how to get rid of toothache

Toothache. This concept for many people is almost a nightmare. Even doctors acknowledge that a toothache is one of the most grueling and painful forms of pain to humans. And, unfortunately, with a toothache, sooner or later, at least occasionally, but the faces of each person. And the first question that arises is - how to get rid of a toothache?

The reasons for the emergence of a lot of dental pain - this chemical, and thermal and mechanical effects on the nerves of the entire apparatus of dentition. In addition, the emergence of a toothache can be caused by damage periodontal tissue or hard tissues of the tooth. Also, often the pain can result from inflammation of the periosteum or soft tissue of the jaw.

The most common culprit for the appearance of dental pain intensity becomes banal and widespread decay. The intensity of pain depends entirely on the individual threshold of sensitivity of each person, as well as the level of damage to the tooth.

For example, when a shallow caries in its very early stages there is no pain at all. But when caries moderate and deep depths of the pain can be very intense. The most frequent occurrence of pain during caries triggered by food particles caught in a "hollow" diseased tooth. And simply rinse the tooth vigorously with water at room temperature - the pain disappears.

In the same case, if the carious tooth will not be cured, the disease progresses and develops an inflammatory process, which involved the pulp - pulp. Pulpitis is characterized by extreme intensity of pain - the pain of this very sharp, throbbing, which lasts a very long time. However, in some cases, pain may be short - occurs abruptly, it has a high intensity, lasting about a minute or two, then disappear just as suddenly.

If at this point the sick person does not ask for help from a doctor - dentist is very high risk that he will develop serous limited pulpitis. It is characterized by the appearance of episodes of pain, not very pronounced. Similar symptoms last for about five - seven minutes, without any - any apparent reason, and then disappear on their own. However, after six - eight o'clock the attack is repeated again and again.

The next stage of development is a diffuse serous pulpitis pulp. It is characterized by an extremely sharp pain attacks that may last for about 10 - 15 minutes. The intervals between attacks completely disordered and chaotic - from several hours to several minutes. At this stage, to delay the visit to the doctor - dentist is unacceptable under any circumstances, even the most plausible pretext.

The next stage of the disease can be serous - purulent pulp. He is accompanied by a strong firing painful sensations that make even the adults will literally climb the wall. In severe cases develop severe acute diffuse suppurative pulpitis. It is characterized by severe pain throbbing, which may give either the orbit, or in the head or ear.

In that case the process involved in the inflammatory tissue surrounding the tooth, developing periodontitis. The pain is very intense and persistent, largely aggravated by the slightest exposure to the tooth. In addition, a person has evident signs of general malaise headache, weakness, fever, swelling of the mucous membrane of the mouth by the patient's tooth.

 how to get rid of a toothache at home

Getting rid of the pain?

Many people ask about how to get rid of a toothache at home. Traditional medicine offers several ways to get rid of or at least reduce the intensity of pain. However, in no case can not be put off a visit to the doctor - dentist, relying only on people's ways. All of them can only alleviate the pain for a while, but not for long. Therefore, sick people should as soon as possible, seek medical help from a doctor - dentist.

  • Purification of the pulp cavity

As previously mentioned, very often toothache arises from the fact that the hole fall food remnants. And often, in order to get rid of the pain, rather intensively rinse your mouth with warm (not hot) water. However, try not to be picked in the "hollow" any objects, as these actions can only intensify the pain.

  • Dental drops

If mouthwash and cleaning the tooth cavity does not help get rid of the pain, try the following. Buy at the pharmacy special dental analgesic drops, which include camphor, peppermint oil, and valerian tincture. From wool sterile form a small ball, the size of not more than a match head, soak it in these droplets and place in pre-treated tooth cavity.

Being in the tooth to be to fleece until the pain subsides. And then it is desirable to leave the cotton ball for 15 - 20 minutes. Pay attention to another important point - the saliva, soaking cotton, largely reduces the effect of the drug. Therefore, cotton wool should be replaced every 10 - 15 minutes.

  • Lard

Traditional medicine offers another way of how to get rid of toothache. To do this, lay between the gum and cheek sick tooth or a thin slice fresh or salty, but cleared of salt bacon. Many people who have tested this method on themselves, argue that the pain disappears quickly enough, and returned back soon.

  • Fir oil

Fir oil helps to quickly remove even the most intense pain caused by acute pulpitis. To do this, you need a small piece of cotton to drench fir oil and attach first to one side of the tooth, and ten minutes later - in the second.

  • Salt solution

It is not always at hand a sick person has analgesic dental drops or fir oil. For example, at night when toothache occurs most frequently. And then come to the aid of a person means available - for example, ordinary table salt. And if you're in the home medicine cabinet find ammonia, the effectiveness of the prescription will increase significantly. In one glass of warm water dissolve two full tablespoons of salt and, if you have 10 drops of ammonia. In this solution, also be wetted fleece and applying it to the tooth to the patient until the pain is gone.

  • Validol

Another effective way to get rid of a toothache is validol. Crush validol tablet and mix it with water so as to obtain a paste. This slurry must be applied to the gum around the tooth of the patient and leave to until the pain subsides.

However, remember that all the ways to get rid of a toothache, is only a temporary measure to survive the night or the weekend. And at the first opportunity you need to ask for help to the dentist.

 How to get rid of a toothache? Ambulance

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 cerumen impaction in the ear

Cerumen in the ear at least once in your life is found in every human being. Where did it come from? Doctors explain the formation of cerumen as follows. The external part of the ear is a huge amount of sulfur glands are required to produce earwax.

In some cases, under the influence of a number of reasons, may be formed hircus cerumen. And cerumen can occur with the same frequency as in adults and children. Such reasons may be:

  • Improper care of the ear shells

Nature arranged auricle so that it itself is purified from excess sulfur during chewing. That is why clean it in the back of the ear passages there is no need - just wipe the ear with a towel after each taking a shower. This action will clear the ear from that of sulfur, which is released as a result of self-cleaning.

But such a favorite activity of all the people - it is cleaning the ear using cotton swabs hygiene. And, as a rule, people tend to get this stick as far as possible in the ear passages. However, doctors - otolaryngologists warned about the inadmissibility of such actions under any circumstances.

By such actions the development of cerumen can not be prevented, but can provoke its formation with a very high probability. Hygienic stick, entering the ear canal, tamps sulfur, and pushes it into the sealed portion. And it is enough just a few of these cleansing ears - and cerumen impaction you almost guaranteed.

Very often, people object, saying that they use a special cotton hygiene sticks, which are limiting. However, even these cotton buds with a very high degree of probability can trigger the development of cerumen. That is why doctors constantly warn that it is advisable to use cotton swabs to clean only the outer part of the ear.

  • Sulphur cancer

In some cases, the culprit formation of cerumen becomes unnecessarily hard work of those glands that produce earwax. In such cases, the natural process of self-cleaning of the ear is simply not kept pace with the generation of sulfur, causing it to accumulate in the ear canal and forms sulfuric cork.

  • Anatomical features of the body structure

In some cases, cause the formation of cerumen is the individual anatomical features of the structure of the ear. In such cases, the frequency of occurrence of cerumen much higher than all other people. As a rule, like the structure of the ear are often inherited. No pathology in this case is not, however care ears in this case should be carefully.

  • Needless to air dry

In some cases, the cause of frequent occurrence of cerumen is too dry air in the apartment. In this case, often the only solution is to humidification. This can be used as a special humidifiers and ordinary household ways - for example, wet towels on batteries. Typically, this problem frequently occurs in winter when the air is driest.

 aural calculus

The symptoms of the presence of cerumen

Normally, cerumen not deliver absolutely no concern. However, rumor, of course, can greatly worsen. And visually detect the plug is quite simple - it requires just a little bend the ear. In that case, if you see pieces of sulfur, should refer to the ENT doctor.

Very often, an ear tube is shown during bathing people - at sea, in the river, in the shower or bath. A person may suddenly feel some discomfort in the ear, and the ear is reduced immediately. This is due to the fact that the water enters the auricle and contacts the sulfur. Sulfur instantly absorb water and increase in volume. In that case, if the ear canal is blocked by at least 70%, people will not feel hearing loss. But if more - dullness of hearing is very important.

Removing cerumen

Very often, people are faced with sulfuric cork, trying to fix it yourself. However, doctors do not recommend to do this for several reasons. Firstly, there are three types cerumen, each of which requires its own individual approach:

  • Dry cork
  • Pasty cork
  • Like plaster cerumen impaction

In the event that the cork does not dry, and plastilino- or paste, the doctor will immediately proceed to remove it by washing. But in a situation where cerumen impaction quite dry and firm, you should first properly soak. For this purpose for several days necessary tid drip into the auricle few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

This procedure is necessary to ensure that the hydrogen peroxide solution of sulfuric cork, and lumps of sulfur doctor could easily be removed from the ear. This procedure may cause slight discomfort as hydrogen peroxide, reacts with earwax, ear hisses.

Needless to leaching with sulfuric cork is also a completely painless procedure, during which even the little kids do not cry - well, except that only from fear. Calibration is done in the following way: in a special syringe needle which is absent, a doctor gaining an ordinary saline solution, and at a certain angle under strong pressure leaches sulfuric cork. After washing, the doctor looks auricle in order to verify the effectiveness of washing and that cerumen in the ear are eliminated.

 Cerumen in the ear. What to do?

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