blurred vision


  • Causes of reduced vision in children and how to fight it?
  • Factors that provoke reduced vision in adulthood
  • The reasons pointing to the need to visit an ophthalmologist

Being able to see all the colors of the world take for granted, and therefore quite often is not appreciated. But the vision - it is one of the main and most important functions of the human body, through which we get about eighty percent of the information that surrounds us. Through the eyes we can distinguish colors, shapes, sizes and so on. Through the vision in each person formed his own idea of ​​beauty and ugliness, harmony and disharmony. It is because we have the ability to see the ability to perceive the world in a whole and complete.

The human eye functions when undisturbed view distinguishes that are located too far from us. By the way, did you know that the original image of any object on our looms retina upside down? It is due to the complex structure of the optical system, which is the human eye, the light passing through it and refracted in a certain way, on our retina displays a reduced image of objects, so to speak, upside down. A correct its perception is provided by our optic nerves in the brain.

Have you ever asked the question of why we are in the dark, almost blind? This happens because the human eye does not perceive the object itself, and rays of light that falls on it and reflected. Darkness is the same - it is the absence of light, so we see it as virtually impossible. It is terrible to imagine that people feel forced from birth or due to diseases in adulthood live blindly. And we are endowed with the ability to see, treat it lightly.

 causes of visual impairment

Causes of reduced vision in children and how to fight it?

Very often, parents are faced with the fall of a child who has not even go to school. "A start lessons, homework - what then? "- Panic mom and dad at the reception by an ophthalmologist. As to whether their excitement? It depends on each individual situation, because you need to determine why the child's eyes see is not very good. So, what are the main causes of visual impairment in children, and how to deal with this vexing problem?

  1. Heredity: In this article, we will not deal with such a complex medical topics, we note only that the parents, whose vision is not perfect, is very carefully monitor the child's eyes.
  2. Abuse of TV and computer games. It is the scourge of modern society. Immature children's eyes are exposed to too much stress, and exposure and, of course, resist, causing blurred vision.
  3. Lack of essential vitamins. The child's diet should definitely include fish, fruit, nuts and juices. Common allergens makes it all the more problematic, and often our children do not get those minerals which are necessary for normal functioning of the eye.
  4. Early reading. Also the proud parents of their child, this can lead to problems with vision. Additionally, children often lying read, unsuitable for this position. Worse still occurring in some children the habit of reading under a blanket, a flashlight illuminating the page.
  5. Diseases of the spine. Ironically, back problems can also impair vision. This is caused by a violation of the blood supply to the optic nerve resulting in pinched vessels with osteochondrosis.

Is it possible to avoid the problem, or at least slow down the process by which your child's vision is deteriorating? In most cases, modern experts are optimistic. You will most likely advise every six months to check the baby's vision by an ophthalmologist and strictly follow his advice. It is necessary to limit television viewing and finding the computer two hours a day. The same applies for drawing and viewing the pictures in the books. It is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamin A or beta-carotene. Especially a lot of it in carrots.

Systematically conduct training for the eyes. It may be a simple exercise: rotation, blinking, massage the ears. Not bad to train the lens: it needs to be pasted on the window plastic circles with a diameter of about one centimeter and offer the child looked from one of them on a long street scenery objects. It massages the lens and relaxes the eye muscles.

Therapeutic exercise and walking, overall health, his tone, tissue oxygenation is vital. All human bodies are interrelated, and if the child has headaches or stomach problems, we can expect that the vision starts to deteriorate. Following these simple rules will strengthen the children's eyes, preventing vision loss and quite possibly further treatment you do not need.

Factors that provoke reduced vision in adulthood

No matter how strange it sounds, but can impair vision, any spinal injury, if it occurs in the region of the spinal cord that is relevant to the organs of vision. That's why eye exercises includes exercises for back and neck rotations. Sometimes reducing guilty of herniated discs, various offsets, and even the consequences of failed labor in women, particularly if it was not treated appropriately. They say that scoliosis, which many of us have become as a child, an adult is able to adversely affect vision.

Autoimmune, infectious, sexually transmitted diseases, and many others also have a negative impact on our ability to see. Bacteria and viruses that enter the human body, being introduced into its nervous system and affect its separate sections, including those that are responsible for vision. For example, in multiple sclerosis is often possible to see the wanton loss of one eye, called optic neuritis. Coping with it can only be extended in time and specific treatment with hormone therapy.

Another factor causing reduced vision is banal fatigue. This concerns not only the eyes but also the whole body, as able to wear all its organs and systems. Therefore, frequent stress, short sleep, stressful pace of life - it is quite probable causes of visual impairment. And most often it is the first to say our eyes fatigue, exhaustion and excessive stress. What to do? Do not indulge in rest and not to succumb to stress.

I'm sure many of you have heard that the current system of life, with its chaotic and not very high quality food pollutes our body of harmful substances under the title "slags". Often this affects organs of the digestive system, but the decline of view, we do not consider as the consequences of poor lifestyle choices. And in vain, experts say. To avoid reduction of the reason, it is necessary to establish a proper diet, and bring the body of harmful substances and toxins.

It should be noted that drugs, alcohol and smoking are also able to greatly impair a person's ability to see the world clearly. Scientists have long shown a close relationship between addictions and decreased vision. The results of these studies suggest that a short time after the body get alcohol, drugs and smoking foods, changes blood flow to the retina and the eye muscles, as vessels or sharply narrowed or expanded. And it certainly adversely affect the view of those of us who have such bad habits. Therefore, to maintain the ability to see, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Separately, it should be said about such a factor that adversely affect our vision, how long work at the computer. In addition to fatigue and rarely blinking leading to dry eyes and inflammation, there is another point. To accurately capture the image or text on the screen are made up of a plurality of points of light, our eyes have to constantly change focus. This leads to an increased cost of rhodopsin - the main visual pigment. As a consequence, you may develop myopia. To avoid this unpleasant process, the need to train visual muscle.

This can be done like this: grab a sheet of standard printed text font, and move it near the eyes is very close, and then distanced himself at arm's length, try to focus on the written opinion. The duration of the exercises is two to three minutes, and the frequency define themselves - depending on how long the sit in front of the monitor and how tired your eyes at the same time. Ophthalmologists are also advised to take frequent breaks from work, walked to the window and look at the components of the landscape close and then far. And this principle is, after all, artists are constantly looking from the canvas at your subject, practically no short-sightedness.

 causes of visual impairment

The reasons pointing to the need to visit an ophthalmologist

Surprisingly, many people are not in a hurry to an ophthalmologist, even if they begin to understand that they have a serious vision loss occurs. They go in and pick up the optics glasses or lenses, not realizing that by doing so they do not solve the problem, but only drive inland as temporarily eliminate the symptom, not the cause. And then the following occurs: at some point, you start to realize that you have already purchased glasses are not suitable, because instead of having to train the optic nerves, you relax them using lenses. Therefore, the process of reducing not only slowed down, but accelerated. But often it can be avoided - if not to treat yourself, and seek medical attention required specialization.

Few know that myopia (myopathy) in the early stages can be corrected. If you notice that the clarity of vision have changed during the day, it just may be indicative of early disease. During this period, there is still a possibility to do without glasses, carrying a doctor's prescription for medical gymnastics for the eyes. But myopathy is often a companion of such terrible diseases such as Type II diabetes (insulin-dependent), which is significantly younger in the last decade. Therefore, do not pull a referral to a specialist, as early as possible to begin treatment of any of your existing pathology.

Do not pull the visit to the doctor, if you understand that from a distance of two meters longer distinguish between the number of approaching traffic, can not read the names of metro stations, standing on the platform, or you have to squint to see what and how much is in the supermarket. The same applies to those cases, if you notice that the colors in your visual perception somehow faded, and everything was dim, regardless of whether you are wearing glasses or not.

We have to admit that such ordinary things like reading, needlework, or watching television, you provoke headaches and eye fatigue to such an extent that they want to cover up? This means that the usual classes, which earlier you did not attach much importance now require strong visual concentration and the need to find out the cause of such changes, to choose the appropriate treatment.

Refer to an ophthalmologist, if you understand that even after a short time spent in front of a computer monitor, your eyes need rest because begin to tear this match. The same is true when you experience frequent urge to rub them out of the feeling of itching and dryness. If you notice that the eyes are almost always inflamed look, no matter how well you slept at night, or a protein covered with blood veins, then it's time to talk about this with a specialist. This is the most seemingly innocuous reasons for the visit to the doctor, and the treatment is likely to be conservative, if you start it at the time.

But there are other more serious violations of the ability to clearly and vividly perceive the world around them. In this case, reduced vision may indicate serious diseases of the eye, where no surgery is necessary. Due to the careless attitude to their own health, people often do not pay attention to the first signs of cataracts, when one or both eyes suddenly lose the transparency of the lens. If sometimes you get the feeling that the surrounding objects suddenly become brown, these symptoms may indicate the beginning of this terrible disease.

Reduced peripheral vision is often a sign of glaucoma. In this case, you can ignore his own awkwardness in his movements as bad peripheral vision can see objects because of the partial loss of fields. The threat of retinal detachment says the emergence of small flashes before his eyes. Therefore, if you notice at one of these symptoms, hurry to the ophthalmologist to catch the disease early on and immediately start his treatment.

Based on the foregoing, it begs a simple conclusion: the problem of blurred vision, can be solved. By operation or conservative - it depends on how far through the process, and what caused it. Therefore, people who want a long time, and even life, retain the ability to see the world, you need to regularly visit an ophthalmologist, even if is no apparent reason for it. After all, it is likely that someone from the family suffered cataracts or glaucoma, inherited a long time have latent (hidden) for.

To identify such diseases in the early stages can only specialist. Although conservative treatment is ineffective in these cases, but you can prepare mentally and financially to the operation in the future, if it is necessary. And other problems, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, can not ride - they have to fight under the supervision of specialists, following their advice and picking up points on their own. Remember that respect for one's own health is always giving positive results. Good luck to you, let the world always pleases you with a variety of bright colors!

 Blurred vision: how to preserve the happiness of seeing the world?
