Every woman wants to be the most-most. The most beautiful, the most elegant and the most attractive. But, alas, sometimes on the way to her dream of having a variety of obstacles, such as such as dark spots on the face and body. But do not give up, because no wonder folk wisdom says that if a woman of thirty years did not beautiful, it is either stupid or lazy. Your beauty - is in your hands, dear women.
Brown spots usually are typically feminine problem. And many of the fair sex mistakenly believe that the appearance of spots due to the condition of the skin, so the fight against pigment spots only use cosmetics. However, the causes of age spots is not so little, and most of them are most directly connected with the state of the woman's body.
Causes of age spots
First of all, let's see, what are these spots and where they appear on our bodies and faces. You probably have heard that in the deeper layers of the epidermis and outside there is a special substance - melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation. Sometimes, under the influence of various factors dramatically increases the amount of melanin that triggers the appearance of spots on the skin. If the accumulation of melanin in the skin is not too large, the spots turn light yellow and a special attention to themselves do not attract. For example, freckles - this is also dark spots, and many of them very much. By the same superficial pigmentation spots are solar lentigines, nevi (benign growths in the form of moles).
But sometimes melanin is deposited in large quantities in the deep layers of the epidermis, resulting to skin spots appear dark brown. Furthermore, such pigmentation spots may be slightly above the level of the skin, which is not decorate their mistress. If you have a tendency to pigmentation, the first thing you need to understand the reasons for which the amount of melanin you grow. So you can avoid the unpleasant consequences of the face and body.
Sun rays
What is the most common cause of sudden activation of melanin in the skin is exposed to direct sunlight. For any person who is not prone to the emergence of this kind of spots, melanin rather a friend, not an enemy. After all, the main function of the substance - the protection of the skin from dangerous UV rays. Despite the fact that we are all very fond of sunbathing, and the bright sun gives us a healthy vitamin D has long been known that direct sunlight pose a serious health hazard.
Surely you've noticed that girls with fair skin is quite dangerous sunbathing in bright sunlight without special protection, as great a chance to get burnt. So, melanin is struggling to keep the upper layers of the epidermis from sunburn. How he does it? Colors the light areas in a darker color. So, by the way, turns tan. Just ordinary people pigmentation is uniform, the same people who are prone to increased pigmentation, staining occurs spots. As a result, instead of a beautiful bronze skin tone we are seeing the appearance of unattractive spots on the face and body.
If you know that your skin is prone to pigmentation, try to be less frequently exposed to direct sunlight without protection. Apply to the skin with a special cream SPF-protection, not only in summer but also in the rest of the year. Even in the winter under a bright sun can trigger a dramatic increase in melanin in the skin, so it is not worth the risk. You can monitor the status of their skin and avoid the appearance of age spots on their own; all you need to do - to show a little more concern for their own health.
Although for some women sunscreens represent a kind of "double-edged sword." Sometimes, after applying sunscreen pigmentation can greatly increase. And this is connected with the fact that the skin simply does not accept the chemical composition of cosmetic products. Doctors in these cases it is recommended immediately as soon as you notice the first signs of pigmentation, start using the skin bleaching agents.
In summer, do not go out without a headdress that covers the face. It may be Panama, cap or wide-brimmed hat. If spots appear all over the body, it is not necessary to go with the skin - choose clothes that cover your skin. Believe me, in hot weather, you can look and you can stylishly without exposing the hands and feet. Prefer clothing made of light, breathable material, which you will be comfortable and convenient.
Diseases, as well as changes in metabolism
We offer you a list of diseases that provoke a greater production of melanin in the skin and cause the appearance of age spots on the face and body.
Gastrointestinal disease. Physicians have long shown that skin condition depends on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract of humans. And the most common red spots appear on the face of those women who suffer from some intestinal diseases.
Skin contact with various chemicals. Very often, the appearance of age spots caused by the use of some perfumes and cosmetics, especially of abuse. The most common cause for this result are cosmetic preparations, which include all kinds of essential oils. Incidentally, the reason for the appearance of age spots may be due to incorrect cleaning the face with abrasive cosmetic products - a variety of scrubs and peels.
Kidney disease, liver and gallbladder.
Lack of vitamins in a woman's body.
Sometimes, some women appear on the face of pigmentation spots during pregnancy. This type of stain doctors call chloasma. Chloasma are spots with uneven edges, having a very dark color. And if the pregnancy falls in the spring months, in addition to pigment spots expectant mother appear cute freckles. Doctors recommend expectant mothers do not take any action to eliminate age spots. Almost ninety percent of all cases of age spots disappear all by themselves, without any intervention, about a month and a half after the crumb is born.
In addition, if you carefully consider the spots, you can understand the reason for its occurrence. For example, if your broad forehead yellowish spot with the rim, it may indicate a possible disorder of the nervous system. If the cheeks and neck were faint stains that do not have clear boundaries, it may indicate problems with the liver. Dark brown spots in the mouth and chin may be a sign of failure in the gastrointestinal tract.
As a result of exposure to one or more of the above factors melanin in the skin it is unevenly distributed. The skin becomes nonuniform shade - highlighted red and brown spots on the face and body. Usually, spots themselves do not pose a direct threat to human health, except for those cases in which the appearance of age spots is a consequence of a serious failure of the internal organs. Even in this case, the dark spots are just a manifestation of the disease.
As a rule, much more often with increased pigmentation faced by women, have reached the age of forty, not a young girl. Doctors explain this feature by the fact that later in life the human body begins to produce more pigment, and does not have time to evenly distribute. Besides, hormonal changes, occurring in the body of an adult woman, also greatly complicates the situation.
Getting rid of age spots
In the same case, if the dark spots very annoying, there are quite a few effective ways to get rid of them. More recently, stain removal were ineffective, as this was considered a purely cosmetic problem and solved using bleaching creams and pastes. Now it is possible, if not removed, to lighten age spots so that they will be virtually invisible on the skin. But do not forget that if the reason for the appearance of these spots is associated with various diseases, you will not get rid of the problem as long as not correct the situation with health.
So, most frequently for getting rid of age spots, the following methods:
There are several types of whitening peelings, but they all have the same principle: the surface layer of skin is removed, resulting in enhanced regeneration process. As a result, the skin becomes much brighter and more uniform. There are three types of peeling:
Laser. At the moment this type of peeling is the most safe and effective, because it does solve the problem of skin resurfacing and causes minimal damage to the epidermis. The laser penetrates the skin and evaporates moisture therein box. As a result, old skin cells die in their place are new, healthy, with no pigmented lesions.
Ultrasound. This is a less effective way of getting rid of age spots, but it is perfect for those women who have these spots only slightly noticeable. The ultrasonic wave affects only the top layer of the epidermis, creating the effect of a micro massage in the dermis and improving circulation.
Chemical. This is one of the most dangerous kinds of peels and outdated. The gist of it is that applied to the skin special substances containing acids that eat away the top layer of the epidermis with dark spots. It's quite unpleasant and painful procedure that has a lot of contraindications. As a result, chemical peeling spots become lighter with each procedure, but doing it repeatedly is still not recommended.
Despite its popularity as a means of getting rid of peeling of pigment spots, remember that they all have a lot of contraindications. Common to each of the procedures are the presence of pustules, facial paralysis, chronic and infectious diseases. That's why, before you sign up for the procedure of peeling, you should consult with a beautician.
Recipes of traditional medicine
In order to get rid of age spots is not always necessary to resort expensive cosmetics. As well, you can apply the juice of plants such as grapefruit, lemon, cucumber, pickled cabbage, radish. To bleach stains in the juice of a plant is necessary to moisten the gauze and apply it to the area of age spots for about ten minutes. After this, the person must be rinsed with clean cold water, wipe and lubricate any moisturizer. The procedure should be carried out twice a day - morning and evening, for ten days. After that, it is absolutely necessary to make at least a week's break.
Yeast mask also helps to quickly reduce dark spots to a minimum. Ten grams of yeast and one tablespoon of lemon juice, mix well, dilute with water to a paste. Apply the mixture on dark spots, cover the top with gauze and leave for half an hour. Then rinse your face with cool water and apply any moisturizer. The course of treatment is ten days.
A good helper in the fight for clear skin can become an ordinary cheese. Prepare the following mixture: one tablespoon of cheese, ten drops of ammonia and five drops of hydrogen peroxide, mix thoroughly and apply on the area of age spots. The solution must be left for about fifteen minutes. After that you need to rinse with water.
Perfectly helps fight pigment spots lemon juice. Two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix with two tablespoons of three percent hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mixture was put on the gauze, put on the problem and keep for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, then apply moisturizer.
Calendula will not only whiten your spots, but also to get rid of pesky pimples and blackheads. You can just squeeze the juice from the leaves and flowers of this plant and put on your skin, and you can prepare a mixture of herbs that enhance the effect. To do this, take a teaspoon of calendula juice and half a teaspoon of cranberry juice and lemon. Mix the ingredients, the resulting mixture wipe the skin two to three times per day.
Next mask to get rid of age spots is called "Cleopatra." For its preparation must be mixed in equal proportions cream, cosmetic clay, lemon juice and honey (make sure you have allergic reactions to honey). Apply the mask on your face and hold for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rinse with warm, then cool water. Do not forget after the procedure applied to the skin moisturizer.
Copes with the problem of pigmentation on the skin of white cosmetic clay. Spread the clay with warm drinking water to the consistency of thick cream and apply on skin for fifteen minutes. If you are the owner of a dry skin, it is possible to dissolve the clay cream.
Another great folk recipe for getting rid of age spots - a mask of honey and fish oil. Take equal proportions of ingredients (fish oil can be bought at any drugstore), stirred well and applied to problem areas. The beauty of this mask is that it is suitable for all skin types, for all ages. It not only gets rid of age spots, but also smoothes the skin, hiding wrinkles, and improves the complexion. If you are not allergic to the components of the mask, then you have every chance to transform and rejuvenate a few years.
Note that all of whitening skin is preferably carried out at night. The reason is very simple - after bleaching should not be allowed to fall on the skin sunlight. Otherwise, the situation will only grow worse. And yet - do not try to bring their own spots on the face, the cause of which is unknown to you. In this case, it makes more sense to see a doctor!
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