Processed cheese - one of the most favorite delicacies in the majority of the population. But not all housewives know that it can be easily made at home. This will require cheese, milk, and certain other ingredients (according to the recipe). Preparation of melted cheese with your own hands - quite an easy process, but only if you comply with the recipe.
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Homemade cream cheese with dill and cumin curd
You will need:
Milk - 1 cup;
Cottage cheese - 1 kg;
Butter - 4 tablespoons (canteens);
Soda - 0.5 tsp;
Fresh dill.
The recipe of melted cheese with dill and cumin curd is simple and does not take too much time. Milk and cheese are best used home, but if this is not possible, it should be fine, and store-bought foods. Take the bowl more, to shift into her cottage cheese, add the baking soda, pour in the milk. Then, with immersion blender attachment perebeyte cottage cheese, it must be virtually uniform.
Put a bowl of cottage cheese on the plate, make a minimum the fire, cook the cheese, stirring constantly. Once the mass begins to melt, following a recipe, add the butter, salt, and dill, cumin. You can add salt to taste, in the winter, instead of fresh dill, use its seeds, crushed in the grinder, or other means. If you take the dry fennel, it will give your home an ugly color of the cheese, which is undesirable.
Boil the cream cheese until the cheese is completely disperse.
Then pour the mass in trays or other molds and refrigerate after freezing homemade cheese ready to be served.
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Processed cheese with garlic curd
You will need:
Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
Egg - 1 pc;
Butter - 100 g;
Garlic - 3 cloves;
Fresh Dill;
Soda - 0.5 tablespoons (tea).
This recipe for homemade melted cheese is a little different from the previous one, it does not use milk. Take cheese, mix it with salt, add soda, grind it with a blender or miss a few times through a sieve, let it brew for about 90 minutes. During this time, the products begin to interact with each other.
Chop the garlic with the help of spadefoot, put it into the curd. Further prescription, take the butter (it must be softened), egg, fresh dill (chopped), add in all the cottage cheese, salt. Massa mix thoroughly, put on the stove. Cook on very low heat, stirring constantly, carefully make sure that cheese will not stick to the bottom of dishes, otherwise the cheese will inevitably foothills, and the product is damaged.
Cooking process takes about 5 minutes, it is very important not to digest the curd, for consistency it should get enough liquid. Processed cheese pour into prepared molds (you can use a regular cup). When the mass has cooled, move the cottage cheese in the fridge, where it finally thickened.
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Domestic processed cheese with walnuts
You will need:
Cottage cheese - 1 kg;
Milk - 1 liter;
Butter - 50 g;
Eggs - 2 pcs;
Walnuts - quarter cup;
Sugar - 0.5 spoons (dining room);
Black pepper (ground);
Hot red chili pepper (ground).
This recipe for homemade melted cheese a little harder for its preparation is required to separate the whey from the curd.
If you have purchased cheese, then mix it with milk and place on a plate, a little warm, in any case not cook, weight should only heat up.
Take a colander Cover the gauze, folded in several layers, transfer to warmed curds. Stir the mass of a spoon to the glass the whole serum, and then wrap the cheese in cheesecloth and place it on top of the press.
If you use cottage cheese, then simply wrap it in gauze, put in a colander, and set on top of the press, leave it for about 3-4 hours. During this time the serum should leave the cottage. Next, the recipe, mix cottage cheese prepared with sugar, salt and eggs, mix well. Butter put an empty pot, after it has melted, add the cottage cheese. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, at the end of cooking put black pepper and a bit of red hot chili peppers. Make sure that the cheese does not boil when the cheese is melted, remove from the fire safely.
Walnuts Get rid of the shell, then chop or a blender or using a grinder to a fine crumb. If you want to feel the pieces of nuts in the tooth, then grind too finely. Then add nuts in processed cheese, put everything in the refrigerator. Approximately 6 hours homemade cheese hardens completely.
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Processed cheese with dried fruit and chocolate
You will need:
Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
Sour cream - 1 cup;
Chocolate - 1 bar (100g);
Butter - 100 g;
Sugar - 50g;
Soda - 0.5 tsp;
Dried fruits (raisins, figs, prunes, apricots).
Cheese, cooked according to the recipe turns out tasty and sweet. And, depending on what kind of chocolate (white, black, milk) you will use this and get a taste. Let's start with the preparation of cottage cheese, mix it with sour cream (can substitute milk or cream) and whisk blender. Then transfer to a cheesecloth, folded in several layers and hang on for 6-8 hours.
Dried fruits wash, then place them on a paper towel to remove excess moisture; dried apricots, prunes, figs, chopped raisins can be left whole. Chocolate rub on a small grater. Put the skillet to a minimum the fire, put it in butter, grated chocolate, soda, sugar, dried fruit. When everything starts to melt, add the cheese and cook, stirring constantly, until cheese is completely dissolved. Weight can come as a liquid, and quite thick. Liquid cheese, pour into sudochki, flatten dough spatula so as to obtain a layer of about 2 cm high, send for a few hours in the refrigerator.
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Cheese, cooked in a water bath with mushrooms
You will need:
Cottage cheese - 500 g;
Soda - 0.5 tsp;
Mushrooms - 100 gr.
This is one of the easiest recipes for homemade melted cheese. First prepare mushrooms: mushrooms, wash, wipe dry, chop finely, then fry in a mixture of butter and vegetable oils refined. Prepare a water bath, boiling water should not touch the bottom of the pan or bowl. Connect cheese with soda, put in a water bath, stir continuously, about 10-15 minutes mass of melted completely, at this moment, add salt and herbs, roasted mushrooms.
Ready cheese remove from the steam bath, pour into molds, place in the refrigerator for freezing. Instead of mushrooms you can use any additives, such as paprika, pickles, garlic, nuts and herbs. Playing with additives, can vary the recipe, and get home-made cheese with a variety of flavors.
The easiest recipe
Marinovka eggplant
The third recipe - marinated eggplant at home
Preserved eggplants
Of all snack marinated eggplant with carrots are especially popular. Indeed, it is difficult to find a more tasty, healthy and easy to prepare dish than the eggplant, pickled carrots. Recipes of the stunning dishes to the taste can be very different, so prepare eggplant with carrots can be every time in a new way, that is, they will never be bored. Some recipes marinated eggplant with carrots presented below, and everyone can choose the one that is right for him.
There are quick recipes pickled eggplants and carrots, there are those that need to be spend more time.
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The easiest recipe
Need the following ingredients (all calculated per serving):
1 kg of eggplants of medium size;
300 g of carrots;
1 teaspoon granulated garlic;
3 teaspoons of seasoning for Korean carrot;
1 teaspoon salt (no slides);
3 teaspoons of sugar;
3 tablespoons of vinegar;
3 cups vegetable oil.
Eggplants should be carefully washed, followed to get rid of the fruit stalks and cut into two equal parts. Then they are placed in a pot, filled with water, the water brought to a boil, and it all boiled for about 5 minutes. Eggplant removed from the pan and cool.
Once the fruit has cooled, they must be cut into strips, and then on a coarse grater grate the carrots you need (you can use the Korean grater, but it is permissible to use, and ordinary). Vegetables are laid in a pan, you need to add salt, sugar, vinegar, spices all cooked. Then everything is properly mixed.
Now you need to heat the oil until bubbles appear, then the hot oil very carefully poured into the tank with eggplants and carrots, it all again well mixed, covered with the cap (very tight) and exposed overnight in a cool place. Eggplant marinated overnight, after which they are ready and there is no doubt that from such snacks will all be delighted.
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Marinovka eggplant
This recipe will be delighted especially those who like to go to barbecues, as this snack ideal for meat dishes. Choosing this recipe for carrot, you need to give preference to that which is very juicy and sweet, then you get a delicious snack. Carrot juice should be let, for this it is necessary to thoroughly mash, but before that you need to how to rub it on a grater.
To prepare this dish you need the following ingredients:
1 kg of eggplant;
0, 5 kg of carrots;
5 cloves of garlic;
1 bunch dill 1 bunch of parsley;
1 cup apple cider vinegar;
6 tablespoons olive oil;
ground coriander.
Eggplants should be pierced in several places with a fork, then bake in the oven (200 degrees). The fruits should be peeled, cut lengthwise and put under pressure for about an hour (until drain excess fluid). Now you need to pour into a bowl of apple cider vinegar to dip the eggplant halves, and then set them aside. While they were dried, you need to prepare the stuffing: carrots rubbed on a fine grater, there need to add vegetable oil, coriander, salt. Cooked fresh herbs (dill and parsley) should be very finely chopped, add it to the carrot and it's all very well to mix.
Now eggplant halves need to carefully put the carrots, mix with herbs and spices (thickness should be about 2 cm), all you need to slightly press, cover and align the second half of the eggplant. Then stuffed with fruits should be put into the pot, it is necessary to lay very close to each other, then they better promarinuyutsya and are juicier and tastier. Then it all lightly sprinkle with oil and sprinkle with the remaining fresh herbs. Marinate overnight they will be, then you can begin to enjoy the taste and tasting.
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The third recipe - marinated eggplant at home
This recipe refers to the home marinating, will need the following products:
4 kg of eggplant;
500 ml of vinegar;
1 kg of carrots;
1 kg of onions;
a couple of pods of red hot pepper;
parsley (10 g);
Eggplants should be put in a pot, pour water and boil until a semi-state, before that they need to chop with a fork and make the fruit on each longitudinal section. Then, the fruit must be removed from the pan, put them on the table, put a board on top of them, and then also put some heavy enough news (and thus leaves the water and bitterness).
Meanwhile, mince is prepared: boiled parsley root, celery, carrots. This is all very fine cut, there is added finely chopped parsley and dill, garlic, onion and red hot peppers to spice. All this should be mixed, and this mixture you need to stuff the eggplant, put them in a barrel of wood (it is necessary to pack as tightly as possible, and if there is a wooden barrel, you can use an enamel pan).
This is done as follows: put one layer, then add fragrant herbs, then again a layer of eggplant, and on top of all this watered with vinegar (it should not be too strong). Now you have the capacity to cover the lid, put quite a heavy load, and a week later you can put a wonderful fragrant snack on the table and watch how quickly it disappears. Keep a snack should be in a cool dark place.
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Preserved eggplants
You can cook canned pickled eggplant. This will require:
2 kilograms of carrots;
sugar and salt (40 g);
garlic (200 g);
celery root;
1 eggplant;
1 cup vegetable oil.
All this is provided for liter cans.
Eggplant incision is necessary to get rid of the seeds and boil in water (it should be a little prisolit) until there is no bitterness. Carrot and celery rubbed on a grater and mix with garlic (melkoposechennym), there need to add vegetable oil. Now you need to stuff the eggplants such meat, tie their celery leaves, then it all fits into the liter jars and poured cold marinade. It is necessary to close the banks and put in a cool place.
Nothing complicated in the preparation is not the main thing - to observe a prescription, and then you can make a meal with their hands at the highest level.