It would seem that in our time of lice and no one remembers. However, unfortunately, this is not so - even today lice is a very widespread problem. Getting rid of head lice - the problem concerned a great number of people. And head lice more often children suffer. And they often serve as a source of infection parents.
Talking about this issue is not accepted. Why the people are of the opinion that the lice are obligatory attribute disadvantaged people how to get rid of lice, care less - alcoholics, homeless, beggars. And because of such stereotypes people, faced with the problem of head lice, easy - simply feel free to ask about how to get rid of lice, even a doctor.
And a very good reason - no doctor will taunt you. Just physicians know very well the true situation: head lice disease does not depend on social status, or on the financial situation, nor the cleanliness of the people. Moreover - in the past year across Russia the rampant epidemic of lice, and these epidemics catch even the elite kindergartens, schools and summer camps.
Pediculosis is an extremely dangerous disease. Upon contact with the carrier lice risk of infection reaches approximately 90%. Oh and by using common things - and 100%. That is why it is so important to observe good personal hygiene, and never, under any circumstances, no one to give and no one to take combs, elastic bands and hats. Sometimes it is enough just one fertilized a female person to become infected.
A lice multiply very quickly - in just two weeks, the head of the sick person becomes a real breeding ground for lice. Therefore, treatment should be started immediately at the first symptoms of head lice. Which are the symptoms of head lice, you will learn a little lower.
In order to successfully fight the disease and know how to get rid of lice, you need to have a clear idea of the types of data parasites. There are three types of lice:
- Cootie
- Crablouse
- The head louse
Strictly speaking, it is the human head lice infestation and is called pediculosis. About this disease will be discussed later in this article. Pediculosis is the most common disease, occurring in 93% of all cases of lice infestation.
Symptoms of lice
Head lice - a parasitic insect that has no wings. It lives only head lice on the scalp, giving priority to such places as the back of the head, temples and the area of skin behind the ears. However, in very advanced cases of the disease can invade the entire scalp.
The head louse has a very strong and elastic body that can withstand the load of about one kilogram, while its legs are arranged in such a way that it moves easily on the hair. The head louse is drinking the blood using a special sharp proboscis, which it pierces the skin of the head. After nasosetsya louse blood, it acquires a reddish tint.
To sustain head lice need human blood. Without food it can survive only a few days, depending on ambient temperature. For example, in hot weather, when ambient temperature of about 30 degrees, without blood lice can survive only one day at a temperature of 20 degrees - for two days and at a temperature of 10 degrees - about five days.
The optimal conditions for the development of head lice is a temperature of about 26 - 28 degrees. Approximately the temperature is at the roots of hair, home head lice. The lower the ambient temperature, the less louse lays eggs. At temperatures below 12 degrees egg-laying ceases completely.
Lice eggs in the official medicine are called nits. The nits with a special adhesive is very tightly glued to the base of the hair. After about 8 days of lice nits hatch that 9 days is fully mature and are ready to lay eggs. Nits need to pay sufficient attention to - because if after the treatment of the head of the sick person will live at least a few nits, the whole cycle will begin anew disease.
It goes without saying that the presence of the parasite can not go unnoticed. Pediculosis has the following symptoms:
- Traces of life lice. At the beginning of the disease lice they are very small size, so it is not always possible to visually detect, especially if the person does not know anything about the disease, and therefore, they are not specifically looking for. However, you may notice traces of their life - feces, resembling very fine bread crumbs, brown.
- Of itching. The very first sign of the disease, causes a person to pay attention - this itch. There is itching due to the fact that during a bite from an insect proboscis in human skin gets the salivary secretion. And the itching can be so strong that people just simply brushing the skin to the blood.
- Traces of bites. In that case, if a person felt itching of the scalp, he should carefully examine it. Usually bite marks can be seen on the back of the head, the temples and behind the ears.
- The pathological changes in the skin. Very often in the wounds from the bites get a variety of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, the site of the bite wound may be formed, the skin becomes swollen or blush, perhaps even the appearance of pustules. In some cases, it swells and swollen lymph nodes.
Lice Treatment
Get rid of lice is not so difficult, if treatment is started promptly. The first condition - careful hygiene. Hair ill person should be washed as often as possible, ideally - on a daily basis. Otherwise, due to the large amount of secretory discharge heavy lice and nits adhesive hair is very confused, and may cause extremely strong and unpleasant odor. And in addition to the aesthetic side of the issue this state leads to the fact that the egg-laying lice have become virtually the mass.
Fortunately, modern pharmacy offers a selection of the various chemicals that allow fast enough to get rid of lice. If the question of how to get rid of lice, you see a doctor, he will help you to choose the drug. If you are too embarrassed to visit a doctor, with a choice you can help pharmacy staff.
However, before you apply any - any drug for the treatment of head lice, you need to remember about some of the features:
- Make sure that the disease does have
Too many people are afraid of panic lice, itching at the slightest head run to the drugstore and buy medicines for the prevention of smear head. However, doctors are not highly recommended to do so - because these drugs are toxic. In no case should not start treatment as long as you will not check for the presence of parasites. We must not forget that there is a lot of variety of causes of itchy scalp.
- Infants, pregnant women, inflammation of the scalp
Also, doctors do not recommend to treat the head podomnymi means kiddies who are under one year of age, pregnant women. A well may be used with caution data pharmacological agents for the treatment of lice infestation in cases where an individual has some - or inflammation or irritation on the scalp. In such cases, it is important to promptly seek help from your doctor.
As mentioned above, all preparations for getting rid of lice is very toxic, so it is necessary to take all necessary precautions to avoid contact with the eyes.
- Follow the instructions in the user manual
Before using pharmacological agents designed to get rid of lice, you should carefully read the instructions on the use of medicines. In the application you must follow the instructions carefully, especially in the paragraph on drug dosage and repeated treatments.
Very often, people are extremely frustrated by the fact of lice infestation, it aims as quickly as possible to get rid of lice. As a result, this can greatly exceed the specified in the manual dosage of the drug, believing that it will work more efficiently. However, this is not the case, the only thing that can be achieved in this way - a general poisoning of the body. And the effectiveness of the treatment would not rise.
Do not use the hair dryer after processing head pharmacological drug - heat can greatly reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
Avoid shampooing in the first days after the treatment of head lice medication against. The bulk of the parasites are killed in the first hours after treatment with the drug head. However, its effect continues for the first 24 hours.
- Rules of application of the drug
Another common mistake is the wrong application of the drug. Remember that the medicine - it's not a shampoo. Apply it must be very carefully - each hair strand individually, making sure not to leave any untreated hair. The preparation should be left on the hair for exactly the amount of time specified in the instructions of the drug.
After this time, carefully comb out the hair fine comb. It is advisable to do it over a white sheet of paper on which are clearly visible lice. In that case, if all the dead lice, drug acts effectively. However, in any case, do not forget that none of the currently existing drugs has no effect on the nits - lice eggs. That is why it is important to carefully comb them.
As has been said, no one drug does not kill the nits. And even if all the nits are carefully combed fine comb is always a chance that a few nits still remain on the hair. And in order to avoid re-breeding lice necessary to reprocess the head after the time that is specified in the instructions.
Other ways to treat head lice
However, unfortunately, this is not always the best way how to get rid of lice. The doctors themselves admit that more and more common species of lice that are completely unresponsive to multiple drugs. In this case, you must try to use another drug. Carefully read the annotation to the drug and pay attention to the active substance - often drugs that bear different names, in fact, are the same.
Some also a good way to get rid of lice is an ordinary hair conditioner and a fine comb. To do this, you need air conditioning is very profusely to the hair - they must be covered with a thick layer. The head should be covered with plastic wrap and leave for about two hours. Thereafter, the air conditioner without washing thoroughly comb out lice and hair with fine comb. Repeat procedure should be every day for two weeks.
There are many popular ways to get rid of lice and nits. However, doctors have extremely negative attitude to various folk remedies, such as dichlorvos or kerosene. These treatments can negatively affect the health of a sick person, and especially children. As a result, the child will have to treat not only lice, but also from the general intoxication, sometimes quite strong.