symptoms of the disease, but they do not always occur at the same time and all at once, or else the same intensity. Sometimes the disease can occur with only one or two symptoms, and at times - all at once, and even expressed in a very clear form. All depends on several external factors such as the individual characteristics of the body, the immune system, the degree of disease development.
Diagnosis of the disease
Adenomyosis is often on its symptoms are similar to some other gynecological diseases. And so it is necessary to accurately diagnose, to appropriate treatment. To do this, there are a number of methods of diagnosis of adenomyosis - a comprehensive survey of the sick woman:
- Visual inspection of the genital organs of women, using a speculum. This method of research will evaluate the appearance of the cervix, a condition of the mucous membranes.
- Manualnomu two-handed investigation of female genitals. It, in turn, allows you to objectively assess the state, the shape and size of the body of the uterus, to identify deviations from the norm and the degree of deformation.
- Colposcopy. This diagnostic study examines the state of the cervix special device that magnifies the image about 40 times, and the doctor gives the most complete picture of what is happening.
- Smears. Research gynecological smear is also very important - it is possible to identify whether there is any woman - or infections that exacerbate the course of the disease.
- General study of vital organs and systems of a woman: respiratory, digestive, urinary systems, and especially the immune system. Consultation - immunologist at adenomyosis is a necessary part of diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
In no case can not be ignored visiting different specialists - including allergy and immunology. It's just vital to the doctor - a gynecologist was able to find the right medicines for the treatment of adenomyosis. For example, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the presence of cardio - vascular system preclude the application of a number of pharmacological agents.
And if the doctor and the patient will not be aware of the presence of certain diseases, the treatment of adenomyosis can lead to very dire consequences - the aggravation of other diseases and the development of certain complications. And having detailed information on the health of the sick woman, the doctor will be able to choose the exact treatment regimen that will help women get rid of the disease, and will not bring any negative side effects.
Apart from all this for the diagnosis of the woman is required to be held ultrasound of the pelvic organs, for a more detailed understanding of the overall clinical picture. This research is gaining popularity and prevalence. And this is no accident - for ultrasound does not require any particularly serious training, it is absolutely painless and gives almost complete picture.
In some severe cases, the diagnosis of adenomyosis for a woman can be shown holding hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Of course, these procedures are almost always very much afraid of a woman, but do not hurry up and give it up. Sometimes these methods can allow research to establish a complete picture of the disease.
In the same case, if the conservative method of treatment was not effective enough, and the doctors agreed on the need operative surgery, the woman necessarily will have to pass a number of additional studies, which include:
- Extensive blood tests - general and biochemical analysis of blood, analysis of the level of blood sugar, blood group and rhesus - factor.
- The study urine.
- Secondary sampling and investigation of gynecological smears.
- X-ray examination of the chest.
As a rule, in almost all cases, doctors require that all of these studies the woman was held in a strictly mandatory. Otherwise, the prompt surgical intervention may result in one or other complications.
Treatment of uterine adenomyosis
So, it goes without saying that if a woman adenomyosis, treatment should start as soon as possible. Otherwise, the disease is actively progressing, and advanced forms can be treated much more complicated than in the beginning. Today gynecologists prefer as a therapeutic method, and operative surgery. The following will be considered both methods of treatment of adenomyosis.
Therapeutic treatment means by a medical and physiotherapy forms of influence on the female body. Primarily pharmacological preparations should stabilize and normalize the female immune system. This is a very important stage of treatment - a healthy immune system will immediately begin to fight the disease.
The second stage of treatment - normalization and stabilization of the body's hormonal levels. For this there are a number of special pharmaceutical preparations which contain in their composition determined dose of a hormone. The doctor chooses the drugs strictly individually in each case, based on the results of blood tests.
This regimen is very often very productive - the pain disappears, and normal menstrual cycle is restored after only 5 - 6 weeks. Approximately two months later the woman returned to fertility and childbearing. Since then, the doctors believe that the recovery was complete.
However, unfortunately, it is not always conservative therapy can help get rid of adenomyosis. Typically, in particularly severe cases, or at constant Relapses may decide on the need for surgical intervention. The goal of the surgery is to remove as much as possible the number of lesions, as well as the artificial restoration of the anatomical structure of internal genitals.
The effectiveness of surgical intervention depends not only on the degree of skill and professionalism of the surgeon, but also on the extent of the uterus. Therefore, once again I would like to repeat - sooner treatment is started, the more likely it is that treatment will be effective. The recovery process after such an operation does not last more than one week - during this time a woman must be under the supervision of physicians around the clock, in the hospital.
After being discharged from the hospital a woman she should in the first three months of weekly visits to the doctor - a gynecologist. This measure will help to avoid the development of complications after surgery. After that the woman should undergo checkups every six months.
Full recovery occurs also in cases when a woman does not feel any pain or any - or more symptoms of the disease. And besides, there must be no recurrence for at least five years.