Hibiscus tea is known since the days of the pharaohs. Sudanese rose petals from which it is prepared, has powerful antioxidant and stimulating properties. In fact, it is a hibiscus, which has long been known in the northern part of Africa. Popularity Hibiscus in the summer months increased strongly enough. And no wonder, since it is difficult to find the best time to drink beverages with Sudanese rose.
Hibiscus tea is very pleasant to drink, especially in the heat, because it can be prepared and hot and very cold. It features a luxurious taste, both sweet and sour. This drink is officially recognized as a national of Egypt. It is no coincidence, because indigenous people are preparing a wonderful tea of the petals of the plant, called hibiscus.
A little useful information
Malvaceae Hibiscus treat. This family is characterized by magnificent flowering and very bright, fragrant flowers. Hibiscus - the plant is very unpretentious and gratitude. Absolutely easy it can be to grow even at home. It grows in many countries. His birthplace is primarily considered to Egypt. But the hibiscus is also found in China, Mexico, Thailand, Java and Ceylon. So it could be argued that the plant is international. And in every corner of the world hibiscus has a name:
- in Africa it is called Sudanese tea
- Jamaica - red sorrel or roselle
- Mexico - flor de Jamaica
Hibiscus has more than 150 varieties and grows in different forms: as a lush bush or tall tree. Tea used Hibiscus Sabdariffa. The first mention of tea hibiscus can be found even in 1576, in the works of a Mattias de L'Obel - botany, who have documented the existence of this healthful drink.
Sudanese rose - the plant is not only fragrant and delicious, but also very useful. The amount of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and organic acids is very high. The drink, in which there is a hibiscus, has a pleasant sour taste and aroma, which indicates the presence in this case of a sufficiently large number of citric acid.
Generally Hibiscus - a name rooted in Africa. It is also called red sorrel, Sudanese rose mallow or Venice. It should be noted that the passionate love of the Egyptians and other peoples of Africa, hibiscus is not shared by all. Some are very negative for tea, in which at least a small amount is present hibiscus. Meanwhile, true connoisseurs of refined taste and a healthy diet, not only to celebrate its remarkable properties, but also a stunning effect that can be achieved, regular eating it.
Hibiscus - very grateful to the product, which helps us to maintain health, youth and energy. It is absolutely natural, because in order to grow it is not necessary to apply fertilizer. Any one of a hundred and fifty species of this plant can grow absolutely quiet in different parts of the world, only the climate should be warm and tropical. But the best is still considered a hibiscus that grows in Egypt.
Useful properties of Hibiscus
Hibiscus has a number of useful features. It contained anthocyanins - special substances that give leaflets flower gorgeous red hue. These components have a very high concentration of vitamin P in charge of normalization and improvement of pressure vessels. If you have high blood pressure, the drink cold tea Hibiscus, and if low - hot, taking advantage of our recipes. Hibiscus is useful to drink even during pregnancy.
Hibiscus has antispasmodic and diuretic properties. Besides the known effects on the body of anthocyanins enhanced by quercetin - another valuable material which is contained in the leaves of hibiscus. Both of these elements work well as powerful stimulants for cleansing and toning the whole body. In addition, it increases the resistance of the liver, strengthens its walls and protective function, which is caused by the influx of bile. And consequently it strengthens the immune system and metabolism.
Cups should be collected at the beginning. Thereafter, they are dried for three or four days in the open air. Thereafter, hibiscus petals can be considered suitable for use. Although you can not only eat and a cup of hibiscus petals. The seeds, leaves, roots - all are for the future and is for the benefit of human health. Contraindications in this case are virtually absent. As with everything, taking the hibiscus, do not get too carried away and drink it in very large quantities.
Hibiscus is used in order to get rid of parasites. How does he work? Due to the absence in it of oxalic acid Hibiscus may be used even by people who have kidney problems. It is useful to take directly hibiscus, which remained after you made the tea. This leaves just chew useful in small amounts. Medicinal properties of hibiscus while no decrease, and their gentle and pleasant taste and smell make think about pleasant.
Hibiscus is well disclaims any inflammatory processes in the body. It helps digestion and increases the appetite, a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. In addition, he soothes the nervous system and promotes better sleep. It is quite powerful psychoactive agent that helps to cope with the many problems that arise because of stress, nervous disorders or mental overexertion.
Hibiscus is useful for pancreatic. Hibiscus drink helps get rid not only of toxins but also cholesterol. It relieves migraines and helps with a hangover. Sudanese rose well enough to cope with the temperature. Hypertensive may use this drink as a means of normalizing blood pressure. However, to get involved in them still not worth it, because it could have the opposite effect.
If you have a kidney stone disease or problems with the gall, the Hibiscus also be postponed. In general, this drink is very helpful and wonderful help quench your thirst, because it has a sour taste.
Sudanese rose contains
- protein - 7 5 - 9, 5%
- amino acids - 13 species, six of which are extremely essential for health
- pectin - 2, 4%
By the way, the last element helps eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the intestines and the entire human body.
How to cook a tasty and healthy tea Hibiscus
Hibiscus is absolutely universal. From it you can cook everything. Hibiscus perfectly complements the many recipes of salads. Its seeds are used to prepare delicious coffee or added to soup for more flavor and spice. Only they must be pre-fry. On the petals make wines and liqueurs, boiled sweet syrups, puddings and delicious pickles. Calyx of the flower suitable for preparing sorbet, cakes, ice cream or jelly. And from the very root manage to create pipes.
Healers and doctors from Sudan in almost all diseases were advised to tea, to which is added a hibiscus. But recent discoveries and research only once again convince us of the correctness of the power of traditional healers and Hibiscus.
True to the hibiscus has not lost its therapeutic qualities and characteristics should be formulated in a special way, adhering to certain rules. Sudanese rose in no case can not be brought to the boil and simmer. If Hibiscus digest the drink will lose its attractive color and become gray-dirty tone.
In principle, the hibiscus can be brewed as an ordinary tea, just the Gulf of hot water a few dry leaves of hibiscus. Just do not use utensils made of metal, as it will destroy the color and flavor of the tea. Properly brewed hibiscus tea should always be a ruby, bright red hue.
Hibiscus is usually served with sugar. So much tastier. It is recommended to stick with the same flowers that have brewed. Store dried hibiscus flowers should be away from moisture and light, in a tight container.
Sudanese rose allows you to cook several options for tea and drinks. As we mentioned above, serve tea Hibiscus can be both hot and cold.
The recipe for the first "Classic"
- 2 teaspoons of leaves Sudanese rose
- 150 ml of boiling water
To make a wonderful and healthy tea Hibiscus you will need quite a bit of time. Just brew the leaves in boiling water rose in proportion. You will need two teaspoons of dried leaves to 150 milliliters of boiling water. Leave to infuse for five minutes.
It is important to
The big role in how your drink will taste dishes plays in which you brew it, and water quality. It is best to take a very soft and clean water. And the hibiscus is recommended to brew exclusively in glass or porcelain dish. Do not use utensils made of metal, because the tea just turn green.
The main quality properly prepared Hibiscus can be called a sweet taste and aroma. In hot weather, brewed tea, leave in the fridge for a few hours, and then put some ice into glasses. He is not only very refreshing, but also tones up, gives energy, strength and energy.
Recipe for a second "cold"
This option Hibiscus preparation takes at least eight hours. Just fill in the required number of rose petals in cold water and send it to the refrigerator for about eight hours to infuse. If you're so leave Hibiscus tea overnight, the morning hot summer you will be able to drink cold and refreshing drink.
Summer - the perfect time for all that drinking hibiscus tea. It can be used not only in pure form. Hibiscus can be added to stewed fruit or fresh fruit. The drink is not only enriched with a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and materials, acquiring pleasant, slightly sour taste and delicate aroma of roses, but also become more attractive due to the coloring effect.
Recipe for a third "Sudanese"
Hibiscus should be placed in cold water for two days. Then strain and drink. Boil it does not need.
Here is another recipe in which the finished tincture from the leaves of the Sudanese rose is used as a component.
Cocktail "Health"
You will need:
- strong decoction of fresh Hibiscus - 4 cups
- lime juice - one or two
- fresh, natural orange juice - 1 cup
- ginger, pre-grated on a fine grater - 1 tsp
- orange peel - 2 teaspoons
- sugar
All of the above components should be mixed in a single container, slowly bring to a boil and boil for exactly three minutes, after which the broth should be carefully strain, add sugar to taste and drink to health.
Hibiscus in different countries
And now we go on a journey behind hibiscus and learn how to relate to it in different countries.
Where Hibiscus is used as an excellent means to stimulate the appetite. Pre hibiscus root, which is very bitter taste, cleaned, roasted and fray.
In Burma at Hibiscus in general is extremely important appointment. Here, it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, and in general has almost magical properties.
In this country, the Sudanese rose is quite powerful sedative, also copes with stomach disorders, such as diarrhea.
Hibiscus is applied directly to wounds, as it is believed that it has antibacterial, disinfectant and healing properties. From the leaves of this plant is first prepared juice, which is characterized by a dense texture and density.
In the west of the country put in Sudanese rose jelly, pudding, sherbet, curry or syrups. Pre-soaked for a few hours rose petals perfectly complement almost any recipe for a salad, adding spice to it and acidity.
This country hibiscus supplies to Europe in the form of huge balls of 80 kilograms each. In Europe, Sudan rose used in the food and cosmetic, pharmaceutical and industrial production.
In addition, the hibiscus in some states simply fried with onions. Generally, this plant is widely used in cooking as a fresh and in dried form. It is perfect as a natural food coloring.